Poppy's Passions (20 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Beck

BOOK: Poppy's Passions
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She had every intention of making it up to him as soon as they were alone. They were staying in a hotel, one of the nicer ones but not the one from their first night together. Trevor tried to reserve the room when she mentioned wanting to see it again, but another racing convention was in town and the place was booked solid.

Trevor drove on the way to the hotel, his ease on the crazy San Antonio highways more than she could ever claim even after living there her whole life. She didn't miss the gridlock and exhaust or the hours she sometimes spent stuck in traffic when an accident blocked the way. It usually only happened when she forgot her book and she would end up staring at the car in front of her long into the night. When Michael helped her out of the car in the parking ramp she kept an eye on Cody, smiling compassionately when he took his time getting out of his side.

"Hey, Big Guy.” Standing on her tiptoes so Cody couldn't hear her whisper, she tugged Michael closer. “Do you think you and Trevor could give me and Baby Boy a few minutes in the room?"

They looked at Cody, who was leaning against the roof of the rental car, obviously still lightheaded, but he glanced up and gave a weak smile. “I'm fine.” He added a wink for her benefit, but it lacked its usual sparkle.

"No problem, beautiful,” Michael murmured very quietly, then rounded the car to support his brother. “Come on, Baby Boy. Let's get you stretched out before you're kissing concrete."

Five minutes later, good to his word, Michael took Trevor down to the gift shop and to her surprise, Trevor didn't balk. He didn't like being left out of anything and it was something the other brothers didn't mind accommodating, but he wasn't oblivious. Cody needed a little extra loving, he could see it and she was grateful he didn't fuss.

After using the bathroom, her new favorite activity as the twins grew, she headed to the bedroom. Sure enough, Cody remained exactly where his brothers helped him lie. She crossed the floor and sat near the end of the bed, carefully pulling off his boots. He lifted his feet one at a time so they weren't heavy, and she soon had the confining shoes off.

His socks were incredibly white, almost new. They probably were. He preferred new socks, he'd confessed late one night after she'd talked him into giving her a strip tease. The dance had been more adorable than sexy and he'd left his socks on, which was why she'd asked. He liked how new socks felt on his feet and never wore a single pair long enough to make holes in them. Michael foraged through his castoffs and hadn't bought socks in years, while Cody bought a pack every month.

She rubbed his feet and squeezed his ankles and toes until the tension eased from them. He didn't move, didn't make any sounds, and she wished she could help him. Seeing him laid up was breaking her heart.

"What do you need, Baby Boy?” She gave his foot one more pat. “Can I bring you anything? Do anything to make you feel better?"

He groaned and took his forearm away from his eyes. They were bloodshot with fatigue just like her own felt. “You have to ask me when I'm six inches from puking, don't ya?” He held open his arms for her. “Come here, darlin'."

She was careful not to shake the bed when she moved beside him. He pulled her closer until she was nuzzled to the crook of his neck, touching from head to toe, though her toes touched his knees.

"I've finally got you back where I always want you and I'm too sick to do anything about it.” He chuckled and she couldn't help but press a kiss to his pulsing neck.

"Like old times, huh?” she teased. “You and me in a hotel, cuddled up in bed, trying to get a few things done before your brothers get back."

"You knew they were coming that night?"

Cody sounded so incredulous she had to bite back a laugh. He hadn't admitted it, but she knew he felt guilty about their first night. There had been a level of deception in their first coupling, and he didn't like that sort of smudging of lines between them.

"Of course. Honey, every woman that's ever met you knows what you three do. If they hadn't shown up, I would have been shocked. Not disappointed, not when I would have spent the night loving you, but I would have been mighty surprised."

"Huh, so much for my super tricky deception.” There was relief in his voice which was sounding stronger as time passed. “So, the last time it was just the two of us, we were having a discussion."

"We were,” she agreed, remembering very well where the conversation had drifted on the dance floor. “You told me how proud you are of me and asked if I was ready to listen to what you had to say. Then I got interrupted before I said you couldn't possibly love me as much as I love you."

"Oh, yeah?” He tried for nonchalance, but she felt his pulse skyrocket. “All of that, huh?"

"Yep.” His neck was closest so she kissed it again. “You've been waiting and I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you wonder about how I felt, Baby Boy. I've loved you for a long time."

"Since when?” he asked, and then swore. “Damn, are guys even supposed to say crap like that?"

"My guys can. They can say all the sweet crap in the world, and I won't tell. It started in the hospital after I was shot. I just wasn't ready yet. You didn't love me, yet you never left. After that, I think I fell the rest of the way when you drove into town after working all day to buy pasteurized eggs from SaraJean. I was craving cookie dough and you thought it wouldn't be safe with the regular ones."

"It wouldn't have.” He instantly defended, like she knew he would. “Salmonella isn't something you want, darlin'. You think you had it rough the last time we were in San An, tangling with salmonella will knock you on your ass."

"I know, and I love that you care so much.” She rubbed her hand across the soft, wash worn flannel of his shirt. “I love you, and loving you makes me happy."

"Good.” The solemn tone of his voice showed how her words affected him. Since he was born, people loved him. That her affection and esteem mattered so much humbled her. “Damn, I wish I was feeling up to showing you how much I love you."

"It's okay, Baby Boy.” She pushed to her elbows and softly kissed his mouth, careful not to move him too much. “How about a rain check?"

"That would be great.” His face, drawn with discomfort, looked relieved.

"But for now we'll take a nap.” Retaking her spot, she sighed happily and closed her eyes. “You'll feel better after you sleep. I promise."

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter 19

Poppy stretched before opening her eyes and knew Cody wasn't beside her. The nap would have perked him up and the smells around told her his appetite returned. A commercial for Viagra played on TV, the announcer's warning about the four hour erection always making her smirk. She thought about going back to sleep but the scent of food increased and the bed dipped.

"Good morning, sunshine.” Michael kissed her before setting a tray on the bed. “You look better."

"I feel better,” she admitted as he helped her sit up. The out of season strawberry he popped in her mouth wasn't as juicy as the best ones, but was still a treat she would never buy for herself in the off season. “What have you three been up to?"

"Watching the race on TV.” Trevor's cheek pushed out, full of food in a habit she hated and already told him wasn't being passed to their daughters. “And watching you. You're pretty damn cute when you sleep, ya know that?"

"I do now and I swear, Trevor Paul, if you talk to me with your mouth full like that one more time, I'm gonna smack that cheek."

"Crap, sorry, babe.” He winced, finished chewing, swallowed and opened his mouth for inspection. “I'm working on it."

"I know.” She gentled her tone, because she knew it was true. He was working on all the little things that drove her nuts, just like she worked hard to find new ways to drive him crazy. “Hey, how about we go swimming after lunch?"

The boys groaned as one, and she looked at them. During the long Texas summers, swimming was a godsend. Non-swimmers had always confused her.

"Thirty minutes, babe,” Trevor reminded her ten minutes later when she was done with lunch and pulling on her new bikini.

"That's an old wives tale moms made up when they didn't want to go outside.” She snapped the elastic of her bottoms. “This fits nice. Come on, boys. I'm way too cute not to have an audience."

Cody started clapping, and Trevor grinned as he joined in.

"Ah, we didn't bring our suits, beautiful.” Michael tried to sound disappointed but failed miserably.

Lucky for the forgetful brothers, the hotel gift shop stocked suits of every size and fashion, so Poppy called the desk and had three pairs of black swim trunks delivered. Getting the grumbling men into the suits had taken some talking. There were more naughty promises than begging, but she got them into the pool even before Trevor's thirty minute warning expired.

Unfortunately, the hot tub was too warm but she was content to float around the swimming pool on her back, watching the clouds through the beautiful glass ceiling with her tummy sticking up. It was a little shark fin bump, bare in the bunny covered bikini Michael picked out in Los Angeles.

Unlike Trevor's pick, it covered her butt nicely and for a girl who'd always worn one piece suits, she felt incredibly comfortable showing some skin. It was hard to be self-conscious when you were busy feeling irresistible. Because Trevor hadn't whined and because she was so damn happy with them all, she'd called Raz after the hospital visit and ordered the thong to be sent home to Montana as an early Christmas present.

"Doing okay, beautiful?” Michael called from where all three brothers were busy holding up the pool wall.

"Yep. You know, I was a lifeguard in high school so if you want I could teach ya'll to swim.” She smoothly glided through the water.

"We know how,” Trevor grumped. “We just don't like to. If I have to be in water, I want it hot and bubbling with boobs bouncing at my chin."

"Classy, Trev, always classy.” She laughed before flipping backward in the water and taking a long glide underwater, resurfacing to find the men splashing toward her. “What?"

"Shit, Poppy don't do that,” Michael commanded, hands on his hips with the shallow water skimming his belly button. “You scared the crap out of Middle Man."

"Middle Man, huh?” Drawing Michael in deeper she wrapped around him when the water hit his collar bones, just over her head. “Sorry, handsome. I didn't mean to make you nervous. Thank you for earlier with Cody.” She grabbed his hand and pressed it against the side of her belly. “Whoa, can you feel these babies? They really like this water."

"No problem, beautiful. We all need a little extra attention once in a while. I'm glad you're both feeling better after the nap. I can't wait until I can feel the babies moving."

She would have been surprised if he was resentful about her time with Cody, especially while he rubbed her bare belly. She felt the babies moving, but so far the hard kicks were far and few between.

"If you like swimming, there's room for a pool at the ranch."


"Yep, we'll build one this summer if you want, probably inside and heated so you can enjoy it all year. You can teach the babies to swim too,” he added. “We'll make sure it's got all the safety stuff, but yeah, we can do that if it's something you would like."

"Poppy, your sister's on my cell,” Trevor called. “No one would violate your HIPPA laws, but someone stepped on mine. Stupid hospital."

"Damn.” Michael headed back toward the side, just short of pouting. “I had plans."

"Later.” She loved his plans and very little would keep her away from them in the long term. He set her on the edge of the pool but stayed standing between her thighs. “Hello, Rose."

"Who are C, T, and M Patrich?” her sister demanded, without greeting.

"They're friends of mine who want to help my nephew if they can.” Patience and understanding were important to remember, she counseled herself. “How's Alex?"

"He's sick,” Rose screeched, never one to handle difficulty with dignity. “Why wasn't your marrow on the report?"

"I'm pregnant, Rose. My doctor recommended I didn't do the test unless I'm a strong match and the situation was critical.” Good intentions shot to hell, Poppy's hard-fought patience was eroding.

"You're a selfish little liar. You miscarried months ago,” Rose said. “M is a very close blood match so get his ass back for more testing."

"Rose,” she snapped coldly, fed up with her sister's bullshit. A tense situation only got so much slack. “M is a person. His name is Michael, and he is mine, and yes, he will help Alex if he can because I love my nephew. But don't think you get to order anyone around. I would like to talk to Alex's doctor for more information before we go in for more testing, and damn it Rose, you will be grateful to these men who are trying to help."

"Well, I—"

"Just stop.” The weeks away really bolstered the confidence she needed to speak her mind. “Alex is my nephew, and I want to help him. But don't you dare shame me by being horrible to my friends. They are willing to help you because of me, and I think you can at least pretend to be grateful."

"I—you—of course, I'm grateful,” Rose snapped. “His doctor is Anthony Redman, head of oncology at Children's hospital. I'll have him call you, at this number I presume?"

"That would be fine, and I would like to see the boys if they're up for a visit."

"Of course, they'd love that.” There was a long, awkward pause. “I apologize for what I said, Poppy. It was uncalled for, and I'm better than that. I promise I will be very polite to your friends. I'm just so overwhelmed right now. I'm his mother, and I should be able to fix him. Father says the cancer is my fault because I worked and drank coffee while I was pregnant, and guilt is piling up."

"Rose, you were a nurse so you know those things don't cause cancer. Lots of women work and drink coffee while they're pregnant. Alex's doctor would have told you the same thing.” Bitchy or not, she found she couldn't actively hurt her sister when she was already hurting.

"I know and he did. I know better, but the guilt... Greg gets so mad at him, Father I mean, not Alex.” Confusion and pain filled Rose's voice. “They've always disagreed about things, but now they actually fight. Greg won't let Dad come over unless he's here and Dad promises not to upset me or the boys."

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