Power (7 page)

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Authors: Theresa Jones

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #romance, #Paranormal, #Teen & Young Adult, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Angels, #Paranormal & Urban

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I couldn’t help but smile at that. “Yes, it does.”

“Good,” he said, with another jaw dropping smile, “because that was the best I could offer.” He turned towards me a little more, looked straight into my eyes, and said in a hushed tone, “You really need to rest. Your bed has been made. I can walk you to it, if you would like?” His hand had been resting on my arm, his thumb caressing me. I was struck by how much he cared about me when he didn’t even really know me.

It’s funny. I hardly knew this man, not to mention, I had just lost my fiancé and the father of my daughter, and yet, I was already taken with him. Maybe it was just this place or ‘the atmosphere,’ as he put it. But the way he leaned closer to me, the way he looked, and smelled, and seemed… his effect on me was surreal.

I was wandering in these thoughts of him, when I caught his hazel eyes. He looked so confused. That was when I remembered, he had asked me a question. “Umm… sure, I guess.” Was all I could manage.

So he stood, smiling again – always smiling – and helped me up. We walked to the hall and he opened the first door on the left. Pointing to the door directly across the hall, he informed me, “That room is for Sam. It is just a little smaller than this one. And I already told you that one is the Study room.” He pointed to the door at the end of the hall.

The inside of my room was beautiful. The canopy bed was one from a dream, with 4 posts that held up long, silky, forest green drapes. The dresser, vanity, and side tables all matched the bed’s deep cherry colored wood. The couch, (yes, there was a couch!) matched the color of the drapes hanging on the bed. Everything was just perfect.

I stood back, gaping at the room I could now claim as my own. “This really is wonderful, David.”

I don’t know if it was the heavy atmosphere or just plain exhaustion I felt, but I was overwhelmed to the point that my eyes started to tear. I did not have the energy to feel embarrassed, and nor did I want to. Not in front of David. Not anymore. I didn’t have a care in the world while I stood there in the center of that glorious bedroom. So I let the tears stream. I let myself attempt to take everything in and thought,
I am standing in my own bedroom, in my own part of an underground, hidden development, where there is a top secret organization of people with powers who are trying to stop a war and kill the bad guys… I am standing here absorbing the beauty of it all, and I am one hundred percent okay with it.


Chapter 8


It had been a long time since I had suffered nightmares, but ever since I saw her, I had started having them again. Yes, there was definitely something different about Allison Lee Stevens. She was beautiful, with her long dark hair, now also with a hint of purple, that bunched and gathered around her shoulders and tumbled down her back and had the eyes of an angel. But it was her contradictions that had captured me. She was slender, but still strong. She had a vulnerability about her, and yet confidence beyond her years. I was constantly amazed by her and couldn’t get her out of my head.

What the hell is wrong with you, David?

I had healed her body in the park, let my power flow out of my hands and my heart, and flow straight into her. I had healed hundreds of people over the decades, but when my power first felt hers, it was a shock. And there was always this flash of warmth around her that tunneled deep within me. She was different.

I had held her while she was at her weakest – when she tried with all her might to not let the tears flow on the hospital bed, afraid she would lose her family forever. And I had seen her come through the doors of the Compound for the first time, nearly unfazed by the power, with her plum purple aura glowing around her like a halo. Then, and always, she was in my mind.

I sat now in her living room and watched over her daughter, Samantha, as she slept. In the short time we had spent alone together, she had already captured my heart.

“You know, Mom never sleeps late. She just hasn’t been sleeping well at all, because of her bad dreams.” Samantha was telling me, as she had several times already.

It was apparent she was smarter than the average child. It usually was that way with us. We caught on quicker than others, learned faster, and usually had a higher IQ. Sam was not just smart though, she was kind, and funny, and caring. I was already very fond of this child, and knew I would be from now on. It was a strange feeling, being that close to a child. Not just any child, Allison’s child.

“Really?” I answered, as if I didn’t already know. “Hmmm... Well I am sure she will be waking up soon then.”

I had come to their place early, in anticipation of Sam waking long before her mother. I knew Allison would be exhausted after everything that had happened yesterday, especially considering the toll it takes on the body coming through the doors to the Compound for the first time, and not to mention all that had happened in the last week. I expected her to awake frightened and confused, wondering why she was so weak, hungry, and disoriented. Until then, I just had to wait and watch over Sam until she woke.

Though it wasn’t likely that Allison would wake up any time before noon, I made a splendid breakfast for me and Sam. We had finished eating and were resting our aching bellies on the couch when Samantha, off in her own little world, started singing a lullaby I had never heard before. Despite the fact the she was usually off tune, the sound was captivating. I leaned back against the pillows on the couch, just listening to this little beauty sing softly to herself, when I heard a loud thump come from Allison’s room. Samantha reached the door before I was even standing, popped it open just enough for her head, and was whispering in..


I woke up the next morning to the smell of sizzling bacon, freshly ground and brewed coffee, and what must have been fluffy pancakes and syrup. My first thought was,
Why is Mom cooking on a Monday?
But then I remembered everything. I wasn’t at home. And who knew if I could ever go home again.

Opening my eyes, I felt disoriented. There was no window in the room to see if the sun was up, though there was an old, antique looking clock hanging from the wall almost right in front of me, telling me it was after 10. I threw my legs over the side of the bed and thrust myself up to stand. Almost as soon as I did, I wished I hadn’t. My legs gave out from underneath me, and I fell to the floor, bruising my behind.

I heard a small patter of feet and realized Sam must be awake already. With that thought came the sudden turn of the door knob. As she inched the door open, and light spread through my dark room, she whispered, “Mom, are you awake?”

Such a simple question, yet the feelings it gave me were not simple. It meant she was ok, she was here with me, and she had been waiting for me to wake. Whatever else was going on, we were together.

“Yes, sweetie, I am.” Using the bed for support I was able to lift myself up to stand again, but the effort was useless. As Sam came bounding in, she ran straight over to me and jumped up to hug me. Though normally I would have been able to steady myself and pick her up to hug her back, I felt so weak I just fell right over on the bed. Together we lay there in a strong embrace. I wanted to hold her forever. She smelled sweet, and her face was so pure and innocent.

People had told me time and again that she would never be born with light hair or blue eyes. That brown was dominant; she would have to be born like me, brown and boring. But they were all wrong. Her skin was white and creamy, and yellow hair fell around her face. Her eyes were large, perfectly round, and bright blue, with speckles of dark blue and white. She was special, unique, gorgeous, and all mine.

“It’s about time you woke up. I have been waiting forever!” she exclaimed when I finally released her from my grasp. Though I felt weak, I sat up to talk to her properly. I didn’t know why my arms and legs felt stiff and weak, but I wanted her to see me strong and in control.

I answered with, “I love you so much, my beautiful Samantha.” I felt like I could never say it enough. She made a face at my sappiness, and I realized just how lucky I was to have her with me. She brought everything into perspective.

“Mom, did you hear me? I love you too, but I really have been waiting forever, you know,” she said, looking at me with almost a scornful look.

“I’m sorry, honey, why didn’t you come wake me?” I asked while I flopped onto my back. If we were going to sit here chatting, I may as well make myself comfortable. She moved to accommodate me, and then climbed up onto my stomach.

“Well, David asked me not to. He said you needed rest.” As if on cue, David walked in and flicked on a lamp on the other side of the room.

“I didn’t want to turn on the overhead light first, figured your eyes would adjust better this way,” he said as he walked closer to the bed. When he sat and looked deep into my eyes, I nearly forgot Sam was there leaning against me. He had a way of making butterflies ravage my insides. “How are you feeling?” he asked when he finally looked away. I wondered if he had the same experience looking at me as I did when I looked at him.

He continued, “Are you hungry? Do you have a head ache?” as he was speaking he was reaching towards me to place the back of his hand on my forehead. He had a way of making me feel better, just by being there.

“Umm… I do feel a little lightheaded and hungrier by the minute. It smells like a friggin restaurant out there!” My hand instinctively went to my stomach. It really did feel like I was starving. David held his hand out to me; I accepted the help, remembering how well I did the first time I tried to get out of bed.

“I can bring you some food, if you would like, Sam and I just finished eating.” I realized then, he wasn’t trying to help me out of bed, just helping me sit up. “Don’t try to stand, you will feel pretty weak for a while.”

Determined to show him that I was not weak, I tried to stand. I heard myself saying something like, “I’m fine,” knowing that I could very well fall again. But I would not allow myself to be weak. Not now, not after everything that’s happened. I had always had to be strong, and now would not be different. I would master this, just as I have mastered everything else I have ever set my mind to.

David, realizing my determination, had his hand under my elbow, helping me up, and was saying, “You do not have to push yourself. The first day here is usually a difficult one. Your body will have to adjust.” Why did he feel like he had to discourage me?

After standing, I pushed his arm away, looked him straight in the eyes and said, “Listen, David, I appreciate your concern, but I already told you, I am just fine.” He looked shocked, but still skeptical. Determined to get my point across I added, “Why are you here anyway? I thought this was
home?” That was probably a little too much, but it was already said, so I kept my face serious and didn’t back down.

I honestly didn’t want to hurt him. I just needed him to know that I wasn’t some pathetic little girl. His face looked momentarily pained and then his eyes lost the warmth I had become used to seeing there.

I told myself it didn’t matter though; I was done being someone I wasn’t. Done not saying what I wanted to say, just to prevent an argument. Done just getting by, because everyone else’s feelings were more important than mine.

His face changed as he said “I understand. You can do things yourself. If you need anything, I will be in the living room. As a
, there is always someone with you when you first come to the Compound.” And he turned around to leave. Before he left the room, he added, “And since you are obviously in no pain, and ‘just fine’ we can begin your training today, rather than waiting a day or two as we usually do.” And then he was gone.

Sam came up beside me, worming her hand into mine, and asked, “Are you ok, Mom?” I loved that child more than life itself!

“Oh Sammy girl, I’m ok, just a little tired and grumpy… and hungry! What did y’all eat in there?” With that, she smiled big and wide, flashing her bright teeth.

“It was so good, Mom. David made all this stuff, like bacon, sausage, pancakes, toast, and eggs! It was so yummy I ate so much my tummy felt like it was gonna explode!” She leaned against the bed giggling then she dragged me into the kitchen to eat some much needed food.


I walked into the Hall feeling annoyingly nervous. I had instantly regretted the way I had treated David this morning, but unfortunately for him, I was too stubborn to admit it.

The journey from my own room to the Hall had seemed very long. We had gone down several hallways, a couple of different elevators, and now, finally arriving in the Hall, we were meandering through it.

David was walking beside me, leading me to my destination. “I will be your teacher, Allison. Rick will be staying with Sam for now, until she gets comfortable enough with the some of the artists.”

I looked up at him as he talked to me. I wanted him to look back at me – so I could at least show him I wasn’t angry with him – but he kept his eyes ahead of him, scanning the room. His hand was placed at the small of my back, making sure that I followed him closely.

“The artists?” I asked, while we continued our journey.

“‘The artists’ is just a general term. They are the ones who descended from Arabella. They dance, paint, draw, sculpt, sing, and so on. About 99 percent of the time, descendants of Arabella are female, so aside from Sam always having something to do with them, Rick decided that being around women would be a familiar experience for her.”

It didn’t matter how fluidly he spoke or how articulate he was, he always seemed to confuse me. “Arabella?”

“Ahh, be patient, Allison. We are going to learn the history right… about… now.” And with that he stopped, twirled me around to face him, and sat, motioning for me to sit as well. We sat on the floor with our legs crossed, facing each other.

“Why do we have to sit here?” I asked, realizing just how huge the Hall was; it seemed to go on for over a mile in every direction. And yet, there was not one other person anywhere around. We were just sitting, the two of us, in the middle of a large, empty room.

He leaned back on his hands for just a moment to catch himself as he chuckled. Though his laugh was thick and velvety, I didn’t like the sound of it when it was directed at me. Maybe my comment this morning wasn’t going to go completely unpunished. The lack of amusement on my face was obviously apparent as he composed himself and explained, “I realize that we cannot see anyone else in this room, however when you were walking next to me, did you not notice that we were weaving? We did not come to this spot in a straight line…”

I hadn’t realized it before, but as he said it, I did remember walking from side to side. He continued, “When people study in the Hall, the power surrounding them hides them from the others, gives them privacy. We cannot hear or see them, just as they will not be able to hear or see us. We can, however, feel each other’s power. So I had to find a spot that was not already occupied.” Now that I knew, I could feel others around me and I wondered at not feeling it before. It was an odd sensation, knowing that there were tons of people in the room, but I couldn’t see any of them. It also kinda creeped me out.

He leaned back, as if to prepare himself, and began. “Now Allison, this will be your first lesson. You will learn about your power, where it came from, why it came in the first place, and what you will be expected to do with it. You will also learn who has power, the differences in power, and the different power strengths and abilities. You will learn about Damien, the group he leads, and what their agenda is. As we go along, feel free to stop me at any time and ask questions. There is no point in me moving on if you have questions left unanswered.” I nodded in agreement and he continued.

“Well, ok. We will start at the beginning. Try to remember that this is the story that has been passed down from generation to generation, so there is some debate about it. In Greek mythology, Zeus was the principal God, the leader, so to speak. He had a companion named Cratos, the son of Pallas & Styx and the brother of Nike, the Greek goddess of justice. Cratos – which is translated as strength or power – was submissive to Zeus, but to Zeus alone. It has been said that Zeus sent Cratos to rid the universe of evil and that the other lesser gods helped to maintain that peace. The Titans wanted control of Oympus and thus a battle between the gods and Titans ensued.” He paused, to be sure that I was following, which I was so far.

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