Power Play (16 page)

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Authors: L. Anne Carrington

BOOK: Power Play
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Chapter 34



A Paws, Feathers, and Reptiles
event was held by an animal shelter and pet supplies store following training camp. The PR team sent Alex and several other Rebels to interact with their fans and pose with cats, dogs, rabbits, birds, and other types of pets available for adoption.


Reggie took a large snake from its cage. “Hey, check out this cool guy!”


Davy walked over and admired the reptile around Reggie’s neck. “That’s one good-looking bloke. Shame I can’t have him in my flat. My landlord’s not a big fan of animals. He says they do too much damage.”


Byron stroked the snake’s nose. “I didn’t know you were a fan of scaly creatures, Davy.”





“Doesn’t matter if they have scales, feathers, or fur, I love almost all of nature’s living things, Preacher.”


“I couldn’t blame Babs for going nuts if I brought home a snake. This guy looks like he would eat our boys alive.”


“Looks like he’s bonding with Reggie anyway.”


“I’d adopt this dude today, but my parents and sister would shit themselves,” Reggie said. “Maybe I’ll find a dog.”


Davy laughed. “That would be a much better choice, mate.”


“Let’s go show off this guy to Alex and Greise! They have a bunch of fans looking at stuff. Someone’s bound to take interest in my new friend.”


They walked towards the area where Alex stood with Greise, posing with fans.


“Hey, Faust,” Reggie addressed him. “Think your fiancée would let you bring home this big guy?”


The backup goaltender’s green eyes widened. “Sure, if I wanted Brenda to kill me where I stood.”




“Looks like no takers yet, buddy,” Reggie told the snake.


“Go show it to Galla,” Greise suggested. “She’s got a bunch of guys around her. One of them is bound to accept your offer.”


“Good idea, man. Talk to you later.”


Greise shook his head and chuckled. “He’s not going to find a girlfriend anytime soon with that thing around his neck.”


Fans surrounding him began laughing while looking at pets for adoption.


Alex stood nearby cuddling a black cat as Reggie, Davy, and Byron approached.


“I have a present for you and your friends, Alex!” Reggie jokingly called.


She turned white and quickly handed the cat to a volunteer. “Reginald Hebert, get that disgusting thing away from me!”


“What? He’s friendly. Go on, pet him. He didn’t bite Preacher or Davy.”






“That’s okay. I can see him fine where I’m standing.”


“Aww, and he wants a pretty lady to kiss him.”


“Forget it!”


“Reggie, stop teasing Alexandra,” Byron scolded him. “Y’all need Jesus. Let’s go talk to some other people.”


“Come on, mates,” Davy said. “We’re going to presume she isn’t into snakes, but I think a few chaps want a better look.”






“Did you guys see that?” Marty asked.


Vince started laughing. “Yeah, some real funny shit.”


Lenny looked up from a dog he was petting. “See what?”


“Hebert’s carrying a snake and Galloway freaked out when she saw it.”




“Hmmm. Sounds like a new joke’s in order, especially since her fellow vagina Talmadge isn’t around to bitch out our asses.”


“Dude’s heading back to Pittsburgh day after his kiddie hockey clinic; least that’s what I heard Germaine tell someone.”


“Shit, we don’t have much time to get things together.”


Jax stood nearby and heard their conversation. “O’Freel, what time does your favorite joke shop close today?”


Marty looked at him. “I think five o’clock. Why?”


“I just thought of something that may help the three of you.”


“You’re a funny guy, Old Man, but don’t strike us as the practical joke type.”


“Give me a shot, boys. My idea could send Galloway screaming out of the arena long before our regular season gets underway.”




“Preseason practice starts next Monday,” Lenny reminded everyone. “We better get in gear if we’re going to pull off whatever Ivanka’s developing in that brain of his.”


“Leave it to me,” Jax said. “I have a ruse figured out to get into Galloway’s dressing room.”















Chapter 35



Troy arrived home late Friday and spotted his car still parked in the garage, but Alex’s was gone. He sighed, annoyed with her still using what he considered an unsafe vehicle.
How many times have I warned her not to drive that damn beater, especially late at night?


He dialed Alex’s cell phone with intention of giving her a piece of his mind but instead reached the voice mail.


“Al, I’m home. Wherever you are, call me when you get this message. We need to talk.”


Troy walked in the quiet house, dragging luggage upstairs. He flopped on his bed, contemplating whether or not to unpack while waiting for Alex to return home.


He reluctantly rose and headed to the bathroom, barely setting one foot inside before he heard a high-pitched scream.




Alex hastily covered her body with a towel. “Damn it, Troy! Have you ever heard of knocking?”


He backed away with a red face. “Oh my God…I…had no idea you were home.


“If I discover someone put you up to this as a joke, I’ll cut off your balls and sell them on eBay!”


“Calm down, Al. I didn’t see a thing, I swear.”


“By the way, since I’m still living with you until I find a suitable place of my own, at least put away some of those canal boats you call shoes before globetrotting. I almost killed myself not long after you left for Nova Scotia when I tripped over a pair left in the laundry room.”


“I haven’t been home twenty minutes and already in trouble," Troy said, trying not to grin.


“Don’t get mouthy. Referees and opposing team members may take shit from you, but I won’t.”


“Your beater wasn’t in the garage, so I thought you’d gone out.”




She emerged from the bathroom wearing a pale blue nightshirt printed with sheep. “My car died and I sold it to a junkyard for one hundred bucks while you lived it up in Yarmouth.”


“I wouldn’t call most things I did living it up, Al.”


“Didn’t you have weddings to attend?”


“Yeah, and I took Louise as my date to all three. I used the rest of the time for offseason workouts and the hockey clinic.” He changed the subject. “Pierre told me you’re one of three rookies with strong chances for permanent roster spots.”


“You sound surprised,” Alex said.


“I’m not. You must’ve made a great impression during camp.”


She shrugged. “I had my moments.”


“Pierre said you were a huge hit at last week’s Paws, Feathers, and Reptiles benefit.”


“Everything was fantastic. I met a lot of Rebels fans and the shelter adopted out a lot of pets. Mostly cats and dogs, but better than nothing.”




“Yeah, I heard about you being a fan favorite, especially among men,” he joshed.


“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”


“Nothing, only voicing some observations others made at the event.”


Alex pinched one of his cheeks. “You’re so cute when you’re jealous.”


He scoffed. “Jealous of what?”


“Quit denying your feelings, Troy. We’ve known one another long enough for me to see how you are. I only signed autographs and took pictures.”


He blew out a long breath of relief. “Thank God.”


“Some man did try to grab my ass.”




“Relax, a couple security people had him thrown out of the building.”




“What did I say about being overly friendly with people you don’t know, especially guys?”


“So now it’s
fault some pervert tried to grab a handful of ass?”


“That’s not what I meant, Al, it’s just…listen, the last thing I want to do on my first night home is argue.”


“I’m not in the mood either.” She smiled and sat beside him. “I’d rather hear about your hockey clinic. I bet a lot of little ones went home with some wonderful memories.”


Troy’s eyes lit up. “Everything was great! The kids enjoyed themselves while learning basics and some special guests stopped by.”


“Sounds like a huge success.”


“Yeah, and I can’t wait to host another one next summer.”


“You’re certainly crazy about kids. Davy told me you once tried to steal one.”




“That was only a joke!” he protested with a laugh.


She stood to leave the room. “You look tired and should go to bed. The
Vancouver Venus
premiere is tomorrow and practice for preseason starts Monday.”


Troy groaned. “Is it already that time of year?”


“Seems like last regular season ended yesterday, doesn’t it?” Alex yawned. “I need some sleep myself. We have a lot of work ahead in the coming months.”


“Especially you,” he replied. “Good night, shorty.”


She smiled at him. “Good night, goober.”












              Chapter 36



Troy was exhausted, but couldn’t sleep. Perhaps being back in Pittsburgh, underlying nervousness taking Alex to
Vancouver Venus’
premiere, helping her find another car, and the Rebels’ upcoming season attributed to his restlessness.


He slid out of bed and wandered aimlessly before pausing near Alex’s room. Her door was ajar and sounds emerging from little travel fan used to help her sleep was audible from where he stood.


Moonlight streamed in a nearby window, making her slumbering figure visible. Alex’s radiant chestnut-auburn hair splayed across the pillow. A slight smile crossed his face at little noises she made while sleeping and the silly blue nightshirt with the sheep print she loved wearing to bed.


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