Power Play: A Black & White Collection Story (11 page)

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She walked down the hallway to her bathroom, undressing as she went. Turning on the shower, she waited for the water to heat up as she tried to get her temper under control. Maybe she’d be better off taking a cold shower.

Glancing down, she saw the faint marks of whisker burns left on her breasts by Reed. His five o’clock shadow had added a sexy edge to the sensations he’d tantalized her with last night. Lying beneath him as he took her was an image she expected to carry with her to her grave. Her body flushed with memories of their sensual interlude on the couch in his office. She couldn’t recall ever feeling so wanted, so adored. So loved.

She pushed the thought aside. No. It was just sex. That was all it had ever been. She forced that idea into her mind, repeating it, wishing it would penetrate her stubborn heart.

Just sex. Climbing into the shower, she let her thoughts drift back to Reed’s kisses and she felt a twinge in her pussy. He’d filled her perfectly, touching all the hot spots in her body.

Just sex. She dragged her fingers down her stomach until she found her clit. Rubbing lightly at first, then increasing the pressure and speed, she let the memory of riding him, kissing him play over in her mind. Bending forward, she leaned her head and arm against the wall, breathing heavily as her fingers worked their magic against her clit.

Just sex. She rubbed her herself faster as she imagined Reed’s fingers on her hips, gripping her tightly, directing their play. She thrust three fingers into her pussy, still sensitive from his lovemaking the night before. His deep voice and the words “you’ll never be alone again” reverberated in her mind. She gave herself up to her climax.

She trembled beneath the water as she came down from the orgasm. Her mind whirled over the fact she couldn’t even think of Reed without wanting him. Hell, she’d had sex with him less than twenty-four hours ago and already she was masturbating to the memory.

She stood slowly, finished her shower and turned the water off. Reaching for a towel, she let her mind wander over all the things she and Reed had shared. While the fantasies had been amazing, she found herself equally enthralled by the man himself. The conversations, the dreams and fears they’d confided to each other. Somewhere along the line, he stopped being an adversary and a colleague. Instead, he’d become a friend, a lover.

She dried off, sighing heavily.

It was time to get things back on track. Time to grasp the reins of control once more. She pulled back the sheets and crawled into bed.

One more bid. One more fantasy. Then she was taking her life back.

Chapter Eight

Blindfolded, Frankie held her arms out in front of her and tried not to let Reed see them trembling. He’d shown up at her apartment, banging on the door at two in the morning. At first, she’d wondered if he was drunk. Then he calmly informed her they were both about to collect on their last bet. He’d given her five minutes to “throw on something decent,” led her to a taxi downstairs, where he covered her eyes. They’d won the Wedded Bliss account—the good news had arrived early this morning.

Reed hadn’t approached her at all today other than to say congratulations and she’d thought she was safe. Thought after their argument in the restaurant five nights earlier he’d given up on the game and the bet was off. After returning to the office the morning after leaving him to pay for the take-out, Reed had simply told her which part of the presentation he was going to work on, and left her alone for the rest of the day. Since then, all their exchanges had been professional, work-related conversations.

She’d put all her energy, all her thoughts into the project and it was apparent Reed had done the same. Landing the deal had been bittersweet. Mainly because Frankie knew it would be her last presentation for The Donovan Group. She’d turned in her letter of resignation to Brian just before five o’clock this afternoon. She’d simply slid the letter on his desk and left.

Distance was the only thing that was going to help her fight her attraction to Reed. Distance and time and crying and lots and lots of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream. Leaving was her only option. Men like Reed, like her father, could never accept an independent, career-oriented woman, and she would never be content to stay home and raise a family. It simply wasn’t in her.

She took a steadying breath. One last hurdle to clear before freedom. She’d take this last fantasy. Take it and hold on to it tightly. She was too tired to deny him anything tonight.

“Are we there yet?”

He was walking in front of her, guiding her to God knew where. She couldn’t control her racing heart or rapid breathing. She listened as he unlocked a door and led her inside. She started to remove the blindfold, but he grasped her wrists to halt her.

“Not yet.”

She cursed her damned nervousness. She wanted this fantasy, but she feared one more encounter with Reed might be one too many. This one was destined to destroy her. She’d lost all her powers of resistance and she was afraid the mask would slip. Afraid he’d see her tonight in all her true colors.

“It’s not too late to change your mind, Frankie.”

Shit. He’d seen her distress. That knowledge sent her hackles up, screamed of a dare, and she felt a sudden calm wash over her. She wasn’t weak. She wasn’t powerless. She was a woman taking what she wanted. She let her silent mantra—hell, pep talk—soothe her.

“I’m not changing my mind.” Her voice was strong, steady and she smiled.


He pulled the blindfold off and for a few seconds she blinked, trying to accustom her eyes to what she was seeing. She was at Carter’s bar. It was closed, the blinds on the front windows drawn. There were candles scattered throughout the room, providing only dim lighting. Combined with the streetlights peeking through the cracks in the blinds it was enough for her to see a table had been set.

However, it certainly wasn’t set for dinner.

“Hungry?” she teased, fighting like hell to hold on to the parts of herself she could control. She needed her sarcasm, her humor to carry her through this. It would be her only salvation.

“For you? Always.” He turned and started to pull her into his arms. She moved away quickly, ignoring the annoyance in his eyes.

“No kissing.”

“Dammit, Frankie. We’re not putting limits on this.”

“No kissing or I walk.” Dear God, please let her be able to follow through on that threat.

“So that’s it. You’re determined tonight’s going to be about fucking.”

She closed her eyes against his anger, his hurt. “It’s about time you started listening. Figured it out.”

He moved closer. “Oh, I’ve got your number, sweetheart. I can see straight through you.”

She was very afraid he could. She didn’t know how to reply. Couldn’t think of some cutting remark to counter his comment.

“But you know what? I’m calling your bluff, Carlyle. You want to get fucked, you got it.”

She didn’t respond. Didn’t have time. He gripped her arm tightly and turned her toward the long, banquet-style table. “Get undressed and climb on that table. Lay on your back.”

She narrowed her eyes and gestured at his clothing. “I want you naked too.”

He gave her a wicked grin that would have frightened a reasonable woman. Unfortunately, it sent tremors of arousal pulsing through her. “I’ll be naked soon enough. I’m not going to repeat myself, Frankie. You have sixty seconds to comply with my demands or you’re going to find yourself tied facedown on that table with me taking a belt to your ass. Move.”

For a split second, she considered pushing the envelope.

Reed saw it and grinned. “Either way, I’m going to enjoy it.”

She huffed out an impatient breath and began disrobing. She was too curious to see what he had in mind. Once she was naked, he helped her onto the table. It was covered with a plush quilt rather than a tablecloth.

“Comfortable?” he asked.

She nodded. “Yes, but if you try to put an apple in my mouth like some roast pig, I’m out of here.”

He chuckled. “God, I love your spirit.”

Her chest ached at his admission. While he might like her spirit now, men like him would never be able to accept it for long. As soon as she gave herself to him, he’d slowly begin chiseling away at all her freedoms until soon there was nothing left of the woman she was now. She’d watched it happen to her mother and she refused to let the same thing happen to her.

“Aren’t we missing something?” She tried to erase the dark thoughts from her mind, refused to let her anxiety ruin this last fantasy, this last night with Reed.

He shook his head. “Look over there.” He pointed toward the bar and Frankie swallowed heavily. She’d been so focused on Reed, on her worries, she’d failed to register that they weren’t alone.

Turning her head, she spotted Carter sitting at the bar. He’d been hidden in the shadows when she’d first entered. She thought briefly she should be embarrassed to be lying naked on a table in front of him, but the appreciation in his eyes made her feel desirable, beautiful. In that moment, she realized how well Reed understood her, knew her. She’d done the stranger fantasy. For this fantasy, she needed a familiar face, a friend. Carter was the perfect choice because she trusted him.

“I’m going to be greedy,” Reed said, recapturing her attention. “I’m claiming my part of the fantasy first.”

Exhibitionism. He was going to have sex with her as Carter watched. She trembled, squeezing her legs together in a lame attempt at finding some relief.

Reed shook his head. “Open your legs. You don’t have to hide your arousal, Frankie. Show him what a vibrant, sexy woman you are. Let him see why you’ve got my dick tied in a knot.”

She wanted to laugh at his words, but she knew he wasn’t joking. She was surprised he’d admit such a thing in front of his cousin. From the corner of her eye, she saw Carter move closer to the table. A rush of emotions inundated her—excitement, pleasure, anticipation, desire. She looked at Reed and realized which emotion was missing. Fear. She wasn’t afraid. He was with her and she knew he’d make this special, make this perfect.

Through with waiting, he gripped her knees, pulled them apart. “Remember you asked for this, Frankie. I would have given you softness, would have made love to you, but—”

“I don’t want that,” she said quickly, panic in her voice as she cut him off.

“So you keep saying. So be it.” With his words, he plunged three fingers into her dripping pussy as she cried out. He fucked her with his fingers, his thrusts relentless, powerful. He triggered her climax in less than two minutes and she screamed as her inner muscles clenched against his retreating fingers.

“So sensual, responsive.” She was startled when she heard Carter’s voice. She’d almost forgotten his presence. Reed had a talent for distracting her from everything except him.

“Beautiful,” Reed whispered. She wasn’t sure if he was talking to her or to the man watching them just a few feet away.

“We’re not finished yet, Frankie.” Reed bent forward and sucked one of her tight nipples into his mouth. She reared up and gasped. He nipped at her flesh and she cried out as the slight pain sent a lightning flash of pleasure to her pussy.

“God,” she groaned.

Reed lifted his head. His face was inches from hers and she could feel his hot breath on her cheek. “Look at him. Show him how lucky I am. Let him see how sexy, how fucking incredible you are.”

She panted, wondering when the air in the room had gotten so thick, so humid. She was on fire. Reed’s eyes betrayed him, told her how much this fantasy meant to him.

She’d never considered exhibitionism to be a personal fantasy, but his excitement was driving hers. Taking her to a place she’d never expected to go.

“Look at him,” he whispered. She turned her head.

Carter was even closer to the table now. She wasn’t sure when he’d moved. She’d been too enraptured, too captured by Reed to remember his presence.

Carter’s hand drifted down to his pants. She could see his erection through the thin material. She licked her lips as he ran his hand up and down the turgid flesh, seeking stimulation.

“He wants you,” Reed whispered. “Every man wants you. You’re beautiful, sensual, gorgeous.” His lips took her breast again and she moaned. His rough sucking sent shards of arousal to every part of her body. She fought the urge to scream. It was too much.

Reed lifted his head and leaned closer to her face. Her gaze was locked on Carter’s face, though her mind and body and soul and heart weren’t seeing anything but Reed.

His tongue darted along her earlobe. One moist, light kiss and he whispered two words. “You’re mine.”

He rose then and grabbed her feet, pulling her closer to the edge. His quick motion caught her unaware and she broke eye contact with Carter, her eyes flying to Reed’s determined, hungry face.

Before she could respond, he was deep inside her body, taking her with the rough edge she was coming to love.

“Yes,” she cried.

He moved faster, harder and her back arched as her second orgasm hit her like a freight train. Over and over, he pounded inside her aching flesh, filling every lonely, empty space with bright, white sunshine.

She reached up to grip his shoulders, needing to feel his strength, his power. She felt like she was on the verge of exploding, disappearing forever in the abyss as he thrust roughly, going deeper. The finesse she’d grown accustomed to in his lovemaking was gone. This was a claiming, pure and simple. She tightened her arms around his neck, pulled him closer and kissed him. Their lips devoured each other, neither of them breaking for air for minutes, hours, years.

His lips released hers. “You’re mine,” he repeated, his words sure, powerful, true. They sent her over the cliff again. He came with her and it wasn’t until she felt each pulsating spurt of hot come branding her that she realized they’d forgotten the condom. He was truly filling her.

He must have had the same thought at the same time. He fell forward, covering her, whispering in her ear. “Shit, Frankie. I’m so sorry.”

She turned to kiss his cheek, hating the guilt in his tone. “I’m protected and clean.”

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