Powerful Awakening [L.U.S.T. 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

BOOK: Powerful Awakening [L.U.S.T. 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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L.U.S.T. 2

Powerful Awakening

Chrystal Vaughn knows she’s walking a tight rope when she seeks Andrew Iverson’s help to rescue her cousin. What she doesn't expect is the intense power and deep connection she senses when she looks into his eyes or for those sensations to magnify to hormone-overwhelming levels when she meets Michael Delacroix.

The night Michael became a vampire he lost the man and woman he loved. Believing himself doomed to eternity without them, he channeled his powers to protect the human race. Now Andrew is back with Chrystal on his arm and Michael’s eternity is taking a new dangerous and erotically fantastical twist.

Andrew is a lycan. He knows Michael still lives, but guilt over their woman’s death has consumed him. When he finds their woman reincarnated, he must bring her to Michael. He hopes they can rekindle the love the three of them once shared, but he needs Michael’s help to protect Chrystal from the shifters that want him dead.

Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves

53,965 words



L.U.S.T. 2






Tonya Ramagos










Siren Publishing, Inc.


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IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting




Copyright © 2013 by Tonya Ramagos

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First E-book Publication: June 2013


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Powerful Awakening
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Prequel to
Powerful Awakening






Rebecca Tyler held Michael Delacroix’s soft blue gaze and suppressed a shiver of equal parts trepidation and wicked excitement as her heart executed a leisurely roll. She didn’t need to look at Andrew Iverson to know she had his full attention, too. She could feel it moving over her flesh like a physical caress, comforting, arousing, and chilling all at the same time.

She took a deep breath and willed her hand not to shake as she offered the box to Michael.

“What is in it?” Michael asked, his voice even, yet equally suspicious.

“A gift from Regulus Le Mort.”

Anger flashed in Michael’s eyes, a quick dart of carnal possession and fury. Andrew stiffened in her peripheral vision, but he didn’t move closer.

“I refused to take it, but he wouldn’t hear of it.” She’d angered Regulus. She’d seen rage in his black eyes, and a fear like no other she’d ever felt had frozen her blood. “He insisted I wear it and was adamant I never take it off.” She didn’t add that Regulus had announced his intent to claim her. He loved her and would stop at nothing to have her.

Michael opened the box, hooked a finger beneath the silver chain, and slowly pulled the necklace from the box. He studied it for a long moment before speaking words that made her jaw drop. “You should listen to him.”

She glared at Michael, red lining her vision, blinding her to Andrew’s movements as he stepped close enough to touch her.

“Michael’s right, Rebecca.” Andrew hooked a finger beneath her chin and turned her face toward him. “Whatever Le Mort’s intentions or feelings for you, what he’s given you is a solid protection.”

Rebecca shook her head. “Protection from what? He’s a vile beast. If I need protection from anything, it’s him.”
Which is why I came to you. I love you. Both of you.

Dear God, she couldn’t tell them. It was wrong to feel the way she did.

“Let me explain, my sweet.” Michael took her hand and pulled her to sit sideways in his lap on the couch.

Rebecca’s heart raced as desire pumped through her veins. Sitting in his lap, feeling the firmness of his cock pressing against her bottom, absorbing the heat of his embrace, awakened every feminine part of her body.

Michael closed his eyes and briefly rested his forehead on her shoulder before he lifted his head and looked at Andrew. “Help me explain.”

Michael’s obvious turmoil sent alarm racing through her.

Andrew lowered himself to the couch next to Michael and put his hand on her other thigh. “War is coming.”

“You think it’ll come to Atlanta? I’ve heard of the battle raging at Fort Sumter, but—”

“That is not the war he is speaking of,” Michael cut her off. “Though that war, too, is likely to spread.”

Confused, Rebecca looked from Michael to Andrew and back again. “Then what are you talking about?”

“You would not believe me if I told you the creature Le Mort is and he is not the only one of his kind.” Michael sighed. “I fear you will not believe me when I tell you the power he has given you.”

Andrew took the necklace from Michael. “This is a tool of power. We know you don’t believe in magic.”

And she knew they did. They didn’t fancy themselves to be ones with magical powers, but they believed in others who did.

“Each of these four stones possesses a power that when banded together in this way ensures the infinite protection of the one who wears it,” Andrew continued. “No harm can come to you as long as you have this on.”

Rebecca stared at him. He truly believed what he was telling her. So did Michael. Were they both insane? Did both the men she loved have the wits of grapefruits?

She met Michael’s gaze and saw only wisdom and reason in his soft eyes. “You believe this so much that you don’t care where the necklace came from, that it was a gift from another man?”

“I do not like who it came from, but I understand its purpose. I know who holds your heart. That is all the assurance I need.”

Rebecca looked away, her attention slicing over Andrew before she turned her head and lowered her gaze to the floor. A band tightened around the heart Michael spoke of, squeezed, and made her chest ache.

“Rebecca?” Andrew made her name a question as he leaned forward to put himself in her line of vision. “What is it?”

Rebecca bowed her head as she got to her feet. She sensed Michael rise with her, felt the solid presence of his body at her back as his arms wound around her waist.

“The necklace is not all that is troubling you tonight.” The warmth of his breath brought excited goose pimples to her flesh as he nuzzled his face against her neck. “Tell us what else has you bothered.”

Rebecca swallowed the lump forming in her throat. “My heart is divided, Michael. I don’t know what to do about it, how to change it, or how to stop it.”

“You care for Regulus?”

Rebecca’s eyes flew open as shock sped through her system. She whirled in his embrace. “Are you insane?”

Andrew laughed.

Michael’s lips twitched. “You thought so a moment ago when we spoke of magic, did you not?”

“The only thing I feel for Regulus Le Mort is disgust and hatred, but you”—she looked at Andrew again—“both of you, I feel...”

Andrew put the necklace aside as he stood and walked behind her. His fingers danced along her shoulders as he pushed her hair aside and leaned in to whisper in her ear. “You feel what, love?”

Staring at Michael, feeling Andrew’s lips move against her flesh, experiencing the wonder of being held by both men at the same time scattered her senses. She wound her arms around Michael’s neck and let herself melt against Andrew. “Torn. Needy. It’s impossible to feel what I feel and yet I know my own heart.”

Michael flattened a hand between her breasts. “And what is this telling you?”

God, with his hand right there, the heat of his palm seeping through her clothes to travel a direct flaming path straight to her pussy, she nearly couldn’t remember. Her nipples beaded with desire to feel his hand covering her breast.

She licked her lips, watched as his gaze dropped to her mouth to follow the path of her tongue, and saw as his eyes sparked with fiery need. “It tells me I love you.” Victory moved over his handsome face. It thrilled her even as it made her belly churn. What she would say next, what she had to admit, would likely turn that victory to defeat.

Knowing she could no longer keep her secret, she tore her gaze from Michael’s, let her head fall back on Andrew’s shoulder, and turned her face up to look at him. “It tells me I love you, too.”

Andrew gazed down at her, emotions swirling in his vivid hazel eyes. A hint of amusement flickered through his expression and she feared he might laugh at her. Instead, he smiled as his fingers tightened possessively on her hips. He pressed his body firmly against hers and she felt his cock, long and hard, at the small of her back.

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