Premiere (13 page)

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Authors: Melody Carlson

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I offer to drive us to Mia’s house, but I borrow Mom’s portable GPS for direction assistance since we have to walk in that door at four on the dot. Paige is extremely quiet as I drive. I want to suggest that she pray, but I’m not sure how she’d receive that right now. So as the electronic lady tells me to turn here or exit there, I ask God to bring good out of bad and to use this to bring Paige to a place where she asks God for faith as well as help. Because, just like the rest of us, the girl needs some.

“Ready for this?” she asks me as she rings the doorbell.

“I hope so.” I glance nervously at her. She, as usual, is gorgeous. Suddenly we are walking into Mia’s house, and what I’m hoping isn’t really a trap. But it is reassuring to know Mom’s there. She told me she had to take time off work, but felt it was worth it.

With lights on and cameras rolling, I brace myself for the big showdown. Let the fireworks begin!

Chapter 17

“What are you doing here?” Mia demands
as soon as Paige and I go into the great room where it seems the fun is about to begin. I know Mia is in the know and fully aware that we’re supposed to be here. I assume her dramatic statement is just for the cameras.

“I want to talk,” Paige says calmly.

“Oh, I’ll just bet you do.” Mia narrows her eyes. “But if you think you can talk your way out of this, you’re crazier than I thought you were.” Mia then softens. “And I thought you were my friend, Paige.”

“I want to be your friend,” Paige says.

“More like

“I’m sorry about all—”

“I don’t want to hear it,” Mia says quickly. “I’m not ready to hear an apology from you.”

“What do you want then?” Paige holds her hands out.

“I want to know why you did this to me. Why did you act like you wanted to be friends? The whole time you were plotting to steal Benjamin.”

“I wasn’t plotting anything, Mia. I can’t help it that Ben and I hit if off.”

“Yeah, right.” Mia shakes her head. “I trusted you, Paige. You came to my birthday party and you told me sweet things and I totally believed you. And then you stabbed me in the back.” Mia actually looks like she’s about to cry. Brogan and Natasha, who’ve been standing nearby, move in closer, as if this has all been prearranged…staged.

“Benjamin and I have been together for, like, forever. It’s been more than two years. How many people our age can claim something like that? Our families are friends and everyone knows that we’ll probably get married someday.”

“I’m sorry,” Paige says again. “I know this has hurt you, Mia. But Ben and I fell in love. It’s not like we planned it. It just happened.”

“Fell in love?” Mia looks at her friends like this is shocking, and I am equally as shocked.
In love?
“You think that Benjamin’s in love with you?”

Paige shrugs. “That’s what he told me.”

Mia’s brows arch and her blue eyes get bigger. “Right. He’s in love with you. Do you know how totally ridiculous that makes you sound? That you actually
Benjamin Kross is in love with you?”

Paige is caught off guard now. I can see it in her eyes. “That’s what he told me, Mia. That he loved me…and that he no longer loved you…that it was over between you two. I’m sorry if that hurts. I honestly never wanted to hurt you, but it’s the truth.”

Mia actually laughs. So much for the teary act. “I cannot believe you fell for that, Paige. I actually thought you were smarter.”

“Fell for what?”

“For Benjamin’s line about loving you…and not loving me. Who would have thought you’d be suckered in. But they say a new sucker is born every day, right?”

Paige shrugs again and glances over her shoulder to me, like maybe I can help. But I don’t see how. More than ever, I wish I had a camera to hold in front of me. Then I remember what Helen said, how I’m supposed to stand by Paige’s side. And so I step up. “Let me get this clear,” I say to Mia. “You’re suggesting this thing between my sister and Benjamin was just an act, like he really wasn’t into her, like he was pretending?”

“Oh, I get it. One sister got the brains and the other one got the beauty…or so she thinks,” Mia says to her friends and, of course, they laugh.

“So, let me guess,” I continue. “If what you’re saying is true, which I doubt, Benjamin led Paige on so that your show could get more publicity? This is all just a stunt to raise ratings?”

Mia acts surprised. “Of course not. I’m saying that Benjamin was simply using Paige. That’s all. Old story. Happens all the time.” Mia turns to Paige now. “So, you see, you’re the one who’s been hurt here. Not me. Well, other than the fact that you’ve turned out to be a backstabbing little boy-friend-stealer. And that you were only pretending to be my friend, but were really just using me. I’m guessing you were using Benjamin too. I’m sure you hoped that hooking up with a star would make you a star. Unfortunately, you were wrong.”

“I really don’t understand what you’re saying.” Paige says this in a way that’s so genuine, I almost feel like crying. “But I am sorry if I hurt you. I don’t expect you to believe me. Benjamin told me that it was only a matter of time until he
broke it off with you, that he had to keep up the appearance of a romance for the sake of your show and that he would eventually break up officially. But I realize now that it was still wrong for me to get involved with him. I should’ve waited. We should’ve waited.”

“You really are delusional, aren’t you?” Mia turns to her friends. “Can you guys believe this?”

“Maybe someone dropped her on her head as a baby,” suggests Natasha.

“Or maybe she’s just trying to milk this for all she can,” says Brogan.

“Or maybe she doesn’t believe you,” I say to Mia. “I mean, you’re talking for Benjamin, aren’t you? Why isn’t he here to talk for himself?” I glance around the room. “What did you do anyway? Did you tie him up and gag him and toss him into the cellar?”

“Very funny.” Mia looks at me like I’m something disgusting stuck to the bottom of her shoe.

“Then why should we believe what you’re saying about Benjamin?” I persist. “Why can’t he speak for himself?”

“Yes,” Paige agrees. “Why can’t he? Not that I want to see you hurt anymore, Mia. I really don’t. And whether or not you forgive me, I am honestly sorry for all this. And I plan to tell Ben that he and I cannot date until he officially breaks things off with you.”

Mia laughs loudly, and so do her friends. “You really are naïve, aren’t you, Paige? You’re still buying into the fantasy that Benjamin seriously liked you. Oh, wait, make that ‘loved’ you. You thought he loved you!” She shakes her head with a look of disbelief. “Really, this is classic!”

“Then why don’t we get Benjamin to come over here.”
I’m reaching for my cell phone, like I’m going to call him, which is totally bogus since I don’t even have his number. “And, once and for all, we can set things straight.”

“Good idea, Erin. You are such a smart little Nerd Girl. Yes, let’s get Benjamin in here to set things straight, shall we?” She nods toward a darkened hallway. “Hey there, honey,” she calls out. “Have you heard enough yet? Come out, come out, wherever you are.”

And that’s when I know. This really is a setup. A sting. And they are about to get Paige—and get her good.

Benjamin strides out now and, going directly to Mia, puts an arm around her, then leans down and kisses her on the lips. I’m no expert, but it looks like he means it. I glance over at Paige and I can honestly see her face getting pale beneath her tan and makeup.

“How does it feel?” Natasha asks Paige.

“Yes.” Brogan’s eyes narrow. “How
it feel?”

“Benjamin?” Paige’s voice comes out in a whisper. “Is it true? Is everything Mia just said really true?”

He makes a sheepish little smile then nods. “Sorry about that.”

Then Paige turns and runs out and I hear the front door slam. And for a split second, I’m torn. I want to run after her and tell her to forget this whole thing. And yet, my work here isn’t done.

I step up to Benjamin, looking him straight in the eyes. “You are a lying two-faced hypocrite,” I calmly tell him. “And a first-class jerk. You chased after Paige and you know it. You called her. You took her out. And you even came to dinner at our house, and I can prove it. I saw you kiss her and I heard you say sweet things to her and I have to admit that I fell for
your act too. I thought you were a nice guy and I actually believed that you meant what you said to her. I guess that proves you really are a talented actor, but as a human being, you are a total wipeout…a loser and a user and a lowlife and—and I wish my sister had never met you.”

Mia laughs at this. “Wow, you’re a long-winded little thing, aren’t you, Nerd Girl?”

I turn to her now. “And I’m sure that everything I say today will never make it on the air,” I say calmly. “Actually, I’m glad for that. But, as for you, what my sister said to you was true. She truly was sorry. And she’s not a mean person. She did not plot against you. Yes, she made a mistake, but she was honestly sorry for it. And when she came to your birthday party, she was sincere. She really did want to be your friend. She, unlike
some people
, was not faking it.”

Benjamin is about to say something, but I cut him off, swinging my finger under his nose. At this point, I don’t care how
I seem. “And you know what I think? I think you and Mia deserve each other. Yes, you are a perfect match. Selfish, ruthless, conniving, publicity-seeking opportunists who will use anyone just so you can get one more photo of yourselves. You will stoop to anything just to increase your ratings and fan base. How you can look at yourself in the mirror or even sleep at night is a mystery to me. And I feel sorry for you when you finally figure out that this is all fleeting and unreal. And you will eventually. Eventually, you
be sorry. Because when you sell your soul to the Devil, you eventually have to pay up.”

Then I turn and am ready to storm out after Paige, but Benjamin calls out, “Erin, stop.” And something in his voice makes me stop and turn around.

His arm isn’t around Mia now, and he takes a step toward me. “I’m sorry, Erin,” he says quietly.

“Benjamin!” Mia’s voice is strained.

“You’re right,” he continues. “I am all those things you just said—and more.”

she says again, louder now as if he’s suddenly lost his hearing. “We discussed this already.

He glances back at her. “I’m sorry, Mia. But I can’t do this anymore. Erin nailed it. I do feel like I sold out. Like I’m selling my soul to the Devil for a little bit of fame. And I refuse to keep doing it. It’s wrong.”

I feel like someone just pulled the floor out from under me. Is this for real? Or am I getting scammed just like Paige did? “Whatever,” I say. I don’t trust him yet.

“For real. I am sorry,” he says in a contrite voice. But then, I remind myself, he is an actor. And reality TV, well, it’s not always as real as it seems.

“I did tell Paige that I loved her,” he continues. “And I told her that I wanted to break up with Mia. Mia knew all that. But what she doesn’t know is…I did fall for Paige.”

“You did not!” Mia steps closer to him. “Liar!”

“Everything Paige said was true. I fell for her—the moment I met her I was swept away. She’s sweet and genuine and fun. Mia, I haven’t been in love with you for…” he pauses to think. “Well, months anyway. I just played it that way because we know that’s what fans want. Always give them what they want, right?”

“But you told me that the whole thing with Paige was just a publicity stunt!” Mia is fuming.
“You lied to me.”

“I had to. You wouldn’t accept anything else.” He shakes his head. “And I’m not proud of it. I can’t imagine how hurt Paige feels. She’ll probably never forgive me.”

I feel lightheaded.
Is this really happening
? I glance over to see cameras are still running. And their director Rod looks pleased, like this is even better than he expected.

“I hate you!” Mia screams at Benjamin. And then she begins swinging her fists and yelling some really foul words that may or may not end up on the cutting-room floor.

“I have to get Paige,” I call to no one in particular. Maybe Mom, although I haven’t spotted her yet.

“Tell her I’m sorry,” Benjamin yells back. Then, as I reach for the door, he lets out a yelp that sounds like Mia just landed a solid slap. I sort of wish I could’ve seen it, but right now I just need to find my sister.

Chapter 18

“I’ve looked everywhere for her,” I tell
Mom. It’s nearly seven and dark out, and Paige is still missing. I drove all through Mia’s neighborhood, expecting to find her wandering the streets and sobbing. I even went to look for her on the beach, but it was raining and the beach was deserted. Then hoping she’d taken a taxi home, I came back here. But it’s obvious she hasn’t been home.

“And her phone is still going straight to voicemail,” Mom says in a worried voice. “The light just turned green so I should probably hang up before I cause an accident.”

“Yes,” I say urgently. The idea of having lost my dad, Paige missing, and my mom in a car wreck is more than I can handle. “Just come home, Mom. There’s no way you’re going to find her by driving all around.”

“You’re right. But I can’t help but look as I drive. Although I can’t imagine her out walking by herself in the rain. That just isn’t Paige.”

“But none of this is really Paige,” I point out.

“Poor Paige. I wish she’d answer her phone.”

“Hang up,” I tell Mom. “Maybe she’s trying to call you.”

“Maybe. See you soon.”

I start pacing in the kitchen. Like Mom, I’d rather go drive around looking for Paige, but I know that’s ridiculous in a town this size. I’ve already called Blake and several others, begging them to pray for Paige. Because, I wouldn’t be surprised if my sister’s on the edge—teetering—and I really hope that she falls on God.

I continue to pace. Pace and pray. And as I pray for Paige, I realize how much I love my sister. I know we’re different as night and day, and I know I sometimes make fun of her or call her shallow. But more than ever, I realize that I need Paige. It’s like we’re connected…like yin and yang, like shadows and light in a black-and-white photo, it takes both to give dimension. My life would be flat without her. And despite all the trouble that comes with my sister, I really do love her. I so don’t want to lose her.

“Look what I found!” Mom exclaims. I turn to see my sister—at least I think it’s her, but it’s hard to tell since she looks like a drowned rat.

“Oh, Paige!” I run and hug her. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”

She hugs me back, tightly holding onto me as if she missed me too. Then finally, she steps back and I’m thinking I’m almost as wet as she is. “Mom told me what you did, Erin.”

“Go get out of those wet things,” Mom insists. “Take a hot shower and I’ll fix us all some soup. Then you and Erin can talk.”

Paige doesn’t argue and I help Mom make grilled-cheese sandwiches and tomato soup. It’s one of our favorite “comfort” meals and I’m thinking I could use it tonight.

“I found Paige just a few blocks from home. Can you believe she walked all the way here from Mia’s house?”

“No way.”

“Yes. She said she wanted to think.”

“Wow, that was a lot of thinking. Wet thinking.”

“I only told her about how you dressed down those horrible kids, Erin.” Mom reaches over and pats me on the back. “By the way, I can’t remember ever being prouder of one of my daughters. I would’ve stood up and cheered, except that I promised to remain quiet.” She chuckles. “Also, I didn’t want to spoil the scene because I’m hoping they’ll use it on the show.”

“Oh, I seriously doubt that—”

“Don’t be so sure. I was chatting with the director after the bloodshed, which by the way, there was.”

“What? Bloodshed?” I’m partly horrified and partly curious. “Who? How?”

“Shortly after you left, Mia slugged Benjamin right in the nose. It looked like it might be broken.”

“No way!”

Mom nods. “Yes, it got ugly. But once Benjamin’s nose was spurting blood, the director stepped in and called it a wrap.”

“Will they put
on the show?”

“It sounds like the whole thing, from you and Paige showing up until the nose punching, will air. The director was actually quite pleased with himself.” Mom shook her head. “You’d think he’d planned the whole thing.”

“He didn’t, did he?”

“I really don’t think so. I kept watching him as the whole thing was going on, hoping that he’d stop it earlier when you girls were still there, but I watched his face and he looked as shocked as anyone as to how it turned out. Shocked and
pleased.” She sadly shakes her head. “Reality TV is a strange beast. In some ways it’s like the news…only far more brutal.”

Finally, Paige emerges looking warmer but still unhappy. While we eat our soup and sandwiches, Mom and I take turns replaying the whole thing for her, even to the part where Benjamin publicly declared his love for her. But still she doesn’t seem to react.

“Aren’t you happy?” I ask as I finish the last of my sandwich.

She just shrugs. “It feels like too little, too late.”

“I must admit I wanted to wring that boy’s neck,” Mom says.

“Me too.” I said.

“You did better than wring his neck, Erin,” Mom tells me. “You brought him to his senses. That line about selling his soul to the Devil—well, it was just perfect.”

“You said that to him?” Paige looks at me with wonder.

“That and a lot more,” Mom confirms.

But still, Paige doesn’t seem too happy. And I guess I can’t blame her. Benjamin might’ve come around, but just moments before he was Mia’s puppet, sacrificing Paige for his own welfare. Not a trait a girl likes in a boyfriend.

I’m helping Mom clean up after dinner when my cell phone rings. “Go ahead and get that,” Paige tells me as she takes the saucepan away from me. “I’ll finish up in here. It’s the least I can do.”

I look my phone and see that it’s Blake. “Sorry, I forgot to call you,” I quickly tell him. “Paige is home and fine.”

“Good to know, but I thought I’d let you know that the gossip sites have already picked up the latest story. And I have to say, that sister of yours is coming out on top. Paige is smelling like a rose.”

“Seriously?” I run to my room and turn on my laptop,
hunting for the site that he’s currently looking at. And he’s right. The tables have turned and now Mia is looking like the wicked witch and Paige is the victim. Isn’t life funny.

But even after I hang up and go show the site to Paige, she’s not really happy about it. I wonder if she’ll ever be happy again. I also wonder who leaked this story.

It’s not long until our home phone rings with Fran Bishop on the other end, saying that we’re still on for the fashion show tomorrow.

“You’re kidding,” I tell her. “We’re still invited to Mia’s fashion show? How is that possible?”

“It’s not really Mia’s show,” Fran informs me. “So it’s not really her decision. And when it comes to publicity…well, you know how it goes.”


“So, I want you girls at the studio around ten. Then we’ll all drive over together. The show’s supposed to start at one, and our crew will be all set up.”

Once again, Paige isn’t really happy when I tell her what should clearly be good news. “That means we’re still doing the show,” I say plainly, like maybe she doesn’t really get this.

“That’s good.” She looks back down at the
magazine she’s been flipping through.

“Are you okay?” I ask.

She just shrugs.

“Still hurting over Benjamin?”

Now she nods. “I’ve never been treated like that before, Erin. Aside from losing Daddy—and that’s a whole different kind of pain—I can’t remember feeling this hurt.”

“It’ll probably take some time,” I tell her. “Has Benjamin called?”

“My phone’s off.”

“And he’s probably in pain too.” I’m primarily thinking of his nose.

She sighs and looks back at her fashion rag.

Paige continues to remain somber the next day. She’s unusually quiet as we drive to the studio. And even as Fran helps pick out our outfits, stressing that today matters more than anything since it will be our first official
On the Runway
show—our premiere—Paige is like ho-hum.

“Paige?” Fran finally demands. “What is wrong with you, girl? It’s like you’re not even in there. Are you sure you’re up for this?”

Now Paige smiles and starts to chatter away, as if hoping to convince Fran that all is well and that she really can pull this off. While Fran might be buying this little act, I know that’s all it is. But hopefully no one else will be able to tell.

We arrive at the hotel where the fashion show is being held, and as we go through the lobby, one of our camera guys, Alistair, meets us and immediately goes into filming. And, remembering my role here, I follow suit. It’s a comfort to have my camera to keep me busy—and to hide behind.

Meanwhile, Fran hurries ahead to make sure that all is ready in the fashion show area. Somehow Paige manages to keep her bubbly, chatty self going, talking to the camera as if she’s talking to her new best friend (the viewer) as she discusses today’s fashion show and what designers are being featured and, once again, I can’t help but admire her grit. I couldn’t pull that off if I was suffering a broken heart.

We’re almost to the elevators when we see a guy
approaching and I think it must be Benjamin, although it’s hard to tell because his face is so swollen and his nose is bandaged and his eyes are blackened. He literally looks like he was hit by a truck. A truck named Mia.

“Benjamin!” Paige gasps to see him. Then she subtly signals at Alistair to stop shooting. But he just keeps going like he thinks he’s getting something good.

I put down my camera and actually place my hand over his lens. Knowing how much camera guys hate this, I know I’m taking a serious risk.

“Let’s give them some privacy, please,” I tell him. “It’s not like we’re the paparazzi, right?” Paige and Benjamin hurry off to a secluded area over by the bathrooms where, thankfully, no one seems to notice them. I thank Alistair for cooperating, then open my backpack, extract my camcorder, and begin asking him for some filming tips. This keeps us both busy for a few minutes and eventually Paige comes back, and to my relief, she looks a little happier. She’s not yet her same old self, but something has changed. I’m hoping that means Benjamin gave her the full apology she deserved.

We go up the elevator and into the ballroom where the fashion show will be and where a number of people are already milling about, including some designers and other guests. Everything seems pretty much set with lights and sound technicians and cameras running and, like a pro, Paige immediately takes control of the situation. She begins talking to various Big Name people, discussing the latest fashion trends with them and even fielding, with wit, their own questions about her new show and personal life. We slowly make our way to the back and into a smaller room where the models are getting ready. It seems pretty hectic back here, but I just keep my
camera focused on my sister and film her as she works this room just as efficiently as she did the other. And, in fact, all seems to be going smoothly. I feel like maybe I can breathe a little more easily.

That is until we see Mia and several of her friends, the “bighearted” ones who are “donating” their time as models this afternoon. So charitable of them. I’m wondering how Paige is going to handle this sticky situation. The simple solution would be to avoid them—and it would serve them right to lose their opportunity for extra publicity—but instead she heads straight for them. Not an easy feat considering they’re clear in the back, where I’m sure they hoped to be overlooked by
On the Runway.

“And here we have some of the stars of that immensely popular reality show,
Malibu Beach
,” Paige says brightly. “In fact, Mia Renwick has generously helped to put today’s fashion show together. Hello, Mia.” Paige extends the handheld mic toward Mia. “You look absolutely beautiful today. That shade of blue is stunning. Can you tell us a little about what and who you’re wearing, Mia?”

Mia looks stunned, but she quickly recovers and launches into a description of her silk-and-lace evening dress and the designer who made it. It’s obviously not the one Paige gave her for her birthday; I’ll bet that one might’ve gone up in smoke.

Paige moves on to the other girls, who’ve had a couple minutes to regain their composure, and they manage to answer the questions almost as flawlessly as Mia. And, amazingly, that’s it. No name-calling, hair-pulling, swearing, or mean looks. Whether it’s all just an act is anyone’s guess, but these girls have on their best manners today. Go figure. Maybe their moms are in the next room.

The fashion show seems to come off just as smoothly as my sister’s coverage of it. All in all, everyone seems pleased. It’s also nice to know that the proceeds of the event are going to be donated to the Children’s Miracle Network. Finally, Paige signs off by explaining that the next
On the Runway
event will be at the Golden Globes.

“And I hope to see you all there,” she says happily. “In the meantime, keep putting your best foot forward.” Our cameras move down to her long legs and zoom onto her shoes, just like Fran directed us earlier when we staged this final scene. Paige giggles as she points her toe and jiggles her foot for this shot. She’s wearing a pair of pretty hot-pink pumps, although I don’t get the bright red soles. Then our cameras zoom back to her face. “And in my case that would be
Christian Louboutin.
” She makes a finger wave. “See you next time—
On the Runway.

“Cut and that’s a wrap!” Fran tells everyone. “That was great, Paige.” She pats her on the back. “And, unless I’m mistaken, this premiere show is going to be a hit. I can’t wait to hear Helen’s reaction next week.”

“Thanks.” Paige is beaming. And I’m thinking she’s mostly back. Okay, maybe not
back. In a way, I think that’s a good thing. I think maybe her old self actually decided to grow up just a bit. At least I hope so.

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