Preschool Reading Success in Just 5 Minutes a Day

BOOK: Preschool Reading Success in Just 5 Minutes a Day
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Special Gift for Readers









A as in ANT

B as in BAT

C as in CAT

D as in DID

E as in RED

F as in FUN

G as in GAS

H as in HAT

I as in IT

J as in JUMP

How to Measure Success

K as in KISS.

L as in LADY.

M as in MAT.

N as in NEST.

O as in OX.

P as in PAPA.

Q as in QUEEN.

R as in RUN.

S as in SAT.

T as in TOP.

U as in UP.

V as in loVe.

W as in WOODS.

X as in boX.

Y as in YELLOW.

Z as in ZOO.




About the Author

©2015 by Louise Moore.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed,
or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording,
or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written
permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in
critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright



“For anyone who is trying to teach their toddler to read and
set them above the average, I would recommend Preschool
Reading Success in Just Five Minutes a Day.”

Angela Pettus,
Elementary Teacher

“Preschool Reading Success in Just Five Minutes a Day taps
into the most essential component of reading. This book
typifies why Louise Moore has proven herself to be one of
the emerging voices in children literacy for 2015 and
beyond. Preschool Reading Success in Just Five Minutes a
Day is refreshing, concise and brimming over with practical

~ Eric Andrews,
Business Department Chair

“I started using Louise’s methods to teach my daughter to
read at age 3. I was a bit skeptical at first and didn’t want
to push my daughter, but she absolutely loves our daily
reading time!”

~ Darla Bittner,


Get more valuable reading resources for you and your
child or grandchildren by visiting our website:


Before age 3, our children were reading
short words on billboards, signs, and on passing trucks. They had not memorized
them from TV ads as their grandmother had surmised. They were reading on their
own. One day my mother who had been a school teacher, and was caring for my 3
year old son could not wait to come home to tell me that he was reading signs.
The words that he read were only three letters long, but it was definitely a
great start. She said "I was so excited that I almost drove off the
road." Several years later, my son's kindergarten teacher commented to me,
"You do realize that your son knows how to read." Yes, of course I
knew. I taught him by using the simple methods described in this delightful
little book. It is so much fun, and I know that you too will discover this same
rewarding result.

My son was tested for reading just as he
turned 5 years old with kindergarten 6 months away, and he was almost at the
third grade level. I had the same success with my daughter, and her teacher had
the same glowing remarks about her reading ability. Yes, of course, I knew that
they could read many words by kindergarten as they understood basic phonetic

Because of this ability, their elementary
school teachers judged them to be very bright, and my children lived up to this
wonderful expectation. They felt great about school, and about themselves. This
one ability paved the way to enormous success all through their schooling.

Their elementary school principal was
astonished when I said that I had easily taught them to read at home. It is not
hard. It is simply learning the basic “noises” that each letter contains in
silly, happy, energetic and fun words, and then combining/blending these noises
into words. My children never remembered learning how to read because it was as
natural and effortless as breathing and sleeping, and it only took 5 minutes or
less a day. Yes, there is 5 minute a day parent involvement, but you have to
talk to them about something other than disciplining them. And this happy talk
creates a joyful connection between the two of you.

When my children were preschoolers and now
with my grandchildren, this learning routine was an integral part of our
everyday lives, and  I know you will experience our same happy result.

Now in 2015, I am observing that schools
require a child to be quite proficient in reading by the first grade, and this
can be overwhelming. I recently heard this anxiety from a mother who was well
aware of this, and didn’t know what to do. Of course I told her about my ideas,
and she couldn’t wait to hear them.

My granddaughter was just tested in the
first grade, and the results are that she is reading 125 words per minute with
100% comprehension, and is the best reader in her class. We were thrilled, and
the method described in these pages is the reason. She is 6 years old and has
been reading for several years. My four year old grandson is also well on his
way to becoming a good and happy reader too, and will easily move into
kindergarten and the first grade with this ability.

Boys who tend to mature later will
definitely be helped by having this skill naturally taught to them. If you have
their reading well on its way during their early years, their attitude to their
future schooling will be a wonderful experience for them as they have passed
this first very big and significant hurdle in their education. If not, their
sense of accomplishment and confidence will suffer, and their joy and
enthusiasm for going to school will diminish.

If children have
difficulty learning to read in a school environment for whatever reasons, they
can believe that they are not good enough or smart enough or that something is
wrong with them on a conscious or subconscious level. Let’s erase any chance of
that. For them to think later that they need to catch up if they have trouble
with reading isn’t a solid or confident place to begin their education. I want
them to feel early success in reading which I am hoping will spill over into
their other subjects and into other areas of their lives.

In fact,
reinforcing a child’s view of himself in this context of success in reading can
instill in them that they are wonderful, smart, loved and more than good enough
to keep learning and doing the right thing in life. Success is a wonderful and
motivating feeling. It was my observation, that dropping out of school for any
child who has been a strong early reader with many interests is less likely to
drop out of school in high school. This timeless learning ability can be easily
taught, and be the catalyst for developing and supporting the whole child in a
very loving and stress free manner. Both of you will love this process!

Less than one third of elementary students
are proficient in reading by the end of the third grade. Forty percent of all
high school graduates are functionally illiterate. I just read that only 7% of
eighth graders in Detroit can read proficiently. A piece of research published
in Developmental Psychology in 1997 showed first grade reading ability was
closely linked to 11th grade academic achievement (WSJ 9-16-14.) Statistics
like this are in the news all of the time.

A child’s educational
future in all areas of study depends on his ability to read, and it is our
absolute responsibility as parents to be certain that our children can and will
read using these easy and playful methods.  Allow me to teach YOU (parents and
grandparents) to teach your child to read at home. It will only take five
minutes a day which will be the most important FIVE minutes you can spend with
them at this stage of their lives. .


For many children, learning to read in a
school environment can be daunting, and maybe even impossible. There are many
diversions, distractions, and obstacles in a classroom and many programs simply
do not connect with your child. This was my experience as a child even though I
was labeled as gifted. The home is a child’s first classroom, and parents are
their first teachers. Home is the best place to start. A loving and attentive
parent or caregiver can happily incorporate my ideas in laying the groundwork
for a successful reading future. Reading is the number one challenge of a child
in the early years of his schooling, so give him this real head-start to his
future education.

Do not forfeit the education of your child
solely to the schools, TV, cable, computer programs, video games, DVDs, the
general culture, or any of the rest of present day media/high tech diversions.
Our society and culture inundate and distract our children with stimulation of
all sorts: far more than any other society in the history of the world.  So you
have to get in there with your child with this fun work as early as possible.

The power of parenting determines a child’s
future...her self-confidence, her curiosity, her verbal ability, her
intelligence, her loving emotional health, and certainly her educational
future. The attentive mother or caregiver changes everything for the good as
she teaches these reading skills; speaking and reading to her and actively
showing her love and affection within the pages of Dr. Seuss or the thousands
of childrens’ books that are available now in so many formats. The future of
our country depends on MOTHERS…..WOW!!!

And as far as the pop culture invading your
home, I heard a speaker once say, “Don’t allow an alien culture to come into
your home with TV on 24/7, along with music and videos that do not promote your
view on life.” It is so easy and enticing to have the TV used as a baby sitter,
and sometimes in the early morning and late afternoon before dinner this is all
right, but please do not let this take over their lives. Look at the culture in
your own home. With what do you surround your child? Do you have bookshelves
full of wonderful books? Do they see you reading which is, by the way, a great
stress reliever? What is the art on the walls, what movies do you watch, and
what music flows through your house? Are you respectful of each other? Do love
and respect dominate your household? The culture in your home is of paramount
importance to your child’s development and their attitude to learning.
Understanding the written word will help them escape the popular culture (of
TV, movies, high tech diversions, and popular music) so that they become more
thoughtful and insightful as they discover their own true God given talents.  Then
their authentic, free, and successful lives will emerge. Learning to read early
can change their entire lives. I truly believe this, and I sincerely want the
children in your home to learn to read. Let them learn to read now so that they
can read to learn later.


Children are naturally curious and are
receptive, and will easily take to early reading, especially and very
importantly if there is an element of fun in the process. They will love the
attention that they will receive from you, and you will love this new
connection with your child that this learning opportunity creates. This
visionary program will become the new communication between you two.  There is
a wonderful window between the ages of 3 and 5 yrs. old when you can have their
full attention before they are more physically active and want to run outside
to play. This delightful little book addresses this time.

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