Pretend With Me (Midnight Society #1) (43 page)

BOOK: Pretend With Me (Midnight Society #1)
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The kitchen was a madhouse. There were about fifty
persons at least, all dressed in chef’s uniforms hustling
about the now giant room, calling out orders to each other,
directing how and where everything was supposed to be,
stressing about every tiny detail. It was like a circus - there
were so many things going on at once. It was all so chaotic
that I wondered how they got anything done.

Just seeing this made my stomach turn and the walls of
my throat tightened instantly. I could already feel panic
beginning to gracefully sink into my skin. Doing the only
thing I could think of, I spun around and bolted back up
the stairs before I could have a full-blown panic attack. My
plan was to hide out in the bedroom until I was needed for
makeup and whatever destiny had in store for me today.

Much to my dismay, destiny came knocking on my
bedroom door sooner than I had hoped in the form of
three very pretty women. One was short and curvy, with
dark grey eyes. Her name was Celia. She had curly hair that
reached just under her chin. The next was named Krystal.
She had long black straight hair that dropped to the middle
of her back. She was tall and a little thinner than Celia. The
last woman had dark down skin and eyes that were as dark
and deep as a lake at night. She was the prettiest of them
all and reminded me of those rare African dolls. Her name
was Abi.

I took an instant liking to them. Unlike my usual prep
team, these girls were laid back and calming. I found that I
could see them clearly, they were well defined, rather than
blurred, as I saw people sometimes. I could feel them
being genuine in everything they did and said while they
did my hair and makeup.

It took me a while to realize I had been seeing them
with the third eye, instead of my human eyes. Ever since I
awakened this started happening. One second I would be
looking at a person, seeing only what was being shown and
then the next, I’d shift to looking at them and seeing what
was hidden. Luckily, the shift happened within me so to
the people around me, nothing really changed. I could tell
when people were lying to me, or why they were suddenly
nervous, or if they were hiding something. My inheritance
was almost like having a combination of Eric’s and
Christy’s inheritance, yet not as intense.

Abi, Celia and Krystal suddenly stepped back, standing
in front of me. They all had small, awestruck smiles on
their lips and as I looked at them, my heart thudded in my
chest with a mixture of excitement and fear. “Girls,” Abi
gushed, “we did good,” she grinned proudly.

“She’s like a doll…” Krystal beamed at me.
“Okay, don’t get too excited now,” Celia chided them.
“We still have the dress,” she said and then looked to me.
“Are you ready?”
No was what I wanted to say. I was never going to be
ready for something like this, because even though I
wanted to get through today for Eric and his family, I
didn’t want it for me. Inside I was torn. Every part of my
body revolted at the thought of hurting my soon-to-be
extended family, yet at the same time all of me wanted to
turn and run away from everything. I didn’t want to be a
pawn piece for the Elders, to be pushed forward or
sacrificed for their need. I didn’t want to be a princess of
Thirdworld, and I certainly didn’t want to get married
because I was being forced to.
I didn’t answer right away; instead I closed my eyes and
took several deep breaths. My heart was racing in my
chest. Already, I was so nervous that deep breaths weren’t
helping anymore. My stomach was tight with knots as I
took another long, slow breath - sucking in air and feeling
it fill my chest then I let it out, standing up from the chair
I’d been sitting on. “As I’ll ever be,” I whispered in a
small, timid voice as I opened my eyes staring at the
wedding dress she was now holding; my wedding dress.
I couldn’t believe I was doing this, it was all happening
so fast. A few months ago I was living in Trinidad with my
aunt. I had the world’s best boyfriend and friends, and I
was just an ordinary seventeen year old girl and now…
Now I wasn’t even human. I was a pureblood about to be
married off into one of the strongest ruling bloodlines in
the supernatural world. Suddenly I was standing in front of
a full body mirror in a fucking wedding dress.
I stared into the mirror not recognizing myself, and as
Celia, Abi, and Krystal fussed around me, fluffing my hair
and dress, trying to make me perfect, I could only form
one question: Who was this person staring back at me?
This person, this girl that I saw in the mirror, I didn’t
know who she was. She looked nothing like me.
She was otherworldly. Everything about her was
perfect - her hair, her face, her dress - it was all simply
perfect and beautiful. She was in a delicately flowing, handstitched gown. The top of the white dress was fully worked
with what could only be thousands of neat, simple cream
and gold beads, which formed patterns that were so lovely,
it’d make flowers if looking from one angle, yet a
completely different design from another. The underneath
of the dress poured out around her in such a way that it
made her look graceful and elegant even in complete and
utter stillness. This part was covered with a soft-netted
material - the same material that her veil was woven from and decorated with the same beads that made simple yet
gorgeous, intricate designs. The veil was the only part of
the girl that was plain, and even this had a pure golden
edging. The dress itself was unique. Looking at the way the
top hugged her perfectly and then from waist down it
dropped elegantly, I could tell that it was created with her
in mind - it was the only one like it, and the only one there
would ever be.
Her hands were covered with lace gloves that went all
the way to her elbows. Her makeup was flawless, it looked
completely natural and simple yet not plain, and her hair
was a dark mass of perfect curls that fell beyond her
shoulder to the middle of her back as if it were satin. The
long veil was attached to a small diamond tiara that had
been stuck unto the top of her head.
I tilted my head to the side and the girl in the mirror
did the same. Was she really me? Was I this person now?
She was strong and confident. I looked at her and I saw a
crystal clear person - a girl that knew exactly who she was.
Even seeing this stranger before me with the third eye, I
saw no scars or broken pieces. There weren’t any holes or
dark spots tainting her - she was perfect… healed. Her
eyes weren’t sad, they were bright and shining with life and
so intense they captivated me. How had all of these things
happened? When had I stopped always being alone and
sad? I didn’t know.
Warmth tickled my cheeks and it was only then that I
realized I was crying. I wiped the tears away still staring at
the girl in the mirror. I couldn’t take my eyes away from
her. How could I when I was staring into my soul and it
turned out to be something beautiful and good?
I don’t know how long I stayed like that. It could have
been hours or minutes, or maybe even seconds, but it felt
like forever, and then there was a timid knock on the door.
I turned to find my mom closing the door behind her. She
instantly came to a full halt, her hands clamping over her
mouth when she saw me. Tears instantly rimmed her eyes
as they travelled over me. My mom then shifted her hands
from covering her mouth to cupping her cheeks.
“Oh, Jen,” she beamed and tears slid down her face
meeting her hands. “Oh gosh, you look so amazing - so
beautiful,” she gushed as she closed the distance between
us and wrapped me into a tight hug. “I can’t believe how
much you’ve changed,” she cried. “Your eyes… I still
“You’ll get used to them,” I murmured. When my
parents had seen me, they'd been shocked at my sudden
change. I don't know what Eric told them, but they never
asked for a reason why I looked so different and for that I
was glad, because I didn't think I could lie to my mom; not
today at least.
“So how do you feel?” she asked?
“Like I can’t breathe,” I told her honestly, “and it’s not
the dress.”
“You’ll be great. You’re strong, Jen, I know you can do
this.” I nodded and she pulled me into another crushing
hug and then kissed my cheek as she pulled away. “Do you
think you’ll ever forgive us though…? I mean for choosing
this for you?”
“Mom…” I sighed, looking away from her, not
wanting to see her pain. “I will… eventually. I understand.
I was dying and it was the only choice you had. I forgive
you for that… but you still kept this a secret until the
Wilsons showed up at our doorstep ready to take me away.
Forgiving you for that part will take some time…” I
replied truthfully.
“I love you, Jen,” was all she said.
“I love you too.”
“It’s almost time, your dad should be up here soon.”
She then hugged me again and left.
After Dr. and Mrs. Wilson briefly visited, giving me
more of their family jewelry,. I really wished they would
stop giving me things; they had already done so much for
me. Jason and Noel also came to see me as a favor to Eric
- to see that I wasn't freaking out. Amelia and Emily came
just as the guys were leaving. Then lastly, Aunt Sophie and
my dad came.
I was shocked to see Aunt Sophie. I was told she
wasn’t coming. I was so happy to see her. In Trinidad, she
had taken care of me and been there every time I needed
her. Today wouldn’t have been complete if she wasn’t
here. Aunt Sophie was as much of a mom to me as my real
mom was, and today was the day I would need her most.
Tears ran down my eyes as I hugged her tightly. “I thought
you weren’t coming,” I told her crying.
“Are you kidding?” she grinned, sniffling. “I wouldn’t
miss this for the world. You’re my daughter too, you
know.” She pulled back holding my shoulders while staring
at me. “Now, Jen, stop crying, you’ll ruin yourself and that
would be a shame because you look absolutely beautiful.”
She sniffed again as tears rimmed her eyes. I nodded
pulling her into another hug. I didn’t want to let her go.
“Hey,” she cooed pulling away from me and cupping
my face in one hand. “You’ll get through this, don’t worry.
Eric Wilson is a great guy, he loves you so much, Jen. You
can have a wonderful life with him. There will be times
when you two will fight and want to kill each other, but
then there will be moments that he’ll be your peace…
You’ll get through today, Jen, I know you will,” Aunt
Sophie smiled at me.
I nodded taking a deep breath, calming myself. “Thank
you, Aunt Sophie.”
“Oh and before I forget, I have something for you.
Kristen sent it, a wedding gift...” she trailed off while
digging in her purse. A minute later she produced a small
baby blue box and a sealed white envelope.
I opened the box first and found a beautiful gold hand
band with diamonds in a pattern that spelled my name. I
gently plucked it out from the jewelry box unclasping it
and held it out to my Aunt, who was in awe. She wiped her
tear-stained eyes and clasped the hand band around my
wrist. “It’s beautiful Jen,” she smiled putting a hand to her
chest. “I love Kris’ gifts. I’ll see you in a few…” she trailed
off, obviously giving me privacy to read the letter.
I smiled at her, waited until she was out of the room to
walk over to the bed. I then sat down and ripped open the
envelope, pulling out too neatly folded paper, one thicker
than the other. I started unfolding the thicker one first, but
before I could finish a picture fell out, onto my lap. I
picked it up and found myself staring at a black and grey
picture that took me a second to figure out. Then it hit me
like a slap to the face, it one of those ultrasound images,
showing a baby in the womb. There was a circle drawn
around a tiny blip and then an arrow directing me to the
side of the paper where she’d left a note. It read:

Congratulations! You’re a Godmother! Meet Ben Keslie Clarke,
three months. P.S the gift is from Daren and I, we'd had it made for
your 18th birthday.

I then ripped open the second letter. Tears filled my
eyes as Daren’s scent filled my nose. I ran my fingers
across the paper, enjoying the feel of his writing. It read:

Hey Jen,
So today is a big day for you. You’ll be entering a completely
different world today. I’m sure a lot has happened since I’ve written
this letter. You probably know who and what I really am now, and
who you really are, and what that means. I’m sorry.
I’m also guessing you hate me now. Because I’ve lied to you and
kept you in the dark for so long. These decisions were made for your
safety and I don’t regret any of them. I would do nothing differently if
given the chance to go back. My decisions have always been in favor of
you and even if it meant having to live a lifetime knowing you hated
me, I would do everything the same, because I’d know you were okay.
I didn’t plan on writing this letter, I wanted to tell you these things
face to face, but because our future is so uncertain at this moment,
this letter is my fail-safe plan.
I don’t know where we are right now. Maybe my plan worked
and we’re both safe on a beach somewhere enjoying life. Or maybe I
failed miserably and you’re stuck with that douche of a pureblood - I
don’t know. But what I do know is that I’ll always be your protector,
no matter what. Our souls are sealed, so even if I’m not in your life
I’ll always be with you. The bond we share is unbreakable and no
one can take that from us. I’ll never give up on watching over you,
even if you don’t see me, I’ll always be there, right beside you.
I want you to know that I didn’t plan on falling for you, Jen, and
even though I tried really hard not to fall for you, I did and I love
you. No matter how you feel about me right now, I’ll never stop
loving you. Never doubt that what we had was real Jen. You are the
best thing to ever happen in my life and even if it kills me I don’t
regret meeting you. In a world filled with war and blood and
darkness, you gave me love and light, you gave me life.
So if you hate me right now for lying to you, please forgive me.
Also if you’re reading this letter - then it means I’m not with you on
your birthday for some reason, know that wherever I am, you’re all
I’m thinking off.
Happy Birthday!

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