Priest (A Standalone Bad Boy Romance Love Story) (51 page)

BOOK: Priest (A Standalone Bad Boy Romance Love Story)
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“Is he abusive?” I asked.

“My sister wouldn’t tell me if he was.
I’ve never seen her hurt or beat up…lucky for him. She knows that if I find out
that he ever laid a hand on her I’d probably wind up in jail. She protects me
by not telling me exactly what she’s going through sometimes. If he hurt her…I
wouldn’t be able to control myself.”

“What about to Victor? Do you think he
abuses him?”

“No…not physically. My sister would have
killed him herself in his sleep for that. Victor is her world and she’ll do
anything to protect him. Mitch has this mean streak that Victor shouldn’t have
to put up with. He should never have to see it as far as I’m concerned.
Victor’s a good, quiet kid. Being around someone like that, especially if that
someone is your father, it can ruin a kid. I know that for a fact. Being raised
by an angry man only makes an angry kid and later on an angry adult. He was a
horrible boyfriend and he would be a worse father. Marie, my sister and I have
experience in that department.”

“Your sister and nephew are lucky to have
you,” I told him. I was more impressed by his love and affection for his family
than I had been at his skills in the cage the night before. “It’s nice that you
want to protect them so badly.”

He shrugged. “That’s what you do for
family,” he said simply as if it were a fact for everyone. “You’re supposed to
look out for each other, right?”

“Yeah, that’s right,” I said. “I’d love to
meet your sister.” It wasn’t really a request, just a statement.

He pulled his eyebrows together in the
middle and said, “That’s probably not such a good idea.”

“Why not?”

“I just don’t want her to know I’ve told
you all her business,” he said. “She doesn’t like that and she’ll feel like she
can’t trust me. I need her to trust me so that I can keep her safe.”

He stopped walking completely. We were a
ways inside the park and standing alongside the bank of the little man-made
lake that ran through it. Paul was breathing hard and sweating. I thought some
of it was from the rage he was still feeling, but I was sweating and panting
myself. He looked at the lake and then back at me.

“How about a swim?” he said with a grin.

“That actually sounds really good,” I told
him. We both gleefully ignored the “No swimming” signs posted pretty much

He didn’t wait for more conversation about
it. He pulled off his shirt and without even bending down he kicked off his
shoes and socks and dove in. I didn’t have the luxury of pulling off my shirt;
although he’d already seen me in my bra and panties I didn’t think it would be
too appropriate in the park. With my luck, the rangers would’ve come along and
caught us in the lake and I’d have gotten hauled to jail in my underwear.

took off my socks and shoes and dove in behind him in my shorts and T-shirt that
I’d worn to work. Paul was already swimming across to the other side. When he
got there he turned on his back and spread his arms open wide and floated on
the surface of the lake. The water was cool and it felt amazing as I dove under
and then came back up to the surface. I did that a few times and the third time
my head popped up right next to him. He looked at me strangely and then to my
surprise he reached over and gently moved the long hair that was hanging down
across my face back with his fingers and tucked it behind my ear. That caused
me to shiver. Then further shocking me he leaned in and brushed his lips softly
against mine, almost tentatively like he was waiting for me to object. When I
didn’t, he kissed me for real, taking hold of my shoulders and pulling me
closer so he could cover my mouth with his. He parted my lips with his tongue
and deepened the kiss, and then just like that, he pulled away. He looked into
my eyes for just a few seconds and then without saying a word he dove back
under the water and swam away. I sat there treading water with my head spinning
and every nerve ending in my body on fire. He was just swimming around again,
acting like nothing had happened. What the hell? Maybe all of those emotions
surging through his body had found their way to the surface and boiled over
into a passionate kiss?



When we finally climbed out of the lake
Paul said, “I feel better…or at least less like killing someone, thanks.”

“Anytime,” I told him. “But getting your
last clean work outfit sweaty and then smelling like the dirty old lake is
probably not too smart when your washing machine is still broken.”

“I have a washer that works,” he said.

“Thanks. Your bragging makes me feel

He laughed. “I meant you can come wash
your clothes at my house,” he said.

I was embarrassed again. I really thought
he’d been teasing me. “Oh, well then, thanks for real,” I said. “I keep trying
to make it to my mother’s house to wash a load or two…but she’ll turn it into a
whole big visit and I’ll never get out of there. I just haven’t had that kind
of time.”

“I promise not to turn it into a whole big
visit,” he said with a smile as we jogged back to the gym.

“Why don’t you just leave your car here
since you live so close and I’ll drive you back later?”

“Okay.” I locked up my car and got into
his pickup with him. The police were still there and I saw Greg and Yolanda’s
cars there too. It was going to be a long week for them. I intended to do
everything I could to help them clean up as soon as the police released the

We were both lost in thought on our way to
his apartment. I was thinking about first the gym and now the kiss. It was so
funny to me how he kissed me like that out of the blue and then went on to act
like nothing happened. He was a strange one, that’s for sure.

When we got into his apartment he left me
in the living room and went into his room. A few minutes later he came back
with a big, long T-shirt and handed it to me. “I don’t think I have any
underwear that’ll fit you.” I was sure that he was kidding, but he’d said it so
seriously that I hesitated for a second. He grinned then and I laughed.

“I think the T-shirt will work,” I told
him. “I’ll do my best to sit like a lady.”

“Don’t stress about that on my account,”
he said with another grin. My poor stomach was doing somersaults. He went into
his room to change while I went into the bathroom and got out of the wet, dirty
clothes and into his shirt. While I was in there I tried to repair my hair a
little bit and wipe the mascara from underneath my eyes. I came out in the
T-shirt that came down to my knees feeling a little strange about Paul knowing
that I wasn’t wearing anything underneath.

“The washer is in that big closet in the
kitchen,” he said. He was sitting on the couch in dry clothes playing his
nephew’s video game. Or maybe it was his game and he just let Victor play it.
Either way he looked damned good doing it.

“Where is your nephew today?” I asked him.

“He’s at school,” he said.

“Oh, I forget what day it is sometimes
since I usually work seven days a week.” I went in and opened the accordion
doors in the kitchen where I found the washer and dryer. I put my clothes in
and started it and then went back out to the living room. Paul had set two cold
bottles of water on the coffee table in front of him. “Is one of these for me?”
I asked him.

“Yep,” he said as he pushed a button and
had the man he was controlling throw a punch that landed in the center of the
other guy’s face.

“Thanks.” I took a long swig and said,
“Where’s your sister?”

“Job hunting,” he said.

“Oh.” He played his game for a while and I
watched and then suddenly, without knowing what came over me, I said, “Why did
you kiss me earlier?” He stopped pressing buttons and his poor character on the
game was suddenly getting beat down.

He finally said, “It was just an impulse,
I guess.”

My mouth had already gotten warmed up so I
said, “Oh, well if you feel any more impulses…please feel free to go with

He grinned at me and put the controller
down. Something, desire, lust…whatever you want to call it, jolted through my
nerves and into my arteries and veins. It was a surge of warmth that I couldn’t
put into words if my life depended on it…a chemical reaction maybe. He leaned
toward me and I knew he was going to kiss me again. The anticipation of it was
almost too much…he was moving too slowly. I fixed my arms around his neck and
pulled him down until his lips met mine. I kissed him and then I ran my tongue
along his lips and tasted him. He generously opened them for me, then, allowing
my tongue to delve between them and explore the warm wet depths of his mouth.
It was an explosive kiss, one that was fueled by the desire I had felt since
the first second I’d laid eyes on him.

We kissed for a long time, taking turns
tasting each other’s lips. He’d wrapped his hand up in my hair and it was
tangled through his fingers and his other hand was resting on top of my thigh
just underneath the edge of the T-shirt he’d given me. I wanted him to move it
up higher. My pussy was soaking wet already and I was aching for him to touch
me there. Instead, he let go of my hair and took both of my hands in his and
pulled me up off the couch. He led me over to the front door where he locked it
and then I followed him down the hall to his bedroom. He kicked the bedroom
door closed behind him and guided me over to the bed. Then he sat down with me
standing in front of him. He put his palms against the T-shirt on either one of
my thighs and ran them up over my hips and my waist and the sides of my
breasts, pushing the shirt off as he went. When it got up underneath my arms I
pulled it the rest of the way off and tossed it aside. My bare breasts were
even with his face now and my nipples were standing at attention. I couldn’t
think about anything else except for how badly I wanted him to take them in his
mouth. He didn’t disappoint.

With both hands he held on to my waist and
pulled me forward gently, sealing his lips around one of my breasts. He began
sucking on it while his tongue traced around the hard nipple that sat against
his tongue. He kept opening his mouth wider until he took nearly the entire
breast into his mouth and then he moved his face over and gave the other breast
the same sweet, sexy attention. I was hardly holding myself up as I leaned my
whole body into him and held on to the back of his head while his mouth made
love to my tits. He slid his hands down as he sucked on me and let them slide
across my backside and down to my thighs. Then he slid them back up and grabbed
my ass and began to knead and squeeze in time with the sucking motions he was
making on my breasts. He pulled my bottom half down so that my pussy was open
and rubbing against his hard thigh as he sucked. He was sucking them so hard
that the line between pain and pleasure was suddenly blurred. I didn’t care to
examine it however…it was beautiful torture. Then as if that wasn’t at all
enough, he let one of his hands rest on his thigh so that now when my pussy
rubbed against him, he could run that finger along my outer lips and drive me
crazy. Just that one little touch made my entire body convulse.

“Oh God!” I whispered in a throaty voice.
He pulled his mouth off my nipple and looked up at me and smiled. He was still
squeezing my ass and that glorious finger was now gently stroking my swollen
clit as it peeked out between my lips. It was almost too much
stimulation…almost. He slid his hands back up to my waist and gently pushed me
back a step. Then he stood up in front of me and as our bodies brushed up
against each other he stripped off his clothes. When he was naked and I was
speechless, he turned me around so that my back was to the bed. He kissed me
again…another hard, passionate kiss only this time there was nothing between us
but skin. His hard muscles felt so good pressed up against me and his throbbing
erection was boring a hole into my upper thigh. He broke the kiss and pushed me
back on the bed. Then he reached over to the nightstand and pulled a gold
package out of the drawer. He ripped it open and rolled the condom on with one
hand while the other one once again found my pussy. This time he slid a finger
all the way inside and when that made me writhe and moan he slid in another. He
stood there over me while he finger-fucked me and I couldn’t even bring myself
to close my eyes and get lost in it because I didn’t want to take my eyes off

I was already on the verge of orgasm, I
could feel it building. I didn’t want to come against his hand. I wanted his
cock inside of me. I groaned and reached up to grasp his biceps and pull him
down on top of me. He removed his fingers out of me and then he put his hands
underneath my arms and pushed me up farther on the bed. He used one of his legs
to push mine farther open and then I felt the head of his cock pressing against
my entrance. I reached down and grasped it in my hand. I felt him shudder as I
guided him inside me. Once the head had slid in he closed his eyes and just
held it there for a moment. I wished I knew what he was thinking. I knew what I
was thinking…it felt like a perfect fit. He opened his eyes and looked at me
before slowly advancing the rest of himself until I was completely full. Then
he slid back until it was right on the verge of falling out before plunging back
in and hitting bottom. It was my turn to grab a handful of ass and as he moved
his hips skillfully in and out, I held on. It was less than a minute before the
orgasm that had been building tore through me. I cried out and I thought I may
have dug my fingernails into his ass.

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