PrimalDemand (9 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Airies

BOOK: PrimalDemand
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“They’d never see that. You said it yourself. They want to
use it to bring the other warrior clans under their control. They wouldn’t see
that it will cause more trouble until it’s much too late to stop it.” Arron
released her and laced his fingers with hers.

“Well, hopefully, they’ll be able to find her with only a
drawing as reference. And we’ll be able to stop my brothers’ clan from coming
after me.” She met Arron’s eyes. She wasn’t sure how long she could hide and
wait for them to find her sister.

“They’ll stop, although I’m not saying it will be soon. They
won’t give up easily.” Arron released her hand briefly to grip Raven’s forearm
and pull him into a brief hug. “Thank you.”

“We take care of each other. You know it.” Raven smiled.
“Let’s go.”

Arron once again gripped her hand and guided her into the
center of the men gathered behind Raven. He stayed beside her as they walked
through the streets. She would have liked to stop and talk with him about
everything that happened, but knew they needed to move. Her brothers and their
friends might get the courage to attack again. Although she doubted that with
the size of the group. She’d counted at least fifteen. When they finally had
some privacy, she’d talk with him and ask him some questions. She still didn’t
know how they planned to take away what her brothers wanted. Well, other than
by destroying the book. That was a little drastic. She’d thought of it herself,
but hadn’t done it. The knowledge was valuable to her brothers, but also a
lifeline to many others. It was the only way they could get back to the life
they’d had before they were taken. Without it, they had no way of learning who
to trust or where they belonged.

Chapter Eleven


Leah stalked into the room at the inn ahead of Arron. She
was happy to have a bed and a roof over their heads for the night, but she was
even more appreciative of the time alone with him so they could talk. Arron
wouldn’t talk about what had happened or what had been planned even after they
had gone through a couple of the travel-gates and were basically around the men
from his group. She didn’t understand what was holding him back. He had to know
she’d want some answers. She didn’t even know where they were going.

He closed and secured the door. As he turned to face her,
she stepped forward and put her hands on his chest. It was definitely time to
talk. She could see the heat in his eyes and knew they wouldn’t have long
before both of them gave in to the need to touch and peel off each other’s

“Now, I want some answers.” She frowned at him and poked a
finger against the muscular wall of his chest. His shirt might blunt the
sharpness of her nails, but he felt it. He leaned back against the door and smiled.

“You could have asked me questions earlier.” He lifted an
eyebrow, but leaned back against the door. The man looked as relaxed as if he
were lounging on plush bed.

“Every time I tried, you said not now or that we’d talk
privately.” She folded her arms across her chest and scowled at him.

You were using the wrong way to talk. Anyone could have
heard the other way, but with this one, we could talk without fear of anyone
He smiled, but his mouth didn’t move other than that.

“Arron! That way still feels strange to me.” She threw up
her hands and turned away from him, walking across the room. In the enclosed
room, his scent intensified and her arousal began to rise.

It won’t get easier until you use it more.
He crossed
his arms over his chest and his eyes tracked her movements.

“You’re going to be stubborn about this aren’t you?” She
glared at him.

If you want your answers you’re going to have to talk to
me this way.
His smile was wide and anticipatory.

She gritted her teeth to keep from yelling at him. He knew
she wanted those answers. The man also realized that trying to talk like that
frustrated her. Especially if she was the one trying to contact him. She never
knew until he replied if she made the connection. She didn’t feel anything
different when the link formed. On top of that there was the very unfamiliarity
of it. It felt strange.

She heaved an exasperated sigh, but sat down on the bed. He
wouldn’t change his mind. Stubborn, irritating man. She focused her thoughts.
gotten more demanding in the last few days.

He smiled and she felt the pride coming from him.
the way I always was before I was given that drug. When my memory returned
fully, my personality returned to normal.

I think that it would have returned that way regardless
of if you regained your memory.
She shook her head.

Maybe, but you’d better ask your questions quickly. I
want to hold you and cuddle with you when there isn’t any risk of someone
coming upon us or a wild animal possibly attacking us.
He raised an eyebrow.

What is the plan to stop my brother and their clan from
coming after me until they either get me or I die while they’re trying?
clasped her hands together and watched him. It was all too possible that she
could be killed accidentally if they continued to come after her.
How long
would your Achan tolerate that kind of attack?

They won’t be that much of a problem. The planet where we
live is far from here. It will be hard for them to find us. Aside from that,
they aren’t close to the first threats we’ve faced. We’ll deal with them.
Arron came away from the door and crossed the room to the bed. He sat down
beside her and pulled her into his arms.

As much as his answer irritated her, the feel of his arms
around her soothed a bit of the anger away. Still, the uncertainty made her
. How? How will they make my brothers and their clan give up
something they’ve plotted for years to acquire?

His hand stroked down her arm and he pulled her a little
The reason they want you so much is because they want exclusive
access to what you know. We’re going to make it not so exclusive.

I doubt my ancestor was the only one to figure out what
herbs and techniques to use. There have to be others out there, but they’re
probably in areas just like the one I left. Isolated and secretive. So how are
you going to make it not so exclusive? If the monks find out, they might do
something different.
Not that she saw them completely stopping the use of
it. The use of those warriors provided them with security and an unquestioning
loyal group of men.

We’re going to spread the word slowly to trustworthy
healers. They’re not going to shout the news. Not everyone will know of it, but
the help will be there when needed. It’s not going to be a quick fix though.
Arron pulled her into his lap. His hand stroked up and down her back.

Nothing short of her death would quickly end it. As much as
she wanted the harassment and threats from her brothers’ clan to stop, she
wasn’t willing to give up her future with Arron. She’d never thought to have a
future like this. She’d thought about a marriage, but she’d never thought she’d
feel this deeply about someone. Especially in such a short amount of time.

“Where are we going?” She slipped her fingers beneath his
shirt and slid her hand across the warm, hard muscles of his chest.

Not the right way, Leah. The next time I hear your voice
I want you to be moaning my name or screaming release. Until then, we talk like
He lifted her chin with two fingers and stared down into her eyes.

She glared at him.
Where are we going?
Where is your home?

A planet called Carait. We have a rather large holding
there. I think you’re going to like it.
He slowly unbuttoned her shirt.

Since he was working on her clothing, she started pushing
the buttons through the holes on his shirt. Her fingers spread over the exposed
flesh, savoring the expanse and the heat beneath her palms
. What about other
women? Is it mainly warriors there or are there families as well?

There are other women. And a few young children now. Many
new people for you to get to know.
Arron pushed her shirt off her

She’d like to be a part of something. Because of her
father’s stance with the three clans even after her brothers chose to become
warriors, they’d always been separate from the villagers in a way.

Anything else
? His hands swept down and cupped her
breasts. His thumbs flicked across the nipples.

What kind of restrictions will I have to face there? I
know there will be some. My brothers will follow.
She drew her nails across
the darker, flat disk of his nipple. The thought of those restrictions
tightened her stomach a little. She’d always had the freedom to come and go as
she pleased. Even though it was necessary, the thought of being confined sent a
frisson of trepidation through her.

Within the walls of the
you’ll be free to
go where you want. Outside the walls, if you go outside, you’ll have to have
He lifted her until she was straddling him.

What’s the
She frowned.

It’s the main dwelling of a Zarain stronghold, but most
Zarain refer to the entire holding as the
at times, which is how
I was referring to it.
Arron drew her hips snug against his. The ridge of
his cock nestled against her pussy. She wanted to rip away their clothing.

You’re going to have to deal with my bad moods. The
confinement might get to me.
She bit her lower lip.

I’ll find a way to improve your mood.
His hands
stroked down her back and cupped her buttocks. His mouth curved up in a wicked

That grin told her exactly how he planned to coax her out of
any anger and irritation. The thought of him seducing her into a better mood
sent a shiver of desire racing down her spine. She drew her hands over his
chest, pushing the fabric up and over his shoulders until it fell to his
elbows. She took the opportunity to run her hands back down his chest and
abdomen to the laces securing his pants. She coaxed the ties loose and widened
the flap.

Why don’t you show me how much you can improve my mood
She slipped her hand inside his pants and stroked his cock.

He drew her hand from between them and put it on her
I’ll show you when you tell me what I’ve felt from you. I know
it’s sudden, but it’s real. I feel it too.

She licked her lips. He was right. It did feel strange. The
feelings had grown so fast and strong. She almost didn’t trust them. The
connection between them eased those fears. Even though she was new to touching
his mind, she felt the same feelings from him.

Always pushing.
She smiled
. I feel it, but it
might be too soon to say anything. What if it’s just the intimacy of traveling
alone together?

He leaned down and nipped at the skin along her shoulder.
not simply the intimacy making us feel close to each other.

She drew in a hissing breath
. I do love you even if it
does feel sudden.

He pulled her close and turned, pressing her down onto the
mattress. Her hips rested on the bed, but her legs hung off. He tore the laces
of her pants and stripped her pants down her legs almost before she realized
what he was doing. Her boots held him up. The pants tangled at her feet until
he tugged the boots off. After a final yank, he freed her legs from the
offending fabric.

He tossed away his own boots and peeled out of his pants in
only moments. He stepped between her thighs. She reached for him. He lifted her
more fully onto the bed. Crawling onto bed, he widened her thighs. He knelt
there between her thighs, looking down at her. Intensity burned in his eyes.
His hands stroked up the outside of her thighs.

“I want to savor this, but at the same moment, I don’t know
if I could hold out long enough.” He leaned down and brushed his lips across
her shoulder.

“Well, do both. Fast and intense now and slow and savoring
later. I won’t last through savoring now. We have all night and a door between
us and everyone else.” Since he’d decided to talk, she spoke aloud as well. She
didn’t know if she’d ever become accustomed to having long conversations like

“You want fast and intense? Show me what you want.” He
lifted her off the bed and reversed their positions. His shoulders shifted on
the blanket as he settled down.

His hands gripped her hips. His cock brushed against the
slick lips of her pussy. She shivered and braced her hands on his chest. She
wanted to feel him deep inside her. Her body burned for the closeness as well
as the pleasure he could give her. She slowly lowered, taking his cock inside
her. He drew in a hissing breath and his hands tightened.

His hands slowly drifted up her stomach and over her rib
cage. “Show me.”

The growl in his voice thrilled her. She moved her hips
slowly at first, wanting to get into a rhythm. His hands at her breasts
distracted her. His fingers tightened squeezing and lifting the mounds. Her
breath hitched and her fingers flexed on his shoulders. Her hips lifted and she
sank back down onto his thick shaft. As her breath came faster and faster, she
picked up the pace.

Sensation washed over her. Building pleasure and urgency
drove her. With each descending stroke, she ground against him, desperate for
that sweet release just out of her reach. His fingers plucked at her nipples
sending stinging pleasure straight down to her pussy.

She moaned as one of his hands left her breast. It lifted
and curled around her neck, tugging her down. His head lifted and he kissed
her. His hips lifted against hers, meeting the downward strokes. She gripped
his shoulders, her nails digging into his shoulders.

“Come for me, Leah,” he said. His voice deepened and became
rougher, more gravelly.

One of his hands slipped between them to settle over her
clit while the other kept her body bent to his. She thrust her tongue deep,
kissing him ravenously as the need ripped at her. She rode him hard and fast. A
moaning cry tore from her throat as she came.

Arron’s hands clamped at her hips moving her against him.
His lips tightened and he seemed to be trying to hold back. She tightened her
thighs against his and rolled her hips. He continued to pump against her for a
few more strokes before he shouted his release. Hot pleasure seared through
her. She stiffened and threw her head back. Her nails dug into his shoulders.
As the wave receded, she collapsed onto his chest.

She nestled her head on his chest and held onto him. She
felt so close to him and savored that. His arms tightened around her. A low
rumble rolled through his chest. She loved the sound.

“We’ll get your sister for you.” His hands stroked over her

“I know. Then we’ll have to find the man who courted her.
Since you think he’s a shifter, do you think you’ll be able to find him? Going
back to the area near Parit is out of the question. Any group of warriors would
be seen as a threat.” She sighed and rested her cheek on his chest.

“We might be able to find him. It depends on if he’s part of
an established pack. If he’s part of a group that’s still roaming around doing
mercenary work for other people, it will be more difficult. They don’t tend to
have as much contact with other shifters.” His hand cupped the back of her head
and his fingers stroked through her hair.

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