Read Prime Obsession Online

Authors: Monette Michaels

Prime Obsession (18 page)

BOOK: Prime Obsession
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Wulf lay naked in his bed, curved around an equally naked—and sleeping—Melina.

Once he’d reached his quarters, he’d sent Iolyn to Huw and programmed the highest level of security on his door. Anyone attempting to get in would be killed by a large surge of electricity. Besides himself, only Huw and Iolyn knew how to bypass it. They’d only bother him if the ship came under attack.

For the next few hours, he planned on making love to his
It was long past due, the final step to their unique bond.

Tightening his hold on Melina, he pulled her hips back against him. His hand massaged her flat stomach and over her womb where one day their child would grow. His rock-hard cock throbbed against the seam of her perfectly shaped bottom. It wouldn’t take much movement to slide into her feminine warmth from behind, but he wanted her fully sensate and participating the first time he joined her body to his. The first time for a
and his
not only entailed a physical joining, but also a further and more complete joining of their minds and souls.

Or, at least, that was what his mother had drilled into his head for nearly two standard hours after she’d first learned of Melina’s existence.

His father, on the other hand, had covered the same material in one compound sentence: “Ensure your
pleasure first and the rest will follow, son.” Wulf figured his father’s advice was sound or his mother wouldn’t have found the mind-soul joining about which she’d lectured. And, the One knew, his parents had a strong, loving binding. They still acted as if they were just mated.

He smiled and brushed a kiss across Melina’s pale satin-skinned shoulder. Now, he, too, would have the kind of intimate partnership his parents had shared for many, many years.

Brushing silky hair from her neck, he nuzzled the exposed nape, tasting her with his tongue. She tasted like clean, warm skin with a tang of the citrus shower gel he’d used on her when he’d first brought her up from the planet. Soon, his scent would be all over her.

He smiled at the thought.
She was his and his alone.

Melina murmured in her sleep, yet she didn’t pull away from his ministrations. In fact, with one sighing exhale, she cuddled his throbbing member even more firmly against her bottom.

Emboldened by the delightful response his actions had elicited, he kissed his way from the back of her neck to her ear. Taking the lobe between his lips, he sucked on it as his hand continued to massage her stomach and then traveled down to her curl-covered mound. Her lips parted on a breathy moan as she tilted her head back against his shoulder. He now had easy access to her lips.

Never one to miss an opportunity, he curved over her and took her lips with gentle, nibbling kisses as he manipulated her labia and spread her feminine moisture over her sex. Another low moan had him taking advantage; he swept his tongue inside to taste and claim her mouth completely. The kisses shared in the catacombs had been too long ago and not nearly enough to assuage his hunger for her flavor. This time he’d fully learn the feel and taste of her.

As he savored her, he stroked his index finger through the curls and gently entered her vaginal opening. Massaging her clitoris with his thumb, he stretched her opening, preparing her for intercourse. She was very tight, but the more he stroked and massaged, the wetter she became until he could add another finger.

“What are you doing to me?”

“Loving you.”

“Wouldn’t it help if I were awake?”

Her amusement tickled his mind with silent laughter. He smiled against her lips as he continued to sip gusty moans from her mouth.

“Yes, love. You being awake would be a big plus in this endeavor.”

“All right.”


Melina opened her eyes to an intense, bordering on orgasmic, pleasure. The last time she’d awakened in this room, men were on their way to kill her. This time all she felt were the passionate emotions from the man lying behind her, his heavy arm anchoring her to the bed. The hand on that arm was more than half way to fingering her to what would be the first orgasm she’d ever had that was not self-induced. Damn right, she wanted to be awake for that.

Easily breaking away from Wulf’s ravenous lips, she whispered huskily against their firm, moist warmth, “Hungry, my Wulf?”

Her soon-to-be lover chuckled, nipping her lower lip with his teeth, then licked away the slight pain. In reaction, her womb spasmed and sent even more moisture to the opening between her thighs where one long finger massaged her vaginal walls. A very hard, large and pulsing penis poked between her thighs, seeking entry to the space Wulf’s finger now possessed.

She shuddered at the thought of him taking her this way; he could very easily slip between her soaking wet labia from behind. She should be afraid of his length and breadth, but she wasn’t. She was excited, so aroused that all she wanted to do was pull him into her now so the building pressure could be released.

But she couldn’t, his arm held her hips immobile. Her lover obviously had a plan, and he wasn’t ready to take her yet.

“I am
gemate lubha
,” he muttered against her lips before taking another nip, followed by a lick, “for you.”

And he was, she could tell. Feelings poured off him in tsunami-like waves. Desire.

Need. Want. Lust. Pride. Possessiveness. And love.

The last was the clincher. Her heart melted at the strength of the love Wulf felt for her. No one had ever aimed all those emotions at her before, but especially no one had ever loved her in the way Wulf did. It was an all-inclusive kind of love. He loved her for her good points and bad. For her strengths and weaknesses. For her mind, body and soul.

He saw her for who and what she really was—a lonely woman doing the best job she can in what was, even in the twenty-fourth century, a man’s universe.

Angling her head, she met his fiery golden gaze, the color of Gliesian honey. “And what will it take to satisfy that hunger,
?” Wulf scattered light kisses over her face and then finally her lips before pausing to answer. “Your pleasure. I want to give you so much pleasure that the galaxy will feel your release. Then and only then will I be able to claim my own.” He licked the line of her lips, thrusting his tongue inside to tangle briefly with hers as his talented finger kept up a similar rhythm in her achy opening and his thumb massaged her throbbing clit.

Mel closed her eyes and moaned as the buildup to orgasm tightened within her like a coil. When the potential energy was allowed to release, she’d lose her mind to the pleasure. Insanity never sounded so good.

Turning her head into the pillow, she whispered, “The pleasure is already too much.

I’ve never—”

“I know, love. I know.” He peppered soothing kisses across her forehead as his hand continued to incite the buildup to a fiery explosion.

“Wulf, I need … touch me.” Mel lifted a heavy hand and touched her breast. “Touch me, please.”

Wulf swept his lips back to her ear and sucked on the lobe. Removing his hand from her sex, he shoved the blanket from their bodies. Lifting her slightly, he pulled the arm that had been under her and turned her over onto her back. Blanketing her with his body, he braced himself on one sinewy forearm; his pelvis nestled snugly between her thighs, his penis pulsing against her mound—so close, but not quite where she wanted him. She wiggled, attempting to move her aching sex closer to what it needed to ease the pressure.

“Ne, ne, lubha.”
Wulf, muttering in Prime, lay more heavily against her hips, halting her heat-seeking motion. “Your pleasure first—before mine. If I entered you now, you wouldn’t enjoy it.”

“Wulf, I—” His mouth swallowed her protests.

Groaning, he broke away. “Trust me on this,
.” Whispering against his lips, she said, “I trust you—but—please—please make it quick. We can go slowly later.” Then she sucked his lower lip into her mouth and gently nipped it. “I need you
.” She bucked up against him to emphasize her point.

“My hungry little battle-mate. Have some patience.”

“Patience is highly overrated in this context.”

Wulf’s laughter filtered through their mental connection as he took control of the kiss, thrusting his tongue into her mouth in the rhythm, she knew, he would soon use to make her his own.

After releasing her lips, Wulf braced himself once again on a forearm as his free hand massaged her achy breasts. His torrid gaze swept over her face as he plumped and massaged the generous curves in an erotically reverent manner. What Wulf did to them had to be illegal in most solar systems.

“Do you like this?” Wulf asked as he paused to taste a nipple as his free hand massaged the other.

“Oh, yeah.” She sighed and arched her back as he nibble-kissed his way to the other nipple and took it between his lips for a good suckling. “I always hated them—they were too big—and men ogled—”

“Any man caught ogling these beauties will die by my hand,” he growled just before he turned his oral attention to the other nipple. “I love your breasts. I love your sexy, fit body. I love your tight, round ass, especially when it cuddles my cock, tempting me.” Mel arched off the bed, thrusting her pelvis up and against Wulf’s pelvis. “Wulf, I ache. I need to … hell, I need to come. I don’t need slow … I don’t
slow. I want

… need you in me!” She grabbed at his lean hips with both hands and pulled him against her as she again thrust upwards. “Now!”

“A demanding little battle-mate, too.” Wulf chuckled, a nipple held loosely between his lips. The vibrations across the moist and sensitive tissue sent shivers down her spine and triggered a mini-climax. “I am a lucky man.”

“Wulf! Oh my God … now!” She arched once more, nearly unseating him. “Now.

Trust me.”


“Now, dammit.” She released his hips and grabbed his head and brought his face up to hers. “I need that big, hard cock in me and some movement … now.” Mel could see the worry on his face. And she understood it, she really did. He didn’t want to hurt her. But he was hurting her more by prolonging the tension. At that moment, her body was so tense, she was in pain.

Touching his mind, she gathered that his father had told him some crap about ensuring her pleasure first. Well, she’d just see about that. How about they ensure it together? She’d use the information she’d gleaned from him in the catacombs. Angling her head, she sought his
marking and then traced it with her tongue—licking, nipping and mouthing it.

Lubha, ansu bhau
.” Wulf threw his head back and groaned, one long, low guttural sound that vibrated through her and set her insides to quivering. His penis expanded at each lick of her tongue. Throbbed with each nip of her teeth. His precum moistened the skin above her mound.

Nibbling and kissing the glowing hot mark over his heart, she sensed that her own
marking glowed warmly in reaction, pulsing in time with his cock. And the sexual tension—hers and his—built ever higher; through their mental link their levels of excitement and arousal fed one another’s. Something had to give—and soon.

“Now, Wulf,” she whispered against the marking that designated their bonding.

“Make me fully yours, my warrior

Wulf lifted her chin until her gaze met his. His blazing golden eyes firmly fixed on hers. He moved the head of his cock to her opening, gently seating it. The throbbing of his member set her pulse pounding in a parallel rhythm. “I love you.” As the last word sighed from his lips, he captured her mouth with his and he entered her body with one firm thrust. Her single gasp of pain was captured by Wulf’s mouth.

Strong, but gentle hands stroked her trembling sides from her breasts to her hips.

Soothing her. Inciting her.

She was so full of hard, warm cock—and she loved it.

She massaged his chest, his marking now a deep dark red. The marking’s color undulated in time with her pulsating womb. Touching his mind, she shared her pleasure in his possession.
“Move, my Prime warrior. I am fine.”

“You are so strong, my beautiful battle-mate. All silken supple strength. I love you.”
Then he moved. One slow pull out, then one long gentle thrust in. Then again—and again. The slow thrust-and-pull movement gently abraded her vaginal walls and rebuilt the sexual tension the pain had chased away. His mind touched hers, feeding her his pleasure in the tightness of her sheath. She shared her pleasure with each push-pull.

His hands stroked, concentrating on her breasts and her
marking. And all the while he kissed her as if his next breath depended upon her lips.

As the build-up continued, Wulf’s pace increased until they reached the point of no return.

With his mind fully open to hers, he shared all that he was.
“Open to me, Melina
mine. Share my mind, body and soul from now until death and beyond.”
Mel placed her hand over his marking and stroked it. “
Until death and beyond, I am

BOOK: Prime Obsession
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