Prince of Shadows (14 page)

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Authors: Nancy Gideon

BOOK: Prince of Shadows
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“What?” His gaze flew up to meet hers, eyes wide and round and filled with a tumble of complex emotion. “You’re leaving?”

“Isn’t that what you want?”

“No.” He drew a quick, jerky breath. “Do you want me to?”

The last thing she’d expected was for him to place that kind of power in her hands, but he delivered it without any hesitation. Kendra sat up and carefully weighed her next words. “I can’t stay if I’m afraid of you.” She gave that time to settle in. His stare, so intense and still, was riveted to hers. “There have to be rules.”

A quick blink. “You’re giving me rules?”

She heard his arrogant claim in her head.
I’m a Terriot prince. I do whatever the hell I want.
But she didn’t back down. “Someone has to, Cale.”

“So,” he ventured carefully, “what are they?”

She hadn’t expected him to listen or be receptive, if only tentatively. Shocked, she wasn’t sure how to proceed except to plunge right in. “No more taking whatever it is you took last night. It makes you into something that scares me.”

“All right.”

She stumbled at his acquiescence. “I know it helps your sight and gives you the advantage you think you need—”

“It doesn’t matter. What else?”

“I don’t want to be your prisoner. I need some freedom.”

His eyes narrowed slightly. “To do what?”

“To have friends, someone to talk to. If I’m going to fit in here and be of any help to you, I need to make friends, allies, among the other females.”

“I already have a lot of friends and allies among the other females,” he drawled. When she simply stared and said nothing, he capitulated with a gruff “Fine. Make your friends. I don’t want you to be unhappy or lonely. I just want you to be safe.”

“I won’t be safe with the other women here?”

A smirk. “You don’t know them as well as I do.” A sigh. “All right. What else?”

“I want to contact my family.” She knew that would be a sticking point.

His expression grew coolly suspicious. “No.”

“Cale, they’re all I have.” She had to get this concession from him. Without the link to her past, her sense of self would be gone. She put all of that into a single word. “Please.”

He didn’t react for a long tense moment, then said, “After we’re bonded.”

“I thought you trusted me.”

“Trusting and stupid aren’t the same thing. After.” When she stared down at her hands, he said, “Kendra, look at me.” When her gaze lifted, he repeated, “After.”

She nodded. “All right.”

He studied her again through those intensely distant eyes, forcing her to continue.

“I made you promises. I led you to believe certain things that I couldn’t follow through on even though . . . I wanted to. I don’t think I’ve ever respected anyone as much as I do you right now for not forcing things.”

For a long moment, he didn’t breathe. Then a quick snort. “Yeah. I’m a prince.” He rolled his head away, eyes closing. “Don’t give me credit I don’t deserve.”

“You deserve everything I’ve promised you. And I will make good on that if you’ll give me one thing. A little more time.”

A crooked smile moved his lips. “To what?
to love me? What are we talking here? Months? Years? A lifetime?”

“Time for us to get to know each other. Let me get close. I want to feel safe with you so I can be the mate you deserve.”

His smile narrowed slightly. “How would this work?”

“We’d talk, learn about each other.”

“Things like do I like piña coladas and walks in the rain?”

She smiled. “You’d ask me something, anything you want, and I’d answer truthfully.”

“Nothing off-limits?”

“Nothing. And I’d do the same.”

“Just talking?”

“And touching,” she added with an awkward blush. “We need to get to know each other that way, too.”

A slow heat kindled in his stare. “I like to talk, and I like to touch you. Any other rules?”

“One question a night, one body area at a time. And you can’t jump right into my pants first thing.”

He flashed a grin that made her all shivery inside. “I’m sure I can find other things of interest. Anything else?”

“We agree to stop if one of us is uncomfortable.”

He was still smiling. “Think you’re going to ask me something that will make me blush? Or that there’s any place I don’t want to feel your hands on me?”

“I’m asking you to go slow because everything you’ll be doing is a first time for me, and I want to enjoy it, not be afraid of it.”

His throat moved with a jerky swallow. “I can do that.” He drew a tight breath and let it out noisily. “Once we chart these new territories, can we revisit them whenever we like?” His question was innocent enough, though a glint in his eyes should have warned her.

“I suppose so.”

He caught her arm and pulled her off the couch to land on top of him. Before she could react to the surprise, he’d lifted up to kiss her. And she was lost.


Kendra closed her eyes, thinking of that dark shed with its scent of peat and her first taste of pleasure. Of those innocent stirrings of love and tender curiosity and Cale’s willingness to let her explore, both then and now.

It was then that Kendra realized she was kissing him and not just responding to him. She held Cale’s face between her palms, fingertips sketching over his cheekbones, over the scar their past had left upon him, while his hands gripped the edge of the couch and coffee table. His eyes were open, regarding her with a mixture of caution and surprise.

The sound of the front door lock clicking open and the rattling of their breakfast tray intruded on the moment.

“Am I interrupting something?” Wesley called, tapping belatedly on the doorframe as he followed their meal inside.

Kendra imagined how they looked, on the floor, wedged between the couch and the table, with her silk-covered fanny in the air and Cale’s hands flailing in search of something other than her to grab on to. He finally managed to lift up, her weight riding his chest, so he could glower at his brother. “I don’t recall saying ‘come in.’ ”

Wes grinned. “I apologize if that was what you were hoping to hear. Good morning, Princess. Cale, we need to talk.”

Kendra backed off her supine prince, embarrassingly aware of her clinging sleepwear. They scrambled up, Cale standing well inside her comfort zone, his palm at the small of her back, his eyes, as deep and gray as a stormy morning, fixed on hers. “I’ll be only a minute, baby,” he murmured hopefully, bending to press a kiss on her bare shoulder.

She stepped back. “Take your time.”

Cale watched her leave the room, his gaze following the way the fabric moved over her truly spectacular ass. His mood darkened when he caught his brother taking similar note. “What do you want, Wes?” he grumbled. “I assume it’s more than just the chance to eyeball my female.”

“I don’t see your mark on her yet.”

“That would be a lot easier to accomplish if I didn’t have so damned much family around all the time.” He dropped down at the table, pointedly not inviting his brother to join him, and went for the coffee. He pulled back when he saw how shaky his hand was. Everything about him was jittery and on edge now that he was upright, and it continued to alarm him. In fact, he’d been grateful to wake up at all. He settled for protein instead of caffeine, choosing the least cooked strips of bacon to eat with his fingers.

“You left yesterday before anyone could talk to you,” Wes noted.

The somber tone had Cale glancing up. “What did I miss?”

“It would have been Derrick’s funeral, but the old man wanted to wait for you.”

Cale pinched the bridge of his nose and exhaled heavily. “He didn’t have to do that. He shouldn’t have waited.”

“He figured it was necessary. Considering how it might look if you weren’t there.”

“How would it look? Like I was guilty of something? I didn’t have any problem showing up to memorialize the other brother I admittedly killed.”

“He wants to meet with all of us after the ceremony.”

“To demand another pound of flesh? I don’t have that much left to give. I had nothing to do with that boy dying. Hell, I’d be dead, too, if Row hadn’t stepped up.”

“It’s more than that. What about that business last night? What was that? The old man isn’t going to put up with that shit. You’re a prince, not a Vegas headliner. What were you thinking?”

“That Michael and his friends put their hands on my future queen, and now everyone knows that’s a pretty fucking bad idea.”

Wesley dropped into the opposite chair and ran his fingers through his hair. “You’re going to force his hand, Cale. Are you ready for that to happen?”

“When it does, where do you stand, brother?”

Wes met his stare. “On the side I think will win.”

If he’d answered any differently, Cale wouldn’t have believed him.

While the brothers were talking, Kendra dashed through her bathroom routine and dressed hurriedly. By the time she reentered the main room, Cale was seated alone at the table, staring without any focus into his untouched coffee. She sat down and helped herself to the hardy country scramble and biscuits. His plate hadn’t been used. She scooped a good-sized portion onto it and pushed it toward him, commanding, “Eat.”

He obeyed without interest in what he was chewing, his expression pensive and faraway. He looked exhausted, as if he hadn’t slept in days.

“You must have gotten in late,” she ventured at last.

He looked at her directly. “If you want to know where I am, call. If you want to know where I’ve been, ask.”

She blushed. “I was just wondering why you didn’t join me.”

In the pause that followed, she could see plenty he wasn’t telling her in his shadowed eyes. “It was late. I was tired and dirty and didn’t think you’d appreciate the company.”

She engaged him more boldly. “You might be surprised what I appreciate.”

A slight smile surfaced as his phone rang. He reached for it, asking, “Could you grab me something dark and respectfully funereal out of the closet while I take this?”

As she left the room, she heard him answer the call.

“Hey, Momma.” A pause, then she could hear the warmth in his words. “Good. Are you going to push for another hundred thousand miles, or are you going to let me buy you a new one?”

Kendra went to the huge closet to find among his extensive wardrobe a sleek black Dolce & Gabbana suit, going monochromatic with a black shirt and tie. She wasn’t intentionally listening in. She just liked the sound of his raspy morning voice.

“I’m good. Really. We’ve got a family thing this morning. She’s fine. Momma, she’s fine.” His tone sharpened slightly. “She can tell you herself if you don’t believe me.” Another hesitation, then a deep sighing breath. “No, I’m sorry. Just a lot on my mind. I need to ask you to do something for me. Things might get a little difficult here. No. No. Momma, I can’t. I may need to send Kendra to you.”

Kendra froze, listening.

“If that happens, I want you to use those account numbers I gave you. The one’s yours. Give her everything else. Anywhere she wants to go, and fast. Do you understand? Don’t let her tell you where. I’ll be fine as long as I know you’re taking care of that for me. Thank you. Yeah. Me, too.”

Cale came into the bedroom. His expression grew carefully guarded when she asked quietly, “Are we in danger?”

“Here?” A wry laugh. “Always. I’ll see that you’re safe.”

“Maybe we both should go. Come with me, Cale.”

She watched him consider that for a moment longer than she ever thought he might, but his answer didn’t surprise her. “I belong here. This is where I need to be. I won’t make you stay if things get ugly. But I can’t let you go yet. You understand that, don’t you?”

Not until they were bonded. Yes. She understood. He’d let her leave, but he’d never let her go. Not while he lived.

Derrick Terriot, not even nineteen years old, was laid out and awaiting his release to their ancestors when Cale and Kendra arrived on the terrace. She began to fall back, as was their tradition, when Cale caught her elbow to keep her close. He paid his respects to his brother by feeding the pyre. Then he crossed the circle, not to Bram’s side but to where a red-eyed and weeping young widow stood alone.

Kendra was aware of the ripples of shock Cale caused when he clasped one of the girl’s small hands between his as he bowed his head, then told her with sincere regret, “I hurt for your loss, Princess. You’re my family. Call on me for anything.”

The girl stood mute, tears trembling on her lashes, expressions of disbelief, anger, fear, and blame plain upon her youthful face. Finally, there was only relief as she whispered, “Thank you.”

Cale took a stoic position at her side. Kendra stood on the other, slipping a supportive arm about Sadie’s trembling shoulders as Bram spoke the words and lit the flame to send another Terriot prince to the heavens.

As the brothers each took a turn releasing his spirit onto the wind, Cale leaned close to Kendra, his voice low and intense. “The females are having some sort of gathering at their lodge for her.” He glanced down at Sadie’s bowed head. “Stay with her. Protect her until I come for you.”

Before she could ask any questions, he was gone, following his siblings in their father’s wake.

Kendra had never seen herself in a protector’s role. She’d always been the one in need of a guardian. Wondering why Cale would entrust her with the task was as puzzling as what motivated his compassion. Perhaps it was his uncertainty over who would stand by her if that had been him reduced to ash.

Kendra tightened her arm about the slumped shoulders, squeezing gently as she vowed, “Don’t worry. You don’t have to be strong. I’ll help you get through this.”


He tracked the sound of the fierce whisper to see Sylvia standing off the edge of the path. Reason told him to ignore her and continue after his brothers, but unanswered questions had him lagging back and turning off to meet her.

Her bright cat eyes grew heavy with invitation as she reached for him. She gasped as he gripped her wrists and pushed her back against a tree trunk. Her lips parted in anticipation of some rough sex play, but he got right into her face to discourage those hopes with a furious growl. “What did you give me?”

Sylvia blinked, not understanding. “The same as always. It didn’t help?”

Her confusion only enraged him more. “Don’t lie to me! Dammit, what did you do to me?”

“Nothing. I swear! Why? What’s wrong? What’s happened?” She tried to touch him, but he held her away until she could feel the violent tremors shaking through him. She shrank back as his pupils swelled, swallowing the color of his eyes.

“It’s still in my system. It’s tearing me apart. Was it poison? What the hell did you do?”

“Nothing! Poison? I would never harm you, Cale. You know how I feel about you.”

“Feel? You don’t have feelings. You just have greedy, selfish wants. I’m done with them, and I’m done with you.”

Now she was holding tight to his hands. “Cale—”

He jerked free and took a decisive step back. “Stay away from me. I don’t want to speak to you. I don’t want to see you.”

Desperation became a hard cunning. “I have what you can’t get anywhere else. You
me, Cale.”

“Keep away from me. You don’t have anything I need.”

As he strode away, wiping his palms on his suit pants, she shouted after him, “You’re wrong about that!”

He forgot about Sylvia and her threats as he entered the great hall to join his brothers. Bram and James were missing from the group, who regarded him with cautious curiosity. Kip came to meet him, bubbling with excitement. “Way to kick ass in Reno! That’s all anyone’s been talking about. It’s all over the Terriot boards.”

Cale smiled grimly. Great. He was an online sensation in their clan’s private chat rooms. How long before that leaked out? A wonder his father hadn’t torched him along with Derrick.

“Just taking care of business, little brother.” In the family tradition. The whole thing was beginning to sour, in hindsight. “Speaking of ass, thanks for saving mine.”

Kip flushed and stammered, “I didn’t do so much.”

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