Princes of Arkwright (16 page)

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Authors: Daniel Trafford

BOOK: Princes of Arkwright
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You mean besides the dose of humiliation you’re about to spoon feed me?”

What are you talking about?” said Aly, sitting back down.

You were right,” said Tucker, as Aly’s features started to come into focus. “Everything you said was right.”

Don’t worry about that right now, Tucker,” she said reaching over and jostling his pillow. “You should just rest.”

That’s all I’ve been doing,” said Tucker. “Have you seen him?”

Seen who?”

Who do you think? The archangel.”

Well, no Tucker,” said Aly, shrugging her shoulders. “Why?”

Tucker closed his eyes tightly and put his hand to his temples.

“Are you in pain?” asked Aly. “Do you need me to get the nurse?”

I’m OK,” said Tucker. “So, what are you doing here, anyway?”

I’m just visiting you,” said Aly. “Am I bothering you? Do you want me to leave?”

No,” said Tucker, “believe it or not, I actually prefer your company to staring at a hospital room ceiling.”

Aly smiled and touched Tucker
’s hand. “How could I not come, Tucker?” she said, with a slight quaver in her voice. “It was very brave what you did.”

You mean what I tried to do,” said Tucker. “I just wasn’t strong enough.”

What do you mean?” asked Aly.

You were right,” said Tucker, snatching his hand away from hers. “That Uriel was no angel. And there’s no such thing as miracles.”

How can you say that?” said Aly.

You said it yourself,” said Tucker, “I remember your exact words. You said, ‘I haven’t seen any miracles.’ And you were right. All our heavenly visitor did was convince me that God is petty and childish.”

Oh my God,” whispered Aly. “How can you be so stupid?”

Tucker looked at Aly, surprised by her words.

“I mean, I think you’re great Tucker, but you’re still a bit of a dolt.”

Aly,” said Tucker, “after what we’ve seen, after what we’ve been through, how can you just sit there calmly like you’re in Sunday school. We actually met an angel – an archangel – and he turned out to be a total jerk. He could have helped out a little girl. He could have performed a miracle. But he was just fine with letting her die.”

Tucker,” said Aly, suddenly grabbing his hand again.

And don’t tell me it was all part of God’s plan, or I swear to God I’ll climb out of this bed and kick your ass. I don’t care if you’re a girl. From what I can see, there are no miracles and his angels are a bunch of hoodlums.”

Tuck!” said Aly, squeezing his hand with a strength Tucker didn’t suspect she had, “you’re the angel. You’re the miracle.”

What do you mean?” asked Tucker.

You gave a kidney to a little girl you hardly knew. You saved her life. She’s lying right now in the room next to this one laughing with her mother over knock-knock jokes because of you. And you question whether there are miracles in the world!”

That wasn’t a miracle,” said Tucker, “that was medicine. Victoria was incompatible, so I offered, and … so …”

“... s
o you gave Lenore one of your organs like it was a gift certificate,” said Aly. “No big deal.”

But I had to do that,” said Tucker. “Uriel was perfectly content with dragging her to the Netherworld – or whatever it is he does. He – or God – wasn’t interested in saving that little girl.”

No?” said Aly, “Did you ever wonder why Uriel was hanging out in the very bar where you would be sure to meet Victoria? Did you ever wonder why he was protecting you?”

I had this stupid idea that God was testing me to see if I’d be a good angel.”

And you are, Tucker! Not the kind with wings that battle demons. But the human kind that are far too rare.”

But he told me it was God’s will that Lenore die. He said he didn’t have a choice.”

But you did have a choice,” said Aly. “Maybe miracles are about choices – not angels or supernatural events. Maybe we spend too much time looking to Heaven for miracles when we could be performing them ourselves. Maybe God put it all in our hands, Tucker. Maybe the choices we have are part of his plan.”

Yeah?” said Tucker, “And what about Lenore? How does her pain and suffering fit in with this great plan? How did God plan for the complete renal failure of a 10-year-old girl?”

By giving Tucker Bromley two kidneys!” shouted Aly, a little rosy hue now showing on her pale cheeks.

Tucker had no response, so he just continued staring into Aly
’s eyes.

How’s Lenore feeling?” asked Tucker, after a minute or so.

Better every day,” said Aly, the usual pallor returning to her cheeks. “She just can’t seem to stop talking about you. But we’ve learned to put up with it. Victoria can’t stop talking about you either. She may even be willing to date you now.”

Forget it,” said Tucker. “We’ll never be anything but friends. I like Victoria, but I didn’t give up one of my kidneys to buy her love.”

Anyway,” said Aly, “Roland is planning a big testimonial for you in a few weeks at the Empire Club.”

Oh no,” said Tucker. “I hate those things. What is it with these French Canadians? Can’t you just tell him I’d rather keep it all quiet?”

Sorry Tuck,” said Aly, “it’s already in today’s paper, under the headline ‘City to fete Bromley.’ Come on, Tucker. It’ll make him happy.”

I gave his granddaughter a kidney,” yelled Tucker. “Doesn’t that make him happy enough? Does he have to throw a big party and make me eat fish?”

Well, I’ll be there, anyway,” said Aly. “I’ve already reserved a ticket.”

He’s selling tickets?” said Tucker, pulling his pillow over his face.

Now don’t try to smother yourself, Tucker,” said Aly, pulling the pillow away and putting it back under his head. “It wouldn’t work anyway.”

Now I wish I hadn’t given Lenore one of my kidneys,” said Tucker.

Tucker!” whispered Aly.

I wish I had given her both!” he said, pursing his lips into a pout.

I think I’ve gotten you way too riled up today,” said Aly, rising from her chair and giving Tucker’s pillow a final tweak. “Maybe I should let you rest. I’ll come visit again tomorrow.”

Aly,” said Tucker as she was halfway to the door, “do you think … would you like … well, maybe we could go out for drinks some night if you’re not busy.”

The cranberry juice is on me,” said Aly with a smile.

Aly,” said Tucker, “Do you really believe in God?”

Aly walked back over to Tucker
’s bed, bent down and whispered in his ear, “Just as much as I believe in you.”

Then she leaned over and kissed him gently on the lips.




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