Princess Rescue Inc (77 page)

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Authors: Chris Hechtl

BOOK: Princess Rescue Inc
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when it's tightly woven like we do. Oh yeah it'll go through all right, not
quite like a knife through butter, but it will be enough to do the job. They
all said the same thing by the way. Muchinson and his steward set it up. Time,
money, location... the captain even got a pair of witnesses. Just picked up the
steward who spilled his guts too,” Perry shook his head.

nodded. The council was called to order by a herald. The Queen dressed in black
finery and wearing a black veil assumed the dais before the throne. Grimly she
announced the King was dead, a few in the room were shocked, gasping and
swooning in distress. Even Perry and Ryans were thrown momentarily. Servants
moved around the edges of the room with bolts of cloth. He turned with the
others, watching and listening to the murmurs and rustling of cloth. Standards
were changed to black ones all around them. He looked over to some of the men
who stood to gain the most from this.

eyes were alight. As the Queen began to speak he interrupted her. Nastily he
pointed out that both Zara and Deidra were unfit to inherit the Kingdom since
they had been soiled and dishonored. Most of his speech was drowned out by the
uproar from the crowd. Some were already arguing over who would become King.

watched the girls' eyes flash dangerously. Zara looked down and away, biting
her lip and fighting tears. Deidra lifted her chin defiantly, one hand on her
belt knife. The baron continued on as the crowd parted around him. He spun
around, arms outstretched as if to encompass them all. “What we need is a true
leader, someone who has honor...”

you?” The contempt was dripping as Ryans laughed. The baron whirled in rage. “A
man who ordered a soldier poisoned? A so called man who sends seven assassins
in the dead of night to kill someone he's too
to kill himself?
That's your idea of honor?” he asked derisively. He stepped out from the crowd
as it backed away murmuring.

baron turned his back on Ryans. “I don't speak to gaijin. You shall soon learn
your place. Now heel like a good dog,” he sneered over his shoulder. “You have
no place here. Get you gone to whence you came.”

thing,” Ryans said smiling grimly. “Just as soon as possible actually,” he
smiled grimly as the crowd murmured again. “But Princess Deidra and Zara did
nothing wrong. Wrong was done to them but they were not dishonored. None can
feel their shame more than they for not being able to stop their brother's
murder.” He looked at the baron in cold contempt, daring him to go on. He saw
Deidra's grateful gleam but ignored the heat in his loins. He stared at the
other man. His entire universe was focused on this moment. Everything was
riding on whether he'd planned right.

baron turned, lip curled. “Fool from a world of fools! They are dishonored for
their rape! Even now one is carrying a child of Duluth! How can any man lay
with them after that?” he said spitting and pointing to Deidra.

chuckled. “I think you got your facts wrong. Doc gave them each a pill to
destroy the fetus if any existed just after the rapes,” he replied with just
the right hint of sneer in his voice and manner. He locked eyes with the baron
as the crowd murmured. The sounds grew for a moment and then faded as they
hushed to hear what was said next. “But then again, you probably know that
already. I'm curious who put you up to this? You're obviously too
and inept to think this whole farce up yourself,” he smiled grimly as the
baron's face darkened; the shot went home nicely Ryans thought.

an imbecile would hire assassins to kill someone and meet them directly,” he
said, curling his lips in disgust. He watched that shot hit home as well.
"Just because I refuse to play the game doesn't mean I don't know how it's
played," he said again. "I just play by my own rules."

smiled grimly as the baron faltered and then sneered. “Torture to get a
confession against a peer is not binding.”

chuckled. “Oh, no, not normally. But you see, they don't just have the
confession,” he said. He pushed a button on his phone. Speakers in the room
he'd set up earlier sprang to life. The recording of the assassins talking
about Muchinson paying double as they attacked Ryans was played. Many gasped.

is that, and the fingerprints on the money and weapons you gave them. The
witnesses also and lastly, they didn't have to torture your steward. He fell
all over himself confessing when he was arrested this afternoon.”

made the baron's eyes widen in fright his nostrils dilated as his face colored
in rage and fear...  He'd wondered where Yori had gone. “You insult me
sirrah, you insult my honor,” he growled. He waved, throwing back his cloak.
His right hand rested on the pommel of his sword. “Send for your arms sirrah
for you will die this day.”

lips writhed as Deidra made her way through the crowd. “No, I have them even
now, as you do,” He cocked his head to the armor as he brushed the duster back,
clearing his sidearm’s. “Chain mail under your clothes, nice.” He took off his
jacket revealing his dragon skin armor and weapons. “Gee what a coincidence,”
he smiled a cold feral smile. “But mine are a lot more
tougher than yours,” he said snidely as the baron drew his sword.

is a duel of honor, none may interfere,” the Baron said in a ringing voice,
looking about to the guards and then the Queen. None objected.

Only one thing,” Ryans pulled his pistol out and thumbed the safety off. “You
are out classed and out gunned,” he said. He took the second Glock out and
thumbed its safety off. The baron charged immediately, sword outstretched to
skewer him. Ryans raised his pistols and fired. The first shots hit the baron
in the chest throwing him back. Then one smashed between his eyes. Brains and
blood splattered the crowd. Women screamed and cringed in terror as the baron
fell. More than one person was covering their ears, their mouths open in an "Oh"
of shock.

waited a moment there looking around at the crowd. He caught Deidra’s shocked
look, as well as the Queen's. What, they thought they had a monopoly on
violence? he thought to himself in cold amusement. Sure, he'd just killed a
man, he wouldn't have any qualms over it though, the bastard had it coming.
Several people were retching and vomiting. The air was filled with the stink.
Slowly his arms fell to his sides. His nose wrinkled as the body voided itself.
“Well, he did say personal arms,” he said grimly. He walked over and put his
foot on the baron's body.

else have a problem with me or the honor of the royal house?” he asked into
sudden thundering silence. He hefted one of the pistols, the other arm went
across his body, pistol pointed down at the fallen body. “Hmm?” he asked
pointedly, looking around the crowd with cold shark like eyes. “The ladies did
nothing wrong. They survived and will be stronger for it over time.” He nodded
to each then returned to scanning the crowd. Deidra's eyes gleamed and she
nodded to him.

who has issue with that, or with me, come forward now or forever hold your
peace.” he said distinctively. He waited a beat. Only a ringing silence
answered him. The expression you could hear a pin drop echoed in his mind. “I
thought not,” he smiled grimly. “Now, you all know I'm from another world. You
call me a gaijin. And some of you insist I take charge to help protect you in
this dark time.” He smiled grimly at the word play. “Fine, but here's the
thing. I do things
way. Got it?”

looked around catching and locking eyes on each of the opposition leaders one
by one until they ducked away. Duke Troy nodded, fully ready to support him and
the Queen. “My rules,
way. The Queen is your ruler and I respect
Take it or leave it,” he smiled grimly as the crowd murmured quietly but none
stepped forward. He nodded once more. “Some of the things I do you will not
like. In fact I can
you won’t,” he smiled wickedly. This had
even the pale nobles starting to color as they recovered and digested his
words. Deidra glanced at her mother uncertainly.

will be interesting for you, and your descedents. Like treating or curing many
diseases you've been afflicted by, and doing our best to end hunger and starvation,”
he continued on, ignoring the looks. The crowd murmured and then stopped. “But
when we are done your Imperium will be the strongest in the world. Duluth will
find that out the hard way shortly,” he said determination etched into his
being. He smiled again grimly.

murmurs grew, then cheers broke out. After a moment someone started clapping,
then another and another until the entire room was thundering with applause.
Some of it was polite, politicians who were going along with the masses. That
was fine in his book he thought as he surveyed them, locking each who didn't
look too happy into his memory. He nodded tightly as he holstered his guns and
then as the crowd began to settle he bowed to the Queen. “Your majesty you were
saying?” he said politely, voice returning to normal. All eyes turned to her as
the voices faded.

cleared her throat in the silence. Her white make up didn't go at all well with
her black dress and veil Ryans thought. She bowed her head slightly to Ryans,
pursing her lips. She was shaken by the turn of events, but hid it well. “I
think a recess is in order for the moment.” She nodded again and then turned.

Queen had them recess for a few moments as servants arrived to carry the body
of the baron away and air out the room. The courtiers retired to the outer
vestibules and the courtyard for air and light discussion. In the interim
Deidra got to Ryans and hugged him. “Are you okay?” he asked stroking her hair
gently. He knew he had some back spray on him from the baron but at that moment
he didn't give a damn if she didn't.

looked surprised. “Me?” she asked, mouth curving into a smile. Her fierce eyes

smiled back. “Yeah you missy, I know he hurt you with that bull pucky.”

nodded looking away then hugging herself to him once more. “Thanks,” she said
softly. He nodded. “My hero,” she murmured teasing him. He chuckled softly as
she leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. A few nearby caught sight of
this and murmured. She caught a few of their expressions and then smiled a
little coquettishly as they turned away and started to murmur. She whispered in
his ear “Well done.”

smiled again as they broke the embrace and then grimaced at the gossips
clucking away and shooting sidelong glanced their way. “Like hens,” he sighed.
“It'll be all over the castle before long,” he griped. She chuckled. He wanted
to hold her and kiss her but restrained himself. His voice softened. “I'm sorry
about your dad. I know it's hard losing a parent.”

nodded, eyes down, fighting tears. “It was his time,” she murmured. “I know the
doctor did what she could. For him to live as long as he did after the first
attack...” she sighed.

sighed as well, massaging her back. He knew he smelled of cordite and blood but
she didn't seem to mind. “I wish we could have done more. Maybe someday we'll
be able to,” he grimaced. “I'm sorry if I overstepped my bounds with that.” He
indicated the servants hefting the body. One had the late baron by the legs,
one leg tucked under each armpit. The other guy had his head turned away as he
carried the dripping top end. Bits dribbled out from under the rags covering
what was left of his head. The man gagged, turning green and manfully struggled
with his burden. They maneuvered the body out the door and away into the
courtyard. Nobles parted and fluttered fans in their faces as the men and body
passed them.

she asked looking up to him after the body passed. He grimaced turning back to
her. Their eyes met.

know you can and will fight your own battles. If I stepped on your toes I
apologize,” he said.

eyes went wide for a moment and then her lips curved in a sexy smile. “Thank
you for that as well. It's traditional for a man to defend a woman's honor
though,” she said with just a hint of mischief in her voice. Mother had told
her to bind this man to her side, defending her honor was one way.

eyes glittered. “Traditions be damned. I know you can take care of yourself,”
he growled. He smiled down at her. “I saw what you could do in the courtyard
remember? If I hadn't gotten a hold of him first you would have,” he said. She
blushed again and looked away. “Right?” he teased. After a moment she stepped
on his foot and bit her lip before she reluctantly nodded. He chuckled.

why did you intervene?” she finally asked.

I just killed him. You would have chopped him into little bits and had
doing it,” he replied chuckling. “You would have made him suffer. Not something
that would help you in the long run.”

she said thoughtfully as she nodded. He was a wily one, smart, able to think
and plan the long game. Yes, mother was right, he'd do. She had to be the soft
one, had to be tough but fair, and approachable. He was destined to be the hard
fist, fear was a great motivator of people, and it kept them honest she knew.
Softly she guided him away from the spot he had been standing on so the
servants could clean up the mess on the floor.

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