Private Yoga Lessons: Yoga for Beginners. Yoga Poses for Beginners That Will Make Your Dog Go "What The..."

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Private Yoga Lessons: Yoga for Beginners. Yoga Poses for Beginners That Will Make Your Dog Go "What The..."
Nicole, Michelle

Private Yoga Lessons is not just a book is a collection of books that guides you through the world of yoga exercises and shows you how to practice yoga the right way, whether you are a beginner, intermediate or an advanced yoga student.

The first volume of this series, entitled Yoga for Beginners, shows you the right way to begin practicing yoga. Find out the benefits of yoga, warm-up exercises and how to do them properly, the easiest yoga positions for beginners, what are the recommended types of yoga for a beginner, yoga techniques that anyone can do and much more.

Every pose and exercise is accompanied by pictures and graphics which will show you exactly how to perform a specific pose.

Now you can practice yoga at home whenever you want, how often you want with these yoga lessons for beginners.

Table of Contents

Private Yoga Lessons


Volume 1








Yoga For Beginners


Yoga Poses for Beginners That Will Make You Dog go “What the…”












Michelle Nicole


2012 by
Michelle Nicole




All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including scanning, photocopying, or otherwise without prior written permission of the copyright holder.




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By reading this book, you assume all risks associated with using the advice given below, with a full understanding that you, solely, are responsible for anything that may occur as a result of putting this information into action in any way, and regardless of your interpretation of the advice.


You are given a non-transferable, “personal use” license to this book. You cannot distribute it or share it with other individuals.


Also, there are no resale rights or private label rights granted when purchasing this book. In other words, it's for your own personal use only.




Language Disclaimer


I am by no means an expert in writing and publishing books. I enjoy very much practicing yoga and I’ve been doing it for many years now which has allowed me to learn a lot about it.


My intention is to educate others who are also practicing it or are thinking of doing it for the first time and provide as much valuable information as possible. In doing so I might have done a few mistakes along the way such as missing characters or small grammatical mistakes. That’s why I am asking you to be patient with me and understandable and do not judge me or this book by these small errors, but by the value it offers.


Thank you for understanding.




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Book Collection Today




Yoga For Beginners. Yoga Poses for Beginners That Will Make Your Dog Go “What the…?”




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Yoga For Kids. Fun Yoga Poses For Children That Will Leave Grandma Speechless



Introduction To The World of Yoga

hat is the impact of yoga to a person and how can it transform someone’s life?


Hi there, my name is Michelle and with the use of this book I will take you by the hand and show you how to start practicing yoga and how to do your first yoga pose.


This book is intended for individuals who want to know more about yoga and its practice. You will learn about the following:


What Yoga Is and Isn’t


Here you will know what yoga is all about, who created it and how everything started. The myths behind the practice are also discussed.


The Benefits of Yoga


This chapter talks about the different benefits of yoga, like psychological benefits, physical benefits, emotional benefits and pain management benefits among others.


Types of Yoga Recommended for Beginners


There are many types of yoga. This book focuses on the types of yoga poses intended for beginners and different tips that you can apply when you are just starting.


Advice for Beginners


This chapter discusses what you can expect as a beginner in yoga. These are very important tips that you can apply for a successful yoga experience.


Warm-up Exercises


Before practicing yoga, it is important to do several warm-up exercises to prepare your body. This chapter shows numerous exercises that you can follow.


Yoga Poses and Positions


This chapter shows you the different yoga poses and positions intended for beginners. You will also be guided accordingly on how each pose is executed and their benefits to your body.


Yoga Equipment and Accessories


Various accessories are needed for yoga practice. This chapter provides listings of different materials you will need to prepare.


Let’s get started.

What Yoga Is and Isn’t

nfortunately many individuals have misunderstood the main goals of yoga and why yoga should be practiced in the first place. I wouldn’t want you to have those wrong believes too. That’s why I wanted to tell you exactly what yoga is and isn’t and how it should be practiced.



What Yoga Is

Yoga, which originated in India, is an ancient discipline that aims to connect a person’s spiritual, physical and mental aspect through various exercise poses and postures called the Asanas. Its goal is to attain the state of absolute spiritual calm through meditation. Some people regard yoga as a religion that must be adhered to. Others, on the other hand, consider this practice as their way to fulfill inner personal satisfaction.


There is no clear record as to who invented yoga and when it exactly began. However, stone carvings have been found in Indus Valley showing various yoga positions, with the stones dating more than 5,000 years ago.  


The entire yoga system is based on 3 primary structures: meditation, breathing and exercise. The exercises and poses are intended to put pressure on the body’s glandular system for increased health and efficiency. Yoga treats the human body with utmost respect and care, considering it as the primary tool that allows us to function efficiently.



What Yoga Is Not

When starting yoga, there are certain things which you need to know regarding its common misconceptions. Yoga is NOT…


An aerobic exercise meant to sculpt the body or help with weight loss.
Understand that yoga isn’t meant to feed the vanity or ego. It is, first and foremost, a meditation practice meant to calm the mind in order to discover your true self. Toning the body and losing weight may only be considered a by-product of the yoga practice itself.


About flexibility.
Yoga is primarily about practicing balance and accepting who you are as a person. But it is the wrong reason to practice yoga for the purpose of becoming flexible. The poses are designed to eventually calm the mind, which should be your primary purpose of practicing this art. Doing this, you promote harmony and peace in your entire being. Flexibility of the body comes as a result of constant practice of poses meant to calm your inner being.


Only existent during session time.
Yoga, being an art, must be considered a way of life. Know that every little thing you do in your daily life, every connection with a fellow being is also a yoga moment. Therefore, yoga is a practice that will help you achieve a state of clear and peaceful mind.

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