In the prior
section’s examples, the data placed on the queue is always
a string. That’s sufficient for simple applications where there is just
one type of producer. If you may have many different kinds of threads
producing many different types of results running at once, though, this
can become difficult to manage. You’ll probably have to insert and parse
out some sort of type or action information in the string so that the
GUI knows how to process it.
Imagine an email client, for instance, where multiple sends and
receives may overlap in time; if all threads share the same single
queue, the information they place on it must somehow designate the sort
of event it represents—a downloaded mail to display, a progress
indicator update, a successful
send completion, and so on. This isn’t entirely
hypothetical: we’ll confront this exact issue in
Chapter 14
’s PyMailGUI.
Luckily, queues support much more than just strings—any type of
Python object can be placed on a queue. Perhaps the most general of
these is a callable object: by placing a function or other callable
object on the queue, a producer thread can tell the GUI how to handle
the message in a very direct way. The GUI simply calls the objects it
pulls off the queue. Since threads all run within the same process and
memory space, any type of callable object works on a queue—simple
functions, lambdas, and even bound methods that combine a function with
an implied subject object that gives access to state information and
methods. Any updates performed by the callback object update state
shared across the entire process.
Because Python makes it easy to handle functions and their
argument lists in generic fashion, this turns out to be easier than it
might sound.
Example 10-20
for instance, shows one way to throw callbacks on a queue that we’ll be
using in
Chapter 14
for PyMailGUI. This
module comes with a handful of tools. ItsThreadCounter
class can be used as a shared
counter and Boolean flag (for example, to manage operation overlap). The
real meat here, though, is the queue interface functions—in short, they
allow clients to launch threads which queue their exit actions, to be
dispatched in the main thread by a timer loop.
In some ways this example is just a variation on those of the
prior section—we still run a timer loop here to pull items off the queue
in the main thread. For both responsiveness and efficiency, this timer
loop pulls at most N items on each timer event, not just one (which may
take too long or incur overheads for a short timer delay), and not all
queued (which may block indefinitely when many items are produced
quickly). We’ll leverage this per-event batching feature to work through
many progress updates in PyMailGUI without having to devote CPU
resources to quick timer events that are normally
The main difference to notice here, though, is that we
the object pulled off the queue, and the
producer threads have been generalized to place a success or failure
callback on the queue in response to exits and exceptions. Moreover, the
actions that run in producer threads receive a progress status function
which, when called, simply adds a progress indicator callback to the
queue to be dispatched by the main thread. We can use this, for example,
to show progress in the GUI during network downloads.
Example 10-20. PP4E\Gui\Tools\
System-wide thread interface utilities for GUIs.
Implements a single thread callback queue and checker timer loop shared by
all the windows in a program; worker threads queue their exit and progress
actions to be run in the main thread; this doesn't block the GUI - it just
spawns operations and manages and dispatches exits and progress; worker
threads can overlap freely with the main thread, and with other workers.
Using a queue of callback functions and arguments is more useful than a
simple data queue if there can be many kinds of threads running at the
same time - each kind may have different implied exit actions.
Because GUI API is not completely thread-safe, instead of calling GUI
update callbacks directly after thread main action, place them on a shared
queue, to be run from a timer loop in the main thread, not a child thread;
this also makes GUI update points less random and unpredictable; requires
threads to be split into main action, exit actions, and progress action.
Assumes threaded action raises an exception on failure, and has a 'progress'
callback argument if it supports progress updates; also assumes callbacks
are either short-lived or update as they run, and that queue will contain
callback functions (or other callables) for use in a GUI app - requires a
widget in order to schedule and catch 'after' event loop callbacks; to use
this model in non-GUI contexts, could use simple thread timer instead.
# run even if no threads # in standard lib now
try: # raise ImportError to
import _thread as thread # run with GUI blocking
except ImportError: # if threads not available
import _dummy_thread as thread # same interface, no threads
# shared cross-process queue
# named in shared global scope, lives in shared object memory
import queue, sys
threadQueue = queue.Queue(maxsize=0) # infinite size
# IN MAIN THREAD - periodically check thread completions queue; run implied GUI
# actions on queue in this main GUI thread; one consumer (GUI), and multiple
# producers (load, del, send); a simple list may suffice too: list.append and
# pop atomic?; 4E: runs at most N actions per timer event: looping through all
# queued callbacks on each timer event may block GUI indefinitely, but running
# only one can take a long time or consume CPU for timer events (e.g., progress);
# assumes callback is either short-lived or updates display as it runs: after a
# callback run, the code here reschedules and returns to event loop and updates;
# because this perpetual loop runs in main thread, does not stop program exit;
def threadChecker(widget, delayMsecs=100, perEvent=1): # 10x/sec, 1/timer
for i in range(perEvent): # pass to set speed
(callback, args) = threadQueue.get(block=False) # run <= N callbacks
except queue.Empty:
break # anything ready?
callback(*args) # run callback here
widget.after(delayMsecs, # reset timer event
lambda: threadChecker(widget, delayMsecs, perEvent)) # back to event loop
# IN A NEW THREAD - run action, manage thread queue puts for exits and progress;
# run action with args now, later run on* calls with context; calls added to
# queue here are dispatched in main thread only, to avoid parallel GUI updates;
# allows action to be fully ignorant of use in a thread here; avoids running
# callbacks in thread directly: may update GUI in thread, since passed func in
# shared memory called in thread; progress callback just adds callback to queue
# with passed args; don't update in-progress counters here: not finished till
# exit actions taken off queue and dispatched in main thread by threadChecker;
def threaded(action, args, context, onExit, onFail, onProgress):
if not onProgress: # wait for action in this thread
action(*args) # assume raises exception if fails
def progress(*any):
threadQueue.put((onProgress, any + context))
action(progress=progress, *args)
threadQueue.put((onFail, (sys.exc_info(), ) + context))
threadQueue.put((onExit, context))
def startThread(action, args, context, onExit, onFail, onProgress=None):
threaded, (action, args, context, onExit, onFail, onProgress))
# a thread-safe counter or flag: useful to avoid operation overlap if threads
# update other shared state beyond that managed by the thread callback queue
class ThreadCounter:
def __init__(self):
self.count = 0
self.mutex = thread.allocate_lock() # or use Threading.semaphore
def incr(self):
self.mutex.acquire() # or with self.mutex:
self.count += 1
def decr(self):
self.count -= 1
def __len__(self): return self.count # True/False if used as a flag
# self-test code: split thread action into main, exits, progress
if __name__ == '__main__': # self-test code when run
import time # or PP4E.Gui.Tour.scrolledtext
from tkinter.scrolledtext import ScrolledText
def onEvent(i): # code that spawns thread
myname = 'thread-%s' % i
action = threadaction,
args = (i, 3),
context = (myname,),
onExit = threadexit,
onFail = threadfail,
onProgress = threadprogress)
# thread's main action
def threadaction(id, reps, progress): # what the thread does
for i in range(reps):
if progress: progress(i) # progress callback: queued
if id % 2 == 1: raise Exception # odd numbered: fail
# thread exit/progress callbacks: dispatched off queue in main thread
def threadexit(myname):
text.insert('end', '%s\texit\n' % myname)
def threadfail(exc_info, myname):
text.insert('end', '%s\tfail\t%s\n' % (myname, exc_info[0]))
def threadprogress(count, myname):
text.insert('end', '%s\tprog\t%s\n' % (myname, count))
text.update() # works here: run in main thread
# make enclosing GUI and start timer loop in main thread
# spawn batch of worker threads on each mouse click: may overlap
text = ScrolledText()
threadChecker(text) # start thread loop in main thread
text.bind('', # 3.x need list for map, range ok
lambda event: list(map(onEvent, range(6))) )
text.mainloop() # pop-up window, enter tk event loop
This module’s comments describe its implementation, and its
self-test code demonstrates how this interface is used. Notice how a
thread’s behavior is split into main action, exit actions, and optional
progress action—the main action runs in the new thread, but the others
are queued to be dispatched in the main thread. That is, to use this
module, you will essentially break a modal operation into thread and
post-thread steps, with an optional progress call. Generally, only the
thread step should be long running.
Example 10-20
run standalone, on each button click in aScrolledTest
, it starts up six threads, all
running thethreadaction
function. As
this threaded function runs, calls to the passed-in progress function
place a callback on the queue, which invokesthreadprogress
in the main thread. When the
threaded function exits, the interface layer will place a callback on
the queue that will invoke eitherthreadexit
in the main thread, depending upon
whether the threaded function raised an exception. Because all the
callbacks placed on the queue are pulled off and run in the main
thread’s timer loop, this guarantees that GUI updates occur in the main
thread only and won’t overlap in parallel.
Figure 10-12
shows part of
the output generated after clicking the example’s window. Its exit,
failure, and progress messages are produced by callbacks added to the
queue by spawned threads and invoked from the timer loop running in the
main thread.
Figure 10-12. Messages from queued callbacks
Study this code for more details and try to trace through the
self-test code. This is a bit complex, and you may have to make more
than one pass over this code to make sense of its juggling act. Once you
get the hang of this paradigm, though, it provides a general scheme for
handling heterogeneous overlapping threads in a uniform way. PyMailGUI,
for example, will do very much the same asonEvent
in the self-test code here, whenever
it needs to start a mail transfer.