Projected Pleasure (6 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Salaiz

BOOK: Projected Pleasure
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His fingers buried deep inside of her pussy, exploring and caressing every inch he could touch. Spasms rocked her body, throwing off waves of her scent. Floored, Cole went crazy. Every thought vanished from his mind except the smell of her essence.


Jennifer Salaiz

* * * *

The wild tendencies running through Marley ruled her actions.

She could feel herself tightening around Cole’s fingers and heard him growl just as he buried himself between her thighs. His eyes had already been glowing when he lowered himself. The meaning of why the men’s eyes illuminated baffled her. It only seemed to happen when their emotions peaked.

Cole’s tongue buried deep inside of her while his hands pinned her wrists from moving. Arching her back against the weightless air, Marley let him feast, basking in the bliss. The grip tightened around her wrists as Cole came up panting heavily.

“Marley, I’m telling you, something is going on with your scent.

The power.”

Cutting him off, Marley grabbed around the back of his neck, pulling him up and crushing her lips to his. If they began speaking, their moment would be ruined. Too much new information had been discovered since she last saw him.

The length of Cole’s cock entered her swiftly, causing her to scream into his mouth. The thrusts were just as fast. He pounded into her mercilessly, so unlike what she was used to with him. He always made it clear to her on how fragile he viewed her. Now, it was like he wasn’t even the same person, but she couldn’t help but love the way he wasn’t holding back.

“That’s right, Cole. Show me how much you want me.”

He groaned, pushing his lips back into hers. The taste of their blood washed over Marley’s tongue, and she knew it wasn’t hers that ignited her adrenaline. She’d already tasted Cole’s blood before, and, now, with the tease she just sampled, she wanted more.

Grabbing his hair, she pulled his head back, exposing his neck, but it wasn’t the neck she wanted. The need to feel meat beneath her teeth ruled her. Spotting the junction between his neck and shoulder,
Projected Pleasure


she watched his muscles flex. Without thought, she buried her teeth into him.

Blood flooded her mouth, bringing them into instant orgasm. She could feel the warmth of his cum covering her stomach and knew she should stop, but it almost proved impossible. It took everything she had to break the suction of her mouth.

Breathing heavily, she pulled back, feeling the blood trailing down her chin. Damn, she bit him deep this time.

“Cole, I’m sorry. Did I hurt you?”

He laughed huskily. “Are you kidding me? That was amazing.

You sure left me with something to remember you by, didn’t you?”

The effects of the blood thrummed through her body. She needed to wake up and try running or else she felt sure she’d combust. Power screamed inside of her, searching desperately for release.

“Cole, I have to go.”

She didn’t wait for an answer as she began to fade. It was only a matter of time before he found out what she was, anyway. What would he think? How would he react?

The snap vibrated through her body while she entered her true form. Marley didn’t waste any time or even bother changing. She was halfway through the hallway before thoughts would even catalog to her brain. She noticed at the speed at which she moved that her body didn’t register in the mirror she passed at the bottom of the stairs.

With ease, she paused long enough to make it through the front door without breaking it to pieces and then headed straight for what she feared the most—the forest.


Jennifer Salaiz

Chapter 8

The light barely broke over the surface of the horizon when the outline of trees stood before her. The woods completely surrounding their estate loomed ahead, and she ignored the prickling feeling that covered her body. Turning to look back toward the house, she decided what she needed to do. She would run completely around the circle.

That way, she’d have a view of the estate at all times.

Tearing the long, red silk nightgown off at her knees she gave herself room to maneuver. She wasn’t ready to see if wiping out across the grass going lord-knew-how-fast would cause her a critical injury. Best play it safe for now.

Marley felt her muscles flex in her legs while she crouched down, preparing to run. The air settled into her lungs, feeding her adrenaline, and without hesitation, she surged into the damp morning air.

Seconds later, she was at the back of the estate, flying so fast her eyes burned when she saw it. A ghostly apparition walked through the trees away from the estate. Stunned from the sudden appearance, she skidded to a stop.

“Cole,” Marley called, walking toward the figure as it began to disappear through the trees. She was really going to have to have a talk with Cole about watching over her. This was becoming ridiculous.

“Cole, wait up.”

Marley edged through the trees cautiously. She wasn’t stupid enough to go bursting through there, right into the arms of some fellow follower of Jordan’s. Zachary might believe no one remained, but she wasn’t so sure.

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“Cole, dammit, if you don’t stop, you’re going to piss me off. This is as far as I’m going, so either come out or you can stay in there by yourself!”

Seconds flew by and nothing happened. The moment she started to leave movement caught her attention out of the corner of her eye.

Without hesitation, Marley dropped to the ground. After Jordan plowed into her from the side so long ago, she wasn’t making the same mistake again.

A dark red wolf growled not two feet away. Slowly, she edged back, trying not to make any sudden movements. The task was proving impossible due to her own body’s reactions. The need to protect the estate pushed every fear from her mind.

Pains began shooting through her, enhancing the twisting feeling in her stomach. The red wolf took a step closer, and Marley pressed her palm against her abdomen, taking a step to the side also. Slowly, they began to circle each other, and she had no doubt she’d probably end up dying. She could run, but that would lead the wolf right to the estate.

The apparition appeared at the corner of her vision almost distracting her, but she refused to look in that direction. If she did, it would be over. The wolf would rip her apart before she got a chance to move.

A crippling pain brought Marley to her knees. The scream was automatic. She waited for an attack, but one never came. Looking up, the wolf was gone. Screams came back to back while the pain twisted insufferably.

While she dug her fingers deep into the dirt, Marley tried to think of a distraction. She began hitting the ground as hard as she could, welcoming the small pain. Compared to what her body was going through, it didn’t even faze her. Fire poured through every inch of every limb.



Jennifer Salaiz

She needed help. She needed anything besides the urge to rip her own skin apart. Her husband was right. The pain went beyond anything she’d ever felt before. “Zachary!” Marley repeatedly screamed.

Not three minutes had gone by, but Marley was sure two eternities already passed. Her body collapsed to the ground pulling itself into a fetal position. The sound of one of her ribs cracking allowed her to let out the most piecing, agonizing scream she could manage. Then her world went black.

* * * *

Zachary awoke covered in sweat. Something was wrong, he could feel it. Aches covered every muscle in his body, and it wasn’t sickness. Werewolves didn’t get sick.


Confused, he got out of bed. He ran, bursting through the door to Demetri’s room. Kylie was feeding the baby, looking at him in alarm.

“Zachary, what’s wrong? You can’t just burst in here. Do you know how bad you scared me? Where’s Marley?”

Tightening collected in his chest. “You mean you haven’t seen her this morning?”

“No, Zachary. I heard the baby crying and made him a bottle. I figured she was still sleeping.”

A scream so faint he could barely hear it had his head snapping toward Demetri’s window. He knew beyond a doubt it was Marley’s voice.

“Call my men. Tell them Marley’s somewhere behind the house.

You do not leave Demetri for a second. That’s an order, Kylie.”

Zachary didn’t even bother to go downstairs. He opened Demetri’s second story window and dropped down to the ground.

Silence eerily greeted him. He began running to the forest aligning the back of the house.

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Marley’s scent crashed into him, and he took off, running faster to find it. Something moved out of the corner of his eye, and he stopped abruptly. The apparition he heard so much about danced along the edge of the trees. As hard as he could, he focused on Marley’s scent, trying to ignore the translucent figure. He wasn’t going to count on it being Cole. It was in the opposite direction Marley’s scent was taking him.

A small color of red caught his attention on the ground just on the outskirts of the trees. Feeling his heart drop, he took off toward the color. The smell of his pack in the distance hardly registered as Marley’s tiny, curled body came directly into view. Fear penetrated his mind while he bent down toward her.

“Marley, love.” The sound of his voice breaking made the tears in his eyes cloud more of his vision.

“Marley, what happened to you?”

Zachary slid his arms under her head and knees and prepared to lift her, but he didn’t even get her off the ground. Her screams echoed through the trees. His whole body froze in terror at what might be wrong with her.

“Don’t move me!” she sobbed.

“Honey, talk to me. Are you hurt? What’s wrong? Why are you out here in the forest?” A million thoughts were going through his mind. He was popping out questions—too many questions. The quickness of his heart rate decreased as he tried to calm himself.

A shuddering breath left her lips while she clawed at the ground with her nails. “I was running. I saw…ghost, but it’s not Cole.”

Another scream came from her mouth while she kicked her legs out only to curl them back into a ball.

“A red wolf...I had to protect Demetri, but the pain.”

“Pain?” He took a good look at her body. She was completely covered in sweat, but he didn’t smell blood. Knowing she wasn’t physically harmed, the realization dawned on him. “Shit, you’re changing already?”


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Zachary ran his hands down her body. As his fingers traced over her ribs, she screamed, causing him to flinch. A handful of wolves and men stood waiting for his commands.

“I want every inch of these woods searched. It seems we’re not alone. We’re looking for a red wolf and an apparition that looks like a ghost. The apparition you won’t be able to touch, but bring the wolf to me.” Zachary looked at all of them, making sure they knew he meant business.

“Marley, this is going to hurt worse than anything you’ve ever felt, but I’m going to have to lift you to carry you inside.”

A growl actually burst past Marley’s lips. Zachary watched in horror as her green eyes began to glow brightly. Every hope he harbored, that maybe his wife had more time, vanished with her appearance. She wasn’t any more human than he. All that was left for her to do was shift, and that would be here sooner than he wanted to think about.

“I will not be carried yet.” The sound of her voice was so much stronger than her previous state. “I think it’s going away. Just give me time.”

Another cry passed from her throat while her nails formed into claws. The snapping sound of the bones in her fingers made Zachary wince.

“Fuck!” Marley screamed, pushing herself to her feet. She clutched desperately to her ribcage while she began to walk toward the estate. Zachary stared at her, amazed. With her eyes glowing and her hands protruding razor sharp claws, she looked unnerving.

Like a flash of lightening, she was gone. The quickness with which she took off made him trip over his own feet. Even he couldn’t run that fast. What in the hell was his wife turning into?

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Chapter 9

Nausea threatened Marley as she crawled into the shower. Her whole body felt contorted. It took everything she had to make it inside. The first thing she did was check on Demetri. She would never forget the expression Kylie gave her. Pure horror filled her face while she clutched to Demetri and Aria almost as if Marley was a threat.

The warm water soothed the tightness covering her. Zachary barreled through the door, running to the shower.

“Marley, dammit, why didn’t you let me help you? Did you know sometimes you can be so damn stubborn? Here, let me take off your wet nightgown.”

“Seriously, Zachary? Just tear the damn thing off. I would, but I’d probably take out of chunk of my skin with these claws. It’s going away. The pain has already subsided increasingly.”

The red silk tore away from her body gently. He was trying to be careful. At the pop inside of her, Marley sucked in a deep breath. Her rib fixing itself left her laughing.

“What the hell was that?” Zachary held his hands completely still over her, looking almost afraid to move.

“That would be my ribs popping back into place.”

Marley shifted slightly to test the pain and then pulled herself to her feet. She felt fine now. Like nothing had ever happened to begin with. Trying to focus on the events with the wolf, she pushed the memories of the pain from her mind. She didn’t want to think about the way her hands had just looked or the excruciating way her insides turned in her stomach. Thank God she projected most of the night

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instead of sleeping. She would have nightmares for sure if that was the case.

“As I was saying in the forest, I saw the apparition, but I don’t think its Cole. This figure was trying to lure me to go in. Like I’m stupid enough to do that,” Marley snorted. “Anyway, I started telling it I wasn’t going any farther. That’s when a damn red wolf tried to knock me down, but I wasn’t falling for that trick again. I ducked and it sailed right over me. We were circling each other,”

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