Promises 2 (7 page)

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Authors: A.E. Via

BOOK: Promises 2
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“I… I’ll think about it, okay. But I have to get down to the ER and help out. Night shift is the worst.”

“What time do you get off?” Quick was getting concerned. Cayson looked exhausted. His usually smooth ivory skin was paler than normal, and he had dark smudges under his naturally vibrant blue eyes. He’d hoped he’d caught Cayson at the end of his day and he’d be able to drive the doctor home, but that didn’t look like it was gonna happen.

“Not until the morning shift comes back. At seven.”

“Seven!” Quick fumed, glancing a look at his sports watch. “That’s fifteen hours from now!”

Cayson dipped his head to hide his smile. “You add fast, Rome.”

“I’m not joking. Why are you beating your body into the ground like this?”

“You should talk.”

“Are we arguing again?”

Cayson slumped against the hard door. “No. I’m just… just—”

“Exhausted. Drained. Tired. Is that what you were going to say?” Quick filled in. 

“If that’s concern I hear, save it. I’m fine.”

“Will you trust me for just a few minutes?” Quick was asking, but he’d already clasped the doctor’s hand and led him to the loveseat against the wall next to a large ten-shelf bookcase.

“I suppose.” Cayson complied warily, but Quick had the feeling he didn’t have energy to do much else.


Cayson sighed loudly before clamping his lips shut. Quick was giving him a shoulder and neck rub to rival the best physical therapist in the hospital. He sat with his back against the arm of the loveseat, Quick standing over him, kneading the knots and tension that had built up over the last few… years. His hands were so big and strong. Large enough to handle him. He was trying so hard not to think sexual thoughts. He named every bone in the leg before moving to the foot. Popping an erection could earn him some attention he didn’t need.

“That feel good?” Quick asked, his voice melting over top of him like late evening sunshine. Quiet and breathtaking.

Cayson wanted to respond, but he kept a lock on his mouth, otherwise he’d be moaning like a whore on payday.

“You don’t have to say anything, Cays.”

Quick must’ve gone down on one knee, because his mouth was there next to his ear. Feeling so wonderful.
He’s calling me, Cays
. He tried to tamp down his knee jerk reaction – which was to thrust his groin upwards. Cayson needed like nothing he could explain. So much want, which had built up over way too much time. Never having taken a lover who cared about
needs: in or out of the bedroom. He wouldn’t set himself up for disappointment by thinking Quick was any different. He was just damn good at massages. So Cayson tried to focus on the pain that was in his neck, and not the tingling that was in his nuts, or the throbbing around his hole. 

“Stop thinking so hard. I can only imagine how much brilliance is in that pretty little head of yours, Doc. Beauty and fuckin’ brains. Always has been a turn-on for me,” Quick whispered.

Cayson was stunned, stunned into instant lust. What the hell kind of test was this, now? He clenched his teeth in an effort not to squirm, but Quick had to know he was getting to him.
Is that sweat dripping?
His collar felt damp and his brow was covered with a fine sheen of perspiration. Cayson took in a deep breath and blew it out through his nose, but that seemed to make him even dizzier.
What’s he doing to me?

“Relax. Stop fighting.”

Oh, fuck
. A voice like he’d never heard. Rome wasn’t even talking like the normal Rome. Normally, Rome’s voice was deep with a touch of grit in it. No. Blowing over his ear and down his throat into his moist collar was a voice that was comforting, but powerful. Sensual, but stern. Cayson had sure picked a fine damn time to develop some dating morals, because he wanted Quick to body slam him on his desk and take him like the bad motherfucker he was. Unleash every ounce of strength he was sure Roman Webb possessed.
Not now
. Cayson was getting hard.
Of course, I’m getting hard, I’m thinking of being slam-fucked.

“Feels good, huh?” Quick said, while kneading his thumb into a particularly tender spot at the base of his neck. “No need to talk. Just listen to my words.”

Cayson was glad for the distraction. His thoughts or words were not safe at the moment. Though Quick’s massage voice was ten times more dangerous. Answering questions shouldn’t be too hard. But, as soon as Cayson’s lips opened to answer, a rogue moan escaped him.

“Mmm,” Rome moaned right along with him, the cockiness in his voice evident, but not in a nasty way. “That means yes.”

Rome was quiet for a few minutes, or maybe it was a few seconds. Hell, he wasn’t sure; he’d lost all concept of time. He also missed the hell out of that voice. Wanted it back. Wanted so damn much. Could Quick give him all that he needed? He sometimes felt like he didn’t ask for much, but when he thought back on past guys…
damn sure thought he did. He hadn’t dated much early on, because of his grueling school schedule, but the few he did ask out had their own selfish agenda. Not one guy wanted to go out in public with Cayson on his arm… would Quick really be different? He’d have to figure out if he wanted to trust Quick to take him out when the guy had just admitted to being limited-lover-challenged… plus, a gay virgin to boot. It was a lot to think about, but he couldn’t do it with Rome’s magical hands all over him.

He had to clear his throat like five times before he could speak without moaning before each word. “This was really nice. It felt great, thank you. But, I really must be getting downstairs to see if they need some help.”

“Whoa. What do you mean –
if they need help? Are you saying you’re not scheduled or whatever to work down there right now?”

Cayson sat up higher, wondering when he’d slouched down that far. He rotated his neck a couple time and was amazed at how much better it felt. Less stiff and angry. “Well, technically, no. I just try to be courteous and give other doctors some time off with their families. I don’t have anything else to do… so. Ya know what I mean?” Cayson looked up into Quick’s handsome face. “No, of course you don’t. I’m sure your social calendar stays booked up.” Cayson sounded like a jealous nerd who was bristling because he wasn’t in the cool crowd. Which was absurd. Cayson was knocking on forty. He really shouldn’t be feeling so alone.

“You’d be surprised. No one wants to hang out with me,” Quick corrected him.

“Don’t lie.” Cayson got up and grabbed his white lab coat from off the coat rack. “I doubt you have a hard time finding company, Rome.”

“I’m not lying. I’m home every single goddamn night. Just like when you came over the other night. I was home… alone. Did I look prepared to entertain a crowd? Did I look like I was about to go paint the town? No. I was about to make some chili.” Quick caught the crook of Cayson’s elbow when he tried to walk by him. He brought them face-to-face, well – face to chest. Cayson looked up at him. “
about to make chili, until someone left me in such a bad mood that I didn’t feel like cooking.”

“My apologies.” Cayson smirked, trying to ease back. His cock was still half-hard, any closer and he’d be stabbing Quick in that thick thigh of his.

“If you don’t
to go down to the ER then don’t go. You’re tired. I just wanna drive you home, maybe feed you a little dinner. I’ll be a gentleman, I promise. No more coming on to you like an overzealous frat boy. I’m tamping it way down. I just want to be in your company for a little while. Is that okay?”

I think that’s the best ask out I’ve ever had.
Not that he’d had many to compare it to. Cayson already knew he was going to say yes. One evening on his own turf wouldn’t hurt anything. He’d be safe there. And Quick promised to be considerate. He hoped not
considerate. He chewed on his bottom lip, his eyes shut tight in thought.

He felt the rough pad of Quick’s thumb tug at his lip, freeing it from its torture. He was sure he’d gnawed the plump flesh until it was practically red instead of pale pink. Cayson drunkenly opened his eyes to see Quick’s green gaze trained on his mouth. He rubbed more of the moisture across his tender flesh. “Such a sexy mouth. Pink and perfect. Shouldn’t treat your lip like that, Cays.”

Quick leaned forward, his knees bumping Cayson’s as he got down to good position. Cayson thought Quick was going to kiss him, but instead he aimed for his ear. “I want you to hang that white coat back on the hook, turn your office light off, and let’s go, so I can take care of you. So you can believe and know for sure that I’m not playing games. I’m forty years past games, gorgeous. I want you to drop your walls just a bit, enough for me to show you a few things. I mean, I’m not as debonair as Vaughan, but this old dog’s got a few tricks.”

“I don’t want you to
like Vaughan,” Cayson finally responded. Quick caressed down the side of his cheek. He was looking at him like Cayson hung the stars and the moon. Was he so desperate that he was imagining all this? But Quick said he wanted to take care of him. Him. He’d be crazy not to see if there was any way Quick could give him what his body deserved. What it craved. “I’m also not concerned with tricks or seduction. Just show me you, Rome. I’ll be able to see through an act. I’ve had enough men
a certain way to get a certain something. I’m done with actors. Promise you’ll be real.” No more guys acting concerned, acting in love, acting… straight. He needed… wanted a real man.

“And in exchange for that promise, you’ll give me one evening?” Quick’s smile was boyishly hopeful and too damn cute.

“Yes. One promise. One evening.”


“So, do you mind if we swing by the grocery store first? I want to make a little something for you. I got my truck.” Quick put his skullcap on and pointed to his Range Rover in the far end of the visitor’s parking lot. 

“No. I don’t mind.” Cayson smiled. Genuinely smiled for the first time, and it made Quick want to turn and smash his mouth against those soft-looking lips. “What are you going to make?”

Quick leaned to the side, putting his mouth close to Cayson’s temple. “It’s a surprise.”

Cayson looked at him suspiciously.

“Skeptic, huh?” Quick used his key fob to unlock the door. He hurriedly moved to open Cayson’s door, hoping he’d see it as chivalrous and not emasculating. First, he pulled out the parka Cayson had left at his house. The pretty rose color that appeared suddenly on Cayson’s cheeks was priceless.

“You left this. I’ve been riding around with it in my truck.” Quick slung the thick coat around Cayson’s back and assisted him with sliding his arms in. Quick bent and connected the zipper, snuggly encasing his sexy doctor inside the warmth. “There. That’s better. Don’t want you catching a cold.”

Cayson smiled bashfully. Finally, Quick felt like he was on the right track. If he could just keep him smiling like that, Quick’s life would be complete.

Quick pulled into the Trader Joe’s parking lot. “I’ll only be a minute. Do you wanna wait here?”

“Yeah, I’m good. I’m gonna make a phone call.”

Quick ignored the feeling in his gut that the phone call was personal and climbed out of the warmth of his truck. In the store, he moved past the large display of Valentine’s Day decorations and made fast work of getting his meat and easy minute-rice. Not knowing what type of spirits Cayson had in his house, Quick grabbed a rich cabernet sauvignon and two small vanilla scented candles that were close to the register. When he got back in the truck, Cayson was tucking his cell phone back inside his coat pocket, a disgruntled look altering his usually soft face.

“Everything okay?”

“Yep,” Cayson replied a little too fast.

“Good then.” Quick dropped his bags in the back seat. “I’m going to make something easy, but comforting, since it’s getting late.”

“It’s only five or so. I got enough energy for dinner.”

Is that all you have energy for?
Quick bit his tongue at his initial response, remembering how well behaved he was supposed to be. Instead, he focused on driving.

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