Promises, Promises (34 page)

Read Promises, Promises Online

Authors: Janice Baker

Tags: #Contemporary, #romance, #Adult, #sex

BOOK: Promises, Promises
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After that night we shared, our relationship seemed stronger. It seemed as if we shared some secret bond and Z’s jealousy seemed to subside as he trusted me more.

Another week flew by and I was slammed with orders left and right, but as always it was a fun-filled Saturday night. Mark was cracking the worst jokes, making us laugh and Sandy tried to add in her quick witted jokes.

I was taking an order from a guy who had amazing green eyes. He was very friendly and said he was new in town. I looked around trying to find a girl for him to hook up with. I spotted one a couple seats down and spoke to her; she leaned over, checking him out, and came over immediately. Yep. Izzy the match maker strikes again. I am so good.

I watched Z walk back to his office. I glanced around wondering if I could get away for a quick make-out session. Not a chance. We were slammed.

Cindy came over with several drink orders for the VIP area, “I need a Macallan 30 neat, four waters and an Amberbock.”

I stopped reaching for a glass. “What did you say?” I asked again, certain I didn’t hear her right. That was HIS drink and it wasn’t a type of scotch usually ordered.

Cindy repeated the order then laughed, “And it’s weird because they ordered six drinks and there’re only five of them. Ohhh, and the guy asked that you deliver them. He must have met you here before and liked you!” she said with a wink and then leaned in whispering “He’s fucking hot! You’re gonna love serving him!”

No! How did HE find me? I thought of Steve from Mark’s banquet party. No, he didn’t seem like he would have told him. Unless he was upset that Z and I were dating? My heart was beating out of my chest. I looked over to the VIP area. There HE sat. I heard Cindy say, “Izzy. Are you okay? You look kind of pale.”

“What? Yes, yeah, I’ll…I’ll get the drinks.”

I needed to find out what HE wanted and try to convince HIM to get out of the bar. I didn’t want Z to figure out who HE was because everything was going so great between us. I spilled the scotch at one point and wiped it up quickly. I needed to pull myself together and fast. I couldn’t have Z coming out before I got HIM out of the bar.

Why was HE here? Was HE going to try to get me to come back? Did HE want me back? I gathered the drinks. Cindy stopped me as I started walking. “Izzy are you sure you’re okay? You look a bit shaky.”

“I’m…I’m fine, please. I’ll be right back.” I did my best not to spill any of the drinks on the way over there, but I couldn’t stop shaking. I stood before HIM and put the drinks down before I spilled them all over the place.

I looked up. HE looked just as handsome as when I first met HIM. HIS dark wavy hair was styled just perfect with HIS piercing blue eyes. HE had that unshaven look that HE knew I loved so much and had told HIM repeatedly how much. HIS suit was top of the line and next to him sat a gorgeous tall blonde. She must be his new submissive. I felt a bit relieved that HE had one. Maybe then he won’t start any trouble. I swallowed hard when I looked into HIS eyes.

“Isabella, how very nice to see you again.” HE said smoothly with a slight smile. God, his voice was like velvet. I felt myself flush.

“Why are you here?” I asked trying to be bold, but even that came off a bit shaky.

“I needed to see you. I’ve missed you Isabella. Come sit.” HE touched the seat next to HIM softly. “I ordered your favorite drink for you. Please join us.” Reluctantly, I sat, but kept a safe distance.

“I’m working. I can’t…drink…while working.” I stuttered. HE smiled slightly, probably remembering when HE asked me to play cocktail waitress at HIS party for one of HIS scenes; HE wouldn’t let me drink those nights. I swallowed hard remembering that. Focus. “You have another submissive, I see.” I added.

“She’s just temporary. You were always meant to be permanent.” HE smugly smirked at her briefly and she looked away. HE took a deep breath. “I believe I went about your last lesson the wrong way.” HE picked at some imaginary piece of lint on his pant leg.

“You think?” I spat out, then flushed realizing I spoke out. I quickly shut my mouth, taking a deep breath and swallowed hard.

HE smirked that gorgeous way that excited me. My body betrayed me and I felt heat rushing through me. “Ah, I see that your insolence has returned. I should have let you get away with more comments just for fun.” HE licked HIS lips probably thinking about what punishment HE wanted to give me.

“What is it you want from me? I’m not coming back.” I proclaimed probably a bit breathy. I was having trouble focusing on trying to get HIM to leave. I couldn’t help it. I was drawn to HIM just like in the beginning. HE had that powerful aura about HIM. Just sitting next to HIM was intoxicating.

“I know you won’t come back. Even if you did, your last lesson left a bad vision in my head. One I would never do with another submissive. I admit when I am wrong. And that time I was wrong.” HE said not looking the least regretful.

“So, why are you here?” I knew I was losing track of time and Z might come back out any minute.

“I want you to have dinner with me.” HE smiled sweetly, which reached HIS eyes, something HE rarely did.

“Why would I do that?” I asked trying to be bold. I couldn’t possibly have dinner with HIM. Z would find out and I couldn’t have that. He was already jealous enough over my runs when I bumped into Mark. I had no desire to add to that after all he had been through with his exes.

“Because if you don’t, I will shut down this bar.” HE said matter of fact, looking me straight into the eyes with a powerful gaze.

“How would you do that?” HE couldn’t do that, could HE?

“Because I own the building.” HE smugly and firmly stated. I swallowed hard. HE could do that.

I glanced around trying to figure out another way. “If I have dinner with you, you’ll leave Z and the bar alone?”

“Yes, that’s all I want.” HE said glancing behind me.

“Why would you want to have dinner with me?” If HE didn’t want me back, what was the point?

“Because I need to know the answer to a question I have that has annoyed the hell out of me.” HE looked me right in the eyes and I noticed that the corner of HIS mouth twitched as he spit that out with venom.

“Why can’t you ask me that right now?”

HE answered smugly, “Because your knight in shining armor is walking towards us right now and will ask me to leave.”

I looked up behind me and saw Z, livid and striding towards us.

Oh shit


Chapter 25



I walked over to the VIP section and was fucking pissed. What the hell was she thinking? Just sitting there, having a full blown discussion with the asshole who messed with her head. When Mel came into the office to tell me Izzy was talking to her Ex, I had no idea that’s who I just seated in the VIP area. I wanted to rip the asshole’s head off, but I knew he had three body guards with him and I would need to try to remain tactful. I watched Mel run over to Flynn, but I wasn’t going to wait for anyone. What I needed to do was to get Izzy away from him. What did he say his name was? McKnight…why did that sound familiar?

I reached the VIP area seeing McKnight sitting there with a smug look on his face telling Izzy something. Izzy’s head whipped around to stare at me, her face went paler as she looked at me. “Izzy, back to the bar, NOW.” It was an order; I wasn’t asking her politely. I was fucking pissed she didn’t tell me like she had promised me. Did she want to talk to him? Without me? Fuck. I looked at her and she looked so pale. She swallowed hard and looked at him. Was she looking for permission from him? Are you fucking kidding me? He nodded to her and she got up. She looked worried, but walked by me quickly to get back to the bar – at least she better fucking be walking back to the bar.

“Mr. McKnight, You need to leave my establishment.” I spoke clear and direct. The smug dickhead just smirked at me and stood up. He buttoned his suit coat. The blonde stood up. She had that vacant look that seemed familiar.

“Mr. Williams, I completely understand. Please let Isabella know I will be calling her to discuss our agreement.” He said with a smug look.

Agreement? Fuck you.
“Mr. McKnight, whatever agreement you had with Izzy won’t be happening now or ever. Don’t ever contact her again.” Did he really think he was going to see her again? Did Izzy agree to something? I’d ask her later. Right now, I needed to get this dick out of my fucking bar.

“I think it would be to your best advantage, Mr. Williams.” He sneered smugly.

I couldn’t contain my anger any more from this smug asshole as thoughts of what he had done to
Izzy ran through my head. I lunged at him; I wanted to beat the fucking piss out of the asshole for even coming close to my Izzy again. His body guard blocked me and grabbed my arms and I could sense Flynn and Clark starting to come toward the whole situation.

He smirked and tugged at his cufflinks. “Learn to control your temper Mr. Williams and you will become the perfect Dominate that Isabella needs.”

“She doesn’t need a fucking Dominate, you asshole!” I yelled while his bodyguard held me back as I was trying to lunge forward to rip his fucking throat out for even thinking about Izzy.

“Oh I disagree, Mr. Williams. I disagree very much. I’ve never had a more willing Submissive than Isabella,” he sneered with an arrogant look.

I lunged again, but the fucker was holding me more firmly as McKnight leaned and his bodyguard held me even tighter. “You should try to tie her up in chains. She has the perfect ass to whip.” I tried to head butt the body guard, but he moved his head slightly, while his other two body guards walked McKnight and the blonde out the front door. The bodyguard let go of me and I tried to straighten myself as I watched his last bodyguard walk out of the bar.

I looked around. Fuck. I had caused a scene. People were looking. I straightened out my jacket and tried to cool my temper. It wasn’t happening.

I snapped out, “Clark, make sure they don’t ever fucking come in here again.” He nodded and headed back to his door post.

Flynn clapped my back and I shook him off. I was fucking pissed as hell and I was going to find out what he said to Izzy. I stalked over to the bar, pointed to her and yelled, “
!” She scampered without a second thought. I was seething and tried to calm down, but it wasn’t happening. I got to my office, closed the door and locked it.

She was leaning against my desk with her head hung down low.

“Do you still want him?” I yelled at her.

Her head flew up with wide eyes “No!” she whispered furiously, shaking her head.

“Really? Are you sure about that?” I spat out. Looking at her, she seemed flushed, her nipples were tight, poking through her shirt and she was starting to breath faster.

“No, it’s you I want, not him,” she stated firmly, but was breathing heavily.

“You seemed to enjoy seeing him.” I spat out.

“No, it brought back bad memories. Seeing you, like this…” she swallowed hard “…in control. I…” Her eyes were on fire, like that night she was pissed off at me for the Steve situation. She didn’t finish her thought and looked down searching for what she wanted to say. She was practically panting now. Fuck. I’ve never wanted her so much. I felt like I had to claim her back from that sick fuck.

I stood right in front of her trying to contain my anger, but I couldn’t. I grabbed her throat roughly and tilted her head back. I kissed her neck, roughly moving up to her ear. “You are mine. Do you fucking understand that?” I growled furiously. She nodded her head closing her eyes, breathing heavy.

I moved my hands down to her breasts and grabbed them, squeezing firmly. I couldn’t get to them fast enough. I ripped her top open, reaching under her bra to grab her firm breast. Her nipples were so hard and I pinched them tightly. She moaned with pleasure.

I couldn’t take it anymore and had to be inside of her. I pulled her skirt up and ripped her panties off throwing them to the ground. I reached for her pussy as if I couldn’t live without touching it. She was so fucking wet and ready for me. I shoved two fingers inside of her and she moaned out, “Ohhhhh.”
I couldn’t take anymore. I undid my jeans, pulled my hard cock out, pushed her back onto my desk, spread her legs and thrust myself in her as far as I could go. I grabbed her hips to pull her closer so I could fuck her as hard as our bodies would allow. She moaned over and over again as I slammed into her faster and faster, feeling everything she had inside of her body. I could tell she was ready to come, but for some reason I didn’t want to give her the command she needed yet. I was still pissed and felt like I wanted to make her wait. She still had it in her head that I had to tell her when to come. For some reason this time, I wanted her as frustrated as I was.

…” She moaned, practically begging several times until I was right there with her and I was ready to explode inside of her.

“Come for me.” I grunted out as I thrust as hard as I could to find my release. “Ohhhhhhh” she moaned as her body exploded and shuddered as her orgasm mixed with mine.

I stood there with my cock still inside her breathing fast and looked down at her. What the fuck had I just done? We’ve only made love until this point. I had never been that rough with her or any other girl for that matter. Oh God, I felt horrible almost disgusted with myself. I withdrew from her and grabbed a tissue off my desk and cleaned myself, pulling my jeans back up. Izzy stood up and did the same, pulling her skirt down.

I hugged her tightly feeling terrible. “I’m so sorry, Izzy. I’m so sorry.” I shook my head feeling shameful for taking her so roughly.

“It’s okay. I understand,” she said slowly, biting her lip.

“No, I never meant to be rough with you. Ever.” I grabbed her into me, kissing the top of her head. She hugged me back just as tight.

“You just wanted to claim me, I get it.” She kissed me softly.

Still not feeling alright about what I had just done, I kept thinking about what that asshole said about an agreement.

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