Prophet of ConFree (The Prophet of ConFree) (66 page)

Read Prophet of ConFree (The Prophet of ConFree) Online

Authors: Marshall S. Thomas

Tags: #Fiction : Science Fiction - General Fiction : Science Fiction - Adventure Fiction : Science Fiction - Military

BOOK: Prophet of ConFree (The Prophet of ConFree)
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My own personal victory occurred when I regained consciousness in the hospital ship CS
Tough Love
, in orbit around Veda 6. I had plenty of company there, but the doctors and nurses were so good to us and the surroundings were so pleasant and the food was so good and whatever they were pumping into my system was so terrific that I hadn't felt so good in years.

Saka was right next to me, and Bird was right next to him. That was the nicest part of all. We were all pretty badly dinged up, and it was fun encouraging each other and flirting with the nurses.

They told me I had almost died. And Saka and Bird had also been very badly hit. All three of us would probably have bled to death if Bees had not been there to stabilize us, pump us full of cyro and get us evaced to triage.

And she was just doing her job. Think about that – just doing her job. We were all just doing our jobs, doing as best we could, for our own.

When we had been sufficiently stabilized, they evaced us by shuttle to the Valhalla Community Hospital, which had not been hit in the fighting but was crowded with wounded troopers. It appeared that ConFree had sent every nurse, trainee nurse, doctor, physician and trainee doctor in ConFree TDY to Veda 6, so we all got plenty of attention there.


"How's the arm?" Bees asked me. She was supervising some of the younger nurses in the hospital and checked in with us several times a day. Saka and Bird were again in hospital beds by my side, still recovering.

"They say it's still healing, and I cannot move." I had been stuck in bed except for visits to the toilet, which had to be carefully handled to avoid damaging my right arm, which was encased in a bulky gro-case stabilization unit.

"You should listen to them," Bees said. "It's a very delicate process. Most of your arm bones were shattered and your muscles and tendons were pretty much shredded. It's a minor miracle that you've still got the arm. They wanted to grow you a new one from scratch and I had to argue hard to get them to work on the old one instead. Those visits to the toilet are dangerous. You should go right in the bed, it can be done easily."

"I'm old fashioned. I prefer to poo alone."

"Every time you do that, you're straining your mending ribs and your ripped shoulder muscles and your broken clavicle and that mess in your chest."

"Bees, did you tell him about the latest on his injuries?" Bird asked.

"What's that?" Bees asked.

"Prophet, they've decided your injuries are so severe they're going to send you to the Legion Neurological and Physiological Reconstructive Recovery Hospital on Quaba. It's the best hospital in the galaxy, you'll love it."

"Bird, if this arm ever recovers, the first thing I'm going to do with it is to beat the crap out of you, I promise. Saka, did you put him up to that?"

"I wouldn't do that, Prophet, not even as a joke. Some things are not funny."

"Hey guys, how y'all doing?" It was Arie and Smiley, clad in Legion camfax fatigues. They loved the Bright active lizard camfax but were not permitted to wear them for opsec reasons.

"Hey, Arie, we're fine and dandy, how about you?" I asked.

"I brought you some reading material. Take a look at that," Arie said, handing me a news screen with the latest edition already displayed. Big headlines announced the latest news:


Victory on Veda 6!

Bright Intervention Critical

D's in Retreat on Dajusdevon as Well


Valhalla, Veda, CFW - 383/04/22 - Special from the
Legion Tacmap
- The Legion Command on Veda 6 announced early this morning that the planet Veda 6 is now secure, and that the last Demon holdouts have been tracked down and exterminated. The massive and determined Demon invasion has now been decisively crushed, at great cost. An unprecedented Fleetcom and Legion response, aided by allied AC and BPSA units, earlier slowed the D advance but the D's were still attacking when the Bright intervention stopped them cold. The Bright attack was unexpected and ferocious, unleashing stunning alien firepower against the D invaders. The Bright fighter starcraft first cleansed the vac and then the at of D spacecraft, then attacked the D ground units and dropped large numbers of Bright troopers into the fray. The Brights attacked the D head-on, driving them into Legion lines, killing large numbers of the enemy and chased them from the battlefield. It was only at that point that it became clear that the D's advance was broken and they began a general retreat. The Brights then vanished as quickly as they had come, recovering thousands of troopers and pulling their formidable star fleet from orbit.

The Legion Command states that the Bright intervention was a surprise to ConFree as well, but it may have been sparked by an earlier Legion raid conducted against a Demon 'home planet'. Since the D's originate from the universe Mid Haven, this is startling news. The Legion commander on Veda, General John Morgan, said that the Director General of ConFree will provide details on the raid at a later time. The
Legion Tacmap
will provide full details on this subject when the facts become available.

In related news, the latest reports from the AC world Dajusdevon 5 show the Demons in full retreat after a decisive defeat by strong united AC, ConFree and BPSA forces. The allies now have vac and air superiority and are chasing the D's to their deaths. ConFree has a full two Legions on Dajusdevon, and this is a perfect example of the utility of the recent Triple Alliance which pledged ConFree, the Assid Confederation, and the Biogen BPSA to come to the aid of any member state attacked by anyone else. Despite coming under attack itself, ConFree sent two Legions to assist the AC, and the Biogens sent units to both Veda and Dajusdevon to meet their obligations. The AC was able to send only token numbers of troopers to assist ConFree on Veda 6, but their own problems on Dajusdevon made that understandable. Both the AC and the Biogens had earlier provided substantial assistance to ConFree's efforts against the D on Galinta.

It is somewhat ironic that the Triple Alliance, meant to deter aggression from human states, has served to unite the response to alien attacks, even though it is doubtful that the aliens are even aware of the treaty.

There is plenty of mystery concerning the unexpected Bright intervention, including sightings of human troopers wearing black Legion A-suits with Bright insignia, and one female trooper, believed to be Cyrillian, who was wearing silvery Bright armor and who risked her life repeatedly to liberate female captives from the grip of the Demons. The tearful survivors called her the 'Black Angel', but were in no condition to provide further information. The
Legion Tacmap
is following up on these stories and will provide full details as soon as possible.

Legion Tacmap
sends our warmest congratulations on these great victories to our brave Legion boots and Fleetcom vacheads and to our allied Assidic, Biogen and Bright troopers who put their lives on the line for their own home worlds and peoples as well as for ConFree. Our deepest sympathy is extended to all who died in the fight to preserve the human race from these merciless bloodthirsty aliens.


"The Black Angel, huh?" I glanced at Bees. "Well, they got that part right. Have you seen this?"

"Everybody I know has shown it to me," she replied, smiling faintly. "They're exaggerating. I was just treating my patients."

"Yeah, with one hand, while fighting off the D's with the other hand. This article is exactly right. You are the Black Angel. All three of us owe you our lives."

"I think…we all owe each other our lives," Bees replied quietly. "Everyone in Delta did all they could to keep everyone else alive. It's what we do. There's nothing remarkable about it. It's what they taught us in Basic. But if you want heroes – look at the Brights. Ice and Saka and…well, me…would be dead without their miraculous intervention. And why did they do it? What were we to them?"

"Wounded soldiers," I said.

"Yes. Wounded soldiers. They did the right thing. No reason required. Isn’t that what they taught us, too? Do the right thing. I don't know if the Brights are really angels or just highly developed immortals with very advanced technology, but does it really matter? I say they're angels. If you can't tell the difference, if they act like angels, then why not call them angels?"

"Maybe you're right."

"Of course she's right," Scout said, entering the room. "Bees has assured me that she is always right. 'I am always right,' she said. That's a direct quotation."

"That's funny," I said. "That's what Honeyhair says, too."

"The corollary is you are always wrong," Arie said. "Blondie says that a lot."

"Lan Hwa is a good traditional Assidic girl," Saka said. "She does everything I say."

"You just got married," Bird said. "You just wait. By the second year, you'll be talking things over with her and by the third year you'll be doing everything she says. It always works out that way, Outworlder or Assidic. They're smarter than we are."

"Do you speak from experience?" Arie asked.

"No, but I've seen how it worked out with my friends. It's not a problem, though. They love it. As for me, I think I like being single – at least for awhile more. Oh, hello." A lovely little blonde Outworlder nurse was standing by his bed with some medications.

"Hello, Bird," she said with a big cheerful smile. "How are you feeling today?"

"Oh, I'm fine! Um, thank you."

"Would you like another massage?" she asked, blinking big innocent blue eyes at him.

"Uhh…maybe later," he replied quietly, looking around guiltily.

"Oh, I don’t mind! It made you so relaxed and happy the last time. Is the regrowth of the leg giving you any more pain?" Bird had almost lost his leg, just like I had almost lost my arm, but the Legion was regrowing it for him.

"A little."

"We'll do more physical therapy with you in the Rehab Room. I'll come and get you at 1400. My colleagues are so jealous! They all adore you! All right, we'll see you then." And she left.

"Physical therapy, huh?" I remarked.

"Isn't she a little young for you, you old billy goat?" Saka asked. "She looks like she should have playmates, not colleagues."

"I predict Bird will leave this hospital with that girl by his side," I said. "I believe she's already decided. And that's all that's important."

"The Prophet speaks," Arie said.

"Come on, guys," Bird objected. "She's just a nurse."

"And you’re just an adorable target," Bees said. "In bad need of a wife."

"How are you folks doing?" Doggie asked, walking through the doorway. He was in camfax fatigues, and had just submitted a full account of the Kratar raid as well as the Goldglen Air Raid Shelter operation. General Huynh was at his side, clad in Assidic fatigues.

"We're fine," Saka said. "Did you get all that paperwork done?"

"All done and submitted, at last. I appreciate all the help everyone gave me on it," Doggie said.

"The damned report was almost as much trouble as the ops themselves," the general said.

"What about notifying Delta Research?" Arie asked. "Do our wives know we're alive yet?"

"The Kratar op was so highly classified that until now we could not notify them," Doggie said. "But now it's been done. It was a one-liner - All Delta pers survived. Contact via Legion Hqs Veda 6. That's all they would let me send. But I think that's all they want to know. I couldn't say anything about the op. But we should be hearing from them soon. And they'll probably let us send censored replies."

"If the Director General of ConFree is going to announce the Kratar raid publicly, all this secrecy seems a bit excessive," I said.


When the Professor called the meeting, he did not give the process as much thought as he should have. He was busy, but he knew it was very important so he called all concerned to report to him immediately. They all arrived at about the same time in the outer alcove of his office: Ice, Lan Hwa, Honeyhair, Blondie, and General Huynh's wife, Golden Lotus. When they saw each other standing there, they knew immediately what the subject was. Ice turned cold and still. Lan Hwa began trembling and the tears rushed into her eyes. Honeyhair and Blondie gasped and both turned pale, then clutched each other in a fearful embrace. Golden Lotus's lovely face appeared to be carved from stone, but she approached and embraced Lan Hwa as if to protect her from whatever was to come.

"Come in, come in," the Prof said. "We have news from Delta at last. Let me read it to you." He didn't even glance at them. His attention was directed totally to the printout clutched in his hand. "It says 'All Delta pers survived. Contact via Legion Hqs Veda 6.' Isn’t that wonderful?" He looked up into their stricken faces, which immediately turned to joy as they gasped and fought back the tears and then let them go, tears of joy, Honeyhair and Blondie locked together in delight, Golden Lotus and Lan Hwa clutching each other like lovers, and Ice looking up to heaven with a sad smile and brushing her tears away.

"Oh goodness. I'm sorry, I'm sorry," the Prof said. "I should have prepared you for the good news. Oh, I'm so sorry, I'm so thoughtless. But it's all good news! Everyone is all right! I don't know what they are doing on Veda, but there it is. They survived! All of them! It's the best possible news. There's no need to cry, please, I'm so sorry." A roomful of crying girls, he thought. What a disaster. You dummy!

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