Protected by a Mobster 2: A Russian Mafia Romance (Volsky Mafia) (10 page)

BOOK: Protected by a Mobster 2: A Russian Mafia Romance (Volsky Mafia)
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My secret is shared amongst dozens of people. They watched as I killed a man. Sure, he deserved it. At least I think he did. I thought it was revenge I wanted when my journey began, but I was wrong. It was vengeance for my brother that I needed. I needed the guilty to pay for their sins against an honorable man. I got it in spades, too.

Was it worth it?

I asked myself the night I ran away if it would all be worth it in the end. The answer isn’t exactly what I imagined it would be. Two more men died for the choices they made. I did get my freedom. But I gained so much more than that. I managed to find myself. And a family that actually has honor, even if it is amongst the Bratva. Ruslan was the cherry on top of it all.

Before he even spoke, I knew he was behind me. The spicy scent of his cologne and the rapid beating of my heart when he was near were enough to let me know. My body always responds to him, and I love it. His deep rich voice met my ears and I shivered in response.

“Moya koroleva, you have a visitor in my office.”

“Oh.” I closed my diary, dropping it in the chair as I stood. “I wasn’t expecting anyone. All of the wedding plans have been taken care of.”

Ruslan pulled me against his chest, locking me into his warm soothing embrace. He gripped my chin as he always has, tilting my face up to his. His soft warm lips pressed against mine as his tongue traced the seam and I opened to him, letting him take of me what he wants. He deepened the kiss, thrusting his tongue against mine in a wicked dance. He pulled back, breaking the kiss, leaving me breathless and wanting more. “It’s your mother, sweetheart.”

“I don’t know if I’m ready to see her.”

“I think you will want to hear what she has to say, Lil. After everything, she is still your mother, your family. Maybe the two of you can grow something good from all the bad.”

“Maybe. But before we go down there, I need to tell you something. It’s important.”

“You know you can tell me anything.”

“I’m pregnant.”

Ruslan stood stone-still barely even blinking. Speechless. I was beginning to worry until he slowly began to smile. “Really?”

“Yes. Almost eight weeks. I don’t want to tell my mother... yet. For a while, I’d like to just keep it between us. Okay?”

“Whatever you want, sweetheart. Always. Do you know if it’s a boy or a girl yet?”

“Not yet. It’s too soon to tell. A few more months, maybe.”

Ruslan pulled me into another scorching hot kiss that left me weak in the knees. “Thank you for making my life complete. I didn’t even know what I was missing until you stumbled into my life and showed me how to live. Ya lyublyu tebya, Liliya. You will always be my moya koraleva.

“And ya lyublyu tebya.”

I clung to the memory of Ruslan’s warm embrace as I headed downstairs. I’d never dreaded facing someone in all of my life as I did my mother today. I never asked Ruslan what happened to my father. I knew he was dead. I didn’t care to know how it actually happened. My heart and soul were better off having no details on the matter. I didn’t want to see blame in my mother’s eyes when I looked at her. And I didn’t want her forgiveness, either. I made a choice that took away her husband and changed her life forever.

Ruslan did tell me the Bratva had taken over his businesses and that The Commission was working on how best to handle the territory my father covered. The Commission had asked if I would like to step in and fill my father’s seat. As flabbergasted as I was by the offer, I didn’t want it. The offer was a very big deal, as no woman has ever been welcomed into the fold like that. Ruslan suggested that I take a few months to consider it. And I have been thinking about it.

Before I knew it, I had made it downstairs and stood in front of Ruslan’s office. Taking a deep cleansing breath, I turned the knob and stepped inside. My mother sat on the sofa near the window, her hands clasped in her lap. She glanced up and smiled at me.

“Liliya. You look really good. I think Las Vegas agrees with you. It’s so good to see you.”

“Hello, Mother. I… I don’t know what to say to you.” I stood frozen in place, not sure how to interact with my own mother. Some of the things she had said to me the last time we spoke hurt me badly. The wounds were still fresh and painful, even more so now that she’s standing in the same room.

“I didn’t know what your father did. You and Malcolm were the only good things in my life, Liliya. Ruslan told me everything. It’s all so hard to believe. I just don’t understand how Lyosha could have done such a despicable thing to his own son, his own flesh and blood. It hurts me in a way I can’t even describe in words.”

“I know. I was there when it happened. That’s why I had to leave, Mother. I was afraid of what they would do to me. Ruslan… he helped me, Mother.” My eyes blurred with unshed tears, and before I knew it, the dam broke. My mother rushed across the room and held me tight, rocking me back and forth the way a mother does. I had missed her more than I knew. We stayed like that for several long minutes before separating.

“I hear there is a wedding approaching,” she said. “And no, I won’t be asking you if it’s what you want. I can see that you are happy here. I spoke with Ruslan and he’s a kind man. Much better than your father ever was. I’m happy for you, my dear. You deserve to have a man that will give you the world.”

“I am happy here. I love him so much. He’s my everything.”

The rest of the afternoon, I talked to my mother about the wedding, and without thinking, I let the pregnancy news slip. She was elated and overjoyed at the news. By the end of the day, we were back on track as if nothing had ever happened. We focused on the happiness surrounding us and nothing more. Life was moving forward and we were dead-set on going with the flow.

Chef Lola prepared a lovely meal. Ruslan’s men and his brother, Gabriel, joined us for dinner. They welcomed my mother with open arms. We were one big happy family. Wine glasses were filled, toasts were made, and Ruslan just had to share the baby news with the guys.

“A lot of things have changed around here recently and I wouldn’t change a single one of them,” Ruslan said, a big smile on his face. “Liliya will be joining our family soon… but the growth of the family will not be stopping there.”

“Just tell them already. You sure know how to drag it out.”

“Fine, Lil.” His smile grew even bigger as he put his arm around me and pulled me close. “We’re pregnant.”

“Pozdravleniya!” echoed around the room.

Chapter Twelve - Ruslan

“I can’t believe you’re going to be a dad. I’m still shocked that you’re getting married in a few weeks.”

“Why in the hell are you so shocked, Gabriel? You’ve known about this for months. Surely you’ve wrapped your head around it by now.”

“I have. I mean I get it. At first I thought you were trapping yourself in a marriage for the Bratva, a loveless situation with no end in sight. I didn’t want that for you, brother. I’m not against marriage or you and Lil. She’s a great woman and she loves you as much as you love her. I see it. It just made me realize that the life I live won’t allow me to have that. Living in the shadows is lonely.”

For the first time in years, I understand my brother. It wasn’t that he wasn’t interested in being Boss. He just didn’t want to be trapped, whether it be by a marriage or something else. He needed his freedom. Having him here in Vegas had been nice. He and Lil had even gotten pretty close. Sure, they still pissed each other off regularly but that wasn’t going to change. The important thing was they could enjoy each other. That was what mattered most.

“Gabriel, why don’t you stay here? The wedding is just a couple of weeks away. Another seven months or so and my first child will be born. I would like you to be here for that. We’ve spent far too many years apart. It doesn’t have to be for the Bratva. I won’t even ask. If you want that, you’ll have to ask for it. However, I
put you on the payroll to manage Dolce Vita. I won’t be needing it anymore. Hell, I’ll sign it over to you today if you’ll stay. What do you say?”

“I’ll think about it. I can’t promise you more than that right now. But I will consider the offer... both of them.”


Seduction was finally back on track after months of being closed for repairs. I spent so much of my time there since the fight. Liliya begged me to get a serious upgrade in security. I couldn’t argue. She was right. The security was lacking and what happened before wasn’t something we needed to risk happening again.

“Hey there, handsome.”

The sound of her sweet voice was like music to my ears. Sweeter than sin.

“Hey. How are you feeling? Morning sickness getting any better?”

“It’s not too awful today. It’s an anytime thing, anyway. It’s ridiculous. You still going to the appointment with me today? You’ve been so busy you haven’t even heard the heartbeat yet.”

I pulled Liliya into my lap, laid my hand over her belly, and smiled. She kicked off her shoes, wiggled her toes, and leaned back against my chest, stretching like a kitten. It was times like this that made me feel like a damn king. It was all because of Liliya. I knew it and she knew it too. We were blessed. Lucky in love and family. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world. What do you think of the changes to the club?”

When it came time to do the repairs, I decided against replacing the floor-to-ceiling glass wall and opted for a partial instead. In the off-chance something like that happened again, I didn’t want glass raining down over the room. I’d still be able to see what was happening from up here, regardless. We also added more security cameras and a display center of monitors along the office wall near my desk. The other changes were minor because I wanted to keep as close to the original look as possible.

“I’m glad you took my advice on the glass wall there. And the security too. Are we still going out to dinner tonight?

“Of course, Moya koraleva.”
My Queen

Tonight was to be a special night. With everything going on, I managed to forget a very important part of our relationship. I never got my girl a ring. And it’s a problem I plan on fixing tonight.

An hour later, we found ourselves sitting in a freezing cold room with institution-white walls and crappy uncomfortable chairs that put your ass to sleep.

“Be patient, Ruslan. My God.”

“My patience is fine. it’s this fucking chair and my ass that are the problem.”

She chuckled “I’ll rub your ass later.”


“Promise, but if you keep it up, I might have to spank you.”

“Really now? You think you have what it takes?”

“I’m more than certain I can bring you to your knees, Boss.”


She always went there. And each and every time, I cave because the woman is right. She can bring me to my knees with little effort. Stars on my knees or not, I will fall on them anytime she so much as asks or demands it of me.

The door opened. The doctor had finally arrived. “Hello, Liliya. This must be our proud daddy. I’m Dr. Baker.”

“Pleasure to meet you. Ruslan Volsky.”

Dr. Baker flipped open the chart and looked over a few things, then promptly closed the file. “I see we’re here for the ultrasound.”

“That’s right.”

“Okay let’s take a listen then.”

I sat in my uncomfortable chair, watching the doctor squirt some kind of jelly on Liliya and lightly roll a wand through the goop and across her belly. A black and white image appeared in the small screen of the ultrasound machine. A whooshing sound filled the room. Liliya reached her hand out and I grabbed it, lacing our fingers together instantly.

“That’s your little one’s heartbeat. It’s strong.” The doctor pointed at the screen, her finger circling a small spot on the screen. “And this is your little one right here. Would you like me to print up a copy for you, Liliya?”

“Yes, please. If you don’t mind.”

The doctor printed the picture and handed it over to Lil. She smiled so big as her small hand ghosted over the image. She was so damn happy. Just seeing her smile was enough for me. But hearing my child’s heart beating for the first time was – hell, I have nothing to compare it to.


She finished cleaning the goop off her belly, lowered her shirt, and readjusted her pants before looking up at me. I thought I had everything planned out perfectly, but this moment – this one moment – was perfect. We’d just listened to our child’s heartbeat.

I dropped down on one knee right there in that crap room. Liliya’s smile was so bright, I couldn’t help myself.

“For this moment, I want you to forget about marriage contracts and the arrangement we made together. Instead, I want you to just be you. We’ve been through some serious stuff and survived because of the strength we found in each other. I love you, Lil. Make me the happiest man in all of Las Vegas and be my wife. Marry me, Lil, because you want to and for no other reason.”

Tears spilled down her flushed cheeks, her smile so wide it had to hurt. She nodded her head yes. I shook my head no. She frowned and I smiled, doing everything I could not to laugh.

“I have to hear you say it, Lil. I need the words, sweetheart.”

“Yes. A thousand times yes.”

I slipped the ring on her finger. She glanced down at it taking in the two-carat heart-shaped diamond sitting atop a white gold band.

“It’s beautiful, Ruslan. I love you. So much.”

“And I love you. You will always be my queen.”

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Also by Jacee

Protected by a Mobster

Convicted: A Mafia Romance

Dangerous Love: A Russian Mafia Romance (Grekov Mafia Book 3)

Enamored: A Russian Mafia Romance (Grekov Mafia Book 2)

Indulgence: A Russian Mafia Romance (Grekov Mafia Book 1)

Naughty Arrangement

My Russian Hero

Scent of Desire (Paranormal Bear Shifter Romance)

The Boardroom

The Professor’s Lover

Visit Jacee on the web at:

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