Protected by Emeralds (A Dance with Destiny Book 5) (8 page)

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“And you are definitely all man, Vittorio. You, my rarest Guardian, are mightier than a titan and more beautiful than heaven’s own Angels. Trust me. I have seen them. They cannot hold a candle to you, Brother.”

“Aye, Lass. Ye talk aboot me as if I hung the stars.”

She giggled. “Not only the stars, but the sun and moon as well, sweet Guardian.”

He pulled a dress out from behind his back.

“And just how in the world did you manage that?” She stepped from the water. “How did you know this one was my favorite? The special kimono Yui gifted me when first we escaped the palace. I save it only for special occasions.”

“Aye, an’ can ye think of one more special than this, Lass?”

“No, Brother. That is the perfect dress for this most perfect of days.” She dried off and stepped before him, arms spread wide. “But how ever did you manage it?”

He began to drape the lovely silk around her. “I have my ways,” he teased. “Let’s just say, ye have a spy living at the royal palace.”

She giggled. “Raven-haired?”

“Nae, Lass. Sapphire.”

“Daichi? No way—”

“Aye, Lass. Do ye think me mad? Nae Daichi.”

“What? …Tenshi?”

“Aye, an’ excited aboot it, nae less. Told me tae take his mother in my arms an’ nae let her go.” Vittorio turned her around to face him. “He said… Nae does she smile like she does when she thinks of ye.”

“My son said that?”

“Aye, an’ that’s nae all. He told me tae hold ye like a man, nae a friend. He said I should place my manacle upon yer hand, minus yer protest
consent, an’ leave our child within ye before the sun rose on a new day.”

“Yes. I can hear him saying that now.” She chuckled, shaking her head. “I will have to give him a good thrashing when I get back home. I spared the rod with that one.”

“He has a beautiful wee babe of his own. She’s a walking, talking, breathing wee doll, she is.”

Jenevier’s face beamed. “That little Angel is my whole world. When Daichi returned my essence and I made my way back to Jinn, Mika was ecstatic. She had been awaiting my return for a couple years. Her parents had given their consent. They only needed my permission… and my son.” She softly laughed at the memory. “Tenshi nearly tore Vareen’s door off getting back to his little Mika. They were wed that same day and probably pregnant before the dawn. Never have I seen two people any happier than those two. They have only ever loved each other… since they were but children.”

“Aye, we should all be so lucky.”

“Yes. If everyone was so gloriously blessed, I would be out of a job. There would be no need for a Death Angel—were all hearts as pure as theirs.”

He finished tying her obi and she turned back to face him.

“Wow… I cannae believe I’m saying this. But, nae have I seen ye look so lovely, Lass.”

She giggled. “You say that
time, Brother.”

“Shhh, now. Nae more with this brother stuff. Ye’ve blessed me with my promised day an’ I have yer only son’s noble blessing. I’m bent on changing yer mind where I’m concerned. Nae will I leave ye alone, my love. Ye have eternity tae tell me nae. An’ I have just as long tae convince ye tae say yes.” He kissed her hand. “Now, when we enter the clouds, close yer eyes. I want tae look upon yer lovely face when I tell ye tae open them. Nae have ye seen anything like this before.”

Her giggles rained down upon Lyra as the happy celestial creatures held hands and flew into the clouds.




Jenevier had her fingers over Vittorio’s, covering her eyes, as he slowly led her to their magical destination.

“Just a few more steps, Lass.”

“Are there people around?”

“Aye, a few.”

“They must think me mad—a woman, walking about with her eyes covered.”

He chuckled. “Aye, an’ talking tae herself all the while.”

She giggled.

“We’re here, Lass,” he whispered. “Now, keep yer eyes closed until I tell ye. Promise me.”

“I promise, Brother… umm… I mean, Vittorio.”

He removed his hands. She heard his invisible footsteps upon the stones. She waited patiently, eyes tightly shut.

“Now… open,” he whispered.

Vittorio had been right. Never had she seen a place such as this. It was pure magic. The ground, the trees, the very air around her was all draped in the loveliest shade of pink she had ever seen. Holding her arms out wide, she spun in a slow circle, letting the delicate petals light upon her cheeks, hide within her curls.

“Oh… Vittorio… I have not the words.” She looked at him with a smile on her face that would shame the heavens. “I never wish to leave this place. How do you do it? How do you always gift me with such rare magic? How are you even real, sweet Guardian?”

He wrapped his arms around her. “So, ye like it then?”

She buried her face in his chest. “I love it. More than feeble words can confess. Promise me something.”

“Anything, Milady.”

“When I die, if ever that should happen, bury me here beneath these enchanting trees. And if I turn to ashes, bring them here. Let them mingle with these petals upon the winds.”

“Aye, Lass. If I live through yer death, I promise tae do just that.”

“Never let me go,” she whispered.

“I dunnae plan tae.” He got down on his knees and looked up at her. “Jenevier, Mother of Angels, Empress of Jinn, an’ the only keeper of mine noble heart…”

Tears blurred her eyes. She tried to blink them away. This perfect man kneeling before her, covered in cherry blossoms, took her breath away. Her heart swelled to bursting.

“…will ye bestow upon me the greatest honor this universe can even hold? Will ye stay with me always? Will ye accept my manacle an’ be my eternal Anicee? Will ye gift me with yer smile forever an’ make me the happiest man that’s ever lived?”

She couldn’t stop her tears then. She touched his perfectly sculpted face and smiled so big it made the muscles in her cheeks burn. They gazed upon each other. Words left her. She could only nod… and smile.

What could be more perfect than this?
she thought.

“Sakura? Is that you? Sakura Mankai?”

She casually glanced toward the unfamiliar voice, growing ever louder as it neared.

Vittorio stood, growling at the large man fast approaching his Princess.

She was now frozen in place, trembling.

“Ha, Sakura! I knew it was you. Your curls gave you away.”

His pace suddenly quickened, and then the stranger snatched her up in his arms.

“Sakura, Kagi Naga. When I woke to find you gone, I never dreamed I would see you again. And here, of all places. You
my little cherry blossom.”

Chapter 7






Vittorio’s sword was already drawn when Daichi’s feet landed hard upon the stones. Cherry blossoms swirled up as a pink tornado.

“You shall both hold!” Uriel’s voice boomed around them.

Tenshi landed quietly, stepping past his ethereal brethren and on toward his tiny mother.

“Musashi?” he whispered, stunned.

Jenevier’s terrified gaze found her son’s.
burned with fury. Visible power—a pulsing blue wave—exploded from his every pore, knocking Daichi and Vittorio backward. The cherry trees were almost cleaned of their lovely blossoms. Sakura fluttered about them, hindering all vision… as a delicate pink blizzard.

Suou, Jenevier still in his arms, turned toward the unseen heavenly beings and marveled at the raining petals.

“Look at that, Naga. They come to you as if by magic,” he said through his smile. “The trees agree. You
a Sakura, not a Naga.”

“Put me down.” She struggled in his massive arms. “You know not what you do.”

He suddenly seemed to realize how inappropriate his actions had been. He quickly lowered her to her feet, apologizing.

“Forgive me. I lost myself. I have acted disrespectfully toward you yet again. I am so terribly sorry.” He bowed low to her. “It seems I lose control when I am near you… I just never thought I would be so blessed as to lay eyes upon you, ever again.” He raised his head slightly. “In truth, I thought you were a ghost, a dream perhaps.” He blushed.

“Gratitude for your kindness concerning me, Musashi. And I am truly thankful you tended my wounds and stayed by my side when I was all alone.”

She was backing away from him as she spoke, drawing ever nearer to her enraged son.

Tenshi, it’s all right now. Listen to me. This man is not the monster he appears to be

Are you certain, Mama?

Yes, my son. He shares the man’s face only. His heart is innocent. Trust me in this.

The pulsing sapphire glow slowly disappeared from around her angelic son.

“What the hell was that, Tenshi?” Daichi asked.

The normally timid blue Angel shrugged his shoulders. “Mama was in trouble,” was all he offered by way of explanation.

Uriel stared hard at the younger Angel, a flicker of fear crossing his face.

Did you see that?
Uriel thought.

The other Archs responded.

Not only did we see it, we felt it as well
, Raphael said.

The familiar looking man laughed. “Musashi? You called me that before. My name is Suou. Remember? Or are we each fated to
the other?” He advanced with her retreat, smiling all the while. “Do I remind you of a Musashi the way you remind me of a cherry blossom, little Sakura?” He reached for one of her curls.

“Your Highness!”

The excited voice came from behind her. Suou glanced up over her head.

“We were wondering where Your Highness had gotten off to. Your guests are waiting.”

“Very well, Izaru. Tell them I will return momentarily.” He looked back down at her. “I was simply greeting an unexpected, yet incredibly special guest.”

The one called Izaru approached her, a stern look on his face. “And just who might you be?”

“Me?” Jenevier stepped back, bumping into the invisible form of her beloved son.

Suou cleared his throat. “Don’t act so cold, Izaru. This woman is special to me, extremely so. I invited her here, personally.” He reached his long elegant fingers out toward her.

She tried to retreat, yet Tenshi’s massive form was unmovable. He protectively placed his hands on her shoulders and growled.

“Come, Sakura,” Suou said, smiling brightly. “You are to be my date for this evening’s celebrations. How lucky am I, hmm?”

“My name is Kagi Naga. And I am afraid your request is simply out of the question,
Your Highness
.” She curtsied politely. “I must be leaving now. Oh, and once again, Musas… umm… Suou, sincerest gratitude for your undeserved kindness. Know that I will be forever grateful.”

She turned to leave, but he grabbed her arm. The cherry blossoms swirled around them, carried by an unexplainable breeze, thick with Vittorio’s delicious scent.

“Sire, what are you doing?” Izaru demanded. “Who is this woman and why is the Crown Prince grabbing at her?”

The other man was becoming angrier by the moment, focusing his cold glare on Jenevier.

“This is all terribly unseemly, Your Highness,” he said. “Come with me this instant and let this
Fire Dragon
return from whence she came.”

Daichi’s growls mixed with Tenshi’s and rumbled threateningly through the trees, shaking the limbs. She was amazed the humans were deaf to it.

“That mortal is not to be touched, the one called Suou,” Uriel said. “No matter what happens, you are forbidden from laying hands upon him. Do you understand me? No… matter… what.”

Jenevier cut her eyes toward the Arch. “Oh, just shut it, Uriel. We heard you the first time. I… under… stand.” She rolled her eyes as she mocked his ominous tone.

Turning back to her human company, she realized they were both staring at her—Izaru with disgust, and Prince Suou with an almost uncontrollable smile. She blushed.

“She is amazing. Is she not, Izaru?” He took her trembling hand and tucked it in the crook of his arm.

The other man didn’t even try to hide his extreme distaste for her. “If you say so, Your Highness.”

“You will be the rarest gem among them,” Suou said. “Never have I seen a dress as lovely on a maid. Most go for bright flashy colors trimmed about with gold, or some such finery. Yours… well, it suits you perfectly, little Naga—shiny black with tiny cherry blossoms sprinkled about. It was made especially for you, was it not? I can tell by the way it fits, it was sewn with you in mind.” He continued without waiting for her reply. “It came not from this land, sweet Sakura. This I know. It is too rare a garment to be from around here. You must share with me its story. I feel honored that you wore it just for me, especially on such an occasion.” He chuckled. “We will be the talk of the town, you and I. Come. Let us make our grand entrance and listen to the hens cluck.”

“No!” She tore her captive hand free.

Both men gaped at her in amazement.

“I said I had to be going. Did you not hear me,
Your Highness
? Or do you simply not care?”

Izaru approached her. “Who are you to be speaking thusly to the Prince?” He raised his hand. “You need to be taught some manners.”

Jenevier assumed a defensive stance, bracing for the impact. It didn’t come. Then she noticed Suou’s large hand wrapped around the other man’s wrist.

“If I ever even hear a faint whispering on the wind that you laid a single finger upon this woman, Izaru, you will live to regret it. This I swear,” Suou warned.

“No, he will not.” Jenevier’s pink glare bore through her would-be attacker. “If he ever lays a hand on me, he will not
at all.”

Izaru’s eyes widened while Prince Suou only laughed, loudly.

The Crown Prince slapped the shorter man on the back. “She is perfect. I love her already. The very spark of life this stuffy old place needs.”

“If you say so, Sire,” Izaru half hissed.

“Your most noble admiration is truly appreciated, Milord.” She bowed in her Dragon manner. “But as I was saying before, I simply cannot stay. Someone exceedingly special is waiting for me. He will be terribly worried if I am delayed any longer. Gratitude for the royal invitation, Your Highness. Yet I must regretfully decline. Good day to you, gentlemen.”

She turned to walk away but wasn’t certain which way to go. Vittorio had covered her eyes when they’d entered. She quickly glanced toward her Guardian friend. He was pointing in almost the opposite direction from the one she was now facing. She rolled her eyes.

When Jenevier spun around, heading the way Vittorio had heralded her, she nearly bumped into Suou.

“Who is it?” he asked, his face so close she could smell his sweet breath.

“Pardon me?”

“Who is this
someone exceedingly special
that will be worried if you do not show up soon?”

“Oh.” She placed her hand to her chest, rattled by his question, unable to think up a proper lie. “My fiancé, Vittorio. This is the day he asked for my hand.” She smiled. “I happily accepted his proposal. Now I must go to him or he will think I do not truly love him.”

With no lie available, Jenevier spoke the truth… and several things happened simultaneously, none of them good.

At her spoken confession, Daichi attacked Vittorio, or vise-versa. She didn’t actually see who struck the first blow. While Uriel was trying his best to separate them, Suou grabbed her arm, pulling her to him. This action caused Tenshi’s joyous smile at her glorious news to turn into a lethal snarl.

While Uriel then tried to restrain Tenshi, Daichi and Vittorio drew their blades.

“Enough!” the Arch bellowed.

Everyone froze just in time to hear Suou’s low words, meant for Jenevier’s ears alone.

“Then… you leave me no choice, Milady. I cannot possibly let you go. I am not willing to part with you, especially now that I know where you are running off to. My heart aches from the deep cut your betrothal admission left upon it. You have knocked the wind out of my sails, tiny Angel. But I vow to keep you with me, even if it requires restraints.” He raised his voice a bit louder, intending his words for Izaru as well. “So, dearest Naga, if you did not come here as my honored date and by my personal invitation, then you must be trespassing upon palace grounds… illegally.”

Izaru, and two other men she hadn’t yet noticed, slowly stepped toward them.

Jenevier yanked her arm free. “I will have you know,
Prince Suou
, I am Kagi Naga, Empress of—”

“Naga, no!” Uriel shouted, immediately ceasing her words in her throat. “You cannot make ripples such as those. Not here. Do as he says.”

She cut her eyes toward him, glaring at the Arch.

“Empress?” Suou chuckled softly. “Yes, one day perhaps. At least… that is my fondest dream. But let’s start with the party first. Shall we?”

He tucked her tiny hand back in the bend of his arm and led her toward a grand palace she hadn’t even noticed.

Suou’s strides were so long, Jenevier almost had to run to keep up. She glanced back at the now helpless men in her life, one last time.

The demanding Prince gave her arm a quick tug while she tried to match his ardent pace.

“Musashi.” She kept her voice low, for his ears alone. “I do not know what it is you are playing at. But if you refuse to cease with this ridiculous game of yours, I will be forced to—”

“Forced to what, Milady?” he interrupted. “Forced to smile? Forced to enjoy yourself? Forced to eat fine food and dance within the royal palace? On the arm of the Crown Prince, no less.” He winked down at her, playfully. “You are all dressed up, and I refuse to believe it is not for me. Your rare beauty is not a thing to be wasted, Sakura. I want everyone within this kingdom to be as blessed as I was only a few short days ago… with the glory that is your smile.”

She stomped her foot as she yanked hard on his arm, forcing his long legs to a halt.

The Prince held up his hand, ceasing their attending company from coming any closer. He bent down, a lot, putting them nearly on eye level.

“Is there something you wish to say, Milady?”

She took note of his superior smirk before she continued. “Yes there is, as a matter of fact.”

“Then please, by all means, speak your mind and ease your heart. This is a day of great celebration, tiny Sakura. I wish you to enjoy it to the fullest.”

She leveled a hard stare at this infuriating man. ‘Tis true, his eyes were not the same vivid lavender color, no. But other than that, this was the very man she hated with a venom she had not known she was capable of producing.

“Musashi… if you do not cease this farce, if you refuse to peacefully remove yourself from my presence, you will force my hand.”

“And just what will your
be forced to do?” He cocked one eyebrow, mockingly.

Prince Suou heard the low growl rumbling in her throat before she actually spoke.

“I will crush your bones within you,” she hissed. “I will remove your flesh and spill your entrails upon the ground.” She leaned in even closer. “I will
you, Emperor. Then, I will wholly devour you.”

His eyes widened for a single heartbeat. She saw the flash of fear before they narrowed into a hard glare.

“Then I am terribly glad I’m not this
fellow. Seems he would have a rough go of it with you, Milady. Oh, and I am not the Emperor… not yet. Now, come.” He smiled regally before taking her hand once more. “Let
Suou escort you to our waiting party.”

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