Read Protecting His Witch (Entangled Covet) (Keeper Of The Veil series Book 1) Online

Authors: Zoe Forward

Tags: #Paranormal romance, #paranormal, #witch, #Covet, #billionaire, #romance, #Pleiades, #Entangled, #Druids, #curses, #Veterinarian, #PNR

Protecting His Witch (Entangled Covet) (Keeper Of The Veil series Book 1) (17 page)

BOOK: Protecting His Witch (Entangled Covet) (Keeper Of The Veil series Book 1)
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He gripped her hand and fast walked for the cottage. The smell of apple cider powered up her nose as they pushed inside.

Bryce stalked toward them. “You all right? I just heard what happened.”

“Where the hell were you and your guys?”

“Fighting a bloody war at the south end of the property.”

“Did one of your guys make it to the area near us and take out some hostiles?”

Bryce shook his head. “No.”

“Then, I’m not sure what happened or how we got out of there. We were out of ammo, they had rifles, and, yet, the Acquisitions team was miraculously snipered.”

Bryce clapped him on the shoulder. “Welcome back to the world of the weird. These things happen. The OLM is still out there. They just backed off a bit. I’ve got men on the perimeter. But everyone needs to be alert. We’ve got to protect all the ladies.” He grinned and handed Kat a baggy fleece pullover. Softly he asked, “Aside from the afterward excitement how’d it go?” Knowledge swirled in his gaze.

She pulled on the fleece, which fell to her knees. “Good. Weird. I saw Mom. She gave me a message for you.”

Sadness passed through his eyes. “What’d she say?”

“She said
it is time
and a new successor has been chosen.”

Bryce nodded.

She waited for him to clarify what that meant. Instead he held his hand out to Matt. “If you want to be my son-in-law, you’re going to have to ask for her hand.”

“I figured that.” Matt returned his handclasp.

Bryce reached his left hand in to lock their hands together.

“What is it with you guys and burning me tonight?” He yanked his hand free of Bryce’s and exposed the blue Sentry tattoo on his wrist. Above that rested a new mark, one that she recognized had been on Bryce’s wrist.

“I thought so,” Bryce said softly. He rotated his wrist into view to show that his leadership mark was gone.

“What is this?” Matt rubbed at the new sigil.

“You’ve been chosen, Son. This is way beyond you and me and our wants. You’re in, and you’re in charge.” Bryce grinned. “Honestly, I can’t tell you how relieved I am to pass the torch. These young kids are a handful.”

“You’re fucking with me, right?”

“You’re the new druid leader?” She worried he’d bolt for the door.

Matt met the gazes of the thirty or so now silent druids and Pleiades surrounding them. To Bryce he said, “I’m not…I really don’t have the time. Hell, I haven’t even
a druid for so long that I’m not sure I’m the best qualified.”

“The goddesses chose you,” Bryce said. “It’s hard for me to admit this but you are a good choice. Look at what you did for that shitter business, Ryan Corp. You took it from a barely surviving tech corporation to the most sought-after military contractor. Maybe you can get these witches to actually listen to you when it comes to their safety.”

Charlotte snorted a few yards away.

Bryce scowled at her but said to Matt, “Yeah, good luck on that, but there’s always hope.”

Kat squeezed his arm. “Maybe this is your sign that you can back off at the corporation a bit. Delegate more? Maybe be chairman of the board but not CEO? Okay, based on that look, no. But my experience over the past few days indicates the druid side of your life will let you utilize those Ranger skills far more than sitting in an office with a picture of a blank sky.” She frowned. “By the way, was that painting your choice? And if so, why?”

He laughed, leaned down, and kissed her. “The picture is supposed to be inspiring and relaxing.”

“It’s a blank sky. I don’t get it. Maybe if it had a bird or a witch on a broom in it or something.” She smiled in relief when he cracked a grin.

He glanced around at all the druids staring at them. “It would be my honor.”

All in unison raised cups with a resounding, “Here. Here.”

She whispered to Bryce, “Does that mean you’re going to die?”

“We all depart this life at some point.” He roped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her into him. “Don’t look so lost. I’m not going to give up the ghost yet. Matt will require quite a bit of work before I go.”

She watched Matt give everyone he greeted his perfect smile. He said whatever was right and reassuring as he worked through the crowd, but she recognized the same stiff public persona she’d glimpsed at the benefit. Remote. Unreadable. This Matt scared her. No one else noticed.

Eli clapped him on the back and laughed an I-told-you-so. Charlotte scowled at Matt and then pulled him close to whisper something. Matt pinned Kat with an inscrutable gaze and massaged his forehead. She didn’t understand that. He moved on to greet Serenity. And so it went for at least a half hour.

She followed him when he slipped out of the ruckus a while later into a dark formal dining room. He pulled out a dining chair to sit and massage his forehead.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, moving in to massage his shoulders.

He continued his head rub, not even startled. He must’ve known she’d followed. “Headache.”

“You sure you’re okay with all this?” she asked.

His hand halted its head rub. “You’re cute when you bite your lip.” He snagged her and pulled her into his lap.

“You’re not okay with this, are you?” She moved a few strands of hair off his forehead.

“Druids…being around so many magical people makes my head hurt. Always has.”

“I’m sorry. Maybe I can help.” She pressed her lips against his. When he kissed her back everything but them disappeared—the noise from the other room, the stress of what to do about her job, and the worry over his reaction to everything. The world narrowed to him and her, and the feel of his soft lips on hers. She moaned as their tongues touched. The ridge of his erection nudged between her legs. She straddled him. The white gown rode above her knees. Need gathered low in her abdomen. She rubbed against him, relieved at the friction of his jeans against her naked skin.

He pulled back from the kiss, his eyes blazing with the wildness that drove her insane. It tempted her to push him harder. To see him lose control.

His large hand slid down her back to cup her butt. “You’re…naked under this thing? Shit, if I’d know that outside…you’re lucky I didn’t know. We can’t do this in here.”

“But we are doing this.” It wasn’t a question.

“God, Kat.” He swallowed hard. “Let me find out where we’re staying tonight.” He moved as if to rise.

She cupped his face, halting him. “You don’t have to do all this alone anymore. I’m here. A few of those out there seem to truly like you. They believe in you.”

“You read their thoughts or whatever?”

She nodded.

“Give me a minute.” A few steps away he turned back. “Stay.” He held up a single finger. “One minute. No popping away.”

“Who knows how long I can wait…” She burst out laughing at the panicked expression on his face. “Hurry.”

Minutes later he pulled her into a cottage a short distance from the main house. The moment the door closed, she gripped the edge of his shirt, yanked him down to her, and crushed her lips to his.

He released a muffled grunt into her mouth and tugged her body against his. Standing on tiptoes, she stretched up to wrap her arms around his neck, bringing them even closer. Their tongues tangled as he slid his hands around the back of her thighs. She could feel against her belly how much he wanted her, his heat burning through the thin gown. She wanted him, desperately, and whimpered into his mouth. He lifted her a little and thrust his pelvis against her.

She rasped, “Don’t stop.” She needed him to touch her. Everywhere.

“I’m only getting started.” With a growl he crushed her mouth to his, kissing so passionately that she felt branded. He carried her to the kitchen, placing her on the table. “Let me taste you.”

Kneeling down, he cupped her ass with his hands and let his tongue swirl between her folds, focusing on the tiny nub at the top. A tremor racked her body and she moaned, arching into him.

He smiled and continued his torture, licking, swirling. Seconds later she let out a low moan and clawed at his shoulders. “Please…”

“Not yet, baby.”

Her fingers speared through his hair and halted as if she couldn’t decide if she wanted to force him up or pin him in his spot.

“Oh God.” She moaned, and rocked against his mouth.

“You want me inside?” he asked.

She nodded.

He slid one finger into her heat. She clenched around him and moaned. He slowly pulled out and added another finger.

Her hips arched to meet his fingers. “Just a bit more, wildcat.” He leaned in and flicked his tongue across her clit. She tensed and clenched tighter around his fingers. Then her tremors began. “I love watching you come.”

“Please. I need you, Matt.
” She unzipped him and wrapped her hand around his straining length.

“Kat…” He groaned, closing his eyes.

“Hurry.” She slid her hand up and down, delighting in his tremor.

He slipped his hands under her ass and surged into her in one powerful stroke. His head fell back on a moan. He gripped her hips and held her in place as he moved.

“Oh God, Matt…” She angled her pelvis upward to meet him. “Faster.”

“I can’t hold on, wildcat.”

He pumped his hips until she felt her world shatter. A few thrusts later he groaned his release. “That was so fucking—”

“Perfect,” she completed the thought. “But we’ve got to be careful in the future. I can’t take the pill.”

He smoothed hair away from her face. “I’d be okay, if you…”


“But I agree…maybe at some point in the future. I’m not sure I want to compete with a baby for your attention anytime soon.” He carried her into the adjoining bedroom. “You’re not getting away from me this time.” Then softer, so that she barely heard, he said, “I love you.”

Her heart nearly bursting, she wrapped her arms around his neck. “Me too. I love you. But don’t you dare think this gives you the leverage to take away my dancing.”

“Okay.” He drawled out the word as if formulating his argument, but only added, “That’s only once in a while.” He laid her on the bed.

“Once a week,” she added.

He blew out a frustrating sigh. “We’ll have to talk about that.”

“You have a job that you apparently can’t give up. You won’t even miss me when I go there for dancing. I’ll do it while you’re working.”

A tic started in his cheek. “I can’t protect you there.”

She grinned. He cared about her and what she did. A lot. And she liked that. Huskily she said, “Maybe we can work something out.” She sat up, leaned forward, and kissed her way down his abdomen.

He laughed, and the sound was carefree and wholehearted. “You’re going to be trouble, aren’t you?”

“Not if you give me everything I want.”

“We’ll see.”

Chapter Twenty-Four

“Where is she?” Matt plucked at his tuxedo tie, hating its constriction. He glanced down the deserted back hallway of the art museum.

“You know those women,” Eli said. “They pop here. They pop there. They pop everywhere. Who knows?”

“I hear the Christmas music starting. That’s our signal. She promised she’d be here by now.” Matt cursed.

“I’m here. Just…” Kat stumbled into the wall. Her sapphire gown’s front drew his eyes right to the silver necklace that disappeared between the swell of her perfect breasts. If the neckline traveled a few centimeters south, he could probably see the top of a nipple. Blood surged to his groin. He took a deep settling breath. He didn’t have time to press her into a dark corner. But damn, was she trying to kill him?

“I can’t see yet. Give me a sec.” She held up her free hand.

He pulled her tight to him. With her soft body pressed against his chest, the tension seeped out of him. He hated the separation when she dimension hopped. When he couldn’t track her. Even though Samhain had been a month ago, he was a mess every time she left until she returned, and he got visual confirmation of her safety.

He magically resolved her vertigo and whispered into her ear, “That’s an amazing dress.”

A throaty laugh erupted from her as she turned into him and wound her hands around his neck. “Such a talented man. God, I love you.” She kissed him with an intensity that lit him on fire.

He loved the hoarse way she said his name. “Did you win regionals?”

“Of course. You should’ve seen Riley. His new outfit is neon-green and black spandex. The man owned it.”

“But I know you were the show. You realize that when you dance, you mesmerize the audience.”

She pushed away from him. “I win because I’m good at what I do.”

He pulled her back to kiss away her pout. “I’ll bet you were good.”

Eli cleared his throat.

Kat rotated out of his arms to enfold Eli in a hug. She kissed his cheek. Matt ground his back teeth. He hated seeing another man touch her.

She said, “I know I’ve said this before, Eli, but thank you. For risking your life. For everything. I’m just so glad you’ve got Matt’s back.”

Eli’s face flushed. He met Matt’s gaze. “Strictly platonic. Swear to you.”

“If it was anything else, I’d have gutted you last month.” He meant it. She was his, and he was about to make sure of it.

“Is Matt keeping you busy?” Kat asked Eli.

Eli shrugged. He met Matt’s gaze. “I’m worried about Serenity. There’s something going on with her. Even if she is out of MI6…you know how she likes to go off and do her own thing. She’s acting erratic.”

Matt glared irritation at Eli.

“Sorry,” Eli mumbled.

Kat bit her lip. Her worried green gaze shot to Matt. “What are you doing about this?”

“It’s under control, wildcat. Don’t stress it.”

She put her hands on her hips.
They may have only been living together for a few weeks, but he knew what the fire in her eyes signaled. “Do I need to call Serenity?”

Matt heard the music enter its final verse. “Sweetheart, can you put that on hold for an hour or so? We’re about to be up front and center. We’ve got to do that dance and then I have to make a speech. There are patrons with deep pockets here tonight that should donate to…shit, I can’t even remember which benefit this is.”

“Pediatric cancer,” Eli supplied.

“Thanks.” Matt lifted her left hand. Before she could utter refusal he slipped the ring he’d had specially designed for her onto her finger.

She rotated the diamond-and-emerald ring. “What’s this? In my book I already staked my claim.”

“We have to do this right for the social world. I don’t want anyone thinking you’re still on the market. Don’t you like it?”

He held his breath while she examined the ring for a few long silent seconds. She glanced up with shining eyes. “It’s beautiful. Thank you.”

He released his pent up breath and pulled her close. “Marry me, Katherine Ramsey.”

“I already did.” She placed her hand over the magical tattoo on his chest.

“No, I mean do it right. A wedding with no expense spared…the who’s who of society…gigantic cake.”

“Okay. But no ice sculptures and no chicken dance. And we’re not doing it in Rome.”

He chuckled and swept the hair away from her sleek neck and planted a kiss. He whispered to her, “I love you.”

“Did she say yes?” Bryce asked.

“You’re goddamned right she did,” he replied, releasing her enough that she could turn around to smile at her father.

“Language, please. I think Dad’s rubbing off on you.” She leaned away from him to kiss her Dad on both cheeks, but Matt didn’t release her waist.

Matt said, “If we do a wedding, you’ll have to tolerate my mother. I’m sure she’ll want to plan the whole thing. She’s been salivating at the bit to do a wedding for Allison.”

“I get along just fine with your mother. Maybe this is a good project for your sister.”

He narrowed his gaze on her. “They do like you…maybe a little too much. Did you do any
stuff on them? A little coercion?”

She raised her eyebrows. “I’m charming. Of course they loved me.”

“You did. You are a very bad girl, you know.” He pulled her tight against his front again.

She murmured, “Very bad.” And pulled him in for a kiss.

A few seconds later he ended the kiss. “Stop it. We’ve got to do this dance. And now the whole world will know I’ve got a never-ending hard-on for my future wife.”

She burst out laughing.

He smiled as he led her toward the dance floor.

She glanced back at Bryce, her concern obvious. He squeezed her hand. “He’s fine. I don’t think the old geezer is ready to die yet. He likes torturing me.”

“I think he wants to stick around to meet his grandchild.”

He halted two steps away from the wooden parquet flooring. His gut cramped. It was too soon. Couldn’t be. “Are you?”

She nodded. “I’m pretty sure. And I’m scared.”

Joy exploded in his chest. He enfolded her in his arms. “I won’t let anything happen to him or you. If I can’t…if my ability isn’t enough, we will move closer to an Ovate shaman.”

“What if I wanted a girl?”

“I’m not ready for a girl. Teenagers…nail polish…dating…another member of the secret Pleiades sisterhood. Nope, it’s going to be a boy. She needs a big brother to help me kill any boy that comes close to her. Maybe three big brothers.”

A swing-era song surrounded them. He swept her into his arms and they became the focus of attention for the two hundred plus guests in attendance. She whispered, “Girl.”

“Boy,” he shot back.

She giggled. “You know, this is our first official dance as a couple.”

“I’d prefer us to be doing a certain frat-party dance.”

Her cheeks scorched. “I had half your clothes off before the song was over. That wouldn’t go over too well here.”

“I wouldn’t mind.”

“I didn’t suck down three Purple Passion drinks tonight. So, unfortunately, Mr. Ryan, you’re safe.”

“I am sorry about the morning after. Did you really curse me?”

“I don’t know. If I did, it wasn’t on purpose. I don’t remember exactly what I said. Are you still upset about that? Did it really ruin your life?”

“No.” He leaned in and captured her lips. “You’re the only one I want to feel this way for.”


He pulled her tighter to him and whispered, “Forever.”

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BOOK: Protecting His Witch (Entangled Covet) (Keeper Of The Veil series Book 1)
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