Protective Mate (11 page)

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Authors: Toni Griffin

Tags: #gay paranormal erotic romance

BOOK: Protective Mate
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Simon was having a little trouble trying to wrap his head completely around what they had all just learnt. "How the hell did this happen? And why doesn't every werewolf, gay or straight, know about this?" Simon found himself saying to the suddenly quiet room.

No one knew the answer to his questions.

"Oh shit!" Simon spun around at Jason's exclamation.

"What's the matter?" Alex asked his mate

"Does this mean we all have to start using condoms? 'Cause I've got to tell you that's going to get expensive." Alex growled at his mate and pulled him into his lap.

"Never, there will never be a barrier between you and me, you hear?" The Alpha's deep voice rumbled before he pulled his mate into a scorching kiss. Simon, however, saw the brief flash of uncertainly in his brother's eyes.

Simon hadn't even had time to think about the repercussions of not using condoms, his brain was a jumbled mess at the moment. Could he and Zack have children? Was Zack, at this very point in time, pregnant? Did they want to add more to their family? Simon's runaway thoughts were interrupted by his brother.

"After that revelation, I think I have some phone calls to make. Not the least of which is to mum and dad." Alex stood and headed out of the room, quietly followed by a slightly dazed looking Jason.

Simon could just imagine what his parents would say. The next few months were certainly going to be interesting. Wrapping his arm around Zack, he pulled him close and kissed his forehead. Zack gently patted his stomach, trying to comfort him.

"Everything will work out, you'll see."
Simon had no doubt his mate was right. Whatever the future held for them, as long as Zack was by his side, he could handle it.


The End


About the Author



Well, what can I say about me? I'm twenty-eight, married and a mother to one. I work full time, and when I'm not spending time with my family or friends, you can find me either reading or on my laptop writing.


After spending god knows how much money on my reading obsession (yes, I can admit I'm a little obsessed), I decided to give writing my own book a try. I still can't believe someone thought it was good enough to publish. I'm certainly not going to argue with them.

I hope you enjoy reading my work as much as I enjoyed writing it.








Also by Toni Griffin



Available at
Silver Publishing



Unexpected Mate

Determined Mate

Protective Mate

Forbidden Mate
(Oct 1)



** Please Note: All dates given are open to change **

What Queer Magazine Online Says About Unexpected Mate:


Unexpected Mate is the first in a new werewolf shifting series from Toni Griffin. Set amongst smaller towns in what appeared to me to be a more rural backdrop gives it a special charm. I also enjoyed how Tori writes the brothers all living together yet separate from Mum and Dad. This gives another layer to the story that is almost a bit "boys gone wild", yet creates a wonderful sense of pack and camaraderie.

Marcus is a wolf determined not to be gay, so therefore he mustn't be. Dating female members of the pack and sleeping with them only confirms that, right? Wrong. The abrupt about face from denial to acceptance is well written, playing true to form as his brother's step forward to provide a much needed dose of reality. Marcus is a protective character, showing intensity with all emotions, but also displaying a fun-loving side. This fun-loving edge is the perfect foil for Brian.

When we first meet Brian, he has been exiled from his own pack. I connected with him quite quickly. Empathy was a powerful motivator as feelings of misplaced trust, trepidation, resentment and a basic feeling of fed up mix together in a volatile package. Brian shows true depth of emotion as the plot line develops. Contentment, tenderness and a side order of cheeky are the result, making Brian a very likeable character.

It is obvious there will be further instalments to this series and I, for one, can't wait to read them. I would recommend this story to anyone who enjoys shape-shifter or paranormal stories written in a contemporary style.

—Written by Nerine Petros

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