Protector of the Flight (65 page)

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Authors: Robin D. Owens

BOOK: Protector of the Flight
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hard on stone.
stone pavement inside a turquoise star.

Pain shot up her hip,
stealing breath. Calli didn’t believe this. Her throat closed with fear. She
must have hit her head on the rock and was dreaming. She rubbed her head, but
didn’t feel any bumps. Dazed, she examined her surroundings. A big
round stone room with an altar
and colored goblets. A gong.

Calli sucked in air.
It didn’t smell anything like a cave in Colorado. It smelled like incense in a
church. She gulped and shivering seized her.



Copyright © 2007
by Robin D. Owens

Author Photo by:
Rose Beetem

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