PS02 - Without Regret (29 page)

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Authors: R.L. Mathewson

BOOK: PS02 - Without Regret
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“-it doesn’t mean that you get to tell me what to do. It doesn’t mean you can treat me like a whore because I allowed two men I

was in relationships with and cared about deeply touch me. Frankly, it’s none of your business. I’m not yours and you certainly

aren’t mine. I don’t like you and I damn well don’t want you so you can back the hell off now, or better yet,” she said, reaching

into the back seat and grabbed her backpack, “you can stay the hell out of my life.”

With that little announcement that pissed him off more than he ever thought possible, she climbed out of the car and slammed

the door in his face. But she didn’t get far.

He was out of the car and had her pinned against it before she could storm off to god only knows where. He yanked her bag out

of her hands and tossed it onto the roof of the car.

“Get the hell away from me, Chris,” she snapped, shoving against his chest, but he wasn’t going anywhere. Not until he cleared

a few things up for her.

“You seem to be a little confused, Munchkin, so allow me to explain a few things to you,” he said, leaning down until they

were practically nose to nose.

She tried to shove him back again, but he barely noticed. At the moment he was having a hell of a time not putting his fists

through the window. He didn’t know what pissed him off more, knowing she’d been with two men or that she’d cared about

them when she obviously didn’t like him.

For years he dreamed about her, thought about her and craved her by his side and to hear that she not only didn’t like him, but

didn’t want him, pissed him off like nothing else. It seemed as though she liked every man but him. He knew it shouldn’t matter

in the grand scheme of things, especially since he didn’t plan on keeping her, but it did. Call it male pride or jealousy, he didn’t


“First off, your ass belongs to me, Munchkin,” he said, punctuating his words by snaking a hand behind her and squeezed and

caressed her ass, loving the way she felt, but loving that little gasp of pleasure that she tried to hide more.

“No, it doesn’t,” she said, trying to move away from his hand, but between his body and the car there was nowhere to go.

“Oh, but we both know that it does,” he whispered as he pressed a kiss to the tip of her nose. “Deep down, Munchkin, you

know that you’re mine, don’t you?”

“All I know is that I hate you!” she said, trying to squirm and shove him away simultaneously.

“You hate me, huh?” he asked, pressing a kiss to her forehead as he gave her luscious little ass another squeeze that had him

nearly groaning and his dick trying to jump, but there was no give in his now too tight jeans.

“Yes!” she hissed out as he glided his hand lower and pressed between her legs.

“Who would you rather have as your mate?” he asked, dropping his hand from the hood of the car to rest on her hip as he

rubbed the tips of his fingers teasingly between her legs, wishing she wasn’t wearing anything so that he could touch her

without any barriers.

“A-anyone else,” she said, licking her lips as pushed back against his hand.


“Yes!” she cried out, from his touch or irritation at him and his words, he didn’t know and didn’t care as he snaked his hand

beneath the soft flannel shirt.

A shiver tore through him as his hand slid up over smooth warm skin and encountered a large heavy breast. It was unlike

anything he’d ever felt before.

Before, when he used woman, girls really, to make himself appear normal he’d never received any sort of enjoyment from

touching them. Admittedly he’d been curious about them, about how they felt, tasted, and would react to his touch, but touching

them had never made him desperate for more.

“You don’t want me, Chris. So why the hell do you care what I do or who I do it with?” she demanded as she hooked her

fingers in the waist of his jeans to hold herself up as he continued to rub and explore her through her jeans.

“It doesn’t matter if I want you or not,” he bit out, hating how badly he wanted her. They shouldn’t be here. They shouldn’t be

doing this and no matter how many times he told himself to let her go and get the hell out of here, he couldn’t.

“You’re mine, Izzy, and if another man ever touches you again I will fucking kill him. Do you understand me?” he asked,

yanking his hand out of her shirt and from behind her.

“Who the hell do you think-oh god!” she cried out as he ripped open her shirt and cupped both breasts in his hands.

As he lifted, squeezed, and caressed her large breasts, careful not to touch the large hard nipple that was demanding his

attention as he watched as Izzy licked her lips as she struggled to keep her eyes open. Finally, she gave up her little battle and

let her head drop back against the roof of the car.

Her fingers tightened on his jeans as he continued to explore her breasts. The contrast between her large breasts and tiny body

was a surprising turn on for him.

All those times he imagined what she looked like he hadn’t really given much thought to sexual preference, because he’d never

any sexual urges. He’d always pictured her taller, but shorter than him. Brunette, brown eyes, maybe blue and an average

figure. He’d been more focused on imagining what it would be like to have someone in his life that belonged to him, with him,

that he hadn’t given much thought to what type of person she would be. His only concern was what she would do for his family.

But standing in the large vacant parking lot, he couldn’t help but feel pleased that she was his. It didn’t matter that he didn’t

want her or that she’d disappointed him. At that moment the only thing that mattered were the cravings that touching her were

creating. He wanted her. He wanted to kiss her, lick her and touch her everywhere. He wanted to slide his dick between her

lips, over her large breasts and between her legs.

As he imagined fucking her the pressure between his legs became painful. Gasping for breath he tried to fight the need to do

more to her, to take her. He shouldn’t be doing this, he inwardly screamed. She was taking all of his control away from him and

she wasn’t even touching him, he thought with disgust as he moved to drop his hands, but his little mate wasn’t having that.

With a tug that actually impressed him, she pulled him closer and released one hand away from his pants so that she could

reach up and grip him by the back of the head and yank him down for a kiss that set his body on fire.

This was nothing like the controlled kiss they’d shared in the foyer. This kiss was hungry, hot, and had every nerve in his body

screaming for more. His grip on her breasts became more demanding as he moved his palms over her hard nipples. He stroked,

pinched and tugged on them as she moaned in his mouth and suckled his tongue.

She released her hold on his hair to run her fingers down his jaw, his neck and over his chest. As her little fingers explored him

her hold on his jeans tightened almost desperately.

“We have to stop this,” he mumbled against her mouth, but made no move to step away.

In answer she released her grip on his pants and he thanked god that one of them had at least been able to think clearly and stop

this before it got out of hand.

All rational thought left his brain the second she cupped him through his pants. As she squeezed and caressed his erection

almost desperately she moaned and groaned loudly as if she were just as affected as he was.

“I want you,” she whimpered against his mouth.

“I want you, too,” he admitted, unable to help himself.

He may not want her in his life, but he couldn’t help the way her wanted her body.

He released his hold on her breasts so that he could pull her shirt off. With a quick jerk he had it off of her and tossed it over

his shoulder. He pulled her tightly against him, groaning in her mouth as hard nipples teased his chest.

She felt so good in his arms, he thought as he ran his hands over her damp back and over her jean clad ass.

When she worked his zipper down and reached in his pants to pull him out he thought she felt fucking amazing.

The first stroke had him struggling to breathe as intense pleasure like nothing he’d ever known before shot through his dick,

tightened his balls and created a tingling pressure low on his spine. The second stroke had him pulling away from her mouth to

look down.

He swallowed hard, licking his lips hungrily as he watched her run her hand slowly up and down his shaft.

The sight entranced him, leaving him barely able to move never mind breathe as she explored him.

“That feels so good,” he groaned, barely able to stop himself from thrusting in her hand.

“I know something that will feel even better,” she said, leaning forward to press a kiss against his chest. They groaned together

as she licked and kissed her way down his chest, paying special attention to his tattoos and scars. When she traced the scar on

his stomach it tingled and he had to admit that she was right, this did feel good.

When she gripped his shaft and took the head into her mouth he stumbled forward and was forced to slap his hands against the

windows or fall. He gasped for air as she traced the slit with her tongue and wrapped her lips around the head of his cock and



All too soon the intense pleasure turned painful again.

His dick hardened and his balls pulled up tightly demanding release and he knew he was fucked. He might never have had sex

before, but he knew that he needed release and that he wasn’t going to find it this way. At least not right now.

There wasn’t much he remembered from Eric’s awkward Sentinel sex talk they’d had almost eleven years ago, but he did

remember Eric explaining that he needed to be inside of his mate for the first release so the seal could break. He still wouldn’t

be able to bring himself to release after this, but she’d be able to do it in any way her little heart desired, he remembered with

a pained groan.

He pulled out of Izzy’s hot wet mouth, unable to take any more. Without a word he picked her up and placed her on the hood of

the car. It was only then that he realized something was wrong with her.

“What’s wrong?” he asked through clenched teeth as his cock tightened impossibly further, demanding that he finish this.

Izzy noticeably squeezed her thighs tightly together.

“It hurts.”

“Shh, I’m going to take care of it. Trust me,” he said, forcing himself to be gentle as he laid her back on the hood of the car.

As he reached for her another frightening thought occurred to him, one that he knew he wouldn’t ignore no matter how much

pain he was in at the moment. He leaned over her, resting his elbows on the hood of the car on either side of her stomach as he

fought to get control of his breathing and will the pain away.

He couldn’t remember anything hurting this much in a very long time. His balls to the tip of his cock throbbed, sending shock

wave after shock wave of pain throughout his body. His hands clenched into fists as he dropped his head between Izzy’s

beautifully flushed breasts as he desperately fought for control.

Even if he wanted to stop now, and he did, they’d gone too far now. Their bodies were demanding they finish the mating and

unify their souls and all he wanted to do was get as far away from her as he could now that the pain had helped him think a

little more clearly.

He’d fucked up big time by touching her and he knew he was paying the price. There would be no backing away now. They

needed to finish this or it would get worse, much worse. If only he’d remembered that little tidbit of information earlier he

could have saved himself a lot of trouble.

“Chris?” she said, sounding close to tears as she hugged his head tightly to her chest. “It hurts!”

“I can’t do anything about it until I get a condom,” he said tightly. They needed to find a store, now. As it was his selfcontrol

was dissolving as he laid in her arms.

She felt so good, so warm, he thought as he reached between them with a shaky hand and for the first time in his life stroked

himself. He knew it wouldn’t do any good, in fact it would probably make things worse for him, but he couldn’t help himself.

It felt so fucking good, he thought as he licked his way to Izzy’s right nipple and ran the flat of his tongue over it before he

pulled it between his lips and suckled it.

“You don’t need one!” Izzy practically screamed as her hips rolled up against him.

“Yes. I. Do,” he bit out angrily around a mouthful of breast. One thing he would never fuck with was the risk of getting her

pregnant. He didn’t want kids and he sure as hell didn’t want a reason to be forced to keep her.

“No, you don’t,” she stressed, grabbing fistfuls of his hair and yanked until he released her breast to look at her.

“I don’t want kids, Munchkin,” he snapped even as his eyes latched onto the other nipple that sorely needed his attention. He

licked his lips as he stroked faster.

“And I’m trying to tell you that I can’t have kids, asshole. Now either fuck me or get the hell out of my way so that I can find

someone who will!”

Something in him snapped at the thought of her letting another man touch her. He dropped his hand away and moved off her so

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