Pucked Over (Pucked #3) (35 page)

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Authors: Helena Hunting

BOOK: Pucked Over (Pucked #3)
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Once she gets both feet on the ice, she freezes.

“Okay. Time to let go,” I tell her.

“Of you?”

“No, the wall.”

She does what I tell her, but her attention is divided between me, the ice, and Lily and Waters. He misses catching her this time, and she stumbles, ending up in his arms. They’re laughing, and Sunny’s clapping again. If I had a free hand and a camera ready, it’d make a great picture. Except I don’t want pictures of her and Waters.

Then Violet flails, and her feet go in two different directions. She really is the most uncoordinated person I’ve ever met. Maybe her boobs throw off her center of gravity. She grabs me with both hands, kicking me in the shin with one of her skates in the process. It hurts, but I’ve been kicked way worse, so I try not to make a face or anything. I grab her under the arms as she shrieks and tries to get her skates under control. All she succeeds in doing is kicking my feet out from under me.

I roll to my back as we go down, making sure she’s on top so I don’t crush her when we land.

Waters puts Lily down, shooting me a dirty look. “Baby, what’re you doing? I would’ve come to get you!”

“I want you to spin me around like that!” She turns back and gives me a devious smile. Her voice drops. “
Just so you know, I was totally fucking with you. I’m not worried about Alex and Lily. He and I are solid. But your response told me everything I already knew. It’s pretty damn obvious Lily’s more than just your fuck buddy. Maybe you should man up and do something about it.”

I’m about to laugh that off when Waters skates over and helps Violet up, Lily right behind him. Violet smirks as Alex holds her against him, and Lily gives me a
holy shit
face, coming to a stop beside me as I push to my feet. Her cheeks are pink, and she’s breathing heavy.

She presses her body flush to mine. “Are you okay? Violet’s a menace.”

“I’m fine. You looked good out there.” I won’t admit that I didn’t like Waters’ hands on her, or that Violet may be on to something.

“Thanks. Alex and I used to practice together sometimes. Come on, I’ll teach you some moves.” She circles me, urging me to follow her. And I do.

We spend the next hour on the ice. Lily’s incredibly talented. Between her and Waters, we finally get to the point where Violet can make it around the rink without falling. She still has to hold on to someone, but at least she isn’t landing on her ass.

After skating we go to an all-you-can-eat buffet restaurant. It’s the only way to go with hockey players; unlimited options and no cut-off point is the best.

Lily and I end up being invited back to Waters’ place, which means no sex until later. And I’m okay with that. It’s a good day, even if it’s not the naked kind.

I pull into Waters’ driveway. We’ve managed to get here first, so we have to wait for them to show up. I play with the lock of Lily’s hair that’s flipping out instead of curling under. It always seems to do that. “Can I ask you something?”

“The answer is no. Sunny and I have never experimented with each other,” she says immediately.

I choke on a cough. “Where the hell did that come from?”

“Now you’re imagining it, aren’t you?”

I laugh. “There’s no right answer to that, Lily.”

“Maybe you like the idea of me and Violet better. Her boobs are huge, and we’re closer to the same height.”


“Sorry. I’ll stop. You had a question.”

“Does that mean you’ve thought about experimenting with Sunny?”

“Ew. No way. She’s my best friend. Violet maybe, because of her boobs. Okay. Question. Shoot.”

It takes me a few seconds to remember it. It’s a decent segue anyway. “You ever have a thing for Waters?”


“Yeah. Like when you were a teenager—you ever crush on him? You know, hook up with your bestie’s brother or whatever?” I try to come off as casual, but I’m pretty damn sure I fail, based on Lily’s expression.

“Did I ever have a crush on
? Oh my God, no! He was such a dork in high school. I mean, he was always really nice, but so, so nerdy. I can’t even tell you. Why?”

I shrug. “Just curious.”

“Just curious? Is this because of the skating thing?”

“You guys seemed to know how each other moves. I figured maybe you knew more about that than just what he was like on the ice.”

“I grew up with him, and Sunny’s my best friend. I never would have gone behind her back like that.”

I nod like I get it. Mostly I’m relieved. And I recognize that’s not necessarily a good thing—much like the jealousy this afternoon when they were on the ice. It means I’m getting attached. Comfortable. I’m not exactly sure why that’s happened.

I told her to tell me if things got too intense, but I have no idea what to do with myself.








Chapter 24

Slap Shot to The Heart




I’ve spent the majority of my time in Chicago with Randy, apart from the actual holiday and the hours during which he has practice or training sessions. We have such a great time together. And not just the sex, which is still so, so amazing. But this week we’ve spent as much time in a group as we did alone. He and Sunny get along great. Violet’s almost stopped thrusting when she says his name, and him and Alex and Darren and Miller are hilarious to be around. I’m still trying to figure out Lance.

It’s New Year’s Eve. Sunny and I are sitting in her living room, painting our toenails. Charlene and Violet are putting on blue eye shadow and acting like assholes.

“Alex says he can get you an interview for a coaching position, if you want it,” Sunny says.

I stop painting and sit back, wiggling my toes. I’ve been thinking about this all week. I want desperately to take her up on the offer; I’m worried it’s for the wrong reasons.

“Your mom’ll be fine without you. It’s only an hour-and-a-half flight. You can go back anytime you want.”

“I know.” Sunny’s right. This Tim-Tom guy actually seems decent, apart from the shirtlessness. He owns a small gym, he’s nice to her, and she’s happy—happier than she’s been in a long time. She met his family at Christmas. There’s talk about her moving in with him. I know she’ll say it’s okay for me to tag along, but it’s time to get out.

“Then what’s holding you back? Not the messages from Benji, I hope.”

“Your douchey ex?” Violet asks.

“Yeah, that’s the ex, and no, he’s definitely not a factor in the decision.” Benji has sent several texts and left a couple of voice mails over the past week. I sent one text back, because I’m not a total cold-hearted bitch, but I don’t miss being with him. I still have to give him his things back, though at this point I’m not sure I care about mine. It’d be easy enough to drop his junk off at his house and be done with it. I’ve already got closure.

“Okay. Good. Just checking.” Sunny draws a tiny little champagne flute on her big toe in silver. She’s incredible at painting pictures on nails.

“Can you fix mine when you’re done?” Violet lifts a foot. There’s nail polish everywhere but on her toenails, it seems.

“Of course. Do you want it to match the crazy you’re putting on your face?” Sunny asks.

“Yes! I can’t wait to send Alex pictures of what he’s missing tonight.” Violet grins, and she has red lipstick on her teeth. She’s wild at the best of times, but tonight she’s more so than usual, with Alex and the boys being at an away game. We all would have gone, but they’re flying back tomorrow, so we decided to delay the official celebration. Sunny and Alex’s parents also came in for the holiday, and there’s been more wedding talk. Tonight Violet and Charlene decided to re-create the pre-wedding makeup test run Daisy suggested. There are bottles of Aquanet on the table. Sunny says Violet’s not allowed to use them because they’re aerosol and bad for the environment.

“So is it because of Randy, then?” Charlene asks.

All three girls stare, waiting.


“Liar!” Violet points at me.

“Randy isn’t the reason I’m not sure.”

“He might not be
reason, but I bet he’s
reason,” Violet replies. “Your last name is LeBlanc, right?”

“Yeah.” I’m not sure what that has to do with Randy, but then Violet doesn’t often stick with one train of thought.

“Is that your mom’s or your dad’s last name?” she asks.

“My mom’s. I’ve never even met my dad. There’s no way I’d take his last name.” I don’t mean to sound bitchy.

“You’ve never met your dad?” Violet asks. “Wow. That’s crazy. Me neither.”

“Really?” I ask.

“For reals.” Violet nods. “Apparently he’s a jerkwad. My mom says it was a whirlwind romance. I think it means she had a slutty phase and decided not to give me up for adoption.”

“Wow,” Sunny and I say in unison.

“It’s no biggie.” She shrugs. “My mom raised me on her own.”

“Just like Sidney raised Miller,” Sunny says. She gets this wistful look in her eyes. “It’s like fate brought your parents together.”

“Actually, I think he accidentally stole her coffee one day, and that’s how they met, but yeah, they love each other,” Violet agrees. “So what’s the story with your dad?”

“He was a pro hockey player, and my mom was a bunny who got pregnant.” I shrug. “He paid child support until he didn’t anymore.”

“Wow. How’s your mom feel about you boning an NHL’er?” Violet asks.

“She doesn’t get an opinion on that, considering,” I reply.

“Fair enough,” she says. The three of them go quiet for a few seconds. “Wait! So you’ve never met your dad, and isn’t Randy’s dad some ex-NHL’er who couldn’t keep his dick in his pants? Aren’t his parents divorced?”

“Uh, yeah.”

“Holy shit!” She sets her glass down and grabs the edge of the coffee table. “What if you two are related? And not like me and Buck—all step-sibling and stuff. Like, it would be weird but okay if we hooked up, but you’d be for-real brother and sister. We could make a reality TV show out of this.”

“Randy’s dad isn’t my dad.”

“How do you know?”

“Because his name isn’t on my birth certificate.”

“What if it’s a fake?”

“Violet, you’re being an asshole,” Charlene says.

“My dad’s last name is Head,” I say.

“What’s his first name? Dick?” Violet asks.

“Actually he goes by Richard.”

“Are you serious? Your dad’s name is Dick Head?”

“If he went by Dick, yes.”

She’s silent for a few seconds, then she starts laughing hysterically. “Oh my God, that’s priceless.” When she calms down a bit, she holds up a finger. “So if you and Randy ever got married, your name would be Lily LeBlanc Balls. Lily White Balls!” She falls over laughing.

I want to find it funny, but I can’t. Instead I’m sad. “Yeah, that’s never gonna happen.”

We get super hammered and ring in the New Year with champagne. I get two messages at midnight: one from Benji telling me he misses me and another from Randy saying he wishes he was inside me. I can’t pretend it doesn’t make my chest ache when I realize all over again that that’s where this whole thing starts and finishes.


Turns out Alex doesn’t give me a choice about whether or not I’m doing the job interview. He sets it up for me and tells me when I’m disgustingly hungover that I’ll need to be at the arena the following morning.

Randy and I spend the majority of New Year’s Day in his bed. I’m not in very good shape, so we don’t have much in the way of sex. Instead, I drink ginger ale, and we cuddle. Things feel off. Or maybe I’m off because I’m hungover.

The next morning while I’m getting ready for my interview, I spot Randy’s defaced pink boxers on the bedroom floor. I snatch them up and shove them in my bag while he’s in the bathroom. I don’t know why, or maybe I do. This week has been amazing, but this thing with Randy is getting too big. I want more than he says he has to give.

Alex picks me up to take me to the interview, and Randy tongue-fucks the hell out of my mouth before he lets me get into the car. I have to go home tomorrow—possibly to pack up my things—so he’s taking me out for dinner tonight. Which, to me, sounds and feels like a real date. I didn’t mention that to him.

“I know it’s none of my business—” Alex says as we pull away.

“It’s just casual.”

“You’re sure about that?”

“I’m sure. I wouldn’t move to another country for a guy, Alex. I was with Benji for seven years. I’m having some fun, and Randy’s a fun guy.” The words sound flat.

“And he feels the same way.”

“Yeah. He feels the same way.” I poke the fuzzy dice hanging from the rearview mirror.

“You’re sure about that, too?”

I think about the message from New Years. And about how deep I’ve gotten myself in. I’m going to get my heart ripped out. “Yeah. I’m totally positive. Can we talk about something else? Like this interview? I feel unprepared.”

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