Pup (7 page)

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Authors: S.J.D. Peterson

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Adult

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When Tackett finished his exploration of Micah’s body and met his gaze once again, he frowned, most likely at the sly grin Micah was sporting. He visibly shook himself, turned away, and continued adding grinds to the filter. “Bagels, Micah.”

“Yes, sir,” he snickered.

Because Tackett’s presence and scent kept distracting him, it was difficult, but Micah was finally able to get the bagels toasted and buttered, then peel a couple of bananas. He took the two plates and joined Tackett at the small breakfast nook, setting one down in front of Tackett and then taking his to sit down across from him.

When Micah reached for the coffee mug Tackett had set down for him, Tackett said, “I’m a little nervous to see what that coffee is going to do to you.”

“Scared?” Micah teased and brought the mug to his lips to blow into it.

“Cautious,” Tackett clarified.

Micah took a sip, and then waved a hand dismissively toward Tackett. “It’s okay, caffeine has the opposite effect on me.”

A second cup was pushed toward him. “Want mine?”
“Ha. Ha. You saying you can’t handle me?”
Tackett arched a brow at him. “Oh I have no doubt I can handle you, but I’d like to get a chance to ask you a few questions without having to sit on you and force answers out of you.”
“That sounds kinky,” Micah purred.
“Drink your coffee, pup,” he said, his voice light, not a trace of the exasperation Micah was so used to hearing from people who spent any length of time with him one-on-one.

He took another sip of his coffee. “Shoot.”
Tackett retrieved his mug and took a gulp, then started in on his breakfast, asking him questions in between bites.
“Other than the three-month contract, you haven’t been long-term with any other Dom?”
“What about outside the lifestyle? Any long-term relationships?”
“Really?” Tackett said, sounding disbelieving. “Yet you think you know what it is you’re looking for? You want to be a full-time sub, correct?”
“Yes. I don’t think I have to have been in a relationship to know what I want. It means I know exactly what I want and need and haven’t found it yet.” Micah nibbled at his breakfast. “What about you?”
“What about me?”
“Any long-term Dom/sub relationships?”
“No. I’ve been like your friend Lucas. I haven’t had any desire to have a sub outside the bedroom. The demands of starting and running a company don’t leave a lot of time for relationships. And to be honest, I never thought about having a full-time sub. My life before wouldn’t have allowed for it. It would have been unfair to expect anyone to accept such a limited amount of my time.”
Micah was exaggeratedly pleased to find out Tackett hadn’t had a full-time boy. The thought of being his first, which was exactly Micah’s plan, made him giddy. How he knew Tackett was the right Dom for him, he wasn’t sure. Something in his gut had screamed at him the moment he’d first laid eyes on the Dom. He always trusted his gut.
“And now? Can you see yourself with a full-time sub or in a relationship?” Micah asked hopefully.
“Someone to shower me, make me breakfast, clean my place, service me.” Tackett’s voice was teasing. “I think I might enjoy that.”

Oh you silly, silly man. Two can play this evasive game.
Micah took the last bite of his breakfast, washing it down with the remainder of his coffee, and stood. Micah left his dishes on the table and started toward the bedroom.

“Hey! Where are you going?”

“I’ll be right back. I’m just going to grab my cell phone out of my shorts. I think I have a number for a maid and a hooker service,” Micah tossed over his shoulder.

Before he made it halfway across the room, Micah was wrapped in strong arms and lifted off his feet. Squealing, he struggled to get free until he was spun and dumped onto the leather sectional. He scrambled back to the corner before Tackett could make good on his threat to sit on him and hold him down.

Tackett sat down next to him and poked him in the chest. “I am so going to enjoy beating your naughty little ass.”

Micah playfully slapped his hand away and cocked his head. “Does that mean you’re agreeing to Dom me?”

Shifting, Tackett leaned back next to him. “You’re a smart man, Micah. You already know you’ve piqued my interest, so let’s get serious for a minute, shall we?”

Micah tucked his feet up under himself, getting comfortable and putting a little distance between them. He knew he’d get distracted again if he felt Tackett’s skin against his, felt his warmth. Nodding, he met Tackett’s beautiful hazel eyes and gave him his full attention.

“Look, Micah, we’ve been playing, had a lot of fun, but I can tell you, I need a lot more than that. There’s a reason I go to places like Folsom. Reasons I’m a Dom. I like being in control, I like dominating, bending, and breaking men. I fucking love hearing a man scream and beg for more of what I can give him. But you must understand, when I give into those urges, I am hard-core and I don’t like to be told no.”

Hard-core, yum!
Micah started to respond but snapped his mouth shut when Tackett continued to speak.

Micah, focus.
“So, I’ll admit you’ve got me

thinking about the advantages of having a full-time sub, and I think I’d enjoy the challenge of training one to my specific needs. At this point in my life, I have the time to explore the notion. However, I’m not yet convinced you’re looking for anything more than what you claim Lucas was looking for, or I was in the past, for that matter—someone to dominate you in the bedroom. Which, I may reiterate, I’m more than happy to do casually.”

The effort it took to keep from blurting things out had him vibrating. Micah couldn’t remember wanting anything or anyone as badly as he wanted this man. There wasn’t a shred of doubt Tackett was the right man for him, and he wanted to explore submission with him. Hell, he couldn’t remember being this excited about anything. Not since he was a little kid and waited for the arrival of Santa Claus to bring him the new toy he’d been coveting, or even the first day of school. To this day, he still couldn’t quite understand why he’d always been excited about the start of a new school year. Sure, there were new clothes and shoes, a haircut, the buddies he hadn’t seen since June, but each and every year without fail, by the end of the first week, he was praying for the year to end.




Tackett grabbed his chin and scowled at him. “Did you hear a word I just said?”

“Of course I did, heard every word. I was just choosing my words carefully before I replied,” he lied. At least he had heard most of what Tackett had been saying, enough that his reply was an easy one.

The scowl turned to a disbelieving look, and Tackett released him, putting his hand on Micah’s knee. “And?”

“Did you know Blake and Ty are shutting down the club for a couple of weeks?”

“Unbelievable,” Tackett growled, exasperation evident and starting to rise.

“Wait!” He grabbed Tackett’s forearm and pulled him down. “I was asking because that means I don’t have to work for a while and I was going to suggest you give me a chance. A trial,” Micah pleaded. “I’m not saying it will work. I mean, I’m pretty sure it will. I know I really, really want this.”

Micah held his breath while Tackett stared at him, silently begging the man to say yes. After a long, drawnout moment, Tackett still hadn’t responded, and he added, “Aren’t you at least a little bit interested in exploring if our wants, our kinks are compatible?”

“I’m not saying yes, mind you,” Tackett said sternly. “However, I’m open to discussion.”

Micah felt the tension flow out of the muscle of Tackett’s arm, letting him know he’d gotten his way, and sighed silently in relief. At least for now. It would be up to him to convince the man to say yes. Micah relaxed into the corner of the couch.

“Okay. I’ve told you about some of my limits. What about you? Might as well put those on the table first, make sure there are no deal breakers, so to speak.”

“I don’t have any.”
“Really?” Micah asked, curious.

“Really. My job is to find your limits and push them, not the other way around. And yet, why can’t I help but think you get off on pushing your Doms to their limits?”

“I don’t. I swear.”

Tackett arched a brow at him, gave him a look that would make Mother Theresa confess to wrongdoings.
Damn, how does he do that?
“Okay, maybe I push a little on purpose. You do remember the
whips, clips, canes, pain, sticks, dicks
comment right? Notice how many involve discipline?”

“Yet you’re not a pain slut.” “Nope. I mean, yeah, I like the high

I get from it when it’s part of a scene, but I also need it to have purpose. Most Doms I’ve played with don’t get that concept.” He shrugged. “They think my shenanigans are meant to push them to spank me. If a Dom is serious, is good at what he does, then he’d be able to control my antics, whether intentional or unconscious. I haven’t met a Dom yet that could tell the difference or control me.”

“And that’s your ultimate goal?” “Of course. Well, that and some good hard-core sex on a regular basis.”

A thoughtful expression crossed Tackett’s features. He then patted Micah on the knee before standing. “C’mon. Let’s get the breakfast dishes cleaned up. I want to take you somewhere.”

Micah scrambled off the couch and quickly followed Tackett. He hoped they were going somewhere that would involve him being bound, naked, and his ass a pretty shade of red. But he didn’t ask, figuring he’d pushed Tackett far enough for one morning. But that didn’t mean he didn’t say a naughty little prayer or wish for it really, really hard.

Chapter 8


against the sales counter, Tackett followed Micah’s movements as he explored Vibes, the local adult toy store, paying attention to the items Micah passed over quickly and those that held his interest. Micah touched everything, like the steel cuffs, but Tackett was learning the younger man’s likes and dislikes by the
Micah touched things. Micah might have skimmed his fingers over the plain metal cuffs, but he picked up the heavy leather ones, testing the weight of them in his palm, caressing the leather before setting them down. Micah’s preference hinted the man liked to know he was bound.

Micah moved to an impressive display of dildos and plugs. It didn’t surprise Tackett in the least when Micah began picking up one then another. What surprised him were Micah’s choices. He skipped right over the small rubber and vinyl ones to handle the larger glass dildos, holding them up to view the way they reflected the light, touching the cool glass to his cheek. He then chose one of the heavy metal plugs.

“That boy is a curious one.” “That he is, Dean. That he is.” Dean Cantrell owned Vibes and

catered to many of those in the lifestyle. If Dean didn’t have it in the shop, he could get it. No matter how strange or unusual the request, it never fazed him. After running Vibes for over twenty years, he’d probably heard and seen it all.

“Well, I’ll be damned,” Dean called and slapped a hand down on the counter. “I never thought I’d see the day when Tackett Austin would settle down. Hell must have frozen over.”

Tackett gave Dean a hard glare. “You still haven’t.”
“Oh dear God. Is that beautiful sensualist available? Where do I sign up?”
I’ll send you to hell in a hurry if you touch him
, Tackett thought. The incensed feeling that instantly made his blood boil shocked him with its intensity. Tackett turned back to Micah, not wanting his old friend to see how affected he was.
“I’m considering taking him on, trying to get a feel for the boy. I’ll let you know if it doesn’t work out,” he said neutrally.
“The fact that you brought him here says you’re more than considering. The tone of your voice also speaks volumes.”
Damn, and he’d thought he’d done well covering his ire. He was slipping, and now was a very bad time for that to be happening. “You know me too well, Dean.”
“Don’t worry, I’m not stupid enough to try and steal him away. I think it’s great. It’s about time you stopped burying yourself with work and started thinking more about your personal needs. You’ve been alone far, far too long.”
“Jesus, you’re right. Hell just fell to subarctic temps, since I’m pretty sure you just sounded like my mom.”
Dean laughed heartily and slapped him on the back. “How is the wonderful Mrs. Austin these days?”
“Still calling me weekly to complain about the lack of grandchildren.” He gave Dean a grin. “She’s great. She and Dad are traveling abroad. I’ll be sure to tell her you were asking about her.”
Dean was less than favored by Mary Austin, and that was putting it mildly. To this day she still blamed Dean for perverting her baby boy, no matter how many times he’d assured her it was the other way around.
Damn smut seller
, she’d called Dean when she found out what he did for a living. It hadn’t mattered that it was Tackett who had introduced Dean to the previous owner of the shop.
“Only if she’s taken her blood pressure medication,” Dean chuckled. “Uh oh.” He nodded toward Micah. “You might want to pay attention, your boy is checking out the paddles.”
Micah was tapping a wide leather paddle with silver studs against his palm. “Yeah. I think I’ll go see if he has any questions.”
He left Dean laughing behind him.
“Why this one?” he asked, coming up behind Micah and looking over his shoulder.
“It’s heavy. The spank would be firm, thuddy, and the studs would give it that extra hot sting enhancing each slap.”
“Are you imagining it on your ass?” he whispered against Micah’s ear. “Imagining yourself naked, bent across my lap?”
Micah took in a sharp breath. “Yes.”
“Would you like that, Micah? Your hard cock pushing through my thighs with each slap?”
“God, yes, Sir.” Micah looked up at him with heavy-lidded eyes. “Very much so.”
Tackett reached around Micah to touch one of the studs. “These could also offer a cooling sensation when rubbed across a newly spanked ass.” He took the paddle from Micah. “I like it too.” He pressed his growing erection against Micah’s ass, emphasizing just how much. “Pick any two items you want and meet me at the counter.”
“Yes, Sir.”
Micah started to pull away, but Tackett held him tight, grinding his hips. “And Micah?”
“Ye… yes, Sir?” he groaned, swaying a little.
“Don’t take too long. I can’t wait to get you naked and play with our new toys.”
He left Micah to his task, smiling as he headed back to the front, confident the man would now focus on his job without any problems at all.
It didn’t surprise Tackett that moments after handing the paddle to Dean, Micah came running up behind him, flushed and breathing hard with apparent excitement.
Micah offered Tackett his chosen items. “Here, Sir. I’m ready!”
Tackett accepted the heavy cuffs and large metal plug. “I’m impressed, pup.” He inspected the plug. It was large and very heavy. Like the cuffs, Micah would feel the weight, know it was there. He was thoroughly going to enjoy using all three items. Then he remembered the glass dildo Micah had seemed to have a fancy for.
Tackett handed the items to Dean, who had a large Cheshire-cat grin spread across his face. “For being such a good boy, I think you deserve a reward. Go grab that glass dildo you were eyeing.”
“Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir,” Micah said, already racing to the display.
“Okay, I take it back,” Dean said slyly, wrapping their purchases in brown paper and setting them in a bag.
“Take what back?” he asked absently, watching Micah’s ass. The things he was going to do with that perfect sweet backside.
“That amazing creature was worth waiting for. You are one lucky son of a bitch, my friend.”
Micah held up the glass dildo, a triumphant smile on his face, and then practically ran back toward him. “That I am, my friend.” He planned on getting a whole lot luckier when they got back to the penthouse.

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