Pure Dynamite (46 page)

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Authors: Lauren Bach

Tags: #Mystery, #Psychological, #Man-Woman Relationships, #Fiction - Psychological Suspense, #Escapes, #Prisoners, #Fiction, #Romance, #Suspense, #Crime & mystery, #Crime & Thriller, #Romance - Suspense

BOOK: Pure Dynamite
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Adam refilled his coffee. "For someone like you and me, it's impossible. But for someone who knows electronics and can access the right database, it's easy."

Zach sighed. "He makes it sound so simple."

"Then spare me the details and give me a simple answer," Willy said. "Is it doable?"

"Not under all circumstances," Zach replied. "I would need a few more details on the type of application—and the locations—before I can give you an answer."

"Let me think about it," Willy said.

"As far as the other stuff," Adam said. "I propose you let us check what weaponry is available. Then you tell us what we can unload quickly to turn some fast cash."

Zach nodded. "I'll also check on those remote relays. Do you have an Internet portal and a place my laptop can sit uninterrupted for a while?"

Willy pointed to the corner of the room where his computers were hooked up. "We can run a line from over there."

Nevin, who'd finished splitting the cash into two piles, turned to Zach. "I gotta tell you, I'm curious as hell how you managed to crack the defense department's system. It's supposed to be hack-proof."

"That's why we go in through the manufacturer," Adam said. "Government's contracted most inventory management back to them and—"

Zach cut him off. "You're giving away my secrets."

Nevin whistled. "Slick."

"But not easy." Zach reached into his bag and withdrew a laptop and a small black box. "They change passwords regularly and have elaborate security sequences that I have to debug first."

"What's the black box?" Nevin asked.

"A scrambler. And it has to be close to where the line comes in, next to the wall."

"Let me see that." Willy held out his hand. "What are all these for?" He pointed to the line of phone jacks and cable connections across the back.

"Careful. That's a one-of-a-kind piece of technology." Zach said. "I can run up to four units through here. Phone, fax, desktop, laptop. The box scrambles the signal and sends fake transmission info. Then it boomerangs from phone system to phone system, changing its own trail, so it can't be traced."

"Mind if I try it out while you're here?" Willy asked.

"Go ahead. Just don't get too attached to it. It's not for sale."

"Everything's for sale." Willy moved to watch Nevin help Zach get the laptop connected. "You can leave it there. I'll see that it's not touched."

Zach cracked his knuckles and then started hitting keys rapid fire. A dialog box popped up.
keyguard activated
. Behind the box, strings of symbols began flashing.

Willy looked back at Adam. "He can stay with you in the bunkhouse. I'll have Tristin bring the woman out shortly. Let's meet again for supper in two hours."

When they were out in the bunkhouse, Zach completely emptied his duffle bag. Beneath the equipment Nevin had seen was a hidden cache of smaller arms, ammo. And some electronics. "Here, catch."

Adam examined the small flat disks in the plastic bag his brother had tossed. "Listening devices?"

"If we need them. The laptop I left inside also has a listening device. We can monitor it with this." Zach held up a second smaller laptop.

"Did all that come from Ethan's stash?"


"Is any of it legal?"

Zach tossed him a cell phone. "This is. The rest belongs to a friend. Which means I didn't steal it, if that's what you're asking. I am trying to be cognizant of your position. Besides, it did the trick. Convinced them I'm an arms smuggler. You saw Nevin drooling."

Adam crossed his arms. His brother had a point. "So what's with the black box you had inside?"

"It's a ruse. It will copy Willy's hard drive to my laptop."

A knock on the door sounded. Adam gave Zach a few seconds to stash his gear before opening the door. It was Tristin with Renata.

"Pa said to bring her back with you later."

No sooner had Tristin left than Adam spotted the small bruise on her cheek. He swore violently. "Who did that?"

"Burt. His father intervened before he could do anything." Renata hugged herself. "But if we had been alone..."

"I'll make damn sure he pays for this," Adam vowed.

Zach cleared his throat. "And when will you introduce me?"

"Renata, this is my brother. You need to remember him as my partner, Daniel Montague."

"My pleasure." Grasping her fingers, Zach kissed her hand. "And I'll protect you as my brother would."

His courtly action made her smile. She looked from Zach to Adam and back again. "It's difficult to tell you're related."

"That's exactly what we want," Adam said. "How's Lyle's condition?"

"There's no real improvement." She looked at him. "Restarting the IV has helped, but I'm struggling to keep him stable."

"By this time tomorrow, it should be over." He saw the relief on her face. "But I need to make a phone call."

Adam's phone call to Chris Tashley had been fruitful. Chris was working behind the scenes getting backup lined up, under the guise of busting a counterfeit ring. To avoid leaks, the arresting agents would have no idea they were going after the McEdwins. Ethan Falco would be arrested and charged later.

When they met with Willy again, Adam got another unexpected surprise. Willy disclosed his target to Zach as they ate.

Willy was targeting presidential candidate Richard Barrington. Or actually, Barrington's VP nominees. Barrington had plans to barnstorm the Midwest the following weekend appearing at rallies in the hometowns of the four potential vice presidential candidates. Barrington would end up in his own hometown of Tulsa, where he'd finally announce his choice.

Willy planned to set off bombs at all five stops.

"My reasons are personal," Willy said. "I've finally tracked down a very old enemy."

Adam knew immediately which potential VP he was after: Ethan Falco. The irony was sickening. Ethan had been after Willy. Willy was after Ethan. If they only knew...

Zach scratched his goatee. "Sounds like you could use those new detonators soon."

"Only if I can get them within forty-eight hours. If not, I'll stick with my original plan." Willy turned to Adam. "I'd like you, Nevin, and Burt to pick up the C-4 in the morning, and transfer it so the bombs can be finished. I'll stay here and work with Montague."

"Sounds perfect," Adam said. Perfectly insane.

"We're scheduled to be on a freighter heading to Honolulu in three days." Willy looked at Adam. "That means the woman's got to be dealt with."

"I'll handle it after I get back tomorrow."

Chapter Twenty

It was late when the three of them returned to the bunkhouse.

Zach excused himself. He had surreptitiously swapped the disk from the black box. "I want to see what it copied from Willy's hard drive."

"Whatever it is, send copies to Tashley," Adam said.

He tugged Renata into the bedroom. It was the first time they'd been alone all day. And if all went as planned, it would be their last night together.

The bruise on her cheek distressed him. Willy had blown off the incident, blaming Renata, and in his current position, Adam couldn't contradict him. But before this ended, Burt would pay.

Taking her in his arms, he simply held her. He'd never been one to contemplate the future. Now it loomed large with only two options: A life with her. Or a hell without her.

"It's ending, isn't it?" she whispered.

"You'll be safe. I have to leave again but my brother will be here. You have to do everything he says, Renata. He'll get you out and keep you safe until I return."

"Will you be in danger?"

"No more than we've both been in all along."

"How long do we have?"

"Till morning."

Moisture shimmered softly in her eyes. "Then let's not waste a moment."

Adam picked her up and laid her on the bed. He took his time undressing her, trailing his mouth over every inch of her skin. Tonight he'd take it slow, try to prolong each second; treat it like the precious gift it was. Tomorrow she'd be gone and who knew what lay beyond? Life had a way of being generous one moment and cruel the next.

He removed his clothes before moving over her, careful to keep his weight on his elbows. That first touch of bare flesh was startling. He caught her lips, swept his tongue deep. Her hands speared through his hair, drawing him closer as she opened her mouth.

She boldly took over the kiss, ravishing him. His desire swelled as she pressed a line of kisses along his jaw, down his neck, brushing his throat with her teeth before tenderly biting the soft flesh at the top of his shoulder. "I want you."

Her erotic bite, those three simple words, were Adam's undoing.

All thoughts of going slow fled as he pressed into her with one stroke, his way eased by wet, welcoming heat.

Maybe next time.

He got up once during the night to talk with Zach. The black box had copied some incriminating data from Willy's hard drive. Names of contacts, domestic and abroad.

And a whole file on Ethan Falco. It had taken Willy nearly ten years, but he had finally traced the origins
of the money that funded the antigovernment group he'd belonged to years ago.

Ethan Falco had run the funds through overseas accounts in an elaborate maze of money transfers. He'd also skimmed hundreds of thousands in interest and kickbacks, diverting it to secret personal accounts.

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