Pursuit For Lucidity (Crashing Waves) (47 page)

BOOK: Pursuit For Lucidity (Crashing Waves)
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She did not even blink the entire time I confronted her
.  “Is that a threat, Miss Morgan?” she asked with a disgusting smirk on her face.

Consider it your first and final warning.  Between you and that pig Mark Kohler, I don’t know who’s going to get it from me first,” I said and stormed out of the elevator before I pulled every follicle of hair from her scalp.

My heart was about to pound out of my chest as I walked to my department
, but I felt so liberated.  Somebody had to put that witch in her place and I was glad to have done it.  I didn’t care what trick she had up her sleeve next, but there was no way I was going to take it sitting down.

Laura noticed I was late and disheveled and completely not myself that morning.  I told her about my horrible morning and the elevator ride with Taryn.  She was beaming with excitement that I stood up to Taryn again and r
efused to allow her to bully me. “Good job, Claire.  She needs to put a brake on those false accusations.  Ugh!  She’s such a witch.  I just can’t stand that woman,” she said with so much emotion.

That makes the two of us, Laura,” I replied.  I had decided from that day forward that if Taryn Simmonds tried to bully me again, I would bully her right back.  I was going to push her into a tighter corner than she could ever imagine.  Two could play that game.  I wondered if anyone had ever stood up to that woman.  She must have had a lot of victims, but I would not be one of them.  I was a lover, not a hater, but she brought out the scorpion in me and experienced my venomous bite in the elevator that morning.

Laura and I went to our favorite
falafel place for lunch and laughed as we recalled the events of that morning.  I had thought it was going to be a bad day, but it turned out to be just fine by the afternoon.  I received a text from Alex.


Taryn told me a crazy story about you threatening her in an elevator this morning?  It’s not true is it?


I showed Laura the text and she couldn’t stop laughing.  That woman had some nerve crying to Alex and complaining about what I had said to her.  She probably thought he would feel bad for her and fall for her false tears.


What are you talking about?  Sounds like she’s trying to make you feel sorry for her so you can hold her in your warm embrace as she’s always dreamed you would.


Yeah, I knew she wasn’t being truthful.  She has issues, that woman.


May I ask why this is any of your concern?


I’m not concerned.  I was just asking a question.


Please do not send me any texts that involve Taryn Simmonds.  I have no interest in her feelings.  Maybe you should treat her to a nice dinner or even better, fulfill her desire with a night of hot sex.  Oh, I forgot, you’re MARRIED.  But that never stopped you before, so why should it stop you now?  Enjoy the rest of your day.


You’re impossible, Claire.  I can’t believe you said that.  I have no comment.


Neither do I.


Laura was speechless when she read the texts.  “Claire, what has gotten into you today?  Some days you’re really sad.  Some days you’re really happy.  Some days you are really mean, so mean that I’m a little concerned about you.  I don’t want you to say or do anything out of anger and get yourself into trouble,” she expressed.

When I was angry, I wasn’t afraid or anxious as I no
rmally was.  Anger was my way of covering up those feelings, so I could face the days.  I didn’t know how to shut off the anger once it was turned on.  I knew I would need to talk to my mother or one of her colleagues about everything I had been feeling.  It wasn’t like me to do what I did to Taryn that morning.  I had to admit that it did come in handy and somebody needed to put that witch in her place and I had no regrets about it.




That evening in dance class, Stefano seemed very happy.  He had an extra hop in his step and I had a feeling Mandy had a lot to do with that.  He was easy on us in class, so I wasn’t completely exhausted as I normally would be.

You look awfully happy today, mister,” I said, smiling.

Maybe a little,” he replied with a wink.

You didn’t call me or text me with the date details yesterday.  I hope you had a good time,” I said.

Mandy is really something, Claire.  She’s so much like you.  Maybe that’s why I find her so amazing.  I know I shouldn’t be comparing, but I just can’t help it,” he confessed.

Stefano told me about their romantic date at a beachfront restaurant.  He went on and on about how much they had in common and had planned another date for Friday night.  It was good to see Stefano happy.  I was a little sad that we wouldn’t be spending much time together
, since he would be busy with Mandy, but I was happy my matchmaking had been a success.

I was very drowsy on the drive home.  I could hardly wait to get home and soak in that warm bathtub.  That was exactly what I did that evening.  I drew a bath and soaked
in it until my skin shriveled up and called it a night after a large glass of chardonnay.  I would be going to bed early that night in result of the horrible, exhausting morning I had had.

, it wasn’t the dreamless night that I had hoped for. The nightmare was out to get me again.  I was running really fast and saw the white van appear out of nowhere, as I tried to run past it as fast as I could.  I could see the shadow of the person chasing me and finally caught up to me, grabbing me by the waist.  It was Alex.  I collapsed and awakened with a scream, drenched in sweat.  I changed out of my pajamas quickly and wasn’t very successful with sleep for the remainder of the night.




The following morning, I had to drag myself out of bed.  I showered and dressed for work, but did not have an appetite for a smoothie and did not want to spill it all over myself as I had the morning before.  I didn’t begin the day with an encounter with Taryn, so it wasn’t such a bad start after all.  The morning went by quickly as Laura and I were extremely busy until the wee hours of the afternoon.  I didn’t hear from Alex that day, thankfully, and neither did I hear from or see Taryn.  I wasn’t in the mood for ballet class that night, but I forced myself to go anyway.  I left class a little early, as I was very tired and sluggish.  The nightmare had kept me awake for so many hours the night before that my drowsiness had caught up to me.

Wednesday morning I ran into Alex in the elevator.  Neither one of us looked at the other or said anything.  I knew he was upset about the
last text I had sent him and I just didn’t want to speak to him.  I rushed out of the elevator without even a ‘good morning’ or even a ‘hi’.  I felt angry that day, so I decided I wouldn’t even speak, since I had nothing nice to say.

I kept thinking about the upcoming family dinner and began to feel nervous for Calvin.  I couldn’t even imagine how it was going to
be.  I got knots in my stomach when I thought about how it was going to go.  I prayed and prayed that it go smoothly.

Five o’clock finally came around and I changed for dance class and headed in that direction.  Stefano was in the reception area as I entered the studio
.  He smiled big when he saw me.

Hello there.  Ready for class?” he asked.

Of course.  I’m always ready to dance,” I said.

After dance class was over, Mandy came to the studio to meet Stefano and go out for a drink.  She looked even more beautiful without the Cleopatra costume.  She had long medium brown hair a
nd dark green eyes and a very beautiful smile.  Stefano introduced us again, since we may not recognize each other without the wigs.

Hi, Claire.  It’s so good to see you again.  Thank you for introducing me to Stefano on Saturday.  He kept me company and made sure I got home safe,” she said.

I’m so glad I was able to help.  You guys have a great evening,” I replied and headed out to my car.  As I was driving home, I realized the following day was Halloween.  I usually went to my parents’ house on Halloween, so I could greet the trick or treaters.  I called my mother to let her know I would go there on Halloween.

I was about to call and ask you if you’d like to come tomorrow.  I know how much you like to give out candy to the kids,” she replied.

Great minds think alike, right mom?” I asked.

That’s right, sweetheart.  See you tomorrow,” she said.

With those plans made, I showered as soon as I got home and made myself some
chamomile tea and sipped away.




There was a policy at the hospital that did not allow employees to dress up for Halloween as it may frighten patients.  I noticed employees dressed in black and orange with festive fashion jewelry.  Laura was going to take her little cousin’s trick or treating with her fiancé.  Stefano had mentioned that he was going to Mandy’s sister’s house to take her niece and nephew trick or treating.  I knew I was going to be comfortable and cozy at my parents’.  Halloween wasn’t my favorite holiday, so I didn’t care what I did.  I enjoyed looking at the children dressed up in their adorable costumes.  When I arrived at my parents’ house, I noticed quite a few children at the front door already.

Trick or treat,” they said with their little voices and adorable costumes.  I wanted to talk to my mother about my anger and other emotional issues, but there were too many children constantly at the door.  I decided to wait until after Calvin came out the following night to discuss my issues.  I stayed at their house for a few hours until there were no more trick or treaters left, as it was getting pretty late.

On my way home, I real
ized the next day was Friday and felt the butterflies fluttering in my stomach for Calvin when I recalled what he was about to confess.  I thought about calling him, but didn’t want to bother him in case he was at a Halloween party or out with friends.  It was probably not a good idea to call him and remind him about coming out of the closet in front of the family during dinner.




Friday morning the weather was perfect.  The sun shined bright in the sky and the skies were crystal clear, but it was very cold.  I had to bundle up in a coat with a cashmere scarf around my neck at an attempt to stay warm.  It really felt like the first day of November.  I cranked up the heater in my car and by the time I made it to work, I was hot.  Laura said my cheeks were very pink and I explained my need for the heater on full blast in the car.  She was craving bacon and eggs for breakfast, so I accompanied her to the cafeteria to get food.  I noticed Taryn from the corner of my eye, but did not turn her way.  I wanted to avoid that woman at all costs.

She was really eyeing you, Claire.  I think she wanted you to make eye contact with her, so she could scare you.  I’m glad you didn’t budge,” Laura said.

I’m feeling nice today, not angry, so I will stay away from her,” I said, making Laura laugh loudly.  We returned to the department and began our busy day with the phones ringing nonstop for Walter.  I didn’t know how he handled his stress or people like Taryn.  Some people were just born to take on difficult tasks and difficult people.  I had a lot of respect for those people, such as Walter.  There was a good reason why his hair was turning gray.

Laura was so full from her large breakfast that she didn’t even want to think about lunch
, but I was starving.  I walked to the Cuban deli to order a sandwich.  I walked in and waited in line to order.  I heard familiar voices behind me and slowly turned my head only to see Alex, Taryn, and Mark.  I felt sick to my stomach and lost my appetite.  I got out of the line I was in and left the deli.  I headed to the falafel place and ordered a sandwich from there instead.  I would have to force it down, so that I didn’t starve until dinner.  I received a text from Alex.

I apologize if my presence offended you.  I will connect with you next time to let you know where I will be dining
, so you can avoid those eateries.


I’m not sure if it was your presence or Satan and Cruella Deville that I was offended by.  By the way, you really need a haircut and a clean shave.


He didn’t respond to my last text just as I had hoped.  I got the sandwich from the falafel place and walked back to work.  I ate quietly at my desk as I worked for the remainder of the day.  I told Laura that I wished she had gone with me to pick up lunch, as the three people that I tried so much to avoid were all in line behind me.

I really feel for you.  Not one, not two, but all three, huh?” she asked.

Yes, all three.  I told Alex he needs a haircut and a clean shave,” I said.

No, you didn’t.  Are you in your mean mode again?” she asked.

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