Push the Envelope

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Authors: Rochelle Paige

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Push the Envelope
Blythe College [1]
Rochelle Paige
Rochelle Paige (2013)
Looking for an alpha male in your new adult romance read?
You just found one.

Alexa is just your average college junior, attending classes and piloting Mile High Club charter flights.
Boys haven't been on her radar for a couple years after a disastrous breakup with her high school sweetheart. Her plans to focus on school hit a bit of a snag when she meets bad-boy Drake Bennett and he sets his sights on making her his own.    
Drake transferred to Blythe College for the rugby team, not for a new assortment of college girls.
He's sexy and cocky, and he attracts women like moths to a flame. When he meets Alexa, Drake knows he's met his match. She tries to resist him, but Drake isn't used to taking no for an answer. 

This does not have a cliffhanger.

Warning: 18+ due to sexual content

Push the Envelope



Copyright © 2013 Rochelle Paige

All rights reserved.

Edited by Mickey Reed at Imabookshark.com

Cover designed by Kari Ayasha at Covertocoverdesigns.com

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system,
without permission in writing.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and
incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used factiously,
and any resemblance to any actual persons or living or dead, events or locals
are entirely coincidental.

The author acknowledges the trademark status and trademark
owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been
used without permission. The publication/ Use of these trademarks is not
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All rights reserved.

ISBN: 1494392690

ISBN-13: 978-1494392697



Mitchell & Max –


Dream big.

Fight hard.

Make it happen.






Chapter 1


Chapter 2


Chapter 3


Chapter 4


Chapter 5


Chapter 6


Chapter 7


Chapter 8


Chapter 9


Chapter 10


Chapter 11


Chapter 12


Chapter 13


Chapter 14


Chapter 15






About the Author


Hit The Wall Excerpt









Champagne chilled and ready to go…check.


Noise-canceling headphones so I didn’t have to
listen to whatever noises were going to float up from the rear cabin…check.


This was so totally not the normal pilot’s
checklist. When I talked to Dad over the summer about offering Mile High Club
charter flights so we had some extra money coming in to cover my room and board
at college, I had no idea how the idea would take off. I’d figured I would take
a couple flights out each month so Dad wouldn’t have to scrimp on anything so
that I could live on campus. He really wanted me to get the whole college
experience, especially since I had chosen to stay in town for school.


Who knew there were so many middle-aged housewives
looking to spice up their marriages? I usually had three to four flights booked
each week now. At a cool grand per booking, we made enough to cover my room and
board and maintenance on the planes, and we even had money left over to pay off
my student loans and to cover my tuition for my next two years. I guess they’re
right when the say sex sells!


Since the flights were offered in the evening, they
didn’t interfere with my classes. Dad wanted as little to do with this venture
as possible. He had told me that this was my idea, and he expected me to run
with it. Talking about anything connected to sex with his daughter wasn’t
really high on his list of things to do. I figured I was lucky that he was
willing to let me use the Cherokee for the flights. I just had to make sure I
booked them when I was able to be in the pilot’s seat. The last thing I wanted
to do was screw my grade point average over because I was skipping too many
classes to pilot the flights I was only offering so I could pay for school in
the first place.


Today’s flight was due to depart in about thirty
minutes, so the lucky couple should be here any minute now. I needed to get my
butt in gear so I would be ready when they arrived. The plane was set up for
their romantic rendezvous. I was dressed in my charter pilot gear of loose
khaki pants and a Hewett Charters polo shirt. I’d pulled my long brown hair
back in a low ponytail. This appearance seemed to help the wives feel more
comfortable with the idea that their pilot was a twenty year-old girl. Add into
the equation that I am passably attractive and I could have a problem on my hands
with my paying customers. So I did what I could to make sure I presented myself
as a capable pilot and nothing else.


I know it’s crazy for some people to picture me
piloting a plane, but I started flying with my dad before I ever got behind the
wheel of a car. He lived to fly and taught me to love it as well. I had my
permit when I was sixteen, earned my private license when I was seventeen, and
got my professional license when I turned eighteen. Some days it felt like I
spent more time during my life up in the air than I did on the ground.


Yet another reason Dad wanted me to live on campus
this year—so I could hang out with girls and act my age. Dad and I had been two
peas in a pod forever, and now he worried that I needed to have a normal life
with girlfriends, parties, and boys. I admit that my upbringing wasn’t exactly
orthodox, but I was happy with the way things were. I just wished Dad would
understand that.


Damn, it sounded to me like my housewife of the day
had gone all out for this trip based on the click of her stilettos hitting the
tarmac. I didn’t understand how women could walk on shoes that looked like
skyscrapers to me. Guess that was just the tomboy in me, much to my best
friend’s dismay. Time to get my head in the game so I didn’t scare off the
paying customers.


“Welcome to Hewett Charters,” I greeted the
middle-aged couple as they made their way towards me. “You must be Mr. and Mrs.


“Yes, that’s us,” tittered the platinum-blond woman
as her husband looked at me quizzically. I guessed that she hadn’t used their
real name in the hope that they could keep their trip private. She needn’t have
had that concern since I offered complete confidentiality.


“Thank you for booking your flight with us today,”
I said. “Everything is all set, and we can be in flight as soon as you are
ready to go. Did you have any questions before we board?”


“Ummmm, are you our pilot?” asked Mr. Williams.


“Yes, I’m Alexa Hewett. Don’t worry. You’re safe
with me.
I’ve been doing private
sightseeing tours for a couple years and have had my pilot’s license for almost
three years. I might be a little young, but I grew up with my dad in the
cockpit of a plane. I can assure you that I am fully qualified to take you up,”
I answered.


“And how does this work exactly?” he questioned.


I couldn’t help but smile at the question. It
seemed that the wives always booked these flights, and the husbands always
seemed uncertain once they got here. I even had flights where the husband had
no idea that his wife had booked the tour with the sole purpose of getting it
on mid-flight. The expressions on their faces when they saw the bed in the
cabin were priceless. It kind of cracked me up since I always figured guys were
less shy about sex. Which may still prove to be true since I hadn’t seen a
single guy yet turn down the opportunity offered by my special charter flights.


“If you will follow me this way, you can see how
we’ve set the Cherokee up so that you will have plenty of room in the rear
cabin. Once we are in flight, I will draw the privacy curtain and wear
noise-canceling headphones during the flight. I will be able to communicate
with the tower but won’t be able to hear anything from the cabin. Any of your
activities while on board will be as private as possible.” They both nodded and
looked at each other while blushing.


I walked the couple towards the plane, showed them
the bed area we had fashioned by removing four of the seats, and asked them to
sit in the rear-facing seats during takeoff for their safety. If the hot looks
they were flashing each other as they buckled up were any indication, they were
ready to go.


“Enjoy the refreshments, and I will let you know
when it is safe to move about the cabin,” I said as I got settled into the


As I prepared for takeoff, I couldn’t help but
chuckle to myself about the irony of me helping couples to spice up their sex
lives. I wasn’t exactly qualified to do so except for piloting the plane. I
couldn’t really be described as very experienced in the bedroom. Yet, I have
turned my beloved Cherokee into the equivalent of a by-the-hour hotel




“Honey, I’m home,” I yelled out to my best friend
Aubrey as I entered our suite. I was thrilled that she and I could be roomies
when I made the switch to living on campus this year. The upside to the extra
cash that came in with the mile high flights was that I could afford the brand
new dorm that offered suites on campus. Blythe College had built the dorm in an
effort to compete with the off-campus apartments. Our suite offered us our own
bathroom, a common area, and two double bedrooms that my best friend and I
shared with two other roommates. There were six suites on our floor, and we all
shared a kitchen and entertainment area where we could hang out and watch
television if we wanted.


I was excited to get into this dorm. It meant we
could share a room without my dad harassing me about us living in each other’s
pockets. He wanted me to make new friends at school, and I was happy to have
the compromise of two more roommates in the suite so he wouldn’t try talking me
into rooming with someone else. I couldn’t begin to imagine living on campus
without Aubrey at my side. We met on the first day of kindergarten and have
been besties ever since.


I hadn’t been excited about my first day of school
and being away from my dad. I was a total mess when I got to the school that
first morning, clinging to him like I would never see him again. It was crazy
when you considered that I didn’t usually spend all day with him anyway, but I
was terrified of what would happen when he was away while I was at school. Separation
anxiety didn’t even begin to describe how I had felt that day.


Aubrey’s mom was with her and quickly realized that
my dad wasn’t handling the situation very well. Luckily, Mrs. Silver stepped in
to help us out by introducing me to her daughter, who glommed on to me
instantly. Aubrey was the youngest of four with three older brothers and was
thrilled to see another girl at school. She had been afraid that she would be
stuck with boys all day long since her brothers’ friends from school were boys.


She was a great distraction for me as she chattered
away about what to expect since her brothers had all filled her in on the
school experience. She was dressed up in a frilly dress, with ribbons pulling
up her curly blond hair and shiny, buckled shoes on her feet. I didn’t really
know how to react to her and found myself swept away by her enthusiasm.


Sometimes I wonder if I hadn’t been the first girl
she met that day if our friendship would be the same. It was like I became her
favorite pet, with her dragging me everywhere and trying to dress me up. Now
that I think about it, things haven’t really changed that much between us over
the years.


It was great living with Aubrey, but I didn’t think
we had won the roommate lottery this time around. I hadn’t taken much time to
get to know the other duo that well. Faith and Natalie were way too high
maintenance for my taste, and it seemed like they had only come to school to
chase boys. We’d only lived together for less than three weeks and they had
already hit six parties and skipped classes several mornings to sleep in. Only
time would tell if we would be able to get along.
Luckily, they were a good match with each
other and seemed happy to hang out together. Aubrey got along with them fairly
well. She definitely had more in common with them than I did. She could talk to
them about fashion and boys, but I wasn’t big on either topic.


“Lex! You’re back just in time to get ready,”
Aubrey screamed, rushing towards me with her hair rolled up in curlers and
makeup halfway done. It was a Friday night, so she was busy getting ready to
head out for the night. Dance music was blaring to help her get into the right
frame of mind. It looked like Faith and Natalie had already headed out for the
night. Ugh… I wasn’t really in the mood to head to a party tonight, but I knew
Aubrey would have my ass if I said no. I had been able to duck out the last two
weekends, but it looked like my time was up.


The downside
to having one bathroom—Friday and Saturday nights featured a mad rush as
everyone fought for mirror space in the bathroom. Flat and curling irons hung
from the outlets, hair products littered every surface, and makeup was scattered
around. Four girls to one bathroom could cause some serious catfights around


“Here, put this on.” Aubrey tossed a dress at me. A
very small dress. A dress that should be a couple sizes smaller than mine, yet
the tag matched my size. “I don’t want to hear it. You are going out with us
tonight, and you are going to look hot while doing it,” Aubrey continued before
I could even get a word in.


I held the dress up to my body as I glanced at the
mirror. It couldn’t be that bad, right? Shit, there was no way this was going
to cover my ass all night long. “Really? This is what you want me to wear
tonight? Are we going to a strip club?” I asked sarcastically.


“Nope. I am not taking any attitude from you
tonight, Lex. I love you like my sister, so hear me when I say that you had
better get your ass in gear so we can go party. We can sit here and argue about
what you are going to wear tonight, but you know you’ll just be wasting your
breath because I’m going to win anyway. I would never let you go out looking
like a total skank, so don’t act like you think that I would.” Aubrey glared at
me from her startling blue eyes.


I recognized that look—the one that said,
will do what I say, when I say it, if you know what’s good for you.
She was
right. It wasn’t worth arguing over since she would win. She always did when
she put her mind to it.


“Geesh, okay. I’ll go get dressed. As long as
you’re styling me tonight, pick out shoes for me too. And you are also doing my
hair and makeup,” I answered.


“Duh,” she snapped back at me. “Like I would trust
you to do it yourself. Left to your own devices, you’d probably waste that
gorgeous dress with a pair of flip flops, a ponytail, a swipe of mascara, and
some chapstick. I think not!”


“Okay, okay. I surrender. It’s not like I can argue
with you when you’re right. Snap to it, fairy godmother.”


By the time we headed out the door, I didn’t look
like my usual self at all. The dress Aubrey had picked did cover my ass,
hitting my legs mid-thigh. The rich purple color was one of my favorites, and
the dress had a deep cowl neck that hinted at my cleavage without shoving it in
everyone’s faces. The girl certainly knew her stuff.


She let me out the door in ballet flats since she
knew we’d end up in the emergency room if she made me wear heels. My hair was
swept off my face and pulled into a barrette to one side with soft curls
flowing down my back. I might be a bit of a tomboy, but I did love to keep my
hair long. Dad always said that my hair reminded him of my mom, so I didn’t
have the heart to cut it too short.


My makeup was lightly done, but it accented my
green eyes so they would draw attention. They were slightly slanted at the
edges, kind of like cat’s eyes. Aubrey always raved over them, often lamenting
that it wasn’t fair that my eyes were so cool when she had boring blue ones. I
thought she was crazy since she had the whole blue-eyed blonde thing going on.
Her Barbie-doll looks always drove the boys crazy, and I was sure tonight
wasn’t going to be any different.


Even though she went a little conservative on my
look for tonight, Aubrey had gone the opposite direction with her own. Her
bright red dress would draw attention by its color alone. Add in the fact that
it clung to her like a second skin and was a couple inches shorter on her than
mine and we were in for a riot tonight when the guys got a load of her. She’d
picked out a pair of silver stilettos with rhinestones on them that added
several inches to her height. She had topped it all off with smoky eyes and shiny
red lipstick that I knew from experience wouldn’t smudge all night long.


“What the hell, Aubrey? Are you on a mission to
pick up a guy tonight or what? Aren’t we way overdressed for a college party?


“Lex, sweetie. Trust me on this. We will fit right
in tonight. I swung us an invite to the hottest party on campus, courtesy of my
big bro. The Sig Chi’s are throwing a ‘welcome back to campus’ party that is
supposed to be epic. From what Faith and Natalie have said, the guys there are
super hot. You know that means that the chicks are going to be dressed to
impress tonight. There is no way I am going to this party without looking my


“A frat party? Really, Aubrey? I let you get me all
dressed up so we could go to a frickin’ frat party?” I was not happy. I didn’t
feel like partying tonight, and now I had to deal with a bunch of drunk frat
boys trying to get in my panties all night long. “You are so lucky I love you
right now. Or else I would be kicking your ass for putting me through this.”


“Don’t worry. Jackson will be there in case we run
into any problems. You know my big bro will look out for you just as much as he
does me, maybe even more. He’s always been so protective of you. Which will
work out great for me because you can distract him while I flirt with all his
frat brothers!”


Aubrey wasn’t joking when she suggested that I run
interference for her with Jackson. That was part of why he and I had grown so
close over the years. As the closest in age to her, Jackson was often tasked
with running us around town and watching out for us at school. With us all on
the same college campus now, he would definitely take his big brother role
seriously. He had been bad enough in high school, scaring boys away from Aubrey
left and right. I was surprised he was willing to get us into the party


“How did you get him to cough up an invite to the
party tonight?” I asked.


“Well, I might have suggested that I was hoping you
were finally ready to hit some parties tonight after working so hard all summer
and settling into school the last couple weeks. And that I was worried you were
never going to leave the room unless I had a really good reason to get you to
go out tonight. And that if you knew we were going to a party he was going to
be at, then you would feel more comfortable.”


“So you basically guilted him into it then? Using
me? And making me sound like a hopeless shut-in?”


Aubrey laughed. “Yup. Worked like a dream! He even
said that Faith and Natalie could come too, so maybe I did lay it on a little

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