Put Me In a Skirt and Hurt Me: The Strictly Lesbian Adventures of Mistress Sophia (21 page)

BOOK: Put Me In a Skirt and Hurt Me: The Strictly Lesbian Adventures of Mistress Sophia
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“I’m moving to the West Coast!”


“Yes ... ”

“You can’t!”

“I have to ... my job, the legit one. I’ve been headhunted and hired by a huge management-consulting firm for an outrageous amount of money and stock options and perks out the ass! I couldn’t say no.”


“But, obviously
can. Honey, listen, it’s a six hour flight. We’ll still see each other. And it’s not forever. I need to do this for a few years, sock away the dough so I can retire while I still have a little juice in the caboose.”

“Oh, fuckity fuck.”

“I knew you’d understand.”

“When do you go?”

“Two weeks.”

“Oh, now, really!”

“Well, I’ve known for two weeks ... I just didn’t have the chance to tell you until now.” She patted Sophia’s hand. “So, it’s two weeks from now and I’ve already rented my place, which is a relief. I have to buy a car when I get there. Yikes! Can you imagine driving? Or even more horrifically, me driving? I think I’ll have to take a refresher course. I haven’t been behind a wheel in years!

“So, it’s LA then, not San Francisco?”

“Yep. LA. You’ll have to come and visit. Hey, it’s where that shoe company you once asked me about, Cydwoq? It’s where they’re headquartered. We can go and meet the genius behind the shoes. That’d be a kick huh?”

“Oh, I’m kind of over those, back into Louboutins, Pierre Hardys, and Zanottis. Something with a higher heel ... that’s more my style ... ”

“OK, well, I’m sure we can find some shopping and restaurants and what have you to do out there. You
come visit, right?”

“Of course, I will!”

“Whew. That’s the only drawback to this thing. I hate to leave you behind. I’ll miss this ... ” Edna waved her hand toward the cocktail glasses and empty appetizer plate strewn with shrimp tails.

“We’ll Skype,” Sophia said firmly.

“Skype? I didn’t know you knew how to Skype!”

“Well, I don’t. And haven’t needed to ... until now. I’ll figure it out. I can’t go without seeing your face.”

“All right, all right, let’s not get all teary and weak. Let’s order steak and fuck the salads.”


Sophia sat in her blue mohair chair with her hands clasped on her lap, her thumbs swirling around each other, a pout on her face.

Poor me. Poor, poor me.

The phone rang and Sophia checked to see the caller. When she saw Tommy’s picture on her screen, she quickly answered.


“Hey, yourself, girl. Whatcha up to tonight? Time for a few drinks?”

“Most definitely. I need a little cheering up. Edna just dropped a bombshell on me. She’s
to LA!”

boy.” Tommy let out a huge sigh.

“Yeah, I know. Lousy friend, huh? Oh, I’m happy for her but really sad for myself. Anyway, what time and where?”

“Let’s say 8
at that new place in the Village ... Larry’s or Harry’s?”

“Perry’s. It’s supposed to be very good.”

“OK, cool. Perry’s at 8.”

Sophia slipped into a pair of gray, skinny corduroys and an M. Patmos blouse, the sequins so thick it reminded her of chainmail. She chose a pair of black Louboutins, even though her feet would have preferred to stay in her bunny slippers.

At 8
she was seated at the bar at Perry’s. At 8:20 her cell rang.

“I’m late. Sorry. Not like me, right? I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

“No problem. I’ll see you when you get here.”

At 8:35 Tommy touched Sophia’s shoulder as she took the stool next to hers.

“Sorry, again. I got caught up in someone else’s break up. Grrr. I hate that shit.”

“What happened? Anyone I know?”

“No, these girls are part of an adventure club I belong to ... the one chick told her girlfriend she wanted to break up because she was in love with me.”

“Oh, my!”

“Soph, I barely know the girl. I’ve maybe seen them a half dozen times and I think I may have had a conversation about hiking boots with the girl ... that’s it.”

“So, she fell in love with you over a deep discussion of tread and insoles?”

“Maybe she thought those were euphemisms.” Tommy laughed ruefully as she flagged down the bartender, a young Asian woman with tattoo sleeves.

“Can I get a mojito, please, and ... What are you drinking, Soph?”

“I’m good.”

 “One mojito,” the girl said. “Melon and basil? Cucumber and cilantro? Or pineapple and sage?”

“A mojito, girl! A mojito, like they used to make them!”

Tommy turned to Sophia and without preamble stated: “I’m heading off for Laos next week. There’s an eco adventure company there that I want to check out and, well, I haven’t been to Laos yet, so I gotta go, right? See it all? Do it all?”

“Et tu, Brutus?”

“Melodramatic Mistress Sophia is such a pussy.”

“Tell me more about Laos.”

They spent the next hour chatting about Laos and the eco adventure company that was starting there.

“All right, then,” Tommy sighed. “I’m going to leave you to your own devices, and see you in about three months.”

The two women hugged and kissed. They hugged and kissed again, this time a little longer. “You know,” Tommy said. “I’ve been thinking about you, and, well…is it possible that whole Mrs. Pea thing was about something other than boredom?”

“Such as?”

“Such as the only thing scarier to you than becoming somebody’s sub.”

“Which is?”

“I don’t know…maybe…love.”

“Love!” Sophia snorted, and the two of them laughed.

Tommy left, blowing Sophia a kiss at the door.

Sophia asked the barmaid for a club soda, studying the young woman’s tattooed arms and noting a small stud in her nose, barely visible, in the dim light of the bar.

When the soda came, and she tried to pay, the girl said, “It’s on the house—all your drinks, always. You come here and I’m working, you drink for free. I know who you are, Mistress, and I am at your service.”

Sophia looked into the girl’s eyes until the girl looked down.

“You’re dismissed.”

Sophia covered her mouth to hide the smile that blossomed there, and coughed.

What a very pleasant surprise!


When Sophia returned home, she decided it was time for Willow to return. She hit the speed dial and left instructions before climbing into bed.

She lay there thinking about Edna and Tommy. It was rare for both to be gone at the same time. She’d miss them, but she was Mistress Sophia. A few friends out of town weren’t going to put a hitch in her giddy-up!

Mistress Sophia burst into tears.




sprawled in their T-shirts and panties on the king-size bed in the master bedroom while Betty was out buying groceries.

“She sure loses the rock, paper, scissors game a lot,” Porsche observed.

“She always throws a rock.” Veronica replied. “I could win every time if I wanted to.”

Porsche smiled.

“Get your ass over here. I want to feel your fingers in me.”

Porsche scooted closer, her fingers playing “in and out” along the seams of Veronica’s panties.

Veronica lifted her ass off the bed and pulled off her panties. She twirled them on her finger then grabbed one end of the elastic and sling-shotted the pair across the room. She lifted her ass higher and spread her legs wider.

Porsche swung around in front of Veronica’s display. She looked down at Veronica’s beaver and felt her own pussy tighten.

“You do have a tasty twat.”

Porsche licked Veronica’s pussy very very softly, barely touching her flesh. The hairs on Veronica’s arm rose up and her spine tingled as Porsche went to work.

Porsche swirled her tongue around and over Veronica’s lips, lapping up the juices gathering there. She made her tongue a little sword and darted it around, pressing and poking with skill. Porsche cupped an ass cheek with one hand, the other stroking soft pussy hairs and gently pulling the lips apart, making Veronica writhe. Porsche kept sliding over the lips with her tongue, pressing the lips together, licking across and in between them, then separating them again, exposing that beautiful clitoris and again teasing it with licks and nibbles so close, so very close but not there, not there.


Driving Veronica wild.

“Al, please, baby. Oh, Al…”

“Are you ready for me? Are you ready to be fucked? Do you want me to take your clit in my mouth? Do you want me to suck on your clit? Rub it? Lick it?”

“Yes! Now, please, nownownow.”

Porsche took the clit in her teeth very, very gently and wrapped her lips around it. Then she pushed two fingers into Veronica’s pussy and began to scissor them back and forth, her mind briefly filled with the image of the three of them playing rock paper scissors as her fingers moved back and forth.

Veronica moaned. “Oh, yeah, Oh, yeah!” Her hips moved back and forth. Porsche quit scissoring, pulled her fingers out all the way, then plunged in again as deep as she could. She vibrated her hand and licked, her tongue flat against the clit. Long strokes, long beautiful strokes, until she felt the quaking begin. Veronica shuddered and muttered and moaned for a very long time before falling back exhausted against her pillow. She held out her arms, and Porsche fell into them.

“I’ll do you ... in a minute ... ”

“Later, baby. You can do me later. Just enjoy yourself now.” And to Porsche’s surprise, she realized she meant it and that, for once, she, Porsche DeSaint, didn’t have an ulterior motive.


When Betty came home, she found the two still on the bed spooning against each other, Porsche’s hand wrapped around one of Veronica’s breasts, the dragon’s head peeking up over her thumb, Veronica snoring gently. She put away the groceries, then went back into the bedroom, climbed in behind Porsche and spooned up against her, wondering if life could get any better than this.




were at Sophia’s. A set of hog-tie X bars were positioned on the bed. Sophia had purchased the X bars years ago from an artist specializing in bondage tools. This one was fourteen inches long, two semi circles welded together in the center to form a lovely X. She loved to see Willow, left hand bound to right foot and right to left. The device displayed her beautifully.

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