Puzzle Me This (4 page)

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Authors: Eli Easton

BOOK: Puzzle Me This
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“So long story short, we started an affair. It lasted about a year.”

“Oh,” Luke said. “So what happened?”

Alex laughed. “You mean why did it end? It’s more like why did it ever start.” He sighed. “He was married with two kids. He was thirty-five when we started up. Totally in the closet. He’d only ever come to my place, and then it was in a hoodie and sunglasses, and he’d park down the street and sneak in. It was ridiculous.”

“Shit,” Luke said, feeling a surge of anger. “
. That is so out of line.”

“It’s okay. I’ve promised myself that I will never again be anyone’s pathetic little secret. The thing is, I knew better, even then. But at the time, I….”

Alex’s voice broke a little. Luke reached over and took his hand. It was clenched tight, but it opened like a rose at his touch. They entwined fingers. Alex looked down at them with a mix of disbelief and longing on his face. Luke rubbed his thumb gently over the flesh between Alex’s finger and thumb. Even that much contact sent a wave of heat through Luke’s body. He felt himself stiffening. Over a touch.

Alex drew in a ragged breath. “I was twenty, a virgin, and horny as hell. I guess… when you’re in a wheelchair, people don’t see you like that. I just wanted to know what it felt like to be desired.”

“I desire you,” Luke said quietly.

Alex stared at him, a look of surprise and a deep, stricken yearning on his face. He seemed to battle for words. “I… God, I desire you, too, Luke. So much.”

Luke’s cock throbbed at the words, at the acknowledgement, out in the open where it couldn’t be taken back and couldn’t be denied. Their mutual confession seemed to have quite an effect on Alex, too, because he squirmed in his seat, tilted his head back, and squeezed his eyes shut. He brought their joined hands up to his chest and rubbed them over his sternum and then one nipple, moaning softly. Luke glanced down and saw a considerable bulge in Alex’s jeans, and he damn near ran off the road.

Well, that answered that question, then. Physically capable.
Oh, Christ, yeah

Luke yanked his hand away.

Alex looked at him, his face hurt.

“I’m about five seconds away from pulling this car onto the shoulder,” Luke said through gritted teeth. “And I believe what would happen next is illegal in the fine state of Pennsylvania, not to mention likely to cause a psychotic break in women and children unfortunate enough to drive by.”

“Right. How much farther is it?” Alex panted.

Luke glanced at the GPS on the dash. “Twenty
minutes,” he growled.

Alex heaved a breath and then sat up and smiled brightly. “Music?”

“Hell, yes,” Luke said.

Alex plugged in his iPod.



they drove into the complex, it was dusk. Luke pulled up to Alex’s door. He got out and went around and took Alex’s chair out, opening it up. He held it steady while Alex swung himself into it.

“Lemme drop off Trevor and take a quick shower,” Luke said. “Then I’ll come over?”

Alex nodded. “Okay.”

Luke was mightily tempted to lean down and kiss him, but he knew if he did, he’d never make it back to his place. So instead he smiled tightly and went back to the driver’s seat. He watched to make sure Alex got inside okay.

Luke fed Trevor and jumped into the shower. He was hard as a rock, and it felt like he’d been hard forever. It
. He ignored it and washed quickly. He couldn’t stop thinking about Alex, about how he’d looked in the passenger seat when he’d thrown back his head and moaned.
I desire you, too. So much.
Luke wanted to see that again, only next time naked and underneath him.

He was not doing his aching balls any favors with this line of thought.

He threw on a pair of soft gray sweats and a T-shirt, pulled on a jacket, and left.

A moment later, Alex answered his knock. He’d showered too, and his dark hair was still damp. He wasn’t wearing his glasses. In fact,
he was wearing were flannel PJ bottoms.
He was magnificent. His skin was pale and soft-looking in the glow of the porch light. His arms, shoulders, and chest were muscled, beautifully rounded, and cut. He had a long, flat belly with a muscle band that was so delectable Luke stopped breathing. If this were a cartoon, he’d be the basset hound detective with eyes popping out of his head and his tongue hanging to his toes.

Alex was staring at him just as hungrily. Neither one of them moved.

Then Luke realized he was still outside, which wasn’t doing anybody a damn bit of good. He took a step inside and slammed the door shut behind him.

“Tell me how we do this,” Luke said. “Because I’m about to climb into that chair, and I’d say the odds of that panning out are zero to none.”

“Sofa,” Alex said.

He turned the chair on a dime and headed for the living room. Luke followed and watched as Alex drew his chair alongside the sofa in one smooth move and swung himself out onto it. He pushed the chair away impatiently and brought his legs up with his hands so he could recline.

“Better?” Alex said with a grin.


Luke ripped off his jacket and then pulled his shirt over his head. He paused to relish one more look before placing a knee on the sofa and lowering himself onto Alex.

Alex’s face, as Luke came down, twisted into a mask of blatant want. He reached up his arms and pushed up his hips to meet him. “Luke,

,” Luke breathed. Alex was so sweet and eager, and it was turning him on like nothing ever had.

His lips met Alex’s for the first time. They were already parted and hungry, sucking and nibbling; the tip of his tongue felt hot and slick. They kissed like that for several breath-stealing moments, and then Alex laved the flat of his tongue against Luke’s lips in a move that spoke directly to his cock.

Luke moaned and let his weight settle down. Alex’s chest was warm and firm against his bare skin. It felt like hot silk—electrified hot silk, because every place it touched set his skin alight. And farther down, Luke’s cock pulsed lovingly into that sweet band of muscle between Alex’s navel and his—

Luke broke the kiss. “Mother of God! Is that the Empire State Building in your pants, or are you just glad to see me? What the hell are you packing?”

Alex giggled and squirmed. “I believe it’s known colloquially as a cock. Though I know at least another twenty terms for it if you’re interested.”

“Like ‘Godzilla’ maybe? Let me see this thing.”

As hot as it was to kiss Alex, Luke really,
had a thing for cocks, and this one felt incredibly promising. He sat up on his knees, poised between Alex’s legs, and tried to undo the tie on his PJ bottoms.

“Oh God, Luke!” Alex groaned, pressing his hips up urgently. “Don’t tease me!”

“I’m trying! What are you, trying to keep out a Boy Scout troop with this knot?”

“Oh, that’s been stuck for years. Just pull ’em down. Or rip them off. I don’t really give a—”

Luke yanked them down. What sprung up would have made a porn star weep with envy. It had to be at least nine inches, fully erect, and heavy as lead.

“Marry me,” Luke whispered in awe.

Alex half giggled, half panted. “Ass! Don’t just
at it. It’s been
four years
. Do something!”

A half-dozen possibilities ran through Luke’s mind, but in the end, he just had to taste it. He wrapped one hand around the base and the other cradled Alex’s sack. He lowered his mouth to run his tongue over the tip. He paused, glancing up at Alex to make sure it was all right. Well no, honestly, it was just to watch him squirm a little more. He was so fucking cute when he squirmed.

Alex was looking down at him with wide eyes and parted lips. He did indeed squirm and then he whimpered and slowly thrust up his hips. There was no resisting that move. Luke growled hungrily and licked, swirling his tongue around the head, and then licking base to crown before taking the top four inches into his mouth and sucking, his tongue running up and down the frenulum.

“Ugh,” Alex grunted, tossing back his head and closing his eyes. “Oh,
fuck yes

Lord, he was pretty and so, so sensitive. Luke felt his own need rage even as he began working on Alex, moving his mouth up and down his length while twisting his hand on the lower portion, sucking and stroking, making greedy little noises.

“Mmmm, Luke. Yes, like that,” Alex sobbed, lost in pleasure. His hands came to Luke’s head. But instead of holding or pulling, he only rubbed the long, silken hair between his fingertips, as if the texture itself was arousing.

Luke remembered the car, how Alex had rubbed their hands over his nipple. He ran the hand that wasn’t working Alex’s cock up over that lovely belly and onto his chest. He found a nipple and lightly pinched it.

Alex arched his back and let out a gurgled cry. “Ah! I’m close. Sorry, but I—”

Luke pulled off to speak. “You are so freaking hot. Come for me. I want to see it.”

Alex took a deep breath and nodded. Then he took another deep breath and another, while Luke sucked him harder and faster, tugging on his nipple. And then Alex arched his back in a way that almost didn’t look human, groaned low in his ribcage, and came.



minutes later Alex blinked and opened his eyes. “Am I still alive? I thought I’d died and gone to heaven.”

Luke was lying on top of him, holding some of his weight on his elbows, kissing and licking at Alex’s chest like it was a Popsicle.

“Killing you would be against my best interests,” Luke said, pushing his cock gently into Alex’s thigh.

“Oh God, I’m so sorry. C’mere.”

Luke shifted up enough to kiss him. Yes, Alex’s mouth really was as heady as he’d remembered, warm and slick with the perfect amount of tongue and suction, sweetness, and filthiness combined.

“You kiss like a spawn of Satan,” Luke murmured. “I love it.”

Alex wrapped his arms around Luke’s waist and hugged him tight. “What do you want, Luke? Do you want to… have me? You can.”

“Well, that’s quite forward for our first date.”

Alex snickered. “That’s me. Mr. Forward.”

Luke nibbled at his delectable lips. “I think we’d need to have the whole top/bottom discussion before that, prenups, living wills, air vac’d supplies, et cetera. Don’t think I can wait that long.” Luke rubbed his erection against Alex’s belly. “I’ve been hard since Luzerne, and it’s about to fall off.”

“Poor baby,” Alex crooned. “Shall I kiss it and make it better?” He started wiggling his way down Luke’s body. “Here, put your knees on the outside of my hips.” Luke complied, and Alex wiggled down between them like a bionic inchworm.

“You’re awfully mobile on this couch.”

“My hips are perfectly functional.”

“I’ll say.”

Luke’s mouth was promptly shut by the feel of Alex—his tongue, flat and very long—licking up his sternum. Alex wiggled some more, reapplying that able muscle just above Luke’s navel and licking obscene swirls on Luke’s tummy. His cock throbbed in desperate appeal.

“You have—
—a very long tongue.”

“It runs in my appendages” came Alex’s muffled reply.

Luke stifled a whimper at that, and at the feel of Alex’s wet tongue circling his navel. He felt the head of his cock paint moisture along Alex’s throat.

Luke gasped. “Not to rush you or anything, but did I mention the ‘hard since

Alex chuckled. “So impatient.” But he shimmied down a little more and then….

“Holy fuck!” Luke breathed.

He was engulfed in a wet heat that was at once tugging and tickling and laving and sucking. He had never felt anything quite like it, and he had to look down to where he was holding himself up off the sofa just to confirm that it was, in fact, Alex’s mouth.

“What the hell are you doing to me?” Luke groaned, like he was dying.

Alex stopped and tilted his head back to look up at him. “Is it not okay?”

“What the hell are you doing

Alex smiled and went back to it.

In his braced-up position, it was almost impossible to not thrust, and he tried it, gently, being sent mad by the sensations on his cock. Alex took it in stride and in fact seemed to like it, if the hands he placed on Alex’s hips to urge him forward were any indication.

Luke closed his eyes, focusing all his senses on the unbelievable pleasure he felt slipping in an out of that warm mouth that was all tongue and lips and perfect amount of pressure and suction and absolute, freaking debauchery.

His orgasm took him by surprise. There was no way in hell he could stop it. “Coming,” he whispered.

Alex moaned his approval and pulled him in deep, sucking hard. He stayed with Luke through his long, wracking shudders and didn’t let go until Luke was too sensitive to bear it anymore.

Luke finally collapsed, aiming to land beside Alex instead of on top of him and making a half-assed job of it. Alex pulled a few stuck limbs free and squirmed his way back up Luke’s body.

Luke managed to raise one eyelid. “That was the best blowjob

“Really?” Alex seemed quite pleased.

“Um-hmm. It was an eleven.” He allowed his heavy eyelids to close. “Though I think you could work up to a twelve with a little practice. Or a lot of practice. I’m self-sacrificing that way.”

“Big of you.”

“The cliché-o-meter just jumped, and I didn’t even say anything,” Luke muttered tiredly.

“Yes, I heard it, too. Are you hungry? We could order a pizza.”

“Pizza and burgers in the same day. We could fry up a pound of bacon while we wait for delivery. Crack a pint of Ben and Jerry’s and pour some butter on it.”

“Do you always talk this much when you’re falling asleep? You’re practically snoring between words.”

“I talk in my sleep, too. So it never ends really.”

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