Pyramids and Promises (Omega Mu Alpha Brothers Book 2) (21 page)

BOOK: Pyramids and Promises (Omega Mu Alpha Brothers Book 2)
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It was Conner’s turn to frown.

“Don’t get me wrong. You’ve lucked out with Ahmed, but you still pay him. But other than Blake, everyone else I’ve met that you surround yourself with is either getting money from you or looking to stab you in the back and take your position.” Jessica took his hand.

“I came over because you were sick. I want to cook for you because you need to eat, and I have absolutely nothing to gain from you other than your smile. That’s what we do for those we love.”

Conner looked into her blue eyes. He understood finally. She was telling him she loved him. His breath had to be horrible, but he didn’t care. He leaned over Octo and kissed her.

unday stunk. It was officially the longest day ever. She hated leaving Conner that morning, it had been a terrible weekend and she hadn’t heard from him all day. It was driving her crazy not knowing how much of a bind he was in for getting so wasted at a work function.

Also, she got an email from her lawyer. It seemed that last email from her psycho ex hadn’t only been a rant about her Facebook posts, but also included a picture of her and Conner kissing outside her building. She was glad she hadn’t seen that. Her lawyer said he would keep that for evidence if she wanted to file a restraining order.

Jessica opened her door and dropped her suitcase. She’d taken it with her yesterday when Ahmed called, expecting to spend the night. Her fingers reached for the light switch when she realized it was already on. Weird. She was sure she turned it off before she left, but maybe she forgot. Or maybe her ex got into her apartment again. She snorted. Yeah, right. She was just being paranoid.

She threw the lock and dropped her keys in a bowl by the door, walking into the living room. Jessica froze. There was a man sitting on the couch.

Rick. The psycho ex himself.

Somehow, she wasn’t surprised. If it had been anyone else, she would have run screaming from the building, but Rick she was halfway expecting. She just stood there staring at him.

When she found her words, she finally spoke. “How’d you get into my apartment?”

“What the hell did you do to your hair?” he snarled, and Jessica smiled. It was exactly the reaction she wanted out of him. She made sure she tossed her head back so he could see the rose color.

“Like it?” she asked playfully. A little too playfully. She saw fire in his eyes. “Seriously, how did you get into my apartment?”

“We’re married. It’s my apartment too,” he spat.

“That’s bull, and you know it.”

“I went to the housing office at the embassy, and they gave me a key.” He shrugged. “Guess they didn’t get a copy of the divorce papers.”

More likely Rick showed his State Department badge and slipped the guy a fifty.

Jessica sat in a chair across from him and rubbed her temples. “You need to leave.”

Rick leaned forward. “I won’t.”

“You will, or I will call the police.”

“Like the police here in Egypt care about a woman. Especially one disobeying her husband. I want us to get back together.”

Jessica let out a snort. “I don’t.”

Hurt crossed his face. “Why?”

“Because you are a controlling, cheating asshole.”

He nodded for a second. “Yeah, probably, but we were married. Doesn’t that mean something to you?”

“That’s all you have to say? No promises to change?”

He shrugged. “I could, but it would be a lie, and you know it. Jess, you belong to me. How could you walk away?”

“I don’t belong to you or to anyone. I belong to myself.” Jessica’s voice shook with anger. How dare he lay claim to her? Conner had taught her nothing if not that she was her own woman. “Why wasn’t I good enough for you? Why did you need to see Tara too?”

She already knew his answer. Jessica had already moved so far past him. At this point it didn’t matter what he said. Except that there was some small dark part of her that needed to know, that couldn’t walk away from this conversation.

“Jessica, sweetheart, I’m a man with big appetites. I can’t be satisfied by only one woman. Now, I’m willing to look past what you did to your beautiful hair. It’ll grow out. Be a good girl and come home.” Rick reached across the coffee table for her hand.

Jessica shook her head. There was no way she’d be safe in her apartment tonight. Even if he left, he could always get back in, and she risked him hurting her. Tomorrow, she’d have her lawyer call the housing department and put an end to this mess. Get her a new apartment that Rick had no access to and a restraining order on him if she had to. Until then, she was going to stay with Conner.

She stood up and without a word, headed back the way she came in. She grabbed her already packed bag and opened the door. She pushed the elevator button, but it didn’t come fast enough.

“Where are you going?” Rick was right behind her.

“Away from you. I don’t want to see you ever again. From now on, our lawyers will talk to each other. Go away, Rick.”

The elevator arrived, and he got on with her.

“You’re not leaving me. Didn’t you hear a word I said?”

“Yes. Look, you cheated on me for a very long time, and you aren’t even apologetic about it. Quite frankly, your behavior is disturbing. You’ve had me followed. Pictures taken of me. Broken into my apartment on several occasions.”

“If I apologize, will you come back?”

“You don’t get it. I’m going to sue you for harassment.”

Outside, she looked for the nearest cab and flagged it down. For once, she wished she hadn’t sent Ahmed on with Conner that morning. In the cab, Jessica tried to shut the door, but Rick jammed his hand inside and pried the door open. He climbed in after her. She couldn’t speak enough Arabic to explain to the cabbie that she didn’t want him in the car with her.

Instead, she slid all way over to the door, gave the cabbie the street name, and put her suitcase in between her and Rick. Her palms were clammy, and her mind was racing. He could really hurt her, but Conner could protect her. She didn’t know where else to turn. Tracking down a regional security officer would take too long, and the Egyptian police would probably give her right back to Rick.

She pulled out her phone and sent a quick text.

On my way to your place. Meet me outside. In trouble. Can’t explain.

“You know there are laws here in Egypt. They favor men. I could have you arrested for leaving me.”

“Lucky for me, neither you nor I are Egyptian. Look, Rick, what exactly did you think would happen today?”

“I dunno. But I’m not going to bed tonight without you with me. Even if I have to force you.”

“You’re insane.”

They pulled up to Conner’s building, and Jessica sighed a breath of relief. Conner stood out there surrounded by several boabs and Ahmed. He took her “in trouble” literally.

She handed the cabbie ten pounds and opened the door without looking for traffic. The cabbie yelled at her, but she didn’t care. The car that was behind them swerved to miss her door. She yanked her suitcase out with her and raced around the car to Conner. She threw herself in his arms, feeling safe for the first time since she’d found Rick in her apartment.

“You okay?” he whispered in her ear. She shook her head no.

A hand curled around her bicep and yanked her away from Conner. Her ankle gave out, and she went down on the concrete skinning her knee.

Ahmed stepped forward and wrested her arm out of Rick’s grasp. He put his hand in the middle of Rick’s chest and pushed him hard, almost into traffic. Conner knelt down and gathered Jessica in his arms.

“What the hell do you think you are doing?” Rick shouted. He tried to shove his way past Ahmed. That wasn’t working for him. Ahmed towered over him. “Get your hands off my wife.”

Her eyes dropped. This couldn’t be any more humiliating. If she didn’t truly hate Rick before, putting her through this in front of Conner would certainly do it.

“Here, babe.” Conner wrapped his arm around her waist and helped Jessica back to her feet. She felt a little stronger, more in control once she was upright again.

“I told you, Rick. I never want to see you.…”

“I heard you, and I told you that I wasn’t leaving here without you.” Rick looked up at Ahmed and poked him in the chest “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be taking my wife home.”

Ahmed looked back at Conner.

“Do you mind if I have a word with him?” Conner tucked a chunk of her hair behind her ear.

“You’re asking me?” Her mouth fell open. Was he really asking for permission?

“I thought maybe I should before I break his nose. In case you want to be the one to do it.” Conner smiled, but it was tight and didn’t reach his eyes.

Jessica didn’t know what to say.

“I do love when I can leave you speechless.”

Conner left her side, and Ahmed replaced him.

Rick raised his head high, but he was still a good six inches shorter than Conner. Jessica had never realized what a small man Rick was.

“Listen,” said Rick with his chest puffed out. “I wouldn’t come into your house and steal your woman, so I’d appreciate if you’d do the same for me.”

Conner let out a short laugh. “You know, your divorce is final. Very final. She’s not your wife anymore. That beautiful woman is not a thing to be owned. She is a lovely person who finally understood that she could do better than you and has moved on. You lost. Go home.”

Rick’s face turned several shades of red. His hands curled into fists.

“Then I guess she needs to be reminded of what she’s missing because she obviously forgot.”

Conner smirked. “No, she doesn’t.” Then he drew back and punched Rick right in the nose. Rick screamed and doubled over. Blood exploded from his face as his hands flew up.

Ahmed handed Conner a handkerchief.

“That felt pretty good,” he said.

Conner took her hand, and she grabbed her suitcase. He spoke in rapid Arabic to the boabs, and they descended on Rick.

Only once they were in the elevator did Jessica relax. She melted into Conner’s arms and tried not to cry. She wondered what she would’ve done if Conner hadn’t been here tonight. She’d probably would’ve been on her way back to Russia in the morning.

onner seethed. He wasn’t entirely sure he wouldn’t call the Russian mafia once that bastard was back in Moscow. For Jessica to not even be safe in her own apartment was too much for him. She was definitely staying the night. Hopefully that ex of hers got on the next flight back first thing in the morning. Conner sent Ahmed over to Jessica’s to watch her place, in case Rick decided it would be a good idea to go back there.

He set her down on the couch and got her a glass of wine. She took it with shaking hands.

“Are you okay?”

She shook her head. Octo climbed up on the couch and curled up next to her. She put her hand on his head.

“You’re staying here tonight. You know that, right?” He thought it crazy to ask, but he wanted to make sure she understood she wasn’t leaving his sight.

“I know, thank you. I’ll stay tonight and figure things out tomorrow.”

“Jessica, you can stay all week if you want. I’m going out of town for work on Tuesday, but I’ll be back Friday afternoon.”

“Thank you, but I’d prefer to stay at my own place. I’ll have my attorney take care of the housing office. My shipment is supposed to come in anyway, and I’ve been waiting so long to unpack.”

“I thought I was supposed to help you with that.”

She grinned. “I don’t know how you plan on doing that if you are going out of town. Where are you going anyway?”

“Dubai. You want to come?”

“Dubai, huh? I’d love to, but I have that thing called a job.”

“Too bad your job doesn’t send you to cool places like Dubai.” He was trying his best to distract her from Rick and what happened at her apartment.

“Yeah, it only sends me to cool places like Moscow and Cairo.”

“True.” He scooted closer to her and slid his hand up her thigh. Her eyes widened. He wasn’t sure what he was going for, but he wanted to be close to her.

“Conner, I—” she began, but he interrupted her.

“I have no expectations tonight. I just want to hold and comfort you. My hand just landed in the wrong spot.”

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