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Authors: Adam Nicolson

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Mirrors of the New World: Images and Image-Makers in the Settlement Process
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Powis, Michael, et al., eds.
Broad Chalke: A History of a South Wiltshire Village, Its Land and People
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Pritchard, R. E.
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William Lord Herbert of Pembroke, 1507–1570: Politique and Patriot
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Slack, Paul, ed.
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Note: Entries in this index, carried over verbatim from the print edition of this title, are unlikely to correspond to the pagination of any given e-book reader. However, entries in this index, and other terms, may be easily located by using the search feature of your e-book reader.


Abbott, George, Archbishop of Canterbury, 145, 152

Against Tyranny
(Languet), 104–5

Akklen, William, 186

Alexander, Sir William, 143

ancient constitution, 157, 172, 233–35, 240

Anglesey, Christopher Villiers, Earl of, 146

Anne, Queen (Anne of Denmark), 95, 216

Antrim, Earl of, 219

(Sannazaro), 98, 209

(Sidney), 83–84, 98–108, 111–12, 139–41, 267

Woolf essay on, 101–2

Arcadianism, 7, 10, 14, 21–22, 25–26, 32–33, 43–44, 58, 60, 130–31, 157, 168–74, 197, 203–4, 207–9, 213.
See also
copyhold system; custom of the manor; village life

Anne Clifford and, 217–18

Civil War and, 235, 241, 246, 261, 267, 271

Elizabeth I and, 93–96

James I and, 139–45, 147–49

Mary Sidney and, 82–84, 89, 112–15

Milton and, 267–68

Philip Sidney and, 98–109, 126

Shakespeare and, 121, 125–26

social dimension of, lost after Civil

War, 275–82

Van Dyck portrait and, 214–15, 224-27

Arthur, King, 105

Arundel, Earl of, 134, 235

Arundell, Charles, 76

Ascham, Roger, 15–16, 89

Ashly, Richard, 253

Astill, Thomas, 249

Astrophel and Stella
(Sidney), 102–3, 111–12

As You Like It
(Shakespeare), 131

Aubrey, John, 9–10, 13, 18, 30–31, 70, 74–75, 82, 93, 98, 160–62, 167–68, 208, 212–13


Bacon, Francis, 143

Bacon, Sir Nicholas, 78

Ballard, Anthony, 254

Banks, John, 253

Barett, Nicolas, 253

Barratt, William, 185

Bassano, 213

Baxter, Richard, 273–75, 280

Baynard's Castle, 19, 63, 66, 72–73, 76, 145–46, 157–58, 200–204, 242, 271

Bedford, Earl of, 215

Bennett, Thomas, 259

Bevin, John, 195

Bible, 203, 278

Geneva (1587), 114–15

King James, 221

Blackborne, Robert, 186

Blome, Richard, 59

Boneman, William, 156

Bowlton, William, 177

Breton, Nicholas, 116–17

Bridgewater, Earl of, 155

Britannia's Pastorals
(Browne), 148–49

British Library, 118

Broke, Thomas “Davy,” 12–13

Brooke, Lord, 244, 246

Brookes, Mr., 212

Browne, Ambros, 253

Browne, Anthony, 167–71

Browne, William, 148–49

Bryne, Eileen, 181

Buckhurst, Thomas Sackville, Lord, 78

Buckingham, George Villiers, 1st Duke of, 145–57, 200–202, 215

Buckingham, Katherine Manners, Duchess of, 218–19

Buckingham, Mary Villiers, Countess of, 146

Bull, John, 186

Burghley, William Cecil, 1st Baron, 78, 122–23, 142–43

Bush, John, 253

Butler, Marie, 193–94

Butler, Samuel, 262


Camden, William, 10, 96

Came, Robert, 192–93

Candby, Susanna, 257–58

Candill, Hercules, 196–97

Carey, Elizabeth, 122

Carey, Sir George, 122

Carlisle, Earl of, 155, 157, 201

Carnarvon, Anna Sophia Herbert Dormer, Countess of (daughter of 4th Earl of Pembroke), 5, 215, 222, 224, 264

Carnarvon, Robert Dormer, 1st Earl of, 5, 210, 215, 222, 224, 231–32, 240, 242, 263–64

Carpenter, John, 194

Carr, Robert.
Somerset, 1st Earl of

Castiglione, 114, 116

Catherine of Aragon, 15

Caus, Isaac de, 209, 211–12

Cawdrey, Roger, 185–86

Cecil, Sir Robert (
Earl of Salisbury), 95, 123–24, 142–43, 155

Cecil, Sir William.
Burghly, 1st Baron

Cellini, 142

Chaffinge, Thomas, 200–204, 206, 215, 223–24

Chamberlain, John, 151

Chamberlyn, John, 185

Chamberlyn, John (second), 186

Charles I, King of England, 130, 152, 154–56, 199–200, 205–8

arrest and execution of, 264–68

Civil War and, 231–36, 238–42, 244, 258–60, 262–64

Van Dyck portrait of, 213

Wilton and, 208–10

Charles V, King of Spain, 103

Chester, William, 13

chivalry, 90, 142, 147, 158

Cicero, 16

Civil War of 1640s, 2, 35, 37–38, 49, 105, 131, 138, 149–51, 203–5, 231–60

aftermath of, 273–82

end of, 260–64

Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of, 119, 131, 133, 138, 151, 154–55, 158, 199, 204–6, 240, 261, 263, 271

Clifford, George.
Cumberland, 3rd Earl of

Clifford, Lady Anne (wife of 4th Earl of Pembroke).
Pembroke, Anne Clifford, Countess of

Clifford, Robert, 221–22

Clifford family, 73, 215–16

Clubmen, 258–61

Cobbett, William, 276–80

Coke, Sir Edward, 233

common land, 35, 45–46, 49–50.
See also
enclosure; village and country life

communality (mutuality), 35–46, 51–52, 56, 104–5, 172, 174–75, 184, 189–90, 197, 233, 253–56, 274–75, 278–82

“Concerning the Shepherd” (Wiltshire document), 40

Condition of poor farm tenants, The
(Baxter), 273–74

Constable, John, 277

copyhold system, 37–48, 51, 56–60, 68, 148, 150, 160–63, 167–80, 189–90, 233, 256–58, 273–91.
See also
custom of the manor

Correggio, Antonio da, 213

Coryton, Sir William, 154

Courtier, The
(Castiglione), 114, 116

Coverdale, Miles, 113

Cranmer, Archbishop, 113

Cromwell, Oliver, 252, 260, 265

Crowder, Richard, 186

Cumberland, George Clifford, 3rd Earl of, 88, 215

Cumberland, Margaret Russell, Countess of, 221–22

custom of the manor, 35–53, 56,
104–5, 148–49, 150–51, 167–76, 183–97, 253–58, 260, 273–81.
See also
copyhold system


Daniel, Samuel, 115, 143, 217

David, King, 112–13

David, John, 254

Davis, John, 253

Deane, Thomas, 183

Dee, Dr., 96

Defence of Poesy, The
(Sidney), 111–12, 126

Denbigh, Earl of, 146

Denny, Edward, 101

de Vere, Bridget, 122–23, 132

de Vere, Edward.
Oxford, Earl of

de Vere, Susan.
Pembroke, Susan de Vere, Countess of

Dewe, Bartholomew, 162

Dewe, Goody, 161–62

Dewe, Thomas, 162

Dicke, John, 195

(Machiavelli), 104

Domesday Book, 31

Donne, John, 112, 217

Dormer, Charles (
2nd Earl of Carnarvon), 210, 222, 264

Dormer, Robert.
Carnarvon, 1st Earl of

Dorset, Edward Sackville, 4th Earl of (d. 1652), 155, 261

Dorset, Richard Sackville, 3rd Earl of (d. 1624), 216–17

Drayton, Michael, 115, 143, 217

Dudley, Ambrose.
Warwick, Earl of

Dudley, Guildford, 66, 83

Dudley, John.
Northumberland, 1st Duke of

Dudley, Katherine.
Huntingdon, Countess of

Durnford, Richard, 252

Dyer, Edward, 96


Earth, Roger, 78

Eastman, Bennet, 252

Edward IV, King of England, 10, 21

Edward VI, King of England, 55–57, 59, 61, 63–65, 69, 71, 82–83, 89, 161–62

Eikon basilike
(Charles I), 268

(Milton), 267

Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 16, 64, 70–76, 85, 88–92, 127, 132–33, 143, 152, 174, 188, 213

Philip Sidney and, 97–98, 101–2, 106–8

Wilton visit of, 91–96

Elizabeth, Princess (daughter of Charles I), 242

Elizabethan England, 6–7, 82, 89–91, 139

Elwes, Sir Gervas, 138, 144

Elye, Thomas, 190

Elyot, Sir Thomas, 59

enclosures, 21–23, 56–60, 148, 278–79

(Jonson), 145

Essex, Countess of.
Howard, Frances

Essex, 2nd Earl of (d. 1601), 118, 143

Essex, 3rd Earl of (d. 1646), 144–45


Fairfax, Sir Thomas, 258, 260

Faithful Shepherdess, The
, 148

Farret, William, 190

Feilding, Lord, 227

Feltham, Robert, 196–96

Felton, John, 156, 157

Fiennes, Celia, 209–10

Fish, Anna, 162

Fish, Mary, 162

Fitton, Mary, 127, 132

“Four Foster Children of Desire, The” (Sidney), 106–7

Foxe, John, 23–24, 26

France, 104, 151, 154, 156, 279

François I, King of France, 12

Fraunce, Abraham, 115

Frie, William, 253

Furse, Robert, 172–73


Gardiner, Bishop, 23–24, 26–27

Garrard, George, 218, 223

Garratt, Henry, 255–56

Gass, Martin, 253

Gentleman's Recreation
(Blome), 59

Gerrett, Aves, 183

Gervys, 12

Gilbert, Adrien, 117

Gilbert, Humphrey, 96

Giorgione 213

Gladwys (wife of Thomas ap Gwylym), 10

Gonzaga, Elizabeth.
Urbino, Duchess of

Gould, William, 259

Greene, Roberte, 254

Gregorie, Thomas, 76

Greville, Fulke, 96, 104, 106, 108, 115

Grey, Lady Catherine (1st wife of 2nd Earl of Pembroke), 65–66, 81–82

Grey, Lady Jane, 65–66, 69, 81, 83

Gwylym ap Jenkyn (Welsh ancestor), 10


Hakluyt, Richard, 96

Hale, Abraham, 248

(Shakespeare), 26

Hammond, Lieutenant, 20, 209

Harvey, Gabriel, 83–84

Hatchett, Richard, 45

Henrietta, Queen (of Charles I), 210, 212, 234, 238, 244

Henry IV, King of England, 236

Henry VIII, King of England, 12–15, 17–19, 21, 23–24, 26–27, 55, 65, 69, 89, 113, 213

Henry, Prince of Wales (son of James I), 59, 141, 143

Herbert, Anna Sophia (daughter of 4th Earl of Pembroke).
Carnarvon, Countess of

Herbert, Anne (daughter of 1st Earl of Pembroke), 76

Herbert, Charles, Lord (son of 4th Earl of Pembroke), 5, 155, 215, 218–19, 221, 223, 225, 227–29

Herbert, Edward (son of 1st Earl of Pembroke), 76

Herbert, George, Vicar of Bemerton, 51–52, 112, 167, 172, 281, 282

Herbert, Henry.

Henry Herbert, 2nd Earl of Herbert, James (son of 4th Earl of Pembroke), 215, 263

Herbert, John (son of 4th Earl of Pembroke), 215

Herbert, Philip (
5th Earl of

Pembroke and 2nd Earl of Montgomery, son of 4th Earl of Pembroke), 215, 218, 223, 225–28, 235–36, 263

Herbert, Philip.
Pembroke, Philip

Herbert, 4th Earl of

Herbert, Richard (father of 1st Earl of Pembroke, 1551 creation), 11–12

Herbert, Thomas (cousin of 4th Earl of Pembroke), 265–67

Herbert, William, of Cogan Pill (nephew of 1st Earl of Pembroke), 71–72

Herbert, William.
Pembroke, William Herbert, 1st Earl of (1468 creation); Pembroke, William Herbert, 1st Earl of (1551 creation); Pembroke, William Herbert, 3rd Earl of

Hibberd, Joan (Jane), 191

Hill, James, 196–97

Hinton, Antony, 212

Holbein, Hans, 15–16, 23, 89

Holland, Earl of, 155

Holliday, John, 186

Holly, Thomas, 178

Howard, Charles, Lord, of Effingham.
Nottingham, 1st Earl of

Howard, Frances (Countess of Essex,
Countess of Somerset), 144–45

Howard, Henry.
Maltravers, Baron of

Howard, Thomas, Lord (arrested 1546), 24

Howard, Thomas (d. 1572).
Norfolk, 4th Duke of hunting, 59, 60, 79, 87–88, 93–96, 142, 147

Huntingdon, Katherine Dudley, Countess of, 83

Hurst, Richard, 194

Hyde, Edward.
Clarendon, Earl of

(masque), 140


Italianate style, 207–9, 213–14

Italy, 103–4, 212, 227–29

“Iust Mans Memoriall, The” (Chaffinge sermon), 200–201


Jacobean court, 135–36, 139–43, 204, 206

Jaggard, John, 185

James I, King of England, 7, 59, 95, 129–37, 142–46, 152, 188, 204, 211, 282

James, Sir Henry, 133–34

Jenkyn ap Adam (Welsh ancestor), 10

John of Gaunt, 63

Jones, Inigo, 4, 20, 141–42, 151, 209–13, 262

Jonson, Ben, 97, 112, 138, 145, 210

Josselin, Ralph, 25–26

Joyce, George, 265


King, Alice, 191

King, Joan, 191


Langdale, Sir Marmaduke, 252–54

Languet, Hubert, 102–5

Larkin, William, 134–35, 263

Lawes, Jane, 181–82

Lawes, William, 162

Lawrence, Vicar Thomas, 177, 255

Layfield, Dr. John, 221–22

Leicester, Robert Dudley, 1st Earl of (1564 creation), 76, 78, 83–84, 90, 97, 104, 108

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