Queen Anne: The Politics of Passion (105 page)

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128 Cibber, 42; Hatton Corresp. II, 118–119.

129 Chesterfield, 335–336.

130 Browning II, 151; Cibber, 43; Chesterfield, 335; Clarendon Corresp. II, 249; ibid. 216.

131 Ellis Corresp. II, 368; Carpenter, 138; Ellis Corresp. II, 368; HMC Le Fleming, 234.

132 HMC Dartmouth, 214; Burnet III, 335n; HMC 9th report, 461.

133 Add 36707 f 49; Buckingham II, 68; Oldmixon
, 759; Reresby, 500; Add 36707 f 50; Add 18675 f 48v.

134 CB, 44–45.

135 Ailesbury I, 195.

136 Beddard
, 50.

137 Burnet III, 355; Beddard
, 60–61.

138 Ellis Corresp. II, 373; Schwoerer
Bill of Rights
, 143; Strickland V, 510.

139 Ailesbury I, 224.

140 Morrice (DWL) Q, 413.

141 Sarah
, 15.

142 Clarendon II, 234–235.

143 Sidney I, 143.

144 Foxcroft, 308–309; Burnet III, 138–139.

145 Halifax II, 202–203.

146 Luttrell I, 497; Morrice Q, 434; Clarendon Corresp. II, 249.

147 Clarendon Corresp. II, 248–249.

148 Ibid.; ibid. 255.

149 Reresby, 546; Speck
Reluctant Revolutionaries
, 102–203.

150 Speck
Reluctant Revolutionaries
, 101; Beddard
, 82; Reresby, 548; Dalrymple II, pt 1, 282; Burnet III, 395–396.

151 Clarendon II, 260; Sarah
, 16.

152 Folger Shakespeare Library Newdigate Newsletters L.c. 1971; Horwitz
, 81.

153 Halifax II, 202–203; Ashley
Glorious Revolution
, 184.

154 HMC Kenyon, 217; Add 61421 f 73; Coke II, 121.

155 Doebner
, 10; Coke III, 163.

Chapter 3: Sure Never Anybody Was Used So

1 Clarendon Corresp. II, 252.

2 HMC Hastings II, 212; Sarah
, 18; Add 61423 f 161.

3 Evelyn IV, 645–646; Russell Letters II, 8; Strickland VI, 24.

4 Bentinck, 118–119; Burnet IV, 162.

5 HMC 11th report pt vi, 190; Lewis, 34; Doebner
, 14–15; Lewis, 34–35, 58–59.

6 Dewhurst, 42–43.

7 Sarah
, 18; Japikse I, pt 1, 175–176; Halifax II, 218; Mazure III, 115.

8 Burnet IV, 2; Ailesbury II, 502; Burnet IV, 162; Add 61421 ff 127v–128; Sarah
, 81–82.

9 Halifax II, 201–202.

10 Sarah
, 20.

11 Ranke VI, 178; Add 62201 ff 33, 29.

12 Sarah
, 23.

13 Add 61421 f 141; Doebner
, 17; Dalrymple II, pt 2, book 4, 199.

14 Sarah
, 21.

15 Doebner
, 17; Boyer
Life and Reign
, 6; Grey IX, 493–500.

16 Doebner
, 18.

17 Ibid.

18 Evelyn, 12 April 1689.

19 Doebner
, 24.

20 Kennet III, 602; Bentinck, 95.

21 Burnet IV, 3; Evelyn, 30 Jan. 1690; Oldmixon
William and Mary
, 34; Foxcroft, 73.

22 Doebner
, 26–27.

23 Sarah
, 28; Add 61415 f 10; HMC Finch II, 443.

24 Doebner
, 29; Dalrymple III, pt 2, appendix to book five, 127; Doebner
, 29.

25 Add 61414 f 139.

26 Luttrell II, 116.

27 Add 61415 f 1.

28 Ibid. f 123; f 38; f 137.

29 Bentinck, 92–93; Add 61414 f 115.

30 Add 61414 ff 147–148.

31 HMC Le Fleming, 320; Doebner
, 38.

32 Sarah
, 28–29; Add 61414 f 113; Grovestins VI, 362; Doebner
, 38.

33 HMC Finch III, 5, 453, 206–207; Add 61101 ff 27, 33; HMC Finch III, 207.

34 Doebner
, 30; Dalrymple II, pt 2, 255; CB, 52.

35 Add 61414 f 140; ibid. f 129; ibid. f 109; Add 61426 f 6.

36 Add 61414 f 114; 61426 f 15.

37 Add 61426 f 26; 61423 ff 161v– 162; 61414 f 145.

38 Add 61414 f 138; 61415 f 164; 61414 f 139; ibid. f 126.

39 Add 61414 f 124; ibid. f 131.

40 Ibid. f 141; Luttrell II, 355.

41 Burnet II, 125–126n; Dickinson, 13; Foxcroft, 104; Dickinson, 12.

42 Add 61418 f 22v; HMC 8th report pt 1, II, 562b; Add 61414 f 213.

43 Sarah
, 125; Add 61422 194v; Sarah
, 126; Add 61422 f 197.

44 Add 61415 f 32.

45 Add 61414 f 134.

46 Ibid. f 133; f 137.

47 Ibid. ff 140–141; f 145; f 143.

48 Macpherson I, 236–238; Commons Journals XI, 577; Macpherson I, 440; Hopkins, 274.

49 CB, 52–53.

50 Grovestins VI, 319.

51 Hatton Corresp. II, 165; Gregg
, 83.

52 Dalrymple III, 10–11; Hopkins, 279, 279n.

53 HMC Denbigh (7th report pt i), 220; Foxcroft, 373; Churchill I, 344.

54 Doebner
, 45; CB, 59, Sarah
, 31; Doebner
, 45.

55 Add 61414 f 150.

56 Ibid. f 169.

57 Sarah
, 31–34.

58 Add 61414 f 154.

59 Ibid. f 155.

60 CB, 53–54.

61 Sarah
, 42; Add 61423 f 87v; Burnet IV, 164n.

62 Grovestins VI, 362, 325; Add 61414 f 166.

63 Add 61423 f 99v; Sarah
, 51; Add 61414 f 167; CB, 59 –60; Add 61426 f 16.

64 CB, 60–61.

65 Sarah
, 49; Luttrell II, 424.

66 Grovestins VI, 316; HMC Finch IV, 100; Boyer
Life and Reign
, 6; Sarah
, 49–50; Add 61414 f 173; Spanheim, 763.

67 Hatton Corresp. II, 177; Grovestins VI, 319; Sarah
, 62; Add 61421 f 121.

68 Add 61414 f 164; f 179; f 178.

69 CB, 55; Add 61414 f 185.

70 CB, 58–59; Add 61414 f 189.

71 Ailesbury I, 292–293; Add 61414 f 199.

72 Sarah
, 55.

73 Add 61414 f 199; CB, 56.

74 CB, 54, 56–57.

75 CB, 57; Add 61423 f 88v; Add 61415 f 27.

76 CB, 58.

77 Add 61415 f 3.

78 Add 61414 f 178; f 148; f 10; f 7; f 10.

79 Sarah
, 70; Grovestins VI, 359–360; Sarah
, 70.

80 Luttrell II, 556; HMC Finch IV, 452; ibid. 342; ibid. 438.

81 HMC Finch IV, 452–453.

82 Ailesbury I, 296.

83 Luttrell II, 595.

84 Add 37661 f 135.

85 Ibid. ff 31–31v.

86 Add 61415 f 11; Add 61421 ff 104–104v; CB, 62.

87 Ailesbury I, 3088; Sarah
, 67; Grew, 102; Foxcroft, 373; Add 61415 f 37.

88 HMC 7th report I, 212; Ranke VI, 200.

89 Add 61415 f 34; f 36.

90 Ibid. f 39; Sarah
, 73.

91 Lewis, 41; Add 61415 f 29.

92 Lewis, 50, 41.

93 Ibid. 41, 50, 46–47, 51.

94 Stone, 106, 440.

95 Add 61415 f 84; Lewis, 94; ibid. 48–49, 70–71; Lane Furdell, 233–234; Add 61415 f 93; ibid. ff 91–92; Lewis, 45.

96 Kennet III, 785; Lewis, 96, 42; Add 30000 D f 245; Add 30000 B f 253; Lewis, 40, 50, 61.

97 Lewis, 96, 113; Add 61415 f 36; Add 30000 D f 242; ibid. f 247.

98 Lewis, 46–47, 49, 55; Baxter
, 317; Lewis, 42.

99 Add 61415 f 34; ibid. f 36.

100 Ibid. f 39; Luttrell III, 62.

101 Add 61415 ff 69, 65; CB, 67, Emson, 1365; Add 61415 ff 60–61.

102 Ibid. f 59; f 74.

103 Ibid. f 74; f 77.

104 Thomson, 30–32.

105 Luttrell III, 258; Cal Dom William and Mary, addenda, 1689–1695, 243; Add 61415 ff 94–95.

106 Add 61415 f 97; Sarah
, 74; Add 17677 PP f 119.

107 Add 17677 PP f 108; Ranke VI, 263; Sarah
, 75; Add 61421 f 117v.

108 Ranke VI, 263; CB, 63; Add 61415 f 109.

109 Lewis, 66.

110 Ibid. 64; HMC Portland III, 562.

111 Shrewsbury, 46–47; Add 61421 ff 127v–128.

112 HMC Hastings II, 244; Add 17677 PP f 231v; HMC Hastings II, 248.

113 Hatton Corresp. II, 212; HMC Downshire I, 406; Add 17677 PP f 216; Pittis, 28–29; Add 61415 f 120; Add 17677 f 216.

114 Add 17677 f 275; for hysterical pregnancy see www.minddisorders.com; E. Hamilton, 81.

115 Evelyn V, 213.

116 Add 61421 f 132v; Sarah
, 78–79.

117 Burnet IV, 267; Add 17677 PP f 259; Luttrell III, 474; Add 61421 f 120; Add 30000 A f 226.

118 Sarah
, 79–80; Japikse I, ii, 67;
, 80.

119 Add 17677 QQ f 279v; Luttrell IV, 20.

120 Add 17677 QQ f 546; HMC Hastings II, 286; Dewhurst, 35.

121 Add 17677 QQ f 586; Bucholz, 33; Luttrell IV, 151; ibid. 180; HMC Hastings II, 290.

122 Lewis, 45, 98; Add 17677 QQ f 501.

123 Clarke II, 525, 529.

124 Kennet III, 737.

Actes et Mémoires … Ryswick
I, 500–501; Clarke II, 571, 575.

126 Trevor II, 508–509.

127 Add 30000 A f 349.

128 Add 17677 RR f 457; Add 61415 f 133; Bathurst, 241; CB, 66 (dated 1698 there).

129 Add 61415 f 143; ibid. f 135.

130 CB, 66; Bathurst, 241; Add 61415 ff 144–145.

131 Add 30000 A f 388; Add 17677 RR f 526.

132 Luttrell IV, 348; Add 30000 C ff 228–229; Baxter
, 373–74.

133 Add 30000 A f 411v; Vernon I, 444; Add 30000 B ff 142–143; ibid. f 173; Add 61415 f 126.

134 Burnet IV, 386n; Add 61415 f 149.

135 Vernon II, 124, 382. Add 30000 E ff 165v, 171v; Sarah
, 82.

136 Sarah
, 83–84; HMC Frankland–Russell–Astley, 94.

137 Add 61415 f 129; f 137.

138 Bathurst, 237; Add 61423 f 161v; Add 61415 f 89.

139 Add 61415 ff 153–154; ibid. f 150.

140 Add 30000 B f 150; ibid. f 137v; Ibid. f 186; Luttrell IV, 404; Cal Dom William & Mary, 1698, 379.

141 Add 30000 B ff 217, 219v; Vernon II, 174; Add 30000 B f 220; Vernon II, 176; Add 30000 B f 221.

142 Luttrell IV, 577, 579; Sarah
, 81.

143 Luttrell IV, 582; Vernon II, 382–383; ibid. 385–386; Add 30000 D f 57v; Vernon II, 432; Add 61415 f 166.

144 Add 30000 D f 26; Luttrell IV, 607; Vernon II, 422; Emson, 1366.

145 Add 61415 f 170.

146 Coke III, 482; Add 61415 f 151; CB, 67; Lewis, 94; Add 30000 D f 242.

147 HMC Rutland II, 163; Lewis, 108; Burnet, IV 451–452.

148 Coke III, 126; Vernon III, 118–119; Add 61101 f 48.

149 Burnet IV, 452; Add 30,000 D f 241; Add 17677 UU f 289.

150 Add 61110 f 51.

151 Hone, 144; Add 30000 D ff 241, 245; Add 61101 f 56; F. Holmes, 168; Add 17677 UU f 289; Add 30000 D f 245.

152 Luttrell IV, 675–676; ibid. 674.

153 Hone, 144; Burnet IV, 452; Add 30000 D f 247; Add 17677 UU f 287; Vernon III, 120; Add 30000 D f 255; Luttrell IV, 675; Add 17677 UU f 294v.

154 Add 17677 UU f 204v; HMC 10th report pt 4, 335; Luttrell IV, 698; HMC Portland IV, 5; Luttrell IV, 694.

155 Robb II, 257; Pierpoint Morgan Library NYC, Rulers of England, box 11A, William and Mary no. 22.

156 Macpherson I, 617.

157 Kennett III, 565.

158 Vernon III, 141; ibid. 128–129.

159 Grovestins VIII, 27; Add 30000 E f 211; ibid. f 84v.

160 Gregg
, 366.

161 Add 30000 D f 337.

162 Churchill I, 1000–1003; Add 30000 E f 235v.

163 Corp, 253; Clarke II, 596; Macpherson I, 589.

164 Evelyn V, 477.

165 Snyder I, 35.

166 CB, 67–68.

167 Add 61426 ff 33–34; Hill
, 69.

168 Burnet IV, 553–554; ibid. 553n.

169 Gregg
, 368; Klopp IX, 454n.

170 Clarke II, 602.

171 Macpherson I, 606.

172 Spanheim, 763.

173 Sarah
, 85; Evelyn V, 491.

174 Evelyn V, 491.

Chapter 4: We Are Now in a New World

1 Evelyn V, 493; Verney, 105–107; HPT Bonet, box 15, 17/28 March 1702; Add 17677 XX f 281v.

2 HMC 2nd report, 242; HMC Portland IV, 35.

3 MGC I, 49; Heinsius I, 16; HMC Portland IV, 34; Heinsius I, 16; HPT Bonet, box 15, 17/28 March; Macky
, 35; Boyer
Life and Reign
, 16–17; Spencer, 92–93.

4 Burnet V, 457n; ibid. 2.

5 Verney, 105; Parlt Hist VI, 5.

6 HPT Bonet, 13/24 March 1702; HMC 2nd report, 242.

7 Add 70336/28, 19 March 1708; Snyder in
Historical Journal
(1968), 160; Add 70336/27.

8 HMC 2nd report, 242; Burnet V, 2; PC I, 263.

9 Bucholz 46–48; Parlt Hist VI, 11; Heinsius I, 60; Add 61418 f 28.

10 Morrice (DWL) Q, 434; Schwoerer
Renaissance Quarterly
XLII, 727; Burnet III, 391; Schwoerer
XVIII, 212.

11 Speck
Reluctant Revolutionaries
, 97; Doebner
, 108–109; ibid. 22–23; Fradenburg, 176–177; Orr, 19; Weil, 111.

12 Mendelson and Crawford, 431; Weil, 156–157; Perry, 188.

Prerogative of the Breeches
, 6, 27, 23–24.

Petticoat Government
, 70; Weil, 162, 167;
Petticoat Government
, 68; ibid. 66–67.

15 Orr, 101; Churchill I, 516; Marchmont III, 301–302; MGC I, 170 (for another example see MGC I, 265).

16 Boyer
I, 143;
Petticoat Government
, 69; Bowers, 65; Bucholz, 209.

17 Lambeth Palace Library mss 1569.6; CB, 398–99; Nicolson, 254; Parlt Hist VI, 1353; Oldmixon
Hist. of … Anne
, 380, Furbank and Owens, 58.

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