Queen Anne: The Politics of Passion (111 page)

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Authors: Anne Somerset

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101 D. Hamilton, 67; Boyer
Political State
VII, 627.

102 Boyer
Political State
VII, 628.

103 Boyer
Life and Reign
, 715–716; F. Holmes, 181; Boyer ibid. 714; D. Hamilton, 3.

104 Snyder ‘Last Days of Queen Anne’, 267–268.

105 Boyer
Political State
VII, 630; Snyder ‘Last Days of Queen Anne’, 902; Wentworth, 408.

106 HMC Downshire I, ii, 902; Boyer ibid. 631; PRO 31/3/203 ff 30, 31v; Wentworth, 407.

107 D. Hamilton, 46.

108 Wentworth, 408; BL Stowe 226, ff 178–179.

109 Boyer
Political State
VII, 633; Wentworth, 410; Swift
. II, 39.

110 PRO 31/3/203 f 33; Boyer
Life and Reign
, 715–716; Boyer
Political State
VII, 635.

111 PRO 31/3/203 f 33.

112 B. Williams, 144; Boyer
Life and Reign
, 680; Tindal XVIII, 167; Lockhart I, 465.

113 Cruickshanks in BIHR, 177; Michael I, 54; Heinsius XVI, 160; Trevelyan III, 340.

114 Add 47027 f 149v; Swift
. II, 47–48; PRO 31/3/203 f 40.

115 PRO 31/3/203 f 50.

116 Ibid. f 35, 39; Swift
. II, 48–49.

117 Salomon, 316; Berwick II, 194–195; Salomon, 347.

118 Heinsius XVI, 169; Gregg
Queen Anne
, 397; Swift
. II, 70; Bucholz, 63; Swift
. II, 70; Add 61420 ff 107–108; Calendar Treasury Books, Anne, XXIX pt 2, 237.

119 PRO 31/3/203 f 49; Heinsius XVI, 169; Salomon, 319.

120 HMC Kenyon, 457; HMC Downshire I, ii, 902; BC IV, 583; Add 47027 f 148v. Trevelyan III, 340.

121 Tindal XVIII, 228; Calendar Treasury Books, Anne, XXIX pt 1, cciii; RA GEO/MAIN/83083; RA GEO/MAIN/83098–83099.

122 Calendar Treasury Books, Anne, XXIX pt 1, cc–cci; RA GEO/MAIN/83107–83108.

123 Coke III, 482; RA GEO/MAIN/83100; Calendar Treasury Books, XXIX pt 2, 848; Swift
. II, 70.

Chapter 16: Not Equal to the Weight of a Crown?

1 HMC Portland VII, 197–198; Swift
. II, 46; Swift
. II, 54, 55.

2 Bucholz, 128; Swift
. II, 63–64.

3 Dunton
King Abigail
, 2.

4 Calamy II, 346; Hatton, 178.

5 Bolingbroke
Letter to W. Wyndham
I, 94–95.

6 HMC Portland V, 663; Parlt Hist VII, 84, 120, 105.

7 Parlt Hist VII, 495–496; HMC Beaufort, 97; Field
The Favourite
, 366.

8 Add 61426 f 40.

9 F. Harris
Passion for Government
, 206; ibid. 316.

10 Field
The Favourite
, 394.

11 Quoted by Bucholz in Orr, 94.

12 Parlt Hist VI, 1236.

13 Cunningham II, 143; Add 61418 ff 141–141v; Add 61423 f 171; Sarah, 235; Add 61423 f 9; Add 61423 ff 26v–27.

14 Swift
, 35; Add 61423 f 13.

15 Boyer
Life and Reign
, 716; D. Hamilton, 4;
Queen Anne Vindicated
, 3–4.

16 Add 61417 f 96; Add 34493 f 91v; MGC II, 843; Swift
Prose Works
VIII, 83; Add 56105 L f 82v; D. Hamilton, 58; Swift
II, 451.

17 Add 56105 L f 82.

18 Kemble, 491; Maclachlan, 636; for France’s readiness to offer better terms, see Torcy
, 426; Legg
, 147; Parlt Hist VII, 105; BC I, 427; Parlt Hist VII, 203, 206.

19 BC I, 391; MGC I, 315, 304, 317.

20 Parlt Hist VI, 1035; HMC Portland V, 662; Boyer
VII, 25; Parlt Hist VII, 181; Parlt Hist VI, 1022; Carswell, 56; Parlt Hist VII, 206; Rodger, 180.

21 Coningsby, 6; Swift
, 19; Calamy II, 302; Sarah, 233, HMC Portland V, 338; Lockhart I, 480;
Kit-Cat Club
, 301; Holmes and Speck
Divided Society
, 113.

22 Sharp I, 325; Madresfield, 10; D. Hamilton, 65.

23 Tindal XVIII, 244; Add 56105 L f 82; Luttrell V, 153; Tindal XVIII, 233.

24 D. Hamilton, 34; Calamy II, 287; Holmes and Speck
Divided Society
, 121.

25 Clarke and Foxcroft, 470; Calamy II, 293.

26 Tindal XVIII, 232; Uffenbach, 116; Defoe
Political and Economic Writings
II, 281; Clyve Jones
British Politics in the Age of Holmes
, 146.

27 Field
The Favourite
, 271; Macpherson II, 347, 350; Sarah, 255; Cowper, 48–49; Burnet V, 454n.

28 Ralph, 331–332.

29 Add 61422 f 140v; Dunton
King Abigail
, 15; Swift
Prose Works
VIII, 109; HMC Portland IV, 657; Wentworth, 346; Bucholz, 166; Wentworth, 262.

30 Burnet VI, 34–35n; Dunton
King Abigail
, 16.

31 Dunton
King Abigail
, 2; Macpherson II, 209–210; Defoe
Minutes of Monsieur Mesnager
, 53; Add 34494 f 51v; Trevelyan III, 220–221; Dunton
King Abigail
, 11.

32 D. Hamilton, 63, 56; ibid. 14; Dunton ibid. 16.

33 D. Hamilton, 45; Boyer
VII, 610–611; Clayton Roberts,
Growth of Responsible Government
, 397; Povey, 7–8.

34 For examples of ‘in my poor opinion’ see Folger Shakespeare Library V.b. 267, and Add 61416 f 80; Add 61459 ff 185–186; Add 61423 f 34v.

35 Hardwicke II, 482n; Add 34493 f 116v.

36 Boyer
Life and Reign
, 716; Torcy
II, 111.

37 Sarah, 230–231; Add 61416 f 178v.

38 BL Stowe 225 f 312.

39 Add 70290, Abigail–Harley, ‘Friday night, twelve a clock’; Burnet VI, 230 –231n; Boyer
VII, 638; Boyer
V, 19–20.

40 Clerk, 62; Morgan, 189.

41 Parlt Hist VI, 5; Sarah, 233–234.

42 HPT Bonet microfilms, box 23, 29 Oct./9 Nov. 1708.

43 Folger Shakespeare Library V.b. 267; Madresfield, 88–89.


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