Queen (Mistress & Master of Restraint) (38 page)

BOOK: Queen (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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“Whoa. That is… I’m speechless. This is yours?” I fondle the rear bumper of a
Porsche 550 Spyder
.  “James Dean, much?”

“How do you know so much about cars? I heard you lusting after the
Aston Martin
.” His eyes twinkle with mirth.

“I like to know a little bit about everything like a good scholar. Some subjects are more interesting than others.” I slide in the passenger seat. It’s not as comfy as the
, but it makes up for it in style.

“My family was the original purchaser of this car in 1955 for pocket-change. It’s now worth nearly four million bucks. The Zeitlers are known for their shrewd investments. It was my
grandfather’s and then my father’s and now it’s mine,” his voice is filled with pride as he fondles the steering wheel like you would a lover.

“Dexter was wicked pissed to be born from a female Zeitler. I can empathize with Adelaide and her quest for my son in that regard. Birth order or sex shouldn’t matter. Adelaide’s a strong, capable woman, but since she was third born and female, her eldest brother’s eldest son gets the throne. It’s archaic,” his voice changes as he’s lost in thought.

“Sorry, it’s something that’s always bothered me. Dexter and I were raised by my grandmother. I got the inheritance and he didn’t and he’s the eldest. I tried to remedy it, but he wouldn’t take it- said it was charity.”

“Well, I guess I lucked out. No family. No fortune. No complications. It’s a clusterfuck for my kids, though,” I sigh heavily.  

“Speaking of kids, I named my daughter after this car- Spyder. She’s twelve going on thirteen. She has huge, hypnotic emerald-green eyes and the pale coloring of her mother. But she has my black, curly hair. She’s stunning and she doesn’t know I exist. I’ve met with her a handful of times as a stranger,” he says wistfully.

“I’m sorry about Niel. He’s an amazing kid. He has a fire under his ass that Grant lacked. He’s a naughty little bastard, though,” his voice is amused fondness.

We sit in silence the rest of the ride home missing our absent children. Getting to know Marcus is like getting to know myself. He’s a better looking, male version of me.
We sit in the driveway for a few minutes, neither of us moving or speaking. Marc breaks the silence first.

“This is a weird reque
st,” he hesitates, “But… could I have a picture of Ella? I’ll give you one of Spyder if you’d like. I just know Niel so well and I want to see if he and Ella look alike.”

“It bothers me that someone who was a complete stranger to me until last week knows my son better than I do. Last night I was cursing Ade for getting to see him grow up.” I heave a heavy sigh. “Sure, I’ll bring a picture next t
ime. Name the time and place?”

“Next Thursday, eight o’clock.
My week’s booked up. Jamie and I are flying to London in the morning for business. We won’t be back until Wednesday night.” He scrubs a hand over his face in exhaustion. I figure it’s my cue to leave.

“Whatever’s good for you since I work from
home. If Thursday’s too soon, I’ll understand,” I try to sound nonchalant. I pop the door to get out, but his hand on the nape of my neck stops me.
“Thursday isn’t soon enough,” he growls and kisses me fiercely.

This kiss is like the sex. I grip the edge of the seat and hold on for dear life. I bet he drives this car like he kisses and fucks.

“Go- before I pull you in this car, drive away, and lock you in the Brownstone. I don’t think you’d like being kept as a pet.” He smirks at me, but it wilts around the edges. “I want to thank you, Regina, for not questioning me after I broke down, and for simply knowing why I needed you.”

“Anytime, Master. You don’t want to know the countless times I’ve done that in private. I think it would have been easier sharing the grief. Thank you,” I whisper in the dark car.

I kiss him softly, my way, and he stills beneath me. I can feel his barely leashed need to take over and dominate me. I know he’s rewarding me right now by gifting me with my kiss.

I stagger into my miniature, limestone castle: if you can call a gray stone, sprawling one-story with rustic, white shutters and flowerboxes a castle. It’s as modest as I am. 

This evening I’m not being very modest. I fling my soiled dress off and walk down the hall to my room. The house is silent. Ade is probably convincing Ezra to screw her at his apartment, hence Cort’s need not to be there. Fate’s door is cracked and I can hear her snoring. Ella is whimpering in her sleep. The guesthouse is quiet, so I guess that means Kris is still painting the town red.

I enter my room without turning on the light and slide into home base.
“Oh, how much I’ve missed thee,” I sing to my pillowy cloud.

“I’ve missed you too, sugar dumpling,” a smoky voice purrs next to me on the bed.
“Ah!” I cry in the dark and reach for the lamp. “What the fuck, Kris? I swear I’m moving the next time this happens.”

The light illuminates her. She’s staring at me with a shit-eating grin on her face. I’m happy to see she’s dressed. I’ve seen strange
r things in the past few days.

“You fucked the Master. I bow down to you in awe. You truly are a Queen.” She bows down and presses her forehead to the mattress with
her arms splayed out in front.

“How do you know it was the Master I was with and you don’t even know who he
is.” I stop myself before I stick my tongue out at her like a dipshit.

“You just admitted you had sex,” she smirks at me for taking her bait.

“YAY!” She claps excitedly. “My girl’s acting her age for once. And I do know who the Master is,” she says in all seriousness.

“I admitted nothing,” I say obstinat

“You don’t have to say anything, Regina. Unless you managed to swoosh on your first time out of the marina in a nearly a decade, I’d say that’s cum on your thighs. I give you bonus points for riding bareback with the Master. Bravo!” She claps again.

“You’re still not going to get me to say his name.” I won’t either. If she does know him, it may be a test. If she doesn’t, I could ruin everything.

“I watched you pull up in the vintage racer. I watched him inhale your face and how you allowed him to bend you. I’m surprised at you and I’m happy that you’re evolving. I’m proud, Regina, and I don’t say that lightly. I do know who he is. I told you I’m the submissive he’s using for the PB.”

“Why’d he pick you?”

“I was already at Restraint. I fibbed to you a bit. I went there on its opening night. I was already working there when Ade came to me. I just went with it and she didn’t know the difference. The PB singled me out for trust and Master understood. I get the loyalty aspect. I’m happy that you do too.”

“A lot of the things he knew of me were from you, wasn’t it?” I accuse.

“Don’t kill me, but he already knew all that stuff. He wanted me to bring you to him and I told him it wasn’t your scene. I didn’t know it was. I saw number twelve and told you what Ade had planned. Then I went to Ade and told her you wanted to help. She wasn’t going to ask you since we’ve asked so much of you already. We were frightened that you’d give us the last piece of yourself and fade away. I saw your obsession with James Atwater and I knew that it was the way to bring you back to us.”

“Who knew watching me masturbate would turn into a mission to save Regina,” I say lamely.

“I didn’t even think you masturbated. My eyes are open now, Girlfriend.” Her sultry voice makes my core pulse. I blush in embarrassment and close my thig
hs on the trickle it releases.

“What does the PB stand for, anyway?” I ask to draw her attention from my clenched thighs.

“Not telling,” she says obstinately.

“Why not?”
I demand in annoyance. I want to know, therefore she should tell me.

“Have you met our Master?” Her eyes bulge and she shudders. I adore the crazy maniac, but apparently she’s frightened of him.
It must be a submissive thing.

“Do you call him the PB to his face?” I try to drag some more
info out of her.

“No, it’s just for you. I basically avoid all conversation pertaining to the PB so I don’t fuck up and spill it. It’s not his name. It’s a nickname Cort gave him a long time ago when he was a kid. I personally think the P needed upgraded
to a G and the B to an M.” 

“Peanut butter?”

“No,” she chuckles at my poor attempt of a guess.

“Lead,” I try again.

“No, smarty-pants.”
She looks at me weird until she figures out I meant the periodic table’s abbreviation of Lead.

Pottery Barn
?” I giggle.

“Oh my God, no.
That’s too funny,” she laughs.

“The Pedobear?”
Kristal’s howls of laughter fill the room. She rolls around and falls off the bed. Her face pops up from the side of the bed like a woodchuck coming out of its hole. She’s rosy-cheeked and tears are dampening her face. I smile down at her.

“I think I just wet myself,” her face pales and she laughs. “I have to go clean up. You have no idea how appropriate that is for about another month.” She keeps laughing and holds her side while she
disappears into my bathroom.

I spend the next few minutes rolling P and B words through my head trying to decipher the coding. Kristal must have wet her pants since she’s just in
her t-shirt when she returns.

“Sometimes I think I love you. I’ve never laughed so hard in my life. I can’t wait for you to know what it means so we can laugh again. Pedobear,” she snickers.

“How was he? Rumor has it that he’s celibate.” She changes the subject almost as fast as our Master. She must know him enough to pick up his traits.

“This doesn’
t leave this room,” I command.

“I told him about Ade’s plan. Talk about divided loyalties. The second she told me, I went to him and spilled. I like knowing that he’d fall off the celibate wagon for you. I feel honored by association.”

“It was raw, hardcore, and without foreplay. He said I couldn’t say no. He’s not kidding. One second he was talking and the next my panties disintegrated and I was impaled by a cock the size of a fist. I came instantly and again while he did. He said he wouldn’t wear protection with me. And Jamie had to watch. Have you seen Jamie?”

“Whoa… That’s why I love the dominant types. Cort can go really hardcore. The PB’s a total gentleman. We haven’t had sex. I’m used for instruction on the equipment. He’s extremely controlled and that’s what gets him off. Cort doesn’t follow any rules and I think he’s learned that from our Master. I can’t believe Jamie came out. I’ve never seen or spoke to him. He always hides in his apartment upstairs when I visit for the PB’s training. I don’t know anything about him really. I only go there once a week to ready the PB for his initiation into Restraint.”
“Are you lying when you say you’ve never had sex with the trainee? You lie perfectly. I never know if you’re telling the truth,” I admit.

When I met Kristal she was a fifteen-year-old personal maid. She’s a wiz with numbers and highly professional. But as soon as work’s through and it’s time to play, an entire different Kristal emerges. If she wants something she will do anything to get it- lie, cheat, and manipulate. She doesn’t care of the ramifications. She only sees what she wants and she grabs onto it with both hands.

In a way she’s worse than Ade when it comes to acquisitions. I trust her enough to know I can’t trust her. I know she loves and respects me and that she loves Ella. But that’s where it ends. If she wants to have sex with the trainee she will- our Masters punishments be damned.

“We’ve done everything, except have sex. He’s comfortable with me. He isn’t my type. He’ll grow into that type someday, though. I’m not as I was a few months ago, Regina. I’ve slowed down some. I had a pregnancy scare and it shocked me. Right now I’m only having sex with Cort and helping train the PB. That’s all. I met a guy a few weeks ago. I want to do it right, so it isn’t physical yet. Believe me, I want it to be, but I want him to respect me more.” I can see that she is being genuine when she speaks of this man, but she was lying about slowing down- lying to
herself. If anything, she is worse than before. She forgets that we share homes on the same property. Last night it was like a revolving door at the guesthouse. Fate moved in here last month because she couldn’t take it anymore.

“Wow. I’m sorry I’m such a shitty friend that you couldn’t come to me. I hope you talked to one of the girls about this. Who is h
e and where did you meet him?”

“I spoke with Fate about how I didn’t want to live this way anymore. I didn’t like who I’d become. I didn’t like the shame I felt when I looked in the mirror after coming home from being with a bunch of guys and I didn’t even know their names. Restraint was perfect for me. It’s a controlled environment and I only play with those I trust.” She falls quiet for a moment. She was awful trusting last night. It reminds me of a junky or alcoholic speaking of how they’re changing. Sex is her addiction and she’s being delusional.

“I don’t know if I’m ready to talk of him yet. I don’t want to jinx it. His name is Alex and I met him at
when you sent me to deliver the donation check. He’s one of the counselors. He’s really smart, and funny, and did I mention smoking hot. His personality and mine are almost the same. His style is wicked. I guess I should thank you for sending me that day. My life changed,” she says reverently.

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