Queen (Mistress & Master of Restraint) (53 page)

BOOK: Queen (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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My eyes seek out the wall safe. The safe is my version of Pandora’s Box. I tap the code in before I can change my mind. I finger the three rings that now live in there. Marcus had placed the infinity ring on my finger telling me how he purchased it for Grant. He wanted everyone to know that I was taken. The next day I wasn’t worth keeping anymore.

I removed the rings from my body and I let my parents go at the same time I finally let Grant go. Incidentally it was when I decided that Roman was weak. I don’t need a man. Queen is nothing if not self-reliant.

One other thing hides in the depths of the safe- Whitt. That portrait scares the shit out of me for some reason. I slam the door shut and test the handle to make sure the safe is locked.

I swear I hear my parents, Grant, and Whitt’s voices howling from the safe. The sad thing is, I don’t remember any of their voices. The first thing that leaves when you lose someone is their voice, slowly their features meld, and last to go is their scent. Once in a while a smell or sound will trigger a memory, but when I try to conjure them- nothing.

The more years that roll by, the stronger the loss. Time doesn’t heal all wounds- it replaces it with more wounds as your memory fades. The pain will always linger in your soul- forever.

I lay in bed naked after my only indulgence. I’m not the kind of girl who wears makeup or designers clothing, but I do primp like a bitch.

I cut my hair off to only a few inches. I smoothed it back on my skull. It’s so shiny with product that you can’t tell that it’s blonde; it looks nearly black. My hair was ugly anyway. I feel like Queen now, initiation or not.

I blast music into my eardrums to block the howling from the safe. I lay naked in the dark, tapping my fingers on my thighs in time with the beat.

A shadow startles me to attention. I only move my eyes as I school my breathing and continue tapping to the beat of my heart. I no longer hear the music- my blood pounding in my veins overpowers everything.

I patiently wait as a predator does prey; except I’m the prey. Courage and bravery are ill-advised, but I value it. I know that if they got in here through my state-of-the-art security system then I deserve this. And it is they- many theys- six theys.

I’ve laid here for hours so my eyes have adjusted to the dark. My night vision is excellent. I always joked that it was my dominant nature’s way of creating the perfect predator. I see vague shapes coalesce into people. I can’t see faces because they’re masked, but not traditional masks. My mind computes the difference- night vision goggles. 

I smirk tauntingly at them. “Hmm… I can see you without those silly goggles. I wonder,” I muse, “Who is the better man since I can do without help?”

Someone tries to suppress a chuckle- Cort. God, I’ve missed him. The sound of his laugh is a shot to the heart. Without Marc I was cut from not only Jamie, but Cortez, too. After two years of seeing them as often as the people in my household, it’s like a small death has occurred and I’ve had to endure a mourning period.

“I know what’s going down. Excuse me while I make myself respectable. I’d offer you all a seat, but I’m not feeling all that hospitable to the Masters who broke into my home to haze me. I’m happy my family isn’t home or I would have hurt you all.” I never raise my voice from just below normal volume. It’s the tone you use to speak in the dark- not whispering, but not really speaking either.

Fate or Ade, or both, knew this was coming and took Ella upstate to the
Barnum and Bailey’s Circus
. I want to hurt them and kiss them for it- bitches.

I stand on my bed and hop off. I don’t care that I’m naked. Eight weeks of constant swimming and healthy food has hardened my body. There isn’t an ounce of fat on me. I no longer have the
I sit in a chair 24-7 body.
Queen wanted to be strong inside and out- mentally, physically, and emotionally. I’ve never felt as empowered as I do standing before my fellow Masters naked and I look them each in the eye through their goggles. I will bow to no one again- especially Marcus. I look at him last and he flinches. It feels like a minor victory.

I stalk to my closet and smooth my hand along my shorn hair. I hear several gasps when they take notice.

I take this exercise of restraint one step farther.  I set my pile of clothing in front of them and make them watch me dress. If we’re going to do this, we’re going to do it my way.

I hum to myself the song I was listening to when I was invaded. I pull on a bra and panty set. I settle my huge tits into the cups with no shame. I face them while I do it, too. Queen says they are beneath us- I wholeheartedly agree. We’ve evolved.

I pull on skinny-jeans. Yeah, I can fit into them now. I’m not skinny, but physically fit. I top it with a t-shirt. I do it to spit into their faces. Before me stands the elite in their thousand dollar socks. My outfit cost less than a hundred dollar bill.

I smirk as I hum. I have more money than most of them combined and I live like a normal person- as they should.

I pull on my indulgence- a pair of boots that fall just beneath my knees. They’re killer, but still not the price of the socks on the feet of the men and one woman before me.

I tug on my leather bomber jacket. A make a show of pocketing my new cell phone. Yeah, the one no one has the number for.

“Am I driving myself or are you bitches going to do this right and kidnap me properly?” I infuse myself with Cort’s snark. I’ve heard it for almost two years- I’m highly proficient now. I fist my hands on my hips and smirk at them.

They attack as a unit. I’m swarmed. My hands are zip-stripped behind my back. A sack is unceremoniously shoved over my head. I’m tossed over someone’s shoulder- ass in the air. Several hands smack my ass in passing.

Whoever is carrying me walks smoothly with a graceful elegance. I know it’s the Pretty Boy. Ezra and Cort are exactly my height, but lanky. Dexter is too short to carry a six-foot-tall chick. Syn is out. I’ve never met her until now. One of my intruders was barely five-feet; it had to be her. Marcus wouldn’t touch me even though he could easily maneuver me. It has to be the Pretty Boy I met on his initiation night. He’s my height and he seems strong.

“Are you allowed to speak this time or are we still doing tap-tap? I guess you could smack my ass in response.” I flirt and ha
ve no idea why. I never flirt.

I feel high from no sleep, no food, stress, and adrenaline. I’m in the mood to fuck with their initiations. What can they do to me? Fuck them! I need respect, not friends. If I can’t earn it, I’ll demand it.

I receive a throaty chuckle and a smack to my ass. “Oh, I can speak tonight, Queen. Misbehave and make my night.” His voice is deep and silky.

I shiver as that premonition roars to life. Shit. His voice is incredible and amused, but beneath that are a silent strength and a threat.

“Are we driving a blacked-out rape wagon or did you all bring separate cars?” I taunt.
“I don’t remember you being so sarcastic. I like it. Give um hell, Queen.” He laughs again and I’m tossed into someone’s lap. An erection bites into my hip and I laugh.

“Ah, Cort, I’d recognize that cock anywhere,” I tease my long-lost buddy. 

He snickers and settles me firmly in his lap. I hear two distinct growls. I have a death wish.

“Your fan club isn’t happy that I know your cock good enough to recognize it. They’re quite possessive of you- ya lucky bastard,” I chuckle in mock-amusement. Inside it hurts to hear them upset that Cort enjoys my company. 

“I think you’re misinterpreting that sound.” He replies and shifts our weight.

A hand brushes my hair where the hood rides up in the back. And it’s not Cortez’s. I ignore the fingers that play with the short, curling ends. 

“If you were really going to be all scary, you should have gotten a delivery van. An expensive SUV just doesn’t have the same thrill factor. Plus, I’d love to have seen you all roll around for twenty minutes,” I taunt the lot of them hoping they’ll chat with me. If they’ll talk I won’t feel so nervous and scared out of my mind.

“Why’d you cut your hair?” Marcus asks. His voice is pitched low. Since I can’t see his fa
ce I can’t determine his mood.

“It’s not like it was doing anything for me- ugly is ugly, short or long. It was time for a change,” I admit.

I let a moment pass. “Cortez, did you notice he didn’t deny my ugly claim. I wasn’t fishing for a compliment, but it’s quite telling,” I say snidely. 

“What’s going on Reg- Queen?” Cort wasn’t smooth enough to cover up my name with the Queen.

“Why nothing at all. I’ve been enjoying my new found independence for the last two months. I’ve missed you, by the way. You could have called or sent me an email or something. Two years I’ve seen you almost every day and then no calls. You’d think we had a one-night stand and you didn’t call after you said you would.” I flippantly say, but it barely hides the rejection.

“What is she talking about, Master?”

“Don’t bother. What did I say that wasn’t true? Two months- eight weeks with no contact with any of you. Yeah, it really makes me want to join your little group. It makes me feel so welcome,” I hiss snidely.

“We’re your shelter from the storm, your shoulder to cry on,” I mock Marcus. “I guess I wasn’t dealing with any important issues these past few months. Frankly, I was pretty sure I’d never hear from any of you again.” My voice break
s as I admit my biggest fear. 

“What’s she talking about?” Cort growls near my ear.

“We’re here,” an uneasy female voice says from the front.

Syn must have been delegated as driver. Her voice wavers slightly, like she’s scared to interrupt. I can’t see anyone’s facial expressions and no one is speaking. I don’t feel their gazes on me either. Something’s going on that’s unseen and unheard or the notorious Syn wouldn’t be so uneasy.

Cort’s body thrums with pent-up energy. I want to calm him. A wound-up Cort is a menace.

“Easy, Killer, let’s turn that down a notch. You’re making my hair stand on end and no one wants to see that,” I tease.

A collective breath is released and the tension lessens. I have a feeling that this initiation isn’t going as planned. I wonder why.

“I’ll take her,” the Pretty Boy demands with a silky voice.

He isn’t cocky like Cort. He just assumes you will do as he says. I wonder how old he is. If he’s young, I’d be scared of him. He could rival Marcus when he reaches full-maturity.

“NO!” Marc bellows in the SUV until our eardrums feel like they’re going
to rupture. “I am her Master.”

Cortez recoils and holds me tightly. His breathing is loud against the burlap covering my head. The vi
brations strengthen the sound.

“Master,” the man tries again, sounding reasonable. “I would enjoy some time alone with her. If I don’t get what I requested this would be all I get.”

“I said no,” Marc barks out. “You’ll get more than she’s prepared to take. I don’t give a fuck what you want at this moment.”

There’s a single heartbeat in the car. It beats frantically. We all wait to see what will transpire between Master and his last trainee.

“Go into the dungeon and wait for us,” Marc commands quietly. Quiet is when he’s deadly pissed.


“Dexter, get him out of my sight. You have no idea how badly I want to annihilate you. I fear what Queen and his Father would do if I did. She’d rather subject herself to your reward than see you murdered. I’m not above murder at this point. Heed my warning, Pretty Boy,” he hisses. 

“Come on, kid. He’d regret hurting you on so many levels, but you’re pushing your luck. I don’t know what you did to get him to agree with your demands, but you better quit while you’re ahead.” I sigh as I listen to Dexter speak. I’d forgotten how his voice flows like the beat of a drum- deep and resonant.

My hearing intensifies. The whisper of clothing and the stride of footsteps on pavement are loud in my ears. It’s just Marc, Cort, and me in the car.

“Get out,” he says roughly.

“Sir, you’re not going to hurt her, are you?” Cortez’s voice sounds unsure. He never treats Marcus with respect. The fact that he is frightens me.

Cort pulls me closer to his chest and leans towards the right. I can feel the night air through the open door. He’s considering
lunging us to safety. My huge ass will slow him down.

“Just take the bag off my head and stand outside the car. Please,” I whisper through the burlap.

“If it weren’t for the fact that what you’ve just said made sense, I’d be even angrier that Cort is considering it. I’m your Master, lest you’ve forgotten. Drop your arms before I rip them off and get the fuck out!” Marcus screams- Marcus never screams.

I don’t want Cort to move his arms. I can’t see and I’m bound. I need him for protection. I don’t know what I did to anger Marcus so badly. Tears well up in my eyes and start to moisten the sack. Trembling starts at my toes and works its way upward until I’m a quivering mess.

“You’re upsetting her,” Cortez grumbles.

“Just wait by the door. I only need a moment of privacy with Regina before her initiation. It’s important and between her and I. I’m calm.” He sounds reassuring, but I don’t buy it. Cort must,
though, since he releases me and crawls out from underneath me. A moment later the door closes us in.

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