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Authors: Edna Healey

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. Ben Pimlott, The Queen:
A Biography of Queen Elizabeth II
, HarperCollins, 1996.

. Lord Cobbold, statement to the All Party Select Committee, Hansard, 21 June 1971.

. Private conversation.

. Elizabeth Longford,
Victoria R.I.,
Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1964.

. Professor Harold Laski,
The Fortnightly,
December 1942.



. Ben Pimlott, The Queen:
A Biography of Elizabeth II

. Author reminiscence.

. Quoted Sarah Bradford, Elizabeth: A Biography of HM The Queen.

. Author reminiscence.

. Lady Solti to Edna Healey, private letter.


. Quoted Sarah Bradford, Elizabeth: A Biography of HM the Queen.

. Quoted Ben Pimlott, The Queen:
A Biography of Elizabeth II


. Hansard, Minutes of the
All-Party Select Committee of Enquiry into Royal Finances
, 21 June 1971.







. Hansard, 12 February 1975.


. Report of the Royal Trustees, July 1990.

. Memorandum of Understanding, 1 April 1991.


. Lord Airlie to Press Conference, quoted Ben Pimlott,
The Queen: A Biography of Elizabeth II.

. Michael Peat, television interview, quoted Ben Pimlott,
The Queen: A Biography of Elizabeth II.

. Press conference 1994, Lord Airlie's address.

. Royal Finances, second edition, 1995.

. Edna Healey, Coutts & Co.,
Portrait of a Private Bank
, Hodder&Stoughton, 1993.

. Official Report, the Lord Chamberlain.

. Interview with Lord Airlie, the Lord Chamberlain.

. Sir Oliver Millar, ‘Surveyors Past and Present',
The Queen's Pictures: The Royal Collection through the Ages,
ed. Christopher Lloyd, National Gallery Publications, 1991.





. Elspeth Montcrieff, ‘Utility and Delight',
October 1991.

. James Shirley, Death the Leveller, 1659.

47. Elspeth Montcrieff,
October 1991.

. Quoted Ben Pimlott, The Queen:
A Biography of Elizabeth II
, from The Sunday Times, 29 May 1977.

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