Read Quest for the King Online
Authors: John White
Tags: #Christian, #fantasy, #inspirational, #children's, #S&S
Cover illustration by
Vic Mitchell
Interior illustrations by
Jack Stockman
5 Kurt and the Column of Smoke
20 The King
22 Under the Cloak of Secrecy
24 Over the River and Through the Woods
Appendix: How I Came to Write the Archives of Anthropos
So this was it. Finis! The wedding was actually taking place.
It was very unfair. It should never have happened. Think of itmarried at the age of fifty-two for the first time to a lady who looked
like somebody's grandmother. They said she was only fifty-only, if
you please!
Mary had needed, and still needed, Uncle John for herself. She
lived with him, along with her three cousins, Wesley, Lisa and Kurt.
They had their own mother and father-and were with them now on
a visit to Singapore-but Mary had no one. Mary had always felt she
had an extra claim on Uncle John. She could have managed if she
could only have hung on to him. But now this. Mary's thoughts were
not the kind you were supposed to have in church, especially in an
Anglican church. But then, people shouldn't many when they're positively ancient. Mary kicked the kneeling stool in front of her.