Read Quinn I (Undaunted Men #1) Online

Authors: J.C. Cliff

Tags: #romance, #military, #men, #badass

Quinn I (Undaunted Men #1) (10 page)

BOOK: Quinn I (Undaunted Men #1)
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The palm of my hand slides upward, wrapping around his bicep, feeling his powerful muscles pulse and flex while he continuously thrusts his fingers into my heat. Electricity sparks, and then explodes between us. I know the moment he feels it too, because he frantically deepens the kiss and releases a deep, sexy groan. His breathing picks up, and our bodies begin moving like one, rocking against each other as if neither one of us can get enough. I lift my hips into his hand, seating his fingers deeper, feeling his large knuckles pressing against my sex as our tongues heatedly collide. I want him. God help me, but I want this Adonis naked right now and pounding his hard cock into me.

His throaty words vibrate over my lips, “I have never had the lips of an angel before, but damned if you aren’t one.”

His fingers trail out from between my sex to spread my arousal out and over my clit. Adding pressure to my swollen nub with his thumb, he makes small circles around my clit with killer precision as he pushes his hard cock against my opening. Damn clothes, as much heat as we're producing, this fire between us should've disintegrated our clothing to nothing by now. He swallows my frantic whimpers as I open my legs wider in invitation, letting him know I’m ready and willing. I want everything he has to give. Heat and passion roll off him in waves, and I’m frantic to experience him.

I itch to touch the hard lines of his body, so I do. I lightly run my fingertips up along his taught back, paying no heed to the warning signs of how taboo this is. That train left the station five minutes ago. He rolls his hips into mine once, twice, and then grinds himself into me. The muscles in his back flex with his every motion.
My God, the man has moves.
He dips his fingers back inside me and firmly rubs them against my silky walls.

I whimper in protest when he breaks the kiss. He pulls away briefly and looks down on me with half-lidded eyes filled with desire. “You are definitely Heaven-sent,” he huskily whispers. His hair is a disheveled mess, and I'm about to run my fingers through his short hair, and pull him back down to my lips, but something is off in his expression. I watch as his brows draw themselves together in slow motion as if he's processing a mathematical equation, and then his eyes flash open wide in surprise.

“Oh shit, Lexi!” he blurts out, suddenly panicked. “Oh shit!” Mortification paints his entire face, but then his eyes grow extra wide as if he just now realizes his fingers are still nestled deep inside me.

He yanks his hand out from beneath my pants as if he’s touched a hot burner, leaving me empty. “Oh shit, oh shit…” he repeats in hysteria.

He then scrambles to find a way out of our sleeping bag, but in his fumbling around, it does nothing but make our predicament worse. He’s trapped, just like me. He loses his balance in the tight confines of the bag as he flails all over top of me like a fish out of water.

Unexpectantly, I find that I'm struck funny by his freaking out and his clumsy attempt to escape. A spontaneous chortle escapes from the pit of my stomach, and then it picks up speed, turning into uncontained belly laughter.

He stops struggling momentarily, giving up on his efforts, looking down at me with a perplexed look on his face. He doesn’t seem to find the humor in our situation. His voice is oh-so-serious. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean—”

“It’s all right,” I interject, gasping for breath. “It was the hottest action I’ve ever had. Seriously, the pleasure was all mine.”
Oh crap.
My hand flies to my mouth, shutting my stupid trap, but it's too late. Now it’s my turn to be mortified.

The corners of his lips twitch as the tension visibly leaves his body. It's apparent he doesn't want to escape our predicament now, because he settles himself back down, propping himself up on his elbow to hover over me. He's made himself quite comfortable, and as his muscular thigh rubs against my leg, he wears a cocky grin. As if I’m under a microscope now, he studies me with rapt attention, using those bright blue orbs of his. I feel his gaze boring a hole right through me. The heat of embarrassment creeps up over my ears, and I wish I could simply vanish into thin air.

He gently pries my hand away from my mouth, the cocky grin evolving into a full blown smile as he asks, “Hottest action you’ve ever had, huh?”

I look away from him, turning ten shades of red. Since the disappearing act isn't happening, I wish somebody would just shoot me right now in order to put me out of my misery.

“Hey,” he whispers, turning me back to face him, his expression now humorless and remorseful. “I truly am sorry. My touching you that way was a total mishap...a slip-up. I was half asleep. It's like I knew what I was doing, but it didn't register who I was doing it with. I totally respect you, I swear.”

“It’s all right, Quinn. I know you didn’t mean to.” I'm kind of bummed in a way. A large part of me wishes he did have intentions of touching me intimately, desiring to have me like I did him. At least it looks as if he’s going to show me some mercy by not ribbing me about my confession.

“No…no, it’s not all right. You’re…” He pauses, looking out into the forest as he searches for the right words.

“I’m what?” I question curiously, getting ready to go on the defense.
I’m too chunky? I’m not his type of woman? What?
Because even though he’s got this handsomely rugged exterior going on, he’s the type of man who could take his pick from a hoard of supermodels.

He scrapes his hand down over his face, looking pained, and I want to die, because I've probably called it; I'm not his type. “Well, you probably have some special boyfriend working his ass off this week while you’re out here, sharing a bag with a stranger, and I’m acting highly inappropriate.” He reaches over me as he searches for the zipper on the side, clearly very upset with himself.

I grab his forearm, halting his movement, I don't want him hating himself. “No. No boyfriend,” I sadly whisper, and for a moment, I'm reminded of Myles. We broke up over six months ago. He had destroyed more than my heart, he'd shredded my self-esteem, too. He had obliterated my faith in men, because I had thought he was the one. We had even talked about marriage, and despite my health issues, he assured me over and over again it was a non-issue, but apparently it was.

Quinn arches a brow as if he's not convinced. “What? No significant other? That’s very hard to believe.”

“Why do you say that?”

“C’mon, sweetheart, look at you. I mean, I may have been in a sleepy haze, but my hands know the feel of real woman’s body.” His lips twitch as he tries to hold back a grin, and just that quick, his playful mood has returned. His eyes slowly graze the length of my body in a way that sends shivers through me. “And my eyes are not deceiving me right now either…so, yeah, I’d think you’d have an army of men beating down your door.”

“Not when you have the kind of father I do,” I divulge. I snap my mouth shut, scolding myself for the slip-up, knowing I can't disclose my personal life to anyone.

“Ah…the overprotective father saga,” he says lightly, and then he chews on the inside of his cheek in thought. For some odd reason, he looks somewhat disturbed over the mention of my father. Abruptly, the mood shifts, and there is an unspoken tension radiating off him. His mood swings are giving me whip lash, and it makes me uncomfortable so I try to ease the strained moment.

“I’m sorry. This was all my fault.”

His eyes snap back to mine, and then his forehead wrinkles as if he can't process what I just said. “Sweetheart, you woke up screaming in the middle of the night, and then you started crying hysterically,” he says with a frown, then lightly runs his index finger down the side of my face. His voice is full of empathy as he continues, “How is this your fault, and how could I not want to console you? You were seriously having a bad time of it. I may be a lot of things, Lexi, but being callous toward someone while they’re in distress isn’t one of them.”

I squint my eyes, wanting to forget the anguish I woke up to last night. “Yeah…about that.”

“Yeah, about that, do you want to talk about it?” He asks in such a tender way it makes my heart flutter, but I shake my head, I’m not ready to talk about it. His lips form a thin line as he thinks hard about something. “Can I at least ask who Griffen is?”

“That’s my horse,” I glumly answer. “I’ve had him forever, and I miss him terribly.”

He nods his head in understanding. “Are you sure there isn’t anything else you want to talk about? I’m a good listener,” he prompts. His concern is genuine; I can see it plain as day, and I adore him for it.

I give him a small smile and cup the side of his unshaven, bristly jaw. He's so damn handsome. “Thank you. You have no idea what it meant to me last night, you holding me the way you did. I can’t thank you enough.”

He covers my hand with his and looks deep into my eyes, as if he’s searching for something else. “Of course. It was my pleasure, and I’m here if and when you decide you might want to talk, okay?”

I wonder if his statement means he's going to stick with me. I hope so, but I don't want to presume so, or over think it.

“Okay.” I don't want him to think I’m a wanton hussy because I had allowed him to go as far as he did with me. I’d hate for him to think badly of me, so I confess, “Just so you know, I don’t sleep with random strangers…like at all.”

A soft smile plays on his lips as he assures me, “Don’t worry about it. I could tell from the get-go you’re not that type of woman.” He then breaks eye contact as he looks around, and then smiles a full, megawatt smile, lighting up the day. “Well, good morning, girl.”

Kimber has come to my side as she wags her tail and kisses us both good morning. I giggle as she works her way in between us. “Jealous, Kimber? You think this chick is off limits to me?” His joviality has her getting more excited, and she wags her tail with more enthusiasm. He then does something totally off the cuff and unexpected. He leverages me against his dog in play for affection.

“This is my girl, not yours,” he playfully teases, and then he starts kissing the side of my neck, making all kinds of strange noises. I burst out laughing, because it not only tickles, but it’s even funnier when Kimber paws at his hand for him to stop touching me. As if she actually is jealous, she whines, making a cute, frustrated sound, and then uses her snout to try and break us apart. She’s a strong little stinker as her nose tries to nuzzle between my neck and Quinn’s lips, but she can’t seem to break us apart. Quinn's heavy kisses on the side of my neck have millions of goose bumps erupting over my entire body.

Kimber winds up licking the side of my face relentlessly in a show of excitement. I squeal as I’m attacked by a wet, icky tongue. I’m trapped with affection on both sides of me, and I revel in it. Quinn plays this cat-and-mouse game until I’m laughing so hard I almost pee myself. I finally cry out, calling a truce between the two.

Quinn relents and pulls away with a huge grin on his face. “C’mon, Angel, time to start our day,” he says, giving me a quick wink. When he leans over me and unzips the sleeping bag, I catch a whiff of his musky scent, and believe it or not, it's sexy. I want nothing more than to stay snuggled together with him all day. I can’t help but note he called me Angel. He was awake enough while kissing me to remember the endearment he'd spoken, and a part of me wonders if he calls all his one-night stands Angel.

Quinn is
man, rough and hard around the edges, yet he has a tender side to him that he’s not afraid to show. His blatant honesty, openness, and show of affection has me puzzled because I’ve never met anyone quite like him before. Plus, he comes across as having this expertise and intellect in all aspects of life, which I know is a rarity. Heck, half the men I had dated in college couldn't change a light bulb; Quinn is on an entirely different playing field.

It's really bizarre, but I felt this unusual and mystifying connection the second I saw those stark blue eyes of his. As much as it's going to pain me, it’s best if I make him off-limits, because I can tell he’s a player, and a damn good one at that. I also know he’s going to be a hard one to resist if we stick together.

Clambering out of my sleeping bag, well…our combined sleeping bags, I realize I’m bare-chested when the crisp, chilly mountain air slams into my body heat. I fight against the full body shiver that's getting ready to rip through me, and steal a deep breath, somehow managing to contain the tremors. Instead, thousands of goosebumps breakout across my exposed skin, giving me the much needed cold shower effect.

Did I want her? Hell yeah, I wanted her. She is soft, curvy, and perfect in every way a real woman should be, except for the fact she’s pregnant. If her father ever found out what just transpired, I wouldn’t have to worry about owing him anything except the bullet he’d be shooting me with. She’s off-fucking-limits, no pun intended. God, I’m such a man-slut.

BOOK: Quinn I (Undaunted Men #1)
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