Quinn (The Beck Brothers #3) (16 page)

BOOK: Quinn (The Beck Brothers #3)
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Quinn’s heart pounded furiously in his chest. He slid his
hand higher up her leg as he climbed onto the bed. Margot spread her legs so
that he could kneel between them. She reached forward and pulled the knot of
his towel so that it fell away. Her eyes locked onto his erection and she went
to reach out to touch him, but caught herself. Her eyes flipped up to his.


“Can I touch you?”


Quinn took a deep breath and nodded. Margot smiled and
shifted so that she was on her knees, too. She tilted her head back to look up
at him with her big hazel eyes. “Kiss me,” she whispered.


Quinn settled his hands on her hips and brought his face
down so that he could kiss her. He kissed her slowly, savoring every brush of
her lips, every stroke of her tongue. Quinn slipped his arms around her and
pulled her closer. He was momentarily stunned when her hand closed around his
cock. He tore his mouth away from her, and was about to tell her to stop
because he was becoming overwhelmed, but then she started to stroke him. His
breath caught when she reached the head, his eyes fluttered shut, and his head
fell back. Margot kissed his chest as her hand continued to move. Quinn moaned
at how good it felt to have her touch him.


Quinn felt the bed move, but he was too lost in her touch to
bother looking at what she was doing. A moment later her mouth closed over the
head of his cock and he let out a strangled cry that he has never heard come
out of him before. His eyes flew open and looked down at her. Margot had one
hand still wrapped around his shaft while she took as much of him into her
mouth as she could. He swore he died and went to heaven. Quinn couldn’t take
his eyes off of her; it was the sexiest thing he has ever seen. He has only let
one or two women go down on him, but never let them stay there long. He was
going to let Margot stay as long as she wanted to, that was for sure.


Quinn panted as his hips thrust slightly on their own
accord. Margot didn’t seem to mind, she seemed to be enjoying it just as much
as he was. He laced his fingers into her hair and held her head. She hummed her
approval and Quinn almost lost it. He felt the tingle at the base of his spine
and he knew he wasn’t going to last much longer.


“Margot...” Quinn breathed in warning.


Her response was to take him in deeper and use her other
hand to cup his balls. Quinn cursed, his hands tightening in her hair. His head
fell back again as he came, and a long, low moan escaped him as Margot sucked
him dry. Quinn shuddered and had to push her away because he couldn’t take it
anymore. She giggled and fell back onto the bed, as he collapsed onto his back
next to her, with one hand on his chest, the other arm covering his eyes,
trying to slow his breathing and heart rate.


“It was good, non?” Margot giggled.


Quinn smiled and removed his arm so that he could look over
at her. “Very good.”


“I am happy that I pleased you,” she purred.


“You definitely pleased me,” he murmured, rolling onto his
side to face her.


Margot smiled sweetly. She reached out and ran her fingers
down his bearded jaw, but her smile faded, and she looked apprehensive all of a


“What is it, sweetheart?” Quinn asked, tucking a strand of
dark hair behind her ear.


“Did you mean what you said last night when you said you were
falling in love with me?” Margot asked quietly, her eyes watching her fingers
as they trailed over his beard.


Quinn stared at her lovely face and knew he could not lie to
her, and he couldn’t
answer her. She deserved to hear how he felt. This was going to be his first
step in being a better man for her. He would tell her how he felt about her
because she needed to know. He could see it on her face.


“I did mean it, yes,” Quinn said.


Margot’s eyes widened slightly in shock as they snapped up to
meet his. She either didn’t expect him to answer or thought he would have
blamed it on the booze.


“I am falling for you, too, Quinn,” she whispered.


Quinn’s eyebrows shot up. He was expecting that. “Really?”


“How could I not?”
She responded.


He shrugged. “I just didn’t think...I thought I was too screwed
up for anyone to fall in love with.”


“You are a wonderful man, Quinn. I wish you could see what I


Quinn sighed and nodded. He hoped that with help he could
eventually see what Margot saw in him. As of right now, though, he still
considered himself fucked up, and hoped that this relationship with Margot
would work out. He never pictured himself getting married, always figured he
was too messed up for any woman to want to stay with him long enough; but now,
when he looked at Margot, he could see her as his wife. That totally blew his
mind. He now had a goal that he desperately wanted to reach, and he would do
whatever he had to do to get there.


Quinn pulled Margot into his arms and kissed her. Tonight
was her father’s viewing and tomorrow was the funeral; he was not looking
forward to either. After a couple of minutes of cuddling, they got dress and
ready to go to the viewing.


Chapter 8


After returning from Paris, Quinn and Margot fell into a
regular routine. They went to work, had dinner together every night, and would
watch some shows together; after an amazing and exhausting round of sex, they
would go home to their separate places to sleep. Margot’s ankle healed up
fairly quickly, but they continued to drive to work together. Quinn was
getting better with letting her touch him.
In addition, he has been working with Jared Walsh, Sebastian’s soon to be
brother-in-law and therapist. Quinn called him the day after they got back from
France. Things were going good with him, and he was definitely making


He and Margot had been together a little over a month when
Quinn’s mother invited them over for a family dinner. He has yet to introduce
Margot to his parents, so he figured dinner would be the perfect time. They
were going to be shocked since Margot would be the first woman Quinn has ever
brought home to meet his parents. He always refrained before because his mother
was a bit crazy when it came to her sons and other women, but she has
completely reformed herself.


When he spoke to his mother on the phone, she said that she
had a surprise for Quinn and his brothers; he had no idea what it could be.
They were about a week away from Sebastian’s wedding, so maybe it had something
to do with that. Quinn was definitely curious.


Quinn and Margot pulled into his parents’ driveway, got out
of the car, and started up the walkway. She slipped her hand in his, and he
glanced down at her, giving her a small smile. Margot reached up and kissed him
on the lips as they walked. God, he was so in love with her. He couldn’t
believe how fast it happened, never expecting to fall in love with the one
woman who annoyed the shit out of him when they first met and started working


When they got to the front door, Quinn opened it and walked in
as he usually did. Never in a million years would he have expected to see the
person who was standing in his parents’ living room, talking to Christian. Time
stopped as Quinn froze just inside the doorway.


He hasn’t seen
his cousin Johnny in twenty years, not since that day he held Quinn down on his
bed and raped him. Johnny was twenty at the time, and much stronger than Quinn.
The only reason Johnny was at their house was to say goodbye. He and his family
were moving to Texas because his dad, Quinn’s Uncle Jack, took a job out there.
Uncle Jack was his father’s brother.


While everyone was out back for a barbecue that day, Quinn
went to his room to grab his toy gun. Before he even had a chance to leave his
room, Johnny walked in, and shut and locked the door. Quinn was confused at
first, and he couldn’t understand why Johnny would lock the door. Then as
Johnny advanced on him, his confusion turned to terror. The whole thing lasted
only ten minutes - the longest ten minutes of his life - but seemed like hours
for Quinn. No one even realized that he was gone.


As Quinn stood frozen in the doorway, the whole world fell
away until it was just Johnny and him. He distantly heard Margot call his name.
Johnny chose that moment to look over at Quinn, his smug smile that curled his
mouth was a punch to the gut, as if he knew that Quinn never said a word, and
he held all the power. Something inside of Quinn snapped. All of the these
years that he held this disgusting secret inside of him, all of the anger he
felt over not being able to do anything about it, all of the nightmares he had
everything boiled up to the
surface and finally spilled over.


Quinn didn’t even realize his feet were moving until
Johnny’s cocky smile faded and he was closer than he was before. Without a
word, Quinn shoved Christian aside and started wailing on him. Johnny, who was
now shorter than Quinn, was also now forty, and a bit overweight. He had no
chance in defending himself against Quinn’s wrath. The second punch to his face
knocked him to the ground, and Quinn followed with more, continuing his
assault. As Johnny lay bleeding under him, Quinn wrapped his hands around the
man’s neck. He previously swore to himself that if he ever saw Johnny again, he
would kill him, fuck the consequences. Quinn heard screams and shouts in the
background, but nothing really registered. He was on a single-minded mission,
and nothing short of severe physical harm was going to stop him.


Quinn felt hands grab him and try to pull him away, but he
wasn’t going to let go until this piece of shit wasn’t breathing. Johnny clawed
at Quinn’s wrists, his eyes were wide and bugging out, his mouth was gaping
open, and his lips were starting to turn blue, as he tried to draw in a
nonexistent breath. Quinn stared down at him, his face void of all emotions; he
was going to watch the man who ruined his life die.


A thick muscled
arm wrapped around Quinn’s neck and pulled. He lost his advantage and had no
choice but to let go of Johnny’s neck. Quinn grunted and fought mercilessly
against whoever was pulling him. He swung an elbow back and cracked whoever it
was in the face. The arm around his neck fell away and he vaguely heard
Sebastian bite out a very vicious, “Motherfucker!”


Quinn dove back toward Johnny; he just got his hands back
around his neck when someone else grabbed him, wrapping their arms around him
from behind. They actually lifted Quinn off his feet as they hauled him back.
Whoever it was had smartly pinned Quinn’s arms down to his sides, rendering
them immobile. Quinn fought hard to get away so he could finish what he
started, kicked and bucked, but the strong hold on him wouldn’t budge. Margot
suddenly appeared in front of him; she roughly grabbed his face and forced him
to look at her. Quinn blinked at her for a moment as reality slammed back into
place. He stopped struggling against the arms that held him.


“What the hell has gotten into you, Quinn!” his father
exclaimed from where he was, kneeling down next to Johnny.


“Are you cool? Can I let you go?” Henry’s voice asked from
behind him.


Quinn jerkily shook his head because if Henry let him go, he
was going after Johnny again, no doubt about it. Margot’s hands moved down to
his chest as if she could hold him back if Henry did let go, but Henry kept his
arms around Quinn and backed up slowly. Margot’s hands fell away as she let
Henry back them up.


Christian appeared in front of him and followed. Sebastian,
who was holding the bottom of his t-shirt up to his bleeding nose, also
followed. Henry took them out the front door. Christian and Sebastian went with
them, and Sebastian shut the door behind them. It was now only the four
brothers standing out on the walkway. With Christian and Sebastian blocking the
door, Henry slowly released Quinn.


“Wanna tell me why you bloodied my nose?” Sebastian asked
with an eyebrow cocked in question, blood running down over his lips and chin.


“I’m sorry,” Quinn rasped.


Sebastian waved his hand dismissively. “What’s going on?” he
asked as he pulled his t-shirt off, balled it up, and pressed it more firmly to
his nose to stem the bleeding.

BOOK: Quinn (The Beck Brothers #3)
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