Quirkology (45 page)

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Authors: Richard Wiseman

BOOK: Quirkology
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Pace of life
Padgett, Vernon
Palo Alto, California (as a caring community)
“Pan American” smile.
Fake smiles
Paranormal activities.
Ghosts and ghostly phenomena
lying about child’s birthday
manipulating child’s birth date to obtain tax benefits
Paris, France (pace of life in)
“Pass the parcel” studies
Patterson, Francine
Patterson, New Jersey (level of helpfulness in)
Paulos, John Allen
“Peanuts” comic strip (Schulz)
Pelham, Brett
Pellegrini, Robert
Personal ads
tips for writing
Personality characteristics
accuracy of astrological predictions
choice of greeting cards
Forer’s personality test, accuracy of
Personality Inventory
Persons, Chuck
Pessimism and mortality rate
Petiot, Marcel
Petranoff, Robert
Philip (prince)
Phillips, David
composite photographs of presidents
of facial expressions
of real and fake smiles
Physical characteristics of lying
Physical response to another based on excitement
Pick up lines
Pillinger, Colin
Pineault, Tony
Pisces (astrological sign)
Pizza topping, choice of
Plant, Robert
Pogo the Clown
Police Squad!
Polish men, height study
facial hair, impact on evaluation of candidates
height of candidates
political ads
politicians and lying
surnames effecting choice of candidates
Population density effecting helpfulness
Positive astrological signs
Positive emotions and life expectancy
Post Offices, gauging speed at
Powell, Bingham, and Bingham-Powell
Power of suggestion.
Suggestion, power of
“Practice what you preach”
Prague, Czech Republic (pace of life in)
Prayer and life expectancy
facial analysis of
height of
Pretend the World Is Funny and Forever
(Fisher and Fisher)
Pride of the Yankees
Priests, honesty of
“Prison study”
Producers, The
“Professional” audience members
Professors and Trivial Pursuit
Prosocial behavior.
Antisocial behavior
Psychological benefits of laughter
Psychology of time.
Punch lines
Pupil size revealing interest
Q test for lying
Quiet night in hospital jinx
Racial prejudice, measuring
Railroad station experiment on time passing
Ramat Gan, Israel, superstition and stress in
Rat, beheading of
Reagan, Nancy
Reagan, Ronald
Reanimation of the dead
Regents Park Zoo
Reiner, Carl
Relaxed personality
evaluating honesty of priests
helpfulness of various religious groups
religious fundamentalism and laughter
Remembering, deceptive
Republic, The
Republican Party
Restaurants and tipping
Review of Economics and Statistics
Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), level of helpfulness in
Risk takers and month of birth
Ritchie, Graham
Rochester, New York (level of helpfulness in)
Rogers, Jimmie
Romantic deception
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
Rorschach Inkblot Test
Rotton, James
Royal Institution
Rozin, Paul
Rudeness in New York City
Rush (music group)
Ruth, Babe
“Sad clowns”
Sagittarius (astrological sign)
Saint, cities’ names beginning with
Salaries effected by height
Salivary immunoglobulin A
San Jose (Costa Rica), level of helpfulness in
Santa Claus, size of in drawings
Saroglou, Vasilis
Saving money and decision making
Saving Private Ryan
Savoy Hotel (London)
Scanlon, Thomas
School Sisters of Notre Dame
Schulz, Charles
Scientists, sense of humor of
Scorpio (astrological sign)
Scotsmen as butt of jokes
Scottish Neolithic passage grave
Scribbler, Ernest
See also
Ghosts and ghostly phenomena
Seinfeld, Jerry
“Self vs. others” in personal ads
Self-control, loss of
Self-disparaging jokes
Self-esteem, levels of
Self-perception, impact of superiority jokes on
Sellers, Peter
Sensation seekers and month of birth
“Sensory overload” theory
Serial killers.
Sesame Street
(TV show)
Seven (the number)
Shakespeare, William
Shatner, William
Shelley, Mary
Sheridan, Charles
Sherman, Vincent
misuse of express lane in grocery stores
music effecting wine purchases
“shopping mall” study
“Short” on cash
Shortness of description and lying
Shrinking world.
Small world
Siffre, Michel
Simenon, Georges
Similarity, psychology of
giving aid only to those with similar views
horn honking study
and similar birth dates
Simmon, Dan
Simpsons, The
(TV show)
Singh, Simon
“Six degrees of separation”
Slapstick humor
Slemrod, Joel
Small world .
See also
Shrinking world
“pass the parcel” studies
detecting real smiles vs. fake
effecting sense of humor
Mona Lisa
people responding to
showing happiness
Smith, Gary
Smith, Katie
Smith, Matthew
Smith, Stephen
Sneakers, choice of color
“Soapy Sam”
Social Register, The
Social responsibility, creating
Social status and number of jokes told
Sofia, Bulgaria (pace of life in)
Some Like It Hot
Sorrows of Young Werther, The
Sound waves
Sour cream as favorite food
South Park
(TV show)
Southern Hemisphere study of luck
Spain, honking car horns in

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