Quod Me Nutrit Me Destruit: That Which Destroys Me with The Alternate Ending (28 page)

BOOK: Quod Me Nutrit Me Destruit: That Which Destroys Me with The Alternate Ending
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Chapter 47




I don’t know how much more I can take of being in the shadows, a nameless face always amongst the crowd.

How much more does she think she’ll get away with? How much longer does she think I’ll allow her happily ever after to continue?

My inability to physically endure as well as witness the two of them - happy, married, and continuing to live - as if I don’t exist, will lead to her demise.

My inability to physically stay away from her may lead to mine.

But not before I initiate my new plan of attack
. Not before delivering the corpses of both her spawns on her doorstep.

You see, it dawned on me in a fit of rage as I watched the gleeful little cherub faced spawns smiling and cooing at Beauty and Wesley fucking Jacobs, my plans for both previous attempts were flawed: I was using physical pain and mental anguish to destroy Beauty.

No. No, no, no, no. It’s so simple. I couldn’t see past my loathing despise for her the to see the clear answer.

Destruction with physical brute strength isn’t the key
. Stripping her of her final true happiness, of the very things that nourish her, will destroy Beauty.

Even now, as I stand hidden near the forest, again, nothing more than another face in the crowd watching her play with her spawns, I cannot help but be astounded at the simplicity of my plans
. Excitement hums through me, endorphins flood my system.

“So intricate, yet flawed were my orchestrations
. All along, I needed nothing more than to patiently wait for your disgusting little happy ever after. And then simply take it away.” Sighing I push away from the tree before turning around to leave, only to have some brute run into me. “Excuse yourself, you imbecile.”

“There’s no fucking way that’s
gonna happen. Long time, little chase, motherfucker.”

“Excuse me?” 

“Now you expect a pardon?” He shakes his head, chuckling like I’m the one who’s insane. “That’s not going to happen either. I will tell you what is going to happen.” He keeps crowding my personal space causing me to step back. “I’m going to introduce myself.” The white of his teeth contrasts starkly against his dark face as he smiles before stepping forward again; and again, I step back. “My name is Derrick ‘The Click’ Jackson. You fucked with some of my shit, important shit. And for that reason alone, you get to learn about my middle name. Preston, do you wanna learn why it’s ‘The Click’?”

“No, I want you and your black ass to get out of my—“

“Because motherfucker, I’m the one who makes goddamn sure that it’s the last sound you’ll ever hear.”






































Ahhh... Okay, first and foremost to my street team! You bitches have pimped your asses off!

Trina Taylor, I l
ove you, sissy. Dammit, I love you!!! You are and will always be more than my best friend. You’re my sister! XoXo

Donna Pemberton,
thank you for pulling back my reins when I needed you too!

Phal, thank you SO much for believing that I could write more than a book review! Thank you for always being there when I need your help, momma! To call you friend is one of the most kickass feelings in the world!

Cothran, you are always there for me, no matter what, and I fucking love you for it, girl!

Smith, Hells yeah! So damn lucky to have met you! And dammit, honestly, I have NEVER clicked with anyone as quick as I clicked with you! NOLA has no idea what’s gonna hit ‘em ;)

Natalie, Amanda
, Sandra, Heather, Isa and Debi… Holy shit! You damn ladies are freaking ‘Pimpin’, pimpin’! Y’all knock me on my ass with your pimping style! I’m so damn happy Lil and the voices in her head brought y’all into my life! Every damn one of you I consider a fucking awesome friend!

Montz, 3 words! New Orleans, BITCH! We’re gonna light that bitch UP in August! CANNOT WAIT! Thank you SO much for talking all those baseball moms into reading my smut, lmao! I love your pimpin’ style, momma!

Kimber’s Bitches,
THANK YOU! There is no damn way in hell I could have made it through Wesley’s story without each and every one of you badass bitches! XOXO

MaryAnn Breedlove, YOU! Are more essential to
me and my writing development, than you’ll ever know. No rainbows, No bullshit… You are the whisper in the corner that turns me from an unpolished, four letter word littering writer into a mothafuckin’ author! And I love you for it!

To my editor
Melissa Willis! Wow! I don’t even know where to begin! I’m utterly humbled to have you even read my book, but to edit it? WOW! You’re my fucking Madonna, PERIOD!

Ayasha from Cover to Cover Designs, girl! There will NEVER, EVER be another cover artist that fucking touches my books! You are one of the best things that has happened to
me since coming into the author world. Every damn cover I have in my crazy head, you don’t just make it happen, you make it perfect!!! Xoxo

Lauryn, Meg, and B, y’all are my reason for living, my reason for breathing, and if weren’t for you three, I would have lived my life like a woman gone mad. You are each sweet blessings that I could never live without, and I love each of you so very much in your own specialness.

Momma and Daddy, I know I am the least conventional kid to have and also the hardest daughter to love, However, ONE DAY, I WILL make you both proud. Thank you so much for giving Bobby and me the wonderful and loving family we grew up in. Momma, thank you for raising me to be strong and to never back down. But most of all, thank you, Momma, for being my greatest friend. Daddy, thank you so much for being the best daddy in the whole wide world. I’ll always be Daddy’s girl first, even when I’m a hundred years old. I love you both so much and pray that I can make y’all proud. *Psst... Momma, don’t let Daddy read any of my books—the acknowledgments ONLY!!!!*

Author Bio:

Who is Kimber? Shit, sometimes even I don't know, lmao. However if I had to type up an author bio (which, son of a bitch, I do) this is how it would read. BTW, caught a lot of shit for this author bio. Really don't give a fuck though, because I was asked to type up a bio. And if I can only say one thing for certain about myself, it's this: I'm real, I don't back down from what I believe, I say what I mean, and I mean what I say. I don't bite my tongue and I never try to hide the ugly parts of who I am... You either love me or hate me, but if you love me... I'll always be loyal, no fucking matter what ;)

I can be called a billon different things—daughter, wife, mother, labor unit nurse. I sell pussy on the side. *Coughs*
That would be Persian kittens, thank you…you dirty-minded scoundrel. I'm a book blogger, book pimp, and a book whore. My two indulgences are my Jack’s in life…Jack Daniel’s and Blackjack. My biggest dream, the day I'll acknowledge that I've succeeded in life and can I die a happy woman, is the day I get to go two stark-naked hour-round sexual bouts with Jason Statham. *Sighs*

I was born and raised in Louisiana… and No, I do NOT live in a bayou, I actually see the beaches on the gulf coast more than I see a bayou,
lol. I started writing poems and short stories very early in my life. You know, for the Michael’s and Leo’s and Nick’s in my life. I've been a book hoarder since I was eleven years old, but then a couple years ago something wonderful happened! The 50 Shades of Grey craze brought to life my inner smut whore and I commenced to read anything and everything smut affiliated. When reading wasn't enough anymore and I noticed that so many of the authors of my favorite indie authors and their books weren't getting the exposure their work deserved, I turned it into a mission, starting my own blog, buying their books and reading them one by one. I then wrote my reviews for my blog and didn't hold back in writing them (Hell yeah those motherfuckers are profanity laden). I've never done a single thing in my life halfway. I always go all in. After the success of my Blog, and the insistence of one of my bestest friends, my sister from another mister, Trina Taylor of Bad & Dirty Books, I was ready to finally take the plunge and see if I could write a book that was worth a damn. I'm a Southern girl to my core, a self-proclaimed smut whore, and I keep hearing that I’m an author, but honestly… I don’t believe the rumors, lol. I don’t feel like a kickass bitch spittin’ out lyrics, or stories, like a motherfuckin’ rockstar.

Tattooed across my ribs are the words I have always lived by: '
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam tibi.' Latin for: If I cannot find a way, I will make my own.


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