Race (4 page)

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Authors: Bethany Walkers

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers, #Suspense, #Romance

BOOK: Race
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At first sight

What a magic you've done

My heart is yours

My sweetheart

What will happen

Who knows what will happen

Let's live this moment

In which we meet to the fullest, dear

I'm here

You're here

Come into my arms


Oh my dearest love

Forget about

Our worlds

And come into my arms

Oh my dearest love

Forget about

Our worlds

And come into my arms

Baby I love you,

baby I love you,

baby I love you,

baby I love you …


baby I love you

Oh I love you

I love you

I love you so

Baby I love you

Your love is always there when I need it

It's impossible to live a moment separated from you

My heart beats only for you

With you I'm happy

You is what I want

You're love is always there when I need it

It's impossible to live a moment separated from you

My heart beats only for you

With you I'm happy

You is what I want

After I met you that day

I was lost forever ...





Over time, Chantelle was slowly but surely beginning to fall for Ronan. Whenever they spent time together, she felt great. They went to watch a movie about a nightclub.


Jane walked into the Marlin Club, a dusky, dingy, dank little nightclub off the beaten path. From around the corner, she could hear the somnolent buzz of the eponymous neon marlin fish out front, providing a back drop for the clinking of glasses and drone like chatter of hundred best friends and ex lovers.


As she entered the joint, the intermingled smells of smoke and sweat and too many people instantly assaulted her nostrils as she inhaled deeply. "Ahhh, it's good to be home," she thought, and pushed her body through the pulsating throng. Finally finding her way to an empty bar stool in the corner, she caught Jack's eye, shook her head and smiled downward. Laughing to herself at the non surprise of running into him here, she motioned to the bartender..."Gin...and Tonic" she mouthed, and he nodded and melted away into the cries of a hundred other thirsty patrons.


By now, her eyes were adjusting to the imminent darkness, tomb like and womb like at the same time. Bright spots of neon beer signs on the wall stood out, illuminating the faces and cleavage and mohawks of the crowd, while others disappeared into the contrasting blackness. "How many of these people had she met before? How many would make love tonight? How many would die tonight?" she wondered.


A moment later, before her thought was even finished, her gin and tonic slid in front of her, and the bartender was gone before she could even look up to mouth the words "Thanks".

"Wouldn't have mattered anyway," she mused, as it is clearly understood that one speaks of gratitude with cash, not words. Everyone's your best friend when you're flying high, you know.


She took her first sip of the simple mixture, cold and icy, slightly sweet and tangy against her lips. She held the drink in her mouth for just a moment and let the ice and gin and slip of lime pulp wallow against her tongue, and she felt like a man in solitary kissing his first woman in ten years.


She felt a pair of hands on her waist then, and jumped at the sensation. Turning quickly, her eyes locked with Jack's, and there were no words that could sum up the intense wave of emotion as looked at this man. His hands fell from her hips, and her skin bristled at the touch. The small hairs on her arms raised, despite the heat. She had felt his touch a thousand times in her dreams, and now she couldn't stand it's reality. Just as soon as as she felt him, he was gone, dancing off into the throng, smiling and touching a dozen other men and women in the same casually, yet oh-so-intimate fashion.


"Bastard," she whispered 'you'll get what's coming."


When they played pool at the nightclub, Ronan would wrap his arms around her waist, helping her pot the balls, and then they'd laugh into each other's eyes. When they went to eat, Ronan would always take her seat from the table and allow her to sit first, and he'd get them both something to eat. When he bought her a hot chocolate, it would have a smiley face imprinted on the top of the froth with chocolate sauce. On the runway when Chantelle was doing her modelling, she received an award and Ronan was called up to present it with her. After the modelling, Chantelle was given a break, so she decided that she would spend this break with Ronan.


They sat down on the backstage chairs to talk.


"You were so great, baby," Ronan grinned. "You completely stole the show."


"Do you really think so?" Chantelle smiled.


"I know so," Ronan confirmed, giving her a cheeky smile. "I love you baby. When I was up there, I was so damn proud of you. You're so beautiful."


Chantelle blushed. "Thank you Ronan."


"How about we celebrate the award?" Ronan suggested. "Let me treat you to a ride on a ship baby. Show you how much I really love you."


"Hmm ... I don't know, Ronan. I - I just don't know," Chantelle bit her lip wistfully.


"You can trust me, baby," Ronan confided. "It's just a little trip on ship, let's run wild, have a bit of fun. What harm can it do?"


Chantelle stared at him for a long moment. "OK," she said finally. "Let's give it a go."


"Yes!" Ronan yelled in delight, throwing his arms around her neck and hugging her whilst she giggled. "You don't know how much this means to me. Don't you worry, Chantelle. I'll make it a day for you to remember. I'll make it a day for you to never forget."  He added a sense of powerfulness to his voice when he said the last two sentences. They echoed in her mind.
I'll make it a day for you to remember. I'll make it a day for you to never forget.
not knowing if he meant these words in a good way, or ultimately, a bad way.


The next day, it was time for them both to go for the ride on the ship. Chantelle put an extra effort into getting ready for Ronan: she wore a low cut shocking pink dress with pink high heels and pink hair accessories to match. She'd matched her make-up too: dark pink lipstick, pink eyeshadow, pink blusher ... She just hoped that she looked good enough for him.


Ronan rang on her doorbell, and she ran to answer it, struggling with her high heels. "Hi Ronan," she said breathlessly.


Ronan stared at her as if she was a goddess that had just fallen from heaven. "Wow Chantelle ..." he murmured, dazzled at how good she looked. "You look nice."


"Nice?" Chantelle repeated, slightly disappointed. "Just nice?"


"I mean ... you look amazing," he grinned.


"You're so easy to tease!" Chantelle smiled, and then he hugged her and planted a small kiss on her cheek. Chantelle began to blush.


"All right, baby, let's go!" Ronan exclaimed. He took her hand and led her to his sports car, which he was now going to drive to the ship. They sat in the car and whilst Ronan drove, he did his best to impress her, by telling jokes to her which she laughed at a lot. She was finally starting to let go of Noah, and get properly involved with Ronan. Ronan was just too hard to resist.


At long last, Ronan decided to just stick with turning the radio on. Several lyrics blasted, until there was one song that had them both go silent.


Whenever I'm alone with you

You make me feel like I am home again

Whenever I'm alone with you

You make me feel like I am whole again

Whenever I'm alone with you

You make me feel like I am young again

Whenever I'm alone with you

You make me feel like I am fun again

However far away, I will always love you

However long I stay, I will always love you

Whatever words I say, I will always love you

I will always love you

Whenever I'm alone with you

You make me feel like I am free again

Whenever I'm alone with you

You make me feel like I am clean again

However far away, I will always love you

However long I stay, I will always love you

Whatever words I say, I will always love you

I will always love you

However far away, I will always love you

However long I stay, I will always love you

Whatever words I say, I will always love you

I'll always love you, I'll always love you

'Cause I love you


When the lyrics were finished, Ronan had his eyes on Chantelle while he was driving. Chantelle blushed even deeper. They remained silent for the rest of the journey.


When they arrived, the mood seemed fine again. Ronan bounded out of the car, taking Chantelle's hand and leading her out with him. The ship was about to leave.


"Come on baby, we've got to hurry up!" Ronan grinned, and then they heard the whistle of the ship, meaning it was about to depart. "Come on, run!" Ronan said, grabbing her hand.


"I can't run!" Chantelle moaned. "I'm wearing high heels!"


Without a word between them, and without warning, Ronan picked her up playfully and ran to the ship with Chantelle in his arms. They just about made it, and the ship began to move. He put Chantelle back down on her feet.


"Damn, Ronan!" Chantelle giggled, breathless.


"Come on, loosen up! That's what I call fun!" Ronan grinned cheekily. "Damn baby, that felt so good, holding you! You're so damn skinny, light as a feather!" He tickled her playfully, and Chantelle doubled over with more giggles. Ronan took her hand in his again and they began to explore the ship. Chantelle walked around happily, gazing outside at the bright sunlight shining on the sea. She leaned across the barrier to get a closer look.


"Look, Ronan - dolphins!" she exclaimed. The dolphins were diving in and out of the sea, their blue noses making singing noises in the water.


"Beautiful, aren't they?" Ronan commented, wrapping an arm around Chantelle's waist. She let out a little sigh.


"Come on, let's go inside the ship," Ronan suggested.


"Okay, sure!" Chantelle agreed. They walked down endless flights of stairs, but Chantelle's feet were aching because of her high heels. Eventually, she just gave up with her high heels altogether and slid them off her feet, making it easier for her to run around with Ronan. They explored the paintings, the many different rooms. Then, they reached a room at the far end of the ship: the kitchen.


There were cooks in the kitchen preparing food for the passengers, and it smelt amazing.


"I've got an idea," Ronan grinned.


"And what's that, may I ask?" Chantelle smiled.


"We steal some food?" Ronan suggested.


"Oh, Ronan, you naughty boy!" Chantelle said in a high pitched voice, playfully slapping his arm.


"Oh, come on baby! Let's rock this ship!" Ronan grinned.


"Stealing food is hardly what  I'd call, ahem,
rocking the ship,"
Chantelle remarked., laughing.


Ronan chuckled lightly. "Wanna bet?" he said.


"Bet with what?" Chantelle asked, intrigued.


Ronan touched his nose, smiling, and then tip toed into the kitchen. The cookers were baking frantically, and they didn't notice Ronan's presence - right up until the point that he grabbed two hot chocolate muffins from their tray, and they were burning his hands.


"Aah!" he let out a small gasp of pain. One of the cookers turned around - and saw Ronan. Ronan ran out for his dear life.

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