Radio Boys (7 page)

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Authors: Sean Michael

BOOK: Radio Boys
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“Yeah? Good.” Paul was trembling a little, pressing back against him with a purr.

He stroked Paul’s skin, so soft and warm. His fingers danced along the sweet crease. Paul opened to him, thighs spreading a bit, so trusting. “You haven’t done this before, have you, Paul?”

“No, Thor.” Paul shook his head. “Does that matter to you?”

“Yes, it does, Paul.”

“Yeah?” Paul shifted, stilling a little.

“Yeah.” He leaned over Paul and kissed the skin beneath his ear. “Makes it extra special.”

“Oh...” The skin under his lips heated, Paul nuzzling into the touch. “Thank you.”

“No, Paul, thank you for sharing this with me.” He licked Paul’s ear. “I’m gonna do everything I can to make sure it’s the best you could possibly have.”

“It’ll be you. That’s who I want.”

Thor hummed against Paul’s skin. “Romantic,” he murmured, lips and tongue working over warm flesh, heading slowly back down Paul’s body.

“What did you expect from the “Loving and Leaving Show” deejay, Coach?” Paul’s chuckle was warm, a little breathy.

He circled the small of Paul’s back with his tongue, while he got some lube on one of his fingers. “I’m not sure what I expected, Paul, but I like what I got.”

Paul’s answer was a purr, hips shifting, rocking slowly.

“Not only romantic but so sensual. I don’t think I’ve ever had a lover who responds to my touch like you do, Doc. It’s heady.” He rubbed his slick finger along Paul’s crack, teasing the wrinkled little hole. The little motions slowed, then Paul’s body responded, skin flushing, muscles twitching and clenching beneath his touch.

“I’m going inside now,” Thor murmured, free hand sliding along Paul’s side. He gently, but firmly pushed his finger in. Paul was hot, so incredibly tight, squeezing his finger with a pressure that took his breath away. He moaned. “Oh, man, you’re going to feel amazing around my cock.”

A soft murmur sounded, Paul shifting, sliding slowing on his finger. “You think you’ll fit, Coach?”

He bent and kissed Paul’s spine, lips nibbling gently. “With a little work -- preparation’s half the fun, Doc.”

Paul chuckled, the sound mixed with a low moan. “Only half?”

“Yeah -- the actual main event’s pretty fucking awesome.”

Another chuckle and Paul’s body clenched around his finger. “Pun intended?”

“I wish I could say yes, but it just kind of happened.” Thor slid a second finger in. “I hope you aren’t dating me for my scintillating wit.”

“Nah... I’m dating you because you smell good and you have good taste in music and you make me happy.” Paul’s thighs parted, head dropping between his shoulders.

“Oh...” He could feel something get tight in his belly, something warm and good. He kept moving his finger, adding in another, stretching Paul, hoping to make him feel damned good. “Thank you,” he whispered.

“For the truth, Thor?” Oh, God, that voice was sweet, rich and dark and husky and it was meant for him. “Anytime.”

Thor moaned softly, rubbing his cock against Paul’s thigh, fingers pushing, curling. They stroked across the tiny, flat gland and Paul jerked, body clenching, head flying back onto his shoulders. “Thor!”

He chuckled, the sound low and husky. “Yeah, Doc?” he asked, sliding his fingers across the same spot again.

“Oh! Oh, fuck. Coach! Love!” Paul cheeks were flushed, body shaking and rocking into his hand.

“Oh, you like that, do you?” He laughed again, feeling happy and good and wanting in that tight heat so badly.

“God, yes. Oh, Thor, it’s like electricity but bigger, better.” Paul was gasping, one hand reaching back for him.

He took Paul’s hand and hit the spot again before letting his fingers slide away. “I think you’re ready for me now, Doc.”

Paul nodded. “I want you. Want to feel you.”

He nuzzled the back of Paul’s neck and gave his hand a squeeze. “It’s gonna be so good.”

One last kiss to Paul’s neck and he was lining his cock up along the tiny, slick hole. He rubbed the tip of his cock against Paul’s entrance.

“Oh... you’re hot and so smooth...” Paul hummed, body still, focused on feeling him.

“Yeah, dicks are a wonderful thing.” He groaned and pushed, just getting the very tip of his cock in before he pulled back again.

Paul snorted and gasped. “Smartass.”

He chuckled and bent to give Paul’s skin another soft kiss. Then he started to push in more seriously, going in and out and back in again, a little further into Paul’s body with each slow thrust.

Paul stayed still, body so tight and hot, surrounding and holding him in an incredible grip. Thor stroked Paul’s sides, slid his fingers up and down Paul’s back, whispering quiet words of encouragement. Slowly Paul began to push back into his thrusts, just a bit, enough to feel.

“Oh fuck, oh yeah, Doc... good. Yeah, little by little, take me in.” He was babbling a bit now, making noises he could hardly hear above the pounding of his heartbeat. Paul was so tight, so hot and it was so good inside him.

They moved together, Paul’s motions slow and smooth, following his lead, finding his rhythm. It wasn’t that long before he was all the way inside Paul’s body, his thrusts slow and long now, hands hard on Paul’s hips. Sweat sheened across Paul’s back, the muscles rolling as they moved.

“Good, Doc. So fucking hot. And tight. Yeah, tight. Good.” Thor thrust a little faster now as Paul moved with him, confident he wasn’t causing his lover any pain.

Paul whimpered, keening soft and low, thighs wide as their hips met again and again.

When Thor was getting close, that feeling of too much goodness starting at his spine, he reached around and started pumping Paul’s cock, thumb sliding over the tip every time it went by. The sounds grew more desperate, raw, the shudders that rocked Paul’s body visible.

“Oh yeah, Paul. You like that. Like it so much. Gonna love this.” He shifted, stroking in hard and nailing Paul’s gland.

Paul’s fingers twisted in the sheets, a sharp cry splitting the air. His cock was squeezed, muscles rippling as heat splashed over his hand, the scent of Paul’s spunk sharp.

“Oh yeah. Fuck. So fucking good. Yeah. Coming now, Paul. Coming!” Small, sharp jerks of his hips accompanied his words and he spilled into Paul as pleasure shot through his body. He slumped down against Paul’s back, feeling his lover fight to catch his breath, muscles shifting and shuddering beneath his weight. Groaning, he pulled out and managed to shift over next to Paul. He slid his hand over sweat-slick skin. “You all right, Doc?”

Paul nodded, settling beside him with a soft groan. “Yeah. You?”

“Fanfuckingtastic.” Thor leaned over and gave Paul a soft kiss. “Thank you, lover.”

One soft hand traced over his face, slow and careful, and then Paul smiled. “Thank you. I’ll never forget what it felt like to see stars the first time.”

He kissed Paul’s fingers as they passed, that warm feeling back in his belly. “Hopefully the first of many.”

“I hope so.” Paul’s face relaxed, fingers moving slow and lazy, mapping him.

“I like the way you do that.”

Paul’s eyebrow rose. “Do what? Look at you?”

“Yeah. Feels...” Thor shrugged, unsure quite how to put it. “Makes me feel special. I hope that doesn’t sound insulting.”

“No, it doesn’t.” Paul reached up and brushed his bottom lip, a wry grin appearing. “Now hush. I’m trying very hard not to be a fool and fall in love and you’re not helping right now.”

“Oh...” Oh. The warmth in his belly kind of flip-flopped and grew. He squeezed Paul tight. “Can’t have that, Doc.” His voice was husky, slightly breathless.

Paul’s arms wrapped around him, hot face burying in his shoulder. “No?”

“No, ‘cause then I might have to admit I’m falling in love with you and that would totally shatter the cool image I’ve got working here.”

He felt Paul’s grin, felt the increase of heat in those cheeks. “I promise not to notice if your image slips, Coach. I’m good that way.”

He blinked for a moment and then laughed, the sound easy, breaking the intensity of the moment. “Thanks, Doc, I appreciate it.”

The chuckles tickled his skin, Paul’s hands starting that curious, busy moving again. “Anytime, Thor. Anytime at all.”

He reached over and turned out the light before turning onto his side and curling into the Thor shaped place against Paul’s body. He could get used to anytime being all the time.

Strangely enough, the thought didn’t scare him.

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Table of Contents

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Table of Contents

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

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