
Read Rafe Online

Authors: Amy Davies

BOOK: Rafe
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Just remember that you are solid and unique in your own special way.



















Copyright© by Amy Davies

All rights reserved


Details in this book such as
locations, events and all

products mentioned are not own by author.

All songs that are mentioned in this book are in no way own by author


All characters are fictional and are in no way mused on a real live person.


Cover rights are owned by Framed Foto Photgraphy

Cover model: Kyle Barnett

Editor: Kellie Montgomery











Here I was again at yet another high school bonfire.  It was our last high school bonfire as we only had one week left. Then it was off to college and away from town that I live in, seeking a new adventure. I’m sitting here watching my best friends hang off any guy that will give them the time of day. Trinity is awesome. She doesn’t give a shit what anyone thinks about her. She has jet black hair with green streaks going through it. Then there is Kenzie, who is the pixie haired blond.  She is five feet two of our little crew but I wouldn’t mess with her either. Kenzie is on our girl’s soccer team and she kicks ass, including most of the boys at our school here in LA.

   Most of the people here I didn’t even talk to a year ago.  They hated me and I pretty much hated them too. You see, my name is Lucy Cooper and my parents are rich, as in mega rich. My mom is a pediatric surgeon and my dad is a retired NASCAR driver, but he owns half the team now. Not that they need to work, as my dad comes from money, but he believes in earning the money you spend.  My fifteen year old sister Tru gets told that more often than not. I’m sitting on an old tractor tire watching a large group of people drink, smoke and make out. Why am I watching and not joining in? Well you see, a few days ago I found out that I’m pregnant by my boyfriend Dallas. He is currently taking to a small group of boys and not paying me any attention. It’s easy to say that this party sucks ass big time. I see Kenzie walker over to me with beer bottle in hand with a huge smile on her face.

“Yo, Luce you not drinking tonight?” I shake my head but keep watching Dallas, who has now been joined by a busty blonde named Danielle Basset. I tune out Kenzie talking and watch as Danielle runs her bitch fingers over my man’s chest.  What pisses me off even more, though, is that Dallas isn’t even stopping her. I feel sick to my stomach when Kenzie clicks her fingers in front of my face. I blink and focus on her “That bitch. You gonna sort her out or me Coop?”

I take a deep breath, “Me Kenz, be right back.” I stand and make my way around the bonfire, stepping over people’s legs. I don’t take my eyes off Dallas and Danni and I even manage not to trip over anyone and make an ass of myself. As I get closer, Dallas lifts his head to meet my eyes and gives me a sly but sexy grin. Then lowers his head to kiss Danielle.


Right in front of me. Fucking dick.

I stop dead in my tracks and try to stop the tears from leaving my eyes. “You fucking asshole Dallas. You are a goddamn prick, you know that?” He breaks the kiss and looks at me.

“Sorry, Lucy babe, but you served your purpose. I got what I needed.” I can’t breathe. I’m shaking and I feel sick to my stomach. I hear a low laughter coming from behind me. I turn and some of Dallas’s friends are trying to muffle their laughs. A switch flicks in my head and I know I can’t go down without standing up for myself.

“Fuck you, Dallas. Just fuck you. You weren’t that good anyway, sweet cheeks.” I look at Dani and smile “He is all yours, honey. Enjoy him while he lasts, because he won’t last. Ten second Dallas me and the girls call him.” I look behind me at Trinity and Kenzie, who have huge grins on their faces.  Dallas goes to speak but I walk away, turning my back on another asshole in my life. I walk past my best friends and high five them.

“I’m out chicas. Call you tomorrow, ok?” I walk back to my car, which is parked just inside the field but close enough to the road without being blocked in.

All kinds of thoughts run through my head, like why did Dallas say those things? He told me he loved me on more than one occasion, but by the look of things he only said it to get in my panties.

Rat bastard.

I feel a sharp pain in my stomach but it passes as soon as it comes. I keep walking and I hear my iPhone ping in my pocket, letting me know I have a text. I take my phone out of my back pocket and see Dallas’s name sits across my screen.

Sweetness I’m sorry. I have been drinking. Let me take you home and make it up to you ;)

Another sharp pain hits me and I clutch my stomach and muffle a cry. My back is killing me.

Fuck you Dallas we r sooo done. Leave me alone

I can see my car. My eighteenth birthday present from my parents, a white BMW convertible.

My phone pings again but the pain in my stomach has doubled and a lean on a car to support myself. I try to make it back to my car. I place my hand between my legs as I feel wet. I raise my hand up in front of my face and see blood. Pain hits again and I fall to my knees. I hear footsteps coming towards me at a fast pace and then I feel strong arms lift me at the knees.

“It’s ok, Luce I got you. Wrap your arms around my neck.” I know that voice. I feel like I’m floating on air. Whoever was carrying me was wearing a black t-shirt and smelled like fresh linen. I hear a car door open and then I was lowered onto leather seats.

“No! I’m bleeding,” I managed to whisper.

“Babe, its fine I just need you to get to the ER ASAP.” I felt him put the seatbelt on me. Then he spoke again “Ry, something came up I won’t be meeting you at the field. I will see you when you get home.” I heard the door close and my head rolled onto the window.

Next thing I remember I was being lifted again, mmmm that fresh linen smell. The pain was still in place but I felt too weak to react. I heard people talking and machines beeping. Then that voice again... I’m sure I know that voice. “Can I get some help please?” the voice shouts.

“Ok, what’s her name?” I don’t know his voice.

“Her name is Lucy Cooper, she’s eighteen. Listen her mom, Emily works here and her dad is  Sam Cooper.” My dad’s name is big in this town. I get placed on a bed and connected up to machines while they were all talking.

“Lucy, hi, I’m Dr Colt.  We are going to run a few tests to see what’s happening to you, ok?” I look up at this rather good looking Doctor, for his age.

“I’m pregnant, not sure how far along.” Pain seeps through my body and I feel a strong hand grip mine. I blink a few times to clear the tears. He hasn’t left me. I knew I knew that voice, those beautiful green eyes bore down into me. He looks saddened and pained. It’s like he can feel my pain right along with me. His jet black hair matches mine, it’s not too short and I can tell that he straightens it. I notice he has black round studs in both ears. In that second I hear the door open and my parents come bursting in and my mom runs to my side.

“Oh my god Lucy, are you ok honey? Oh shit, of course you’re not.” She hugs me tightly. It fees strange, as there has been a void with us for a while now. My dad bumps Mom out of the way.

“Oh, baby girl, what are we going to do with you? You frightened the living shit out of us.” Just like Dad to not sugar coat anything. I hear Dr. Colt speak.

“Emily, breathe ok? Lucy has informed us that she is pregnant, so we are going to do a sonogram and see what’s happening but from the amount of blood it looks as if she has in fact lost the baby.” I can see the sadness and disappointment in their eyes. My dad looks up over my shoulder at my saviour.

“Are you the one who did this to my daughter?” The anger is clear from his tone. I hear someone clear their throat.

“No, sir. I’m the one who found Lucy and brought her here. I believe the guy who you should be looking for is Dallas Keaton, sir.” He steps away from the bed and walks towards the door. I manage to focus through the tears again and see him in full glory standing there like an angel.

My breath hitches as I see who saved me, it's Rafe Phoenix.





Chapter 1



Well, here I am again, still in California but with a new lease on life and a new don’t-give-a-shit attitude. A new Lucy Cooper.

I have been here for a few weeks now settling into my new apartment. My parents bought me my own place, as I’m not going to school here. After what happened that summer, I managed to convince my parents to let me take a year or so out and travel. I traveled for a few months but ended up in South Wales over in the UK. I met an amazing girl named Leah Adams. She was my saving grace from everything that had happened. Living in Wales was quite an experience in itself, like learning how certain things had different names from what we use in the US. Some were mega weird.

My dad told me to look for a female roommate to share my new apartment with, so shortly after I moved here I placed an ad on Craig’s List for a roommate. After a few weird people, I found Miss Maisie Montgomery. She is crazy but I love her already. Trinity and Kenzie stayed with me Cali and they go to SoCal, but their parents demanded they get the full college experience in the dorms. I don’t live that far from the main campus so it isn’t so bad, plus they are here at my place some days anyway. Maisey is just as short as me but whereas now I’m back to my natural sun kissed long blonde hair, Maisie has shoulder length chocolate brown hair with blue eyes. She maybe short in height but she has a huge attitude just like Kenzie and Trinity. I think that’s why we all get along so well.

My apartment with Monty (our nickname for Maisey), is very modern, a lot of white. We didn’t decorate it too much when we moved in; we only did our own rooms to our tastes but decided the living room and kitchen could stay as they were, as we didn’t mind it. It looked clean, fresh and new and we liked it. We hung photos around the living room of our families and friend from back home. Well Monty added friends from back home, I lost all contact with mine all expect Trin and Kenz. After the whole Dallas incident most of my so-called friends forgot about me, which for your information, is perfectly fine by me.

The front door swings open and I hear Maisey laughing and then a male voice that I know and love. It looks like another night with my headphones on then. They round the corner and stop when they see me on the cream loveseat we have that sits next to the window. I sit here and read when I have time. “Oh shit sorry, Luce I thought you had a shift this afternoon.” I shake my head but can’t help but smile.

“I had another migraine so I didn’t go in, but I feel better now.” She leaves Gunner standing there and comes over to me and sits at my feet.

“You sure, Luce? I can send Gunner home” I look up at Gunner and he just smiles.

“I’ll go if you are not well, Sweetness. Or do you need me to get you some painkillers or soup or anything?” I smile up at Gunner; God this dude is hot. Meet Kirk Gunnerson, aka Gunner. Tall, muscular and fucking HOT! He has caramel colored hair with matching eyes and a body to die for. Gunner plays college baseball and is huge here already. He is Maisey’s high school sweetheart, who followed her here to SoCal. He sees me as a little sister even though I’m five months older than him and only known him for a short time. He lives just off campus with a group of guys in their own apartment. They are in a band that performs at the pubs around campus but more at Max Point, which is the main student hang out. I haven’t been there yet but I know that Monty has with Gunner and she raves about how hot the band is. Maybe I need to check them out.

“I’m fine, Gun, honestly babe. I just needed a sleep in a dark room, which I did and now I feel fine now. I will go for a walk and give you two some alone time.” I get up from the loveseat, pick my Kindle and iPhone and make my way to my room. I place my things on my bed and turn back towards my desk to see Gunner standing at my bedroom door, leaning against the frame with his arms crossed across his wide chest.

“Lucy, honey, you’re not going out if you’re not feeling well. Why don’t I make us some grilled cheese sandwiches and we can all watch a movie, yeah?” I really don’t want to be a third wheel with them, but I know they won’t do anything to make me feel uncomfortable so I nod and make my way back into the living room.

We end up eating the grilled cheese sandwiches on the couch, watching an old classic ‘A Walk to Remember’. It’s one of my absolute favorite movies. We smile and even cry during the movie. God, I have a huge crush on Shane West. I’m a huge movie and music buff. I look over at Maisey and Gunner all snuggled up and think how amazing they are together. Gunner really loves her and she him, he would do anything for Monty. She once told me that Gunner was offered a huge scholarship at another college but he refused it, as he wanted to go where she was going. SoCal had a similar scholarship to offer so he took it. They are lucky they have each other and I’m happy for them. I haven’t dated since Dallas and I don’t see myself dating any time soon. He hurt me to my core, cheating on me in front of me and for what happened after; it ripped my heart in two even though he doesn’t know about the baby.

My parents thought it was for the best that no one knew. I heard my parents talking just after I came home from the hospital that they had to go visit Hayley Phoenix, Rafe’s mom. They were hoping that they wouldn’t say anything about what happened to me. I thought about Rafe a lot while I was traveling, wondering what he was doing. I was told that he went vacationing with his 2 brothers. From what I was told while traveling, Dani wasn’t the first girl that Dallas cheated on me with. They are all welcome to ‘Ten Second Dallas’.

I leave Monty and Gunner in the living room and head to my room when I hear Gunner shout after me, “Hey, Luce we are going down to Max Point later. You up for a few drinks with us? I can finally introduce you to Inside Noise. You will love the guys.” I take a deep breath. I need to get out. I have done nothing but work non-stop these past few weeks, so maybe a night out is in the cards. It is Friday night, after all.

“Fine, I will go with you.” I can hear Gunner cheer and I laugh to myself. I head to the shower and get ready for my night out with some very hot rock stars.

I walk down the hall from my room to the living room, where Gunner is stretched out on the couch looking all sex god-like. I’m so happy I get to look at that body whenever I want to and both he and Monty think nothing of it. He turns his head towards me and I give him a twirl. “Will I do? Do I look good enough to meet these rock star friends of yours?” A big smile breaks out across his face.

“Damn girl, you are fucking hot. If I wasn’t madly in love with my girl in there I would so make a move on your ass right now,” he says with a wink and a sexy Gunner smile.

“I freaking heard that bud, you want to get laid tonight?” Both Gunner and I laugh out loud and I have to bend over to catch my breath.

“Oh, baby you know I love you, but you need to come see our girl out here.” I look down at myself. I’m wearing my favorite black skinny jeans with a white tight camisole under a loose fitted camisole with ‘A Rock Star broke my heart’ written in a black script paired with my black ankle boots with a heel that I can actually walk and dance in. My blonde hair has a natural wave to it so I leave it down. I have added a few bracelets and medium hoop earrings and a long silver necklace with a silver peace sign pendant. I have gone for rock star makeup- smoky eyes with black and silver eyeliner and a touch of red lipstick.

I hear Maisey before I see her coming down the hall, her heels clicking with every step. She stops when she sees me, “Fuck. Me. Lucy Sinead Cooper is fuckable this evening. Not that you aren’t fuckable any other time but damn girl, my boy is right. If I was a lesbian I would so make a move right now.” I giggle and shake my head.

“Okay my two sexiest and most favorite ladies, let’s hit the club and have a fucking epic night.” I follow them both out my door. We head downstairs to Gunner’s Jeep, which has its top down; it’s the only way to drive in hot and sunny California. Plus Gunner surfs, so it suits his lifestyle. Gunner opens the door for me to climb in and Maisey follows after kissing Gunner on the cheek. “Fuck, is that all I get baby?” I smile and look at my phone to check my Twitter, as I know that they are going to go into full PDA mode. I sneak a glance and yep, I was right, full PDA and I laugh to myself.

“Oh God, Gun put her down. You promised me a good night, so move that sexy ass of yours, yeah?” They smile while still attached at the lips and Gunner finally lifts his head to me with that sexy Gunner smile.

“Okay, honey bear we can go, but be prepared for more PDA tonight. You never know, you might get lucky yourself baby girl,” he says with a wink. Not fucking likely. I’m so not into dating at all at the moment and I don’t do casual hook ups. I enjoy kissing though, so if I get to kiss some guy tonight then it’s all good.

We park around the back of the club and have to walk around to the front. There is already music playing inside and there is still a line of party people waiting to go in. Max Point is a popular club with students. It’s near the beach, which is another good thing, as I love the water. Gunner puts his arms around both Maisey and me and walks towards the door. I can hear people mumbling about his skipping the line. Gunner smiles at the doorman,

“Hey, Kyle how you doing tonight, man?” The doorman has got to be way over six feet. This guy is huge, with his dark buzz cut hair and bulging muscles covered in tattoos. They do the typical hand man-hug, fist bump thing, and then Gunner replaces his arms around Maisey and me.

”What’s up Gun? I’m all good here, dude. I see you’re all good too, man.” He smiles at Maisey and me; Gunner smiles and kisses Maisey on the head and turns to do the same to me. Nice, now Kyle is going to think I’m with Gunner as well. I laugh and step away from them both and walk towards the door. “You need a stamp sweetness, so you can come back outside and go back in with no worries or bitching from this lot.” He gestures towards the growing line.

“Okay cool, so where do you wanna put it?” I ask with a smirk. Kyle smiles at me.

“Anywhere you want me to put it baby,” he says with a wink. These men really like to wink. I give him my wrist and shrug my shoulders. He smiles and stamps the inside on my right wrist. I look at it as I’m walking into the club. I was expecting a symbol that’s linked to the club or even Max Point’s name but nope. I have a stamp that says ‘I Love Inside Noise’. I look up from my wrist to Gunner, who is smiling at me.

“It’s a band thing; the guys thought of it for their groupies,” he says with a slight shrug.

I frown. “Groupies? Really? They are a college band, Gun. Do girls really fall at their feet?” He smiles and walks past me. Maisey stops at me.

“Yeah, babe they do.” She winks and follows Gunner to the bar.

The club is packed full; I guess the band really is popular. I slide up beside Maisey and Gunner to order my drink. “What can I get you doll?” the bartender asks me with a full panty dropping smile.

“Bottle Coors please, no glass.”

He nods, “Coming right up” As he walks away to get my drink, Monty and Gunner are talking to female bartender. She is pretty little thing, so I look around the room while waiting for my drink. I feel cool fingers slide down my arm that’s resting on the bar, so I turn back to the bar and I notice it the hottie bartender getting my attention.

“Hi again and thanks,” I say taking my drink with a wink.

“So, what’s your name? Not seen you in here before, you new to Cali?” I look at him with his bleach blonde short but shaggy hair, sparkling blue eyes- full surfer dude.

“I’m Lucy. Not been to this place before but I’m from Cali. I just moved back here a few weeks ago after traveling for a while. A few friends of mine go to SoCal. And you are?” Maisey elbows me and smiles before walking away. God, I love this girl but can she be any more obvious that she likes that the bartender that is hitting on me? “So?” I look at him still waiting for a response.

“I’m Jackson. Lived here all my life. I work here part time and I’m a part time surf instructor. So if you’re not a student, what do you do here?” I smile, very nice indeed.

“Nice to meet you, Jackson. I work in a small clothing store. I had better go and join my friends at their table. I’ll catch you later?” He nods while licking his lips, watching me walk away.

I spot Monty and Gunner, sitting at a table seated between the bar and stage, where the band’s equipment is already set up. There are girls already filling the dance floor and crowding the stage. There are two microphones and two guitars set up and a black and silver drum kit at the back of the stage. The main bass drum has a silhouette of a black phoenix and the name
Inside Noise
in red. As I take in the picture, a shiver runs through me. OK, where did that come from?

I suddenly have a bad feeling about this band. The lights dim and three figures appear on stage and the crowd of girls goes wild. Another shiver runs through me. I rub my arms and Gunner mouths, “Are you okay?” I nod and we go back to watching the band start. A steady beat from the drums starts, and then the guitars start up. The girls go crazy. The beat builds and builds and then the lights hit the stage. I freeze.

Fuck. Me. That summer hits me all over again. Panic sets in, I can’t be here. They can’t see me. Fuck.

Inside Noise are the Phoenix triplets. Reeve, Ryder and Rafe. Shit.

I stand to leave but Maisey taps my arm. “Where you going? You okay?” I look from Maisey to the stage and I see 3 pairs of eyes on me. They look at me then at each other, except for Rafe. He keeps his eyes locked on mine.

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