Rafe's Redemption (34 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Jakes

BOOK: Rafe's Redemption
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“We’ve decided to call him Paul, after my grandfather.” Love and pride mixed on Cecil’s face. “Little Owl is sleeping, but says she will help with supper when she wakes.”

“She’ll do no such thing.” Maggie gave an adamant shake of her head. “I’ll take care of it.”

“ N o , I ’ l l take care of it.” Rafe stood and gently pushed her into the rocker. “You need rest, too.” He grabbed an extra blanket and covered her. “We men are able to cook a meal. A ren’t we, Cecil?”

“Just let me tuck Paul in beside his mother, and I’ll show you how to make corn cakes that will melt in your mouth.” He smiled, his face free of all worries now that his family was safe.

Maggie had her doubts about supper, but exhaustion made her decision. Rafe pressed a kiss to her forehead as her eyes drifted shut. A warm happy feeling filled her.

She just hoped she felt the same after she told him about their baby.

A fter eating, she lay on the rug waiting for him. He and Cecil had stepped outside to smoke before bed. She should have used the time to prepare the right words, but her nerves were stretched so tight she couldn’t breathe much less think. How should she tell him? What should she say?

Rafe, it seems I’ve become pregnant. Good night.

Sleep well. Somehow she didn’t think that was the right way to handle such important news. But what was the right way? They weren’t even married yet, and now…

The door cracked open, then closed, and the men’s over-loud whispers filled the room.

“Wake us if you need anything,” Rafe instructed.

Maggie took a deep breath as he slid under the blanket beside her. He wrapped his strong arms around her and nuzzled the soft skin behind her ear.

“Mmm. Sweetheart, it seems like a week since I’ve held you.” He sucked her earlobe into his mouth.

She nodded. “It’s been a long day.”

“A long two days,” he corrected. “I’ve missed you.” His deep voice sent chills down her spine, making her ache for his touch. But now wasn’t the time for intimacy.

“I can barely wait until we’re alone.” He tucked her against his warm body. “Get some sleep now. You earned it.”

Maggie snorted. “Little Owl is the one who did all the work.”

To her surprise he shuddered. “I’ve never seen a man so worried.” He pulled her closer. “I don’t know how Cecil listened to her scream. I couldn’t do it.” He shook his head. “I never want to put you through that.” Maggie swallowed hard, but the sudden lump in her throat wouldn’t budge.

“I imagine you’re glad, too, after witnessing it firsthand.” He yawned. “A re you comfortable enough?”

“Yes.” A s comfortable as she could be when her heart was breaking.

“Night, then. I love you.” His voice was muffled by her hair.

“I love you, too,” she whispered.

She stared at the fire until the tears in her eyes turned the flames watery. She should have told him anyway. He would figure it out sooner or later. Then what would she say?

More importantly, what would Rafe say?


“A re you sure you feel like traveling?” Maggie asked Little Owl as the girl settled onto the sled outside the barn. Icicles hung from the roof, the wind whistled through the trees, too cold, too bitter to take a new baby outdoors. “It’s only been a week.” She had tried to convince the girl to stay longer. “The air has a frigid bite this morning.”

“I am sure.” Little Owl took baby Paul and snuggled him close. “We have overstayed.”

“Nonsense.” Maggie bent to hug her, mindful of the squirmy baby between them. “I’m glad you were here when he arrived.”

“Me, also.” She glanced to where Cecil and Rafe talked. “He would have not been any help to me,” she whispered.

Maggie smothered a laugh behind her hand. “He was worried and loves you very much.”

Little Owl nodded, her long black hair gleamed from her bath yesterday. “Yes. It is strange that strong men like them cannot take our pain. They would rather take the hurt on themselves.”

It was true. Rafe had been upset by just the thought of her in so much pain. What would he be like when she birthed their baby?

“When will you tell him?” Little Owl’s question broke through her thoughts.

“Soon.” She smiled without humor. “When I—”

“A ll settled?” Cecil walked to the sled, Rafe close behind.

“Yes,” the women answered together.

Cecil took Maggie’s hand. “Thank you.” His eyes still held a notion of fear. “I couldn’t have done what you did.” He turned and shook Rafe’s hand. “Make sure you return by next year. Little Owl’s determined to have another baby.” He rolled his eyes heavenward. “God help me.”

Rafe clasped Maggie’s hand as the sled disappeared through the trees, sending a stab of sadness through her heart.

A cold breeze lifted her hair. “I hope she’s all right.

It’s awfully soon.”

He gave her a squeeze as they turned toward the house. “Cecil will take care of them. Besides, he’s trying to stay ahead of the weather.”

She looked at the sky. “What weather?” Even though there were a few clouds, the sun was bright.

He pointed over the mountain. “That’s a blizzard blowing in.”

Her chest tightened with fear. “A blizzard? Will they make it?”

“Don’t worry. It probably won’t hit until tonight.” He held her against his warm body. “That’s why Cecil wanted to leave so early. They’ll be fine.” She nodded and let him lead her up the path. “So we’ll have lots more snow?” She couldn’t keep the hope from her voice. The more it snowed the longer they would have to stay here. Safe. A way from St. Louis, away from Simon.

“I thought you were eager to get that marriage noose around my neck.” He laughed uproariously at his jest.

“That’s not funny,” she protested.

“Yes, it was.” He continued to chuckle.

“Not as funny as this.” She grabbed a handful of snow and smashed it against his chest, then ran.

Her laughter turned to squeals when he caught her and swept her into his arms.

“Now what should I do to you?” His voice was low, husky, his warm breath fanned the tendrils of hair at her temple.

Her heart thumped in her chest as she looked into his clear, gray eyes. “You could kiss me,” she whispered.

He tried to look stern but failed. “Now what kind of punishment is that? You enjoy my kisses.” He snapped his finger as if an idea just occurred. “Maybe I won’t kiss you.” He grinned. “Since you seem to want it so bad.”

“But that would be cruel,” she purred. “It was only a little snow.”

He smiled knowingly as her arms slid around his neck. She pulled him close and teased his lips with her tongue. She couldn’t get enough of him, his taste. The slick slide of his sweaty skin as they made love, the feel of his cock stuffing her full.

“Careful,” he growled. “You’re going to get more than you bargained for.”

His hands gripped her bottom and held her tight against his already hardened body. She wiggled her hips.

“Hmm. Quite a bit more I think.”

He groaned and took her lips in a hot kiss. His mouth was hungry, his breathing harsh as he carried her inside and kicked the door closed. “I feel like I haven’t had you in a year,” he said as he tumbled her onto the bed. In a flash, he bared her breasts, cupping their heavy weight as he ate at her mouth. His kisses were insistent as he pressed a moist trail down her neck. She arched under his assault.

“Jesus. I nearly forgot how soft you are.” His voice was full of male appreciation.

He sucked a tip into his mouth. The delicious sensation fueled her desire. One hand squeezed her other breast, the other stripped her naked.

She pulled at his clothes, needing to feel his skin, too. He lifted his head long enough for her to remove his shirt, then went to her breast again. She whimpered in pain when he bit her nipple. He looked into her eyes as his brow knotted in confusion.

Oh, God. He was going to ask why she was sore.

Should she tell him? Would there be a more opportune time?

“I’m sorry, sweetheart,” he murmured. His hand caressed her cheek. “I didn’t mean to be so rough. I’ll try to slow down.” His eyes filled with concern. A nd love.

Yes, she had to tell him now. “Normally, what you’re doing wouldn’t hurt at all,” she whispered.

He looked confused again. “What’s different now?” His expression relaxed. “Oh, is it almost time for your monthly?”

She shook her head.

Please don’t be angry.

“No.” She took a deep breath. “I’m going to have a baby.”

Rafe bolted off the bed, the word baby echoing through his brain like a cannon volley echoing through a canyon. He blinked hard. Twice. Surely he had misunderstood.


“A baby.” Maggie chewed her lower lip. “A t least, that’s what Little Owl thinks.”

He dropped to the bed, stunned.

“But…I—I—” His mind flashed pictures of Maggie round with child. A sweet baby nursing at her breast—a little dark-haired girl with gray eyes. The image brought tears to his own, and filled his heart with more love than he thought possible.

It was a miracle.

He grinned. “Really?”

She gave a hesitant nod. “I hope you don’t think I tried to ensnare you.”

He covered her mouth with his. This time he brushed slow easy kisses to her reddened lips. He still ached for her, but now his passion was overshadowed by happiness.

Raising his head, he smiled again. “If you remember correctly, I asked you to marry me weeks ago. A nd you were the one who hesitated.”

“That’s true.” She squeezed his hand, and her body relaxed a little.

“I love you, sweetheart. I’m glad we’re going to have a baby.”

She frowned. “But you said you didn’t want children.”


“The night Paul was born.”

He scoffed. “My God. I had just spent twelve hours listening to Little Owl scream and watching Cecil die each time she did. I couldn’t imagine going through that with you.” A shudder rippled down his spine. “But I’m not going to think about that for a few months.” It scared him too much.

He placed his hand on her still flat stomach. He would be a father. They would be a family. How did a man like him end up so lucky?

“Well, you can relax until this fall,” she soothed. “If I’ve figured the time right it will arrive late A ugust.” He kissed her soft belly, then stretched out on the bed and pulled her into his arms.

Would that be enough time to find Simon? Should he even move forward with that plan? He didn’t want to leave Maggie alone, never had. Yet, things with Simon had to be resolved. Especially now. Rafe ran his fingers through his hair. God, he had some thinking to do. There had to be a way to keep her and the baby safe and still end the threat.

She walked her fingers over his bare chest. “I thought we were going to do something.” Her voice was full of seduction.

What if he hurt her? “I don’t think so.” He shook his head though his cock protested with painful throbs. “We should wait. It might not be safe.”

She leaned up on her elbow and stared in disbelief.

“Wait? Until when?”

He shrugged. The thought of not having her until after the baby arrived seemed unrealistic. But if it was for the best he would do it. He would make himself do it.

“Do you honestly think Cecil didn’t touch Little Owl throughout her pregnancy?”


“Then quit being silly and make love to me.” The blood heated in his veins. “A ll right. But we have to be careful.”

She pressed a hot kiss to his chest. “You’ve never hurt me.” Her voice was husky. “Everything you do feels good. I want you to do them all to me now.” He groaned and slid his hands down her body to finish stripping her, taking his time, kissing every inch of her sweet body. Slow licks between her breasts. Heated strokes over her pussy. Feather-light caresses to her nipples. She writhed under him, but he refused to hurry.

He wanted to show her the utmost pleasure.

“Please, Rafe,” she pleaded. “I want you.” His hands shook as he hovered over her. He nipped at her mouth, then soothed the hurt with his tongue.

“So impatient,” he teased. “Is this to be a habit once we’re married?” He grinned like the devil when her eyes flew open.

She glared at him, then a coy smile tilted her lip. “It seems I’ve grown addicted to your body. I must have it daily or else I become waspish.”

He chuckled. Her quick wit was one of the things he loved most about her. “Then I’ll try to meet your demands.” He took her mouth, delved deep with his tongue as he slid his cock into her tight heat.

They sighed in unison.

“Yes,” he said between gritted teeth. “I’m sure I can take this task to heart.”

Chapter Fourteen

Maggie set the clean mixing bowls on the shelf, then faced Rafe, making sure he had full view of her frown. “I don’t know why I can’t go along to help collect traps,” she argued. Why was he being so stubborn? Two weeks had passed since she told him about the baby, and still he treated her as if she would break.

“Because we’ll be leaving in a few days to get married.” He refilled her coffee. “That much traveling will be hard on you and the baby. You don’t need to follow me all day.”

He glared at her across the table, but she wasn’t put off.

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