Raging Love (7 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Foor

BOOK: Raging Love
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“What do you mean? It is different with every person, especially if you have real feelin’s.”

“I’ve only been with two people and one of them is your husband now. I guess I just want to know what you did
make Ty feel so satisfied. Our sex was always so rushed it seemed. Then I get with Colt and he takes things slow and is so gentle. I could never ask for a better lover.
Never mind
, it’s really not a question to be asking.” I felt so stupid. She must think
such a prissy little virgin

She reached over and grabbed my hand. “It’s different with Colt because you two love each other. When it’s just sex for one or both of the people, the emotional connection isn’t there. You may be new at a lot of things, but one thing I never experienced was what it felt like to make love to someone. I never had that until I met Ty. In all of my
, I have never trembled and been so terrified. Once I felt that, it changed everything I ever knew
about sex.
Now as far as tamin’
Ty, let’s just say that he and I share the same extracurricular interests.”

“When you go
drunk the other day, you told me how good he was at ,” I had to take a breath, like I couldn’t say the words. “going down.”

She cocked an eyebrow and looked like she did something wrong. “He never did that

“Barely ever and it was
not because he wanted to
. He would only do it so I would return the favor, which I hated doing.”

Miranda started laughing. “
I don’t know wha
t to say to that. I’m not tryin’
to make you mad, bu
t Ty seems to really enjoy doin’
it to me, of course, he and I have had a lot of firsts since we have been together. Sometimes our feelin’s are so intense.” She paused as if she were trying to wait for my reaction. “
Do you really hate it, or are you just not sure how to do it good?”

She didn’t say it in a snotty way, she was genuinely trying to help me. “I do it now. I think my technique is getting good. Colt go
crazy over it, so it must
ot be too bad.”

Men love it. As far as techniques go, well everyone is different. Listen,
I have this silly book about sex in my room. Remind me before I go to give it to
you. It has all kinds of details and peoples own stories in it. I learned a bunch from reading it.”

A book, like with pictures? I need visual help here!

“I need to see
read that book. I want to.”
I had almost forgotten all about her pictures, ever since I threw them up against the wall earlier. “
Speaking of books,
I have something for you. Hang on and let me go get it.”

I got up and walked into the office. The box of photo books were sitting on the desk still. I grabbed the whole box and carried it into the living room. “Look what came in the mail today.”

“Oh my gosh, they are amazin

Van.” She started opening them up and looking through them. I was pretty sure they didn’t have family photos. I made sure to take a bunch of the three of them.

“I had some bigger prints made too. Look at these two.” I reached in the box and handed her two larger wall pictures, done on a canvas

She held them both and just smiled.  “Ty is going to love these.”

I grabbed the last photo in the box. The picture was just of Ty and Bella. They were dancing and she was kissing him. It was such a random shot when I took it, but when I saw it later on, I knew I had to blow it up. I held it up so Miranda could see. “I got this one for Ty.”

She put her
over her mouth. “It’s beautiful. She loves him so much. Van he will go nuts over this picture.”

“I know, that’s why I got a big one. I figured you guys could use some pictures for the house.”

“They are all perfect. Thank you so much!”

Miranda spent a good twenty minutes looking at every picture over and over. I could tell she was touched by each one. I thought about mine and Colt’s first real pictures together, and how after the first few, I started taking them all the time. Our house was filled with pictures of the two of us. It was like we had been together for ten years instead of two.

As mad as I was about the pictures coming
and seeing the barn
in a bunch of them
, it made my day to be able to see Miranda’
s face when she looked at
them for the first time.



Chapter 7


The drive back from town was a lot less eventful, as far as the bickering between Ty and Conner. Once we got the truck loaded, they seemed to both be motivated.
Sitting back and looking at the two of them was entertaining.
I think they only fought because they were so similar. The only
was that Ty had grown up and become
husband and parent, while Conner was determined to hit every piece of ass in the state of Kentucky.

I think sometimes Conner hated Ty, because he knew how he was himself. I could honestly say that Ty was head over heels in love with Miranda and Bella. He was happy and maybe his happiness was what made Conner so upset. Sure, I knew deep down he wanted Miranda to be happy and Bella to have a father and a family, but it was hard to be able to accept Ty as that person.

When we got back to the ranch, the first thing Ty wanted to do was see Miranda. Apparently they had been texting and he said he had to make a pit stop. If he thought the two of them were going to get busy in the bathroom again, he had another thing coming. It wasn’t happening.

Both Miranda and Savanna were sitting on the couch, looking at all of the pictures. When we walked in, I watched Ty walk over to his wife and kiss
her. It was
a normal peck like I gave
it was a more
kind of passion, like they hadn’t seen each other in months. I shook my head and tried not to watch them swooning.

Conner walked right past them and headed into the kitchen. I could hear the fridge opening and a beer cracking open. Being that we had so much shit to do, I followed suit. We both stood in the kitchen, leaning up against the counter.

I could hear Savanna in the other room talking to Ty about the photos. She had showed me the one of him and Bella, and I knew he would love it. Savanna made a point to
order the pictures as a way to let them know she was completely okay with them being together. I had no reason to worry about either of them having feelings for one another.  Savanna found Ty to be annoying and immature, while Ty constantly got on Savanna for being uptight. They loved each other, but there wasn’t an inch of romance involved. I often found myself wondering what they were like as a couple. They had no chemistry and although I
it hurt Savanna deeply when they broke up, I don’t really think Ty was
that serious about her.

My wife to be always seemed to end up a victim.
She had the worst luck, and the newest of such luck
resulted in us having to bust our asses to create
a new wedding location. After Conner and I
both had a beer, we walked
back out into the living room and found Miranda in Ty’s lap. They were still looking at the photo books with Savanna.

“You ready to get
to work, or do ya want to hang
out and watch Lifetime Network all afternoon?” Conner teased.

Ty got a big smile on his face. “You’re just jealous cause you weren’t invited.”

Here we go again!

“There ain’t nothin’ about you to make me jealous,” Conner said defensively.

“Till I take off my pants. Then you will be.” Conner started approaching Ty and Miranda held her hands up blocking her brother from her husband. She was laughing so hard she couldn’t speak.

Conner turned around and walked out of the door. “Forget this shit! Let’s roll Colt.”

Once Conner was out of the house, I turned to look at Ty. He and Miranda were already back to their cuddle fest. “Seriously, can you just keep your mouth shut until we get finished workin’?”

“He was taunting me.”

“Act your age, instead of five, please,” I begged.

Ty scooted himself off of the couch. He leaned down and kissed Miranda again. I watched their eyes intently focused on each other. It was like they were having mind sex or something. I shook my head and turned to Savanna. “We have to get to work on your surprise. Love you
’.” To prove a point to myself, and everyone in the room, I let my kiss linger over Savanna’s lips. As I walked out the door I laughed at myself for being jealous of Ty and Miranda’s kissing.

Damn, he is rubbing off on me!

I was blown away when we got to the barn and the cleanout crew had shown up early. I hadn’t expected it, but when someone in our town needed help, people showed up. It was even better that they brought a roll off
. A group of four guys were pulling out large metal tractor parts as we approached the barn. Ty started to unload the generator, while Conner grabbed the pressure washer. My intent was to pressure wash the entire outside and take the tractor around to cut the high grass that had grown all around the outside of the barn.

With every prayer I had focused on my two cousins working together proficiently, I started walking back to get the tractor. It took me a good fifteen
, but I was more than pleased when I arrived back to find Ty and Conner
working together. Instead of cutting the grass and having it uneven, I had bought a whole
sod that
was to be
next day. I took the tractor and tore up the existing weed filled grass to give the
dirt a nice even bed. When the landscapers arrived all they would have to do was roll them out evenly.

It took the guys a few hours to pressure wash the whole outside of the barn. For the most part, all of the old paint came right off. The sun was shining down, drying the wood quickly. To give the barn the exact look of the
, we picked out the same red paint and had to rebuild the barn doors from scratch. Conner worked on the doors, while Ty painted all of the white trim.

As the sun began to set, we started spraying the outside the deep color. I had rented the sprayer for two days and it worked so much faster than rolling
it. Since the roof was metal, w
e climbed on top and sprayed it the dark
gray color that it once had

When the moon replaced the sun, we had already painted the whole roof, the front and one side. The cleanout crew finished in less time
they had expected and we were able to get into the empty barn right away. Since there was nothing in it, and the paint on the outside had dried for the most part, we started gently spraying the inside.  I knew the outside would need another
coat, especially since we had sprayed some of it with water, but we had a good head start.

We called it a night around ten in the evening. After dropping off the guys at the other two houses, I headed back to find Savanna asleep on the couch. Without waking her, I carried her up to our bed and tucked her in. I was working so hard to give her the perfect day she always dreamed of. I climbed in bed beside her and pushed the hair out of her face. She was so beautiful to me. I loved her full lips and the tiny freckles on the bridge of her nose. Her dark hair was longer now and it fell past her breasts.

Savanna was everything I had wanted in a woman. She was so innocent and it was something that I cherished about her. I’d been in bad relationships, some in which I never even gave a damn about. I had treated my fair share of women terribly, especially after I got cheated on in college. I found it so hard to trust anyone that I just couldn’t let myself care
enough in any relationship. Savanna changed me.

Being there for her and feeling the pain of what she went through, it opened my heart. At first I fought it, but the more time I spent with her, the more I knew how real my feelings were. I wanted every part of her for myself. I had to touch her and have her heart.  She was my everything.  I never wanted to let her go.

be able to
open up my heart again
come with instructions
on how to deal with things
when she still loved my cousin. Looking at them now, I would never think they even liked each other, but I guess neither of them really considered what else was out there. Ty was never mean to Savanna, in fact she was more like a treasure to him. He kept her locked away, even from the real person he was.

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